Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1086 Waiting

(Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 will be updated during the day tomorrow, good night everyone!)

The damage to the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" was extremely serious. You must know that several human race's supreme weapons combined to strike that day, and almost wiped out the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship". Pick up its broken parts one by one, and then repair and reorganize it, it will not be restored today.

However, if you want to repair the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', you need countless divine materials and materials, which are extremely precious. Some materials cannot be found in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', and you must go to the outer starry sky to find them, and Xuanyuan from' The natural resources and earthly treasures won by the Fierce God's Nest are just enough to gather together, plus the savings of the 'Mojia Village' over the years, it is enough.

After a while, Mo Xuan had already selected the materials, looked at Xuanyuan and said:

"You will stay here for a period of time at the 'organ platform'. Without our order, outsiders are not allowed to enter here, and you don't want to walk around at will. The Mo family in the 'Central Shenzhou' was exterminated, don't let it out, you understand? ?”

"Understood, we won't say anything more." Naturally, Xuanyuan could understand Mo Xuan's mood, and if other people in the Mo family village knew, I'm afraid it would hit them even harder.

I saw the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' hovering in Mo Xuan's palm. Now it is only the size of a palm. From Mo Xuan's palm, a mysterious aura melted into it. He closed his eyes, as if he was investigating the "Ancient Dragon Ship". Every inch of the Emperor Dragon Ship', accompanied by his in-depth investigation, looked either joyful or dignified. After a while, he solemnly said:

"This 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' is no small feat. It possesses astonishing power and unfathomable power. If it can be completely repaired, it will be invincible in the starry sky outside the territory. It is such a treasure that I cannot repair it alone. It needs a lot of people to work together to restore it. Fortunately, I have these divine materials, coupled with my Mohism's supreme refining technique, I will restore it with the fastest time and the greatest ability. As for how far it will be restored, I am now I don't dare to boast, I can only say, do your best, Mo Teng, follow me."

"Yes." Mo Teng nodded, and he and Mo Xuan disappeared in front of Xuanyuan's group in an instant without leaving a trace.

"Oh my god, why did you just hand over the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' to him like this, and there are so many divine materials, this is a shocking wealth, you are not afraid that he will give the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' 'Have you been robbed? Although it is far inferior to what it used to be, it is still a supreme Taoist weapon. Now that it has been taken away, if he doesn't return it to you, you will have no place to cry."

Long Bi screamed, just now in front of Mo Xuan and Mo Teng, he didn't dare to be presumptuous, because the peaceful aura on Mo Xuan's body, as well as the strength that people couldn't feel at all, made him flustered for no reason. Obviously this has reached Wengu, with his current strength, he can pinch himself to death with one finger, how dare he jump around indiscriminately, especially when he is the commander of Longbi who once attacked the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

In the eyes of the human race, he is definitely the No. 1 bastard in Tianzi. They must have seen it a long time ago, but they didn't say much. Long Bi still has this self-knowledge.

"Long Bi, there are some things you don't understand, I know, but if you stay with me for a long time, you will gradually understand that this is the biggest difference between the human race and the god race. Otherwise, there will be no absolute trust, and the human race is a family of etiquette, which talks about propriety, righteousness, loyalty, filial piety, and filial piety. People from sage families have their own pride and principles, and they will never do such a thing. He discredited his holy ancestors, so you can rest assured."

Xuanyuan looked at the Mohist Village, where the trails criss-crossed, where chickens and dogs heard each other, and there were not many villagers, and every pedestrian walked in the footsteps of dragons and tigers. Most of them don't know about the teachings of sages, talk about the scriptures, and practice cross-legged, and there are still people watching them on the "organ platform".

Yuan'er looked at everything in front of her and said with emotion:

"This is really a good place. Everyone is kind, does not compete with the world, helps each other, supports each other, and is warm and peaceful. This is the enlightenment power of the Mohist sages."

"In the ancient times, it was such a grand occasion in the entire 'Nanyan Xianzhou', but now it has changed a bit, and it will never go back to the past, the most glorious moment." The Emperor Zhan sighed.

"In ancient times, the vast 'Central China' was not like this? But now, people's hearts have become so distorted and ferocious. Everything is for the sake of longevity and for the hegemony of the 'Central China'. It has led to the ruin of the luck of the human race today, it is really deplorable." Xuanyuan shook his head and sighed, praying in his heart, hoping that nothing would happen to his friends in the 'Central China'.

Once the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans appear, many things are already difficult to control. No one will know what will happen. Even if they know it, in the face of absolute power, they will be powerless to resist. The terrifying thing about the Primordial Royal Clan is that Xuanyuan When I entered the barbarian tribe that day, I could already feel one or two. That was just the tip of the iceberg of the barbarian tribe's strength, and there were even more terrifying characters that did not appear.

