Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1098 Be Strong

"Stop first." Xuanyuan looked at the front, there was still not much change, except for the vastness, it was still vast, so big that people could not tell the direction. In the starry universe, there is no sense of direction at all. It will go farther and farther, and it will never go back, which is why there are these star maps.

There are many strong people who lost their way in the process of traveling the starry sky, and finally couldn't go back. Therefore, since ancient times, once a strong person wants to travel the starry sky, he has to buy a star map. If he can expand on the star map If you go back, you can sell it for a higher price.

At this stage of time, Xuanyuan carefully studied "The Great Trend of Ancient Art" and gained a lot of virtue. Ancient arts like this are worth experiencing over and over again, and people have to think about it over and over again. One harvest is unexpected.

Long Bi, Zhanhuang, A Suda, and Yuan'er stood aside, and the old Mohists who controlled the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' also manifested one after another.

"What's the matter? If we follow the starry sky coordinate map along the way, if we keep going, we shouldn't make too many mistakes." Mo Xuan frowned, wondering.

"Brother Xuan is right, do you think your girl Liyue doesn't want to leave and wants to turn back? Actually, that's fine, it's not bad to be able to turn back for my own woman." Mo Ying teased Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan shrugged, ignored Mo Ying, and asked back:

"If the coordinates of the starry sky go straight forward, can any of you tell me why the starry sky map is broken here? For those who can come here, they should be extremely extraordinary people. They directly put the star map It shouldn’t be a big problem if the coordinates are fixed all the time? In my opinion, there must be some difficulties, so I stopped here. You must know that this map of the starry sky was formed by the hard work of many predecessors. Now When it is in our hands, we must complete it earnestly, so that they will not leave such a precious wealth for future generations in vain."

Xuanyuan's words immediately stopped them all, it really seemed like such a gift.

"Well, you guys are right, so what do you think should be done next? If we go to the 'Central China', we don't know the specific direction, and the direction that each space node leads to is different. Yes, even this star map may be wrong." Mo Xuan said every word very seriously, after all, this is related to the lives of everyone present.

"The predecessors were all great. Every step they took, the records they made must have been carefully considered and calculated. But you are right, so I decided to take a gamble." In fact, Xuanyuan also Not knowing the direction of 'Central China', he looked at Yuan'er and said:

"Yuaner, you were born in 'Central China', I know you have a unique connection with the origin of 'Central China', you are my goddess of luck, show me a direction, let me go! I believe you."

Yuan'er heard the words, stunned for a moment, paused for a while, smiling like a flower, very happy, she nodded, closed her eyes, and carefully perceived the changes in the avenue of heaven and earth, paused, Yuan'er actually pointed to the southwest In the direction of them, that is, behind them, said:

"I feel like it's going in this direction."

"Nonsense, Xuanyuan boy, how can you be so nonsense, such a big matter, you let such a girl decide? Don't forget that there are not only you on the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', but also my Mo family." Mo Ying suddenly became furious. It is true that Xuanyuan's behavior is extremely unreliable in the eyes of outsiders.

"I don't think I'm messing around. You didn't sense it during the 'Seven Killing Emperors', but Yuan'er sensed it. She is God's darling. She used to practice countless years for a chaotic ancient spirit stone. She has a perception ability that is unmatched by anyone, and from this point of view, she is stronger than any of you." Xuanyuan looked directly at Mo Ying, his own destiny was in his own hands, he was definitely not fooling around, even if the other party's His strength is stronger than his own, but Xuanyuan feels that he still has to rely on himself when it comes to such crucial issues.

"That being said, the ancestors have already marked the coordinates of the starry sky here, and we have returned to the rear. Isn't this questioning the abilities of the ancestors?" Mo Xuan expressed it in another way, euphemistically.

"Senior Mo Xuan, as you said just now, the ancestors may also make mistakes, and the coordinates of the starry sky and the nodes of the space are elusive. Maybe only when we come here and then go in the direction behind can we reach the next path to The road to the starry sky of 'Central China' may also be uncertain. After all, I am the person with great luck, and I am the one who knows 'Central China' best. I hope you can have enough trust in me. In this case, I will win the bet The odds are much higher than that of everyone present." Xuanyuan's eyes were firm, and he looked at all the elders of the Mo family. He knew that if he was not firm at this moment, then they would not be able to rest assured of him. It is at this time that the more you have to stabilize yourself, Xuanyuan is willing to bear this pressure.

