Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1099 Six Paths of Fire

The territory governed by the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is 40 million li, and the territory is extremely vast, boundless as far as the eye can see.

At this moment, the entire sky of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was overcast, and the atmosphere was dull, as if the doomsday had come.

The ancient royal family, the joint army of the nine royal families, 90 million iron hoofs trampled on the land ruled by the 'Qinglong Holy Land', everything they passed was destroyed, and all living beings were killed and injured, without leaving a trace of life. It's frightening, this time the ancient royal family has made up their minds to destroy the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Fortunately, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has already made preparations to relocate those common people to the unique space opened up in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

In the land governed by the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there are not many Li people. Compared with other ancient heritages, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not prosperous because it is surrounded by wasteland. The land of war was destroyed by the battles of the aristocratic families, so few big forces were willing to build new land here, and over time, it became a wasteland.

There are only scattered villages, and occasionally one or two big cities, and the rest are wastelands, barren hills. Because of the war, the murderous intent is pervasive, and resentment is integrated into the four directions of the world, and a dangerous Feng Shui situation begins to form.

In the past, many people were famous and moved here from the nearby area. They just wanted to build a home, because as long as there is Peng Fei, no matter how dangerous the Feng Shui situation is, it can be changed.

Unexpectedly, just as the reconstruction was about to start, a war had already broken out, so I could only give up temporarily and take refuge in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. After that, more than 3,000 spies hidden by various major forces were caught, including those from the ancient royal family. The spies from the ancient royal family, so that those powerful forces with evil intentions can only eat yellow lotus in silence.

As for other truly ordinary people, once their identities are confirmed, they will all be taken care of by the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. They will be taught to strengthen their bodies and read books of sages, so that these ordinary people can fully feel the goodness of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Now, with the army pressing down on the territory, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has entered a state of high-level alert, and all kinds of terrifying formations are being practiced intensively, rehearsing various combined attack formations, in order to be able to exert their combat power to the fullest on the battlefield. extreme.

In the land ruled by the 'Qinglong Holy Land', a place called 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland', if you want to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land', this is the only way to go, Zhutou Emperor, Yin Zhenluo, Yin Qianxun, Yin Tu Immortals, Huang Quan, Peng Fei and others all landed on a mountain in the 'Heavenly Fiend Wasteland'.

Looking at the majestic qi and blood rolling in the distant sky, and the blackness, it makes people feel extremely depressed. The 90 million army, they deliberately walked slowly along the way, advancing step by step, and every step was extremely neat. There was a rumbling sound, the whole earth was trembling, and the killing sound shook the sky, as if everything was about to be torn apart and shattered, causing a great psychological burden on people. The people who served had survived to the death of seven million, but now they had to face the army of ninety million ancient royal families.

"How do we fight this battle?" Huang Quan frowned. Facing such a huge lineup, he felt that he couldn't make a move. There were too many opponents. Even the great emperor who didn't ask Gu couldn't stop it.

"Such a huge phalanx is indeed difficult to start with. There are too many people. Everyone who rushes up and explodes can kill us." Peng Fei frowned and looked melancholy, but he was also extremely excited because he had already cooperated with the team. The Fengshui Killing Bureau of the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland' has set up a chain of Fengshui killing bureaus, combined with the Zhutou Emperor's imperial ban killing formation, this is the first line of defense of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Since they want to use their strength as an advantage and break through all the way, then we will consume their strength along the way. I want to see how many soldiers and horses they can have left when they reach the 'Qinglong Holy Land'!" Suddenly Yin Tu Xian gave an order. "Yin Zhenluo, listen to the order!"

"Yes." Yin Zhenluo looked solemn, and bowed to accept the order.

"You lead one hundred thousand Heavenly Dragon Archers, use Fengxian Jun to suppress the formation, carry out long-distance firepower suppression, guerrilla everywhere, don't give the opponent a chance to counterattack." Yin Tuxian knew that the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Now you have to fight, no matter what. Fighting has to be fought, with Feng Xianjun around, it can play a fatal role in the battlefield.

"Yes." Yin Zhenluo turned and left.

The Heavenly Dragon Marksman uses Xianglong as his mount, and the strength of each Xianglong is at least in the realm of four-turn fighting immortals. This is one of the elites of the Yin family. They come and go like the wind, and the speed is extremely fast. Every Yin family's sharpshooter is at least in the realm of fighting immortals at the seventh rank, and the range is at least 50,000 miles.

"Yin Qianxun listen to the order!" Yin Tuxian ordered again.

"Yes." After a few years of honing in 'Samsara', Yin Qianxun became even more sharp. At a young age, he broke through to the realm of a fairy by virtue of his own strength, which made many people feel unbelievable. There has also been great progress.

"Lead one hundred thousand elites, bury immortal-level or higher fighting charms on the ground behind the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland', step out of a long dragon, wait until the large army of the ancient royal family breaks through the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland' for a certain distance, and detonate completely. "

"Yes." Yin Qianxun, clad in silver battle armor, turned and left, his blood-red cloak flapping in the wind.

The savings of 'Qinglong Holy Land' are extremely rich, not to mention Bai Youniang's side, what kind of place was 'Eight Immortals Mountain' originally, and the fighting symbols used in the battle are naturally indispensable. Why are there fighting symbols? In war, its power can be demonstrated.

Peng Fei's expression changed, and he said:

"I said Yin Tuxian, you are looking down on me, do you think the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland' can't stop them?"

"At least in my opinion, it can't be stopped, even if it can be stopped, it's safe to be prepared." Yin Tuxian ignored Peng Fei, but continued to order:

"Huang Quan, you lead the 100,000 elite disciples of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to wave the flag and shout here, pretending that you are about to fight in the 'Heavenly Fiend Wasteland', to attract the attention of the army, and use the power of the 'Huangquan Ground Water' to send them away. Intercept, and maximize the power of Fengshui killing bureau, heaven and earth killing momentum, and prohibiting killing formation."

"Okay." Huang Quan drifted away.

"Then what can I do?" A gentle voice came, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see Shihou descending from the sky, dressed in purple clothes fluttering, with long hair flying in the air, graceful and charming, like a goddess descending to earth. square things.

"Haha, you little girl, I'm afraid the demons are not peaceful now, what are you doing here?" The pig-headed emperor beside him has changed a lot, with extraordinary martial arts, a black battle armor, majestic, black hair Fei Yang, with his slender phoenix eyes and sword eyebrows, compared with his previous ugly appearance, there are two stark contrasts, but his way of speaking and his voice are still the same, so Shihou can recognize him.

"I miss Xuanyuan, but I didn't expect that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' would be attacked so horribly. Now that we have encountered it, I have to do my part, right?" The corner of Shihou's mouth was filled with a smile, but no one could see her heart Tired, now she just wants to be here, and when Xuanyuan comes back, but now that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is involved in this life-and-death battle, she naturally cannot stand by and watch.

Yin Tuxian looked at Shihou and said with a smile:

"I don't know what abilities Princess Shiwan has, so I can arrange what you should do?"

Shiwan smiled slightly, and various kinds of fighting fires emerged from her body. "Sura Karma Fire" and "Purgatory Fire" respectively ranked 32nd, and 23rd fighting fires. There is also 'Abi Demon Fire' which ranks thirteenth in the fighting fire list. The fighting fire that finally manifested from Shihou's body shocked the pig-headed emperor and Yin Tuxian. The fire of purgatory 'have blended into it.

"This is, is wearing a legend..."

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's the 'Six Paths of Fire' that ranks sixth on the Fire Fighting List..." Zhu Tou Dadi screamed, he never knew before that there was such a terrifying fighting fire hidden in Shihou's body . "I understand. No wonder the pill you have refined has such powerful medicinal effects. It has gained the power of the Six Paths. When you integrate it into the pill, you can gain longevity. It's just that you girl can't turn the 'Six Paths of Fire' Play it to the extreme, this fighting fire is the creator of 'Samsara' that day, Wang Niyi, the champion's personal fighting fire, unexpectedly, it will be on you now, if the people of 'Samsara' have to chase and kill you every day .”

"That's okay." Shihou smiled.

"Hey, it's okay. The 'Samsara' has spent such a long time recuperating. I'm afraid it will not be much worse than the ancient royal family. You'd better not use this 'Six Paths of Fire'." The 'Six Paths of Fire' has The six colors represent the karmic fire of heaven, the karmic fire of purgatory, the karmic fire of humanity, the karmic fire of hungry ghosts, the fire of ten thousand animals, and the karmic fire of Asura. It is only a part of the evolution of "fire". This is a secret that no one knows. The champion Hou Wang Niyi even concealed this point, and created the "Sura Karma Fire" and "Purgatory Fire" as illusions to make others think They are separate and have nothing to do with 'Six Paths of Fire'.

"Hmph, let me see whoever dares to touch Shihou, I will burn him to ashes." An incomparably majestic thought came out of Shiwan's body.

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