Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1101 Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill!

The pig-headed emperor, dressed in black battle armor and with flying long hair, defied the world and provoked an army of ninety million ancient royal families.


For a moment, nine sages and peak powerhouses of the ancient royal family shot at the same time, playing out nine Dao laws, intertwined together, shining brilliantly, bursting out with destructive power, bombarding the emperor's prohibition pattern derived from the pig-headed emperor , I saw that the lines were cracked and broken inch by inch.

Today, the strength of the Zhutou Emperor is still far behind that of that day. The law of imperial prohibition derived from it is powerful, but its ability to resist attacks is really not very good. Once attacked by the enemy, it will not be able to withstand it. .

Therefore, it is a matter of course that the nine sages at the peak state can smash his imperial ban in one fell swoop.

The army of ninety million ancient royal families saw that the emperor's ban was torn apart by them like this, they were so passionate, they waved their banners and roared.


The pig-headed emperor didn't care, the imperial ban came at his fingertips, and the moment the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Ban was shattered, he evolved a "Fire Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens", from the ground, nine pillars of fire pierced through the nine palaces, reflecting the entire sky red , The raging flames howled and were extremely hot, making thousands of miles around extremely dry, and many warriors of the ancient royal family felt that the blood in their bodies was about to be ignited, and their mouths were parched.

I saw the nine imperial forbidden avenues that were as red as phoenix blood exuding supreme hot and fierce power, even the space was distorted by this hot heat, and countless phoenix cries resounded throughout the world.

Those nine elders who were at the peak of the sages were accidentally swept by the imperial prohibition pattern of "Fire and Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens", and they vomited blood one after another, and flew out like kites with broken strings. They were extremely embarrassed. They never expected that, The pig-headed emperor is so proficient in imperial prohibition that he can use it at his fingertips, and let the avenue of heaven and earth be used by him. If he is not an ancient royal family, his body is extremely strong, and he has a Taoist weapon to protect his body. That one strike just now had already killed them.

"Hmph, do you really think that there is no one in my ancient royal family?" Suddenly, a terrifying existence, a half-step quasi-emperor, and a half-step quasi-emperor from the Canyue clan finally couldn't help but strike out from the void. up.

The moment he appeared, it was as if the avenues between heaven and earth had been trampled under his feet. He didn't use the slightest Taoist weapon, he smashed out, as fast as light and shadow, and directly grabbed the incomparably hot emperor's forbidden lines, Under the eyes of everyone, he used his own strength to tear up the imperial ban of "Fire and Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens" derived from the pig-headed emperor.

This half-step Zhundi from the Crescent Moon Clan is so fast that even the pig-headed emperor can't reflect it. The shadows of the crescent moon are all around thousands of miles away, like hundreds of millions of rounds of moon blades slashing down at once. It is dazzling and tearing. The space was cracked, as if under this blow, everything would be shattered.

At this moment, the pig-headed emperor finally felt something was wrong, and said quickly:

"Girl, let's go, these people are too shameless, they don't follow the rules at all, you know now, reasoning with these people is harder than making dogs not eat shit, just give up, they can't I will agree to stop, and being kind to them will only push myself to a dead end."

"Hey, want to leave? It's late, you guys die first, sooner or later everyone from your 'Qinglong Holy Land' will go to the funeral with you!" The half-step Zhundi of the Crescent Moon tribe directly beheaded Xiang Shiwan.

Shihou's heart turned cold, but at this moment, an extremely terrifying breath rolled out of Shiwan's body, and a roar of anger resounded for nine days, shaking the half-step Zhundi lost his mind for an instant, scared Out of the sky:

"Looking for death, all of you are going to die."

The fire of six colors burst out, as fast as a meteor, penetrating the body of the half-step Zhundi, and he hadn't reflected it at all.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the body of the half-step Zhundi blazingly burned, and the howling sound continued. He could not extinguish the fire with all kinds of supernatural powers, and Ganlin Xianlu, clearly feeling countless pains It is spreading, feeling the disappearance of one's own life bit by bit, until after one's death, thoughts will be scattered between the heaven and the earth, this is a kind of life that can let the blooming, burn step by step, let it gradually look at oneself The terrible power of withering.

In less than a moment, the half-step Zhundi turned into ashes, which shocked many ancient royal families. A figure of half-step Zhundi died just like this. You must know that a half-step Zhundi was among the ancient royal families. He also had a very high status, but now he died so miserably. The horrifying screams stimulated the nerves of countless ancient royal warriors, making them panic from the bottom of their hearts. What kind of power can make a king The half-step Zhundi died so miserably, without the slightest ability to resist.

I saw that six-color flame, in the sky, evolved a six-color flame roulette with a diameter of thousands of miles and began to rotate. The six colors blended and were extremely gorgeous. During the operation, it spit out destructive fire points. It fell straight down towards the army of the ancient royal family, the flames roared, and the rain of six colors of fire poured down, covering a radius of thousands of miles.