Seeing Xuanyuan's performance, Mo Ying and Mo Xuan looked at each other, paused for a while, the atmosphere was very stiff, an old man from the Mo family, named Mo Ma, came forward, he was also the third in the Mo family team The ancient sage, the most senior one, he didn't say anything along the way, but Mo Ying and Mo Xuan respected him very much.

"Since Xuanyuan boy is so confident, all of us can only trust him. As he said, none of us present understands the 'Central China'. Even if we are stronger than them, it doesn't mean anything. Since ancient times, even if you have reached the realm of the ancient emperor, you have never returned, let alone us." His voice was hoarse and tepid, but it was able to calm the restlessness in people's hearts. Peaceful, looking at everyone, like a kind elder, he has a calming power in him.

"Okay." Mo Ying finally relented, and Mo Xuan didn't say much, and he also thought it would be more appropriate to hand it over to Xuanyuan.

Mo Ma patted Xuanyuan's shoulder, grinned and said:

"Boy, everything depends on you. You are a man of great luck, the 'body of all transformations'. You have made great contributions to the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' and accomplished things that are almost impossible. Now I also believe that you must Can take us to 'Central China'."

Xuanyuan nodded, and bowed to Mo Ma very respectfully:

"Thank you, Grandpa Mo, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

As soon as the words fell, the "Eternal God's Stone" appeared in Xuanyuan's hand. Although this "Eternal God's Stone" belonged to the "Eternal Saint Emperor", it was passed down from the "Central China" after all. Xuanyuan instinctively felt that the "Eternal God's Stone" must be It has an extremely close relationship with 'Central China'.

Immediately afterwards, he released a Heaven and Earth Dao Potential, which was the "Returning to the Origin Potential" that he laid out while studying "Great Trends and Ancient Art", which consumed countless different spiritual sources and fairy sources.

This is left by the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor'. When he was wandering in the starry sky, he lost his way, so he used the original things of the 'Central China' as a guide, and then guided the direction with the 'return to the original power' , Many times the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' used this method to save himself and returned to the 'Central China'.

When Xuanyuan combined the 'Eternal Divine Stone' with the 'Returning to the Origin', Daoguang spit out and scattered in the four directions, and the 'Returning to the Origin' was closely connected with the 'Eternal Divine Stone', and finally pointed out a direction, with the fate The direction that Er pointed was the same, Xuanyuan heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at the nine elders of the Mo family.

"I know that after cultivating to your level, you can use the method of calculation to calculate the direction, but for you, it is extremely life-threatening. I don't want you to do this unless it is a last resort. Let's go, let's go now We are moving in this direction." Xuanyuan's words warmed the hearts of the elders of the Mo family. In fact, Xuanyuan would do this for their sake. Originally, Xuanyuan could let them sacrifice their lives to calculate the correct direction, but he But they didn't do so. Gradually, they began to understand why Xuanyuan was blessed by the 'Bai Sheng Hong Guang'.

The nine existences of the Mohist School obeyed Xuanyuan's words and induced the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" to go to the direction pointed by Yuan'er and Xuanyuan's "Return to the Origin Potential", break through the air, and move forward at an extremely fast speed. After an hour , They saw a space wormhole, that is, the space node directly jumped into it with the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship", marked the coordinates of the starry sky along the way, and was finally transported to another starry sky by a mysterious starry force.

Yuan'er opened her eyes, overjoyed in her heart, and said:

"Yuan'er guessed right. Now I feel that we are one step closer to 'Central China'. It seems that we can really return to 'Central China'."

Xuanyuan came to 'Nanyan Xianzhou' to find Yuan'er. If she couldn't go back because of this, Yuan'er would blame herself extremely, because she knew that there were too many people in 'Central Shenzhou' that Xuanyuan couldn't let go of. Fan Xuanyuan was able to go alone for him, and came to the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' to find her, she was already very satisfied, and she no longer had any thoughts, as long as she could be by Xuanyuan's side for the rest of her life.

Xuanyuan was also extremely happy, he said in a heavy voice:

"Stop first, Yuan'er, which direction do you think is going next?"

Yuan'er closed her eyes, sensed for a while, and then pointed to the direction of the northeast, Xuanyuan once again urged the "return to the source power", the direction pointed by the "Eternal God Stone" was the same as that of Yuan'er, Xuanyuan's heart It was decided, no matter what, we must be cautious to the end, and we must not be careless.

"Go, break through everything at the fastest speed." Xuanyuan ordered like a king.

The 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' traveled through the air, broke through all obstacles, and went to the next space node.

Just when Xuanyuan tried his best to return to the "Central China", the "Qinglong Holy Land" was facing an unprecedented test.

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