In "Central China", once a war breaks out between the two great clans, will the human race fiercely resist, or will they choose to reconcile to maintain a short-term balance?

Xuanyuan was making various guesses and measurements in his heart, but he couldn't come to a conclusion in the end.

"Old man, what do you think the "Central China" will look like now? After all, you have lived for such a long time, and there are many things that you see more clearly than me."

"Hehe, I think there are a large number of people who will reconcile with the ancient royal family, and will communicate with each other secretly. Some people will choose to remain silent and wait and see, and will not fight with the ancient royal family. Trying to protect themselves, only a small number of people borrowed will resolutely declare that the ancient royal family must be driven back, and the last remaining human races, such as those ordinary people, or those who are not strong, like the "Yuehuamen" And other forces are used for sacrifices. The area where the "Qinglongmen" is located is not optimistic, but there is a villain like Bai Youniang, and "Tundi" Pengfei is planning, "Nightmare Ghost Immortal" 'Sitting in charge, the 'Qinglongmen' shouldn't have too much happening, don't underestimate their power." The greedy old man has absolute trust in the pig-headed emperor.

Xuanyuan felt relieved when he heard the words, and now there are a few people that Xuanyuan is most worried about, one is Shihou, and the other is Tsing Yi. I don't know how they are doing now?

When Shihou helped Xuanyuan during the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', the demons will inevitably bear part of the pressure from the human race, so that the demons will have an explanation for them. However, at this time, will the rise of the ancient royal family make the demons suffer from the enemy? ? And then implicating Shihou, this is what Xuanyuan is most worried about.

Tsing Yi, who killed many holy sons and saints in a row, those big forces are not vegetarians, and they will inevitably attack the "Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion" at the same time, and Tsing Yi and the "Random Immortal and Demon Mansion" do not have a deep relationship. And she never gave face to the people of the 'Chaotic Immortal and Demon Mansion', as long as the major forces force the 'Chaotic Immortal and Demon Mansion' to hand over Tsing Yi, then what will Tsing Yi do then?

"Okay, boy, it's useless to worry so much now, instead of thinking about it here, it's better to calm down and comprehend the "Great Trend of Ancient Art", which will help you break through the realm of immortals. The ancient royal family has been recuperating for so long In the past years, its strength is by no means comparable to that of the human race. I am afraid that there are countless sages and quasi-emperors. Do you think that if you go back with your current strength, if the "Qinglongmen" is really in trouble, you have the ability to save the "Qinglongmen" Is the Dragon Gate on the verge of collapse?" the greedy old man despised Xuanyuan.

"Okay, you're still right..." Xuanyuan understands that everything is just like what the greedy old man said, without strength, everything is just floating clouds, as long as he can step into the realm of immortals, his own strength will be there With leaps and bounds, whether it is the "Ten Thousand Transformation Body Technique" or the "Ten Thousand Transformation Warfare" will also have a huge improvement.

These great supernatural powers are their own bargaining chips.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan released all the descendants of the nine ghosts and immortals in the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifact'.

At this stage of time, they are all practicing with the "Swallowing Years" of "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifacts". Even the weakest "Seven Star Ghost Venerable" is now about to step into the realm of "Seven Star Ghost Immortals".

Xuanyuan was stunned and couldn't believe his ears. The secret thing that the Nine Heavens Ghost Immortals left for them was something good.

"Okay, after a while, we will return to the 'Central China'. After finally coming here, everyone should settle down and practice, and wait for the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' to be repaired." Xuanyuan said After ordering, he began to immerse himself in his own sea of ​​consciousness, looking at the pages of "Great Trend Ancient Art" in the 'Eye of Reality', to experience and comprehend carefully.

"Yes." The nine ghosts and immortals sat cross-legged between this piece of heaven and earth, and began to practice or commune with this piece of heaven and earth.

"It seems that this kid is a bit self-aware." Long Bi glanced at Xuanyuan, and said nothing more.

The Emperor of War at the side also felt that his strength was seriously insufficient, and he was afraid that he would not be enough to see it when he arrived at the "Central China". Therefore, he did not dare to delay a little bit, and began to understand this great road of heaven and earth, trying to see if he could break through To the realm of the great emperor.

All the group can do now is to wait.

While Xuanyuan and the others were staying in the 'Mojia Village' to practice, the pattern of the thousands of people in the 'Central China' also began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The ancient royal family began to act.

During this period of time, there have been countless wars, large and small, that have broken out.

The 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' is naturally unavoidable.

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