Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1144 The Eternal Emperor

In front of Frost Snow City.

The army of the Shenhuo Clan suffered heavy losses. Today, there are only less than 20 million troops left. Originally, they thought that they would be able to take Shuangxue City this time, but all this happened so suddenly that they were too late. reflect.

Under the command of Commander Shenhuo, the brave warriors of the royal family left one after another, and they also felt a terrifying aura spreading around them, penetrating into their hearts, making people tremble.

This kind of power can tear them apart at any time, giving them a great sense of fear in their hearts, and dissipating their fighting spirit.

However, wherever the forty-nine generals walked, they were all imprinted with the pattern of heaven and earth, buried deep in the ground, and the entire battlefield had become the general trend of heaven and earth, and few people could escape.

With Xuanyuan's thought, a dark red blood mist filled the entire battlefield. The tiger and wolf master who was originally boundless in battle has now turned into a panicked and bereaved dog.

These dark red blood mist made countless people lose their direction, covered their vision, and couldn't see whether the people around them were enemies or friends.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the people in the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' were also extremely surprised. What