Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1102 The Crazy Royal Army

The 'Six Paths of Fire' in the center of the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland' continuously shot out patches of six-color fire rain, sprinkled in the whole world, burning blazingly, and the land with a radius of ten thousand miles was burned into a flaming mountain. be burned to ashes.

The 'Six Paths of Fire' turned into a human form, stepped in the sky above the center, while flying clouds of fire, raining fire, and breathing fire from its mouth:

"Damn it, you bully the few with more, and you want to suppress me. If I hadn't run fast, I would have fallen into your hands long ago. If you don't take revenge, it's not me. See if I don't want to kill you shit royal family."

The six-color fire rain only needs a little spark, and the power of that spark is enough to burn a supreme celestial being. It is conceivable how terrifying the power of this "six paths of fire" is.

Shi Wan stood aside, watching countless lives of the ancient royal army disappearing like this, with a kind of compassion in her eyes, no matter if it was an enemy or her own fighters, these are fresh lives, she has been looking forward to I hope that there will be no war, and I hope that every big family can live together in peaceful coexistence.

In the eyes of many people, Shiwan is a fool with a lot of compassion, but is this really the case?

If a person, with her selfless kindness, is said to be a fool, then Shi Wan would rather be a fool than follow to become those smart people who kill innocent people indiscriminately for their own selfish desires.

At this moment, Yin Qianxun led one hundred thousand elites from the 'Qinglong Holy Land', on the road 300,000 miles away from the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland', along the only way to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' In the direction, countless fighting talismans were laid out, the killing power of which ranged from life fairy talisman, earth fairy talisman, and heavenly fairy talisman. The power is boundless.

The 100,000 army led by Huang Quan waved their flags and shouted, and passed it out in a magic circle. The momentum was mighty, as if there were millions of troops, fighting with high spirits. It seemed that countless people rushed to the "Heavenly Fiend Wasteland", which caused panic in the ancient royal army. , At this moment, the 30 million ancient royal army was in chaos, noisy, and chaotic roars were heard in the 'Heavenly Fiend Wasteland'. In fact, they didn't know that the army of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was only 100,000, and they were still In the most fringe area of ​​'Heavenly Fiend Wasteland'.

They felt as if they had stepped into a boundless secret domain, and there seemed to be millions of troops rushing in all directions, making them completely devoid of fighting spirit, and from time to time, they had the power of Feng Shui to kill the situation, causing a group of people to fight for no reason. The annihilation of the fly ash, or the terrifying killing power of heaven and earth, caused all kinds of hairs to grow in their bodies, and they lost their minds and began to slaughter the people around them. Big heads flew up one after another, and their arms were removed. Falling, one body after another was cut in half, torn apart, and the ground was stained with blood.

What is even more frightening is the Imperial Forbidden Killing Formation. Every time it is activated, there are tens of thousands of people, but hundreds of thousands of people are annihilated in ashes. Resisting, even half-step Zhundi, who is shrouded in the emperor's forbidden killing array by the pig-headed emperor, will be severely injured. The half-step Zhundi of the Canyue clan before was because he was prepared at the beginning and broke through with magical means. Kaizhutou Emperor Nakong has lethal power, but is extremely poor in resisting the imperial ban.

Peng Fei controls all kinds of feng shui in it, harvesting the lives of the ancient royal army, and never tires of it. It's a joy, with fat dangling all over his body, twisting his buttocks. So far, no one has been able to break his feng shui overall situation , Even among the ancient royal army, those who have the skill of ventilating water are all under Peng Fei's idea, strangled and smashed into pieces by the imperial forbidden killing array.

The battle was incomparably tragic, blood was flowing, clouds of blood gathered in the sky, and the screams from the ancient royal family could be heard endlessly. They fell into an endless panic, and death was their final outcome.

Outside the scope of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the nine proud sons from the nine ancient royal families looked at a huge mirror in front of them, which manifested everything of the 90 million troops on the 'Qinglong Holy Land', big and small. All the small details can be clearly seen. Of course, this is only limited to the field of vision of the nine ancient royal families. Farther away, they cannot investigate.

"Feng Shui Killing Bureau, Heaven and Earth Killing Power, Emperor Ban Killing Formation, the combination of the three major methods, it seems that a lot of troops will be lost in this 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland'. Looking at the situation now, it is not easy to break through. The army that has not yet entered the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland' launches an attack, and completely smashes the entire 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland' into pieces!" A celestial pride of the ancient royal family looked dignified, looked at everything in front of him, knew that the situation was not good, and shouted again .

"Pass down the order, let the army that has not entered the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland' retreat." Among them, the Tianjiao of the Canyue Clan, with an incomparably ferocious expression, obviously wanted to make a desperate fight. With the power of the ancient royal family, they can definitely squander it. At the same time, many other royal family Tianjiao heard his words and expressed that they could not understand.

"Why do you want to retire?" Tianjiao of the Tiancan Clan asked.

"Using the words of the human race, people should have the courage of a strong man to cut his wrists. Those Fengshui killing bureaus, heaven and earth killing forces, and imperial prohibition killing formations are built by them with a lot of thought. The killing power is boundless. Even if we are proficient People with this method, in the middle of the war, it is extremely difficult to break through at this time, have you seen it? Basically, the people who set up all these, beheaded my ancient royal family who is proficient in wind and water thaumaturgy every time. Among them, we appear to be extremely passive. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if someone is able to decipher all the layout of the "Heavenly Fiend Wasteland", it will take an extremely long time. Countless soldiers die every moment now , I can’t wait anymore, I have to make a decisive decision!” The Tianjiao of the Canyue Clan, in the eyes of the setting sun, there is a crazy light, and the Tianjiao around him can’t help but shudder.

"So what are you going to do?" Tianjiao of the Greedy Wolf Clan frowned.

"Let them self-destruct, all of them self-destruct, and use 30 million troops to break open the entire 'Heavenly Fiend Wasteland' to avoid more casualties, and have you seen it? There are so many banners of 'Qinglong Holy Land', they must be there There are heavy soldiers deployed in this "Heavenly Fiend Wasteland". Anyway, we are fighting for strength in this war. As long as we win in the end, it doesn't matter how many casualties there are. It is destined to pave the way for our supreme glory." Many elite and strong members of the Canyue Clan died under the 'Six Paths of Fire', this breath was held in the heart of Canning Yang, he could not care so much now.

"The setting sun is right. Instead of being slaughtered as meat on the cutting board, it's better to let them blow themselves up and blow up the entire 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland'." Tianjiao of the Tayun Clan also agreed.

"This is a war, and if it is a war, there must be sacrifices. My ancient royal army has absolute loyalty, order!"

The arrogant figures of the nine ancient royal families shot out a flash of spiritual light one after another, and fell into the huge mirror, trapped in the "heavenly fierce wilderness". This kind of extreme madness seemed to feel that something was wrong, Peng Fei immediately screamed: "Run, run quickly, if you don't run, everyone will die."

While shouting, Peng Fei activated the Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform, and flew hundreds of thousands of miles away in an instant.

'Six Paths of Fire' trembled all over, and the pig-headed emperor at the side reacted faster than anyone else, rolled up Shiwei, 'Six Paths of Fire' and Yin Tuxian disappeared in front of everyone in an instant, At least at a distance of 500,000 miles from the 'Heavenly Fierce Wasteland'.

Huang Quan also led the surrounding elite disciples to flee immediately, and the Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Formation spread around was activated in an instant, and the group teleportation, at the moment Huang Quan activated the large formation, the self-destruction had already begun, terrifying The powerful force swept all directions, and the whole world was shaking, as if the end was about to come, a beam of destructive power pierced through the sky, and countless spaces were shattered.

There is no color in the world, it is white, it is the purest destructive power, even if a great emperor figure is involved in the center, it will die completely, there is no suspense in this, sixty thousand 'blue dragons' Before the disciples of the Holy Land could escape, they were affected by this destructive force. Everyone's body and soul were annihilated in flying ashes, leaving nothing behind. The pig-headed emperor's eyelids twitched wildly, and he grinned in distress.

Now the disciples of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can be dispatched to at least rank five fighting immortals, but they were affected by this self-detonating power, and 60,000 people disappeared immediately.

Fortunately, Yin Qianxun's group of elite disciples of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' were far enough away, but in this case, the terrifying self-explosive wave force also swept them as far as two hundred thousand miles away. The few elite disciples of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' had their muscles and bones broken and fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Yin Qianxun's face was ugly. The ancient royal family is too crazy. If such a race is allowed to kill them in the hinterland of the human race, what kind of scene will it be like? It is unimaginable. drink:

"Send the wounded away, and the rest will continue to bury the fighting talisman with me. We must avenge the dead brothers."

"Revenge..." Nearly 100,000 disciples of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' roared in unison.

However, at this moment, in the sky not far away, Yin Zhenluo was sitting on the body of the 'Feng Xianjun', holding a 'Dragon God King Bow', behind him was densely packed, occupying a large area of ​​the sky, hundreds of thousands of Yin family Xianglong Army, they flapped their wings, and stood a sharpshooter in light armor and holding a longbow looking into the distance. Seeing such a tragic scene made their hearts throb. The ancient royal family is really too ruthless.

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