Wherever the rain of six-colored fire passed, the six-colored flames were burning blazingly, and the screams could be heard endlessly, one after another, roaring crazily, like purgatory on earth. For a moment, in the center of the 90 million ancient royal army, surrounded by six-colored flames Covered and spread crazily in all directions.

One after another roared from the powerful of the ancient royal family:

"Scatter, scatter, don't be contaminated by these six-color flames, or you will die for sure..."

"Get ready to strike back!"

This is the elite team of the ancient royal family. Even if they don't have the superb tactics of the soldiers and horses of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it is still possible to disperse at the most basic level.

Even so, there are still countless warriors of the ancient royal family who were stained by the six-color flames, making ear-piercing, miserable howls. That kind of pain is like going into hell for a while, suffering from all kinds of karmic fires. There is no doubt that a person can bear it, because even half-step Zhundi has fallen, and the Zhutou Emperor took this opportunity to directly activate the emperor's forbidden teleportation method, and took Shihou directly back to the "Heavenly Fierce Wasteland" 'In that hilltop.

"Little girl, Shihou, just stay here obediently. The senior of the Six Paths in your body is angry. I'll go and cheer him up. Otherwise, it really won't make sense." It would be good for Wan Dajun to die. In fact, this is the ultimate goal, which is why he wanted to provoke the opponent just now.

However, just as he was about to rush out, he saw the six-color fire man fled back in a disgruntled, staggering state. The pig-headed emperor stared at him with surprise on his face:

"Master, are you so awesome? Ninety million people died all at once?"

The six-color fire man touched his nose and said:

"Let's go, I was almost suppressed. The nine ancient royal families joined forces. Don't underestimate it. Let's take it step by step. You can't become fat in one breath, and it's not good to kill too many people. Think about it in the long run!"

The face of the pig-headed emperor turned green. It seems that the nine ancient royal families have made all the preparations. Unexpectedly, even this 'Six Dao Wheel of Fire' was almost suppressed. You must know that this is a powerful man with the power of the emperor. , and he is almost immortal, so he can't stop them, the pig-headed emperor asked quickly:

"They have already prepared the magic circle to seal and suppress the spirits of heaven and earth. If they replaced it with the 'Yellow Spring and Earth Water', they would be sealed and suppressed in an instant. With such a disturbance by us, the army of the ancient royal family must quickly Pushed forward." Although the 'Six Paths of Fire' fled back in embarrassment, his military exploits shined through, and the nine half-step quasi-emperors were all caught off guard by him, and they had no way to fight back at all. The Great Roulette of Yehuo caused countless deaths and injuries to the army of the nine ancient royal families.

The power of the 'Six Paths of Fire' made the soldiers of the nine ancient royal families terrified. Just the blow just now turned the three million troops into ashes. If they hadn't reacted quickly, they would have died even worse. awful.

Countless ancient royal army roared angrily.

"The despicable human race is really untrustworthy. They keep saying that they want us to retreat and want peace, but they take the opportunity to attack us."

"It's so shameless, the human race should be killed from the beginning to the end, leaving no one behind."

"The army advances at full speed, crushing the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

"Whoever can catch the hostess of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' will be rewarded with a piece of the Supreme Immortal Source, and bestowed upon the sages with the law of the Great Dao."

In a word, the nearly 100 million army screamed like chicken blood.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The wind was raging, the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and the entire "Heavenly Fierce Wasteland" was horrified.

There was no obstacle in the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland', only the armies of the nine ancient royal families rushed in, and at this moment Huang Quan was leading a hundred thousand elites, waving flags and shouting far away.

"The ancient royal family are all dogs, if you have the ability to kill you, you will cry for your father and mother..."

"Is it the ancient royal family? But that's it, let's fight to the death!"

Their shouts directly angered the ancient royal family, and countless armies rushed towards their direction.

Peng Fei watched all this coldly in the high sky of the 'Heavenly Fiend Wasteland', and at the same time as the army of the ancient royal family rushed in, the overall situation of the entire 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland' had undergone extremely subtle changes.

Pieces of stone forests were derived from the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland', which turned into countless mazes, allowing countless ancient royal troops to charge wildly inside. It felt as if they had rushed far away, but they were all circling. The elite of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' seemed to be right in front of our eyes.

Another group of people unknowingly, there will always be a group of people who will directly enter another feng shui killing situation, and will be annihilated in ashes.

A series of pig-headed emperors were attacked by the warriors of the ancient royal family. They helped themselves to the emperor's ban, and the law of the imperial ban's veins soared into the sky. Among the army of the royal family, at least 30 million have directly stepped into the 'Heavenly Fiend Wasteland'.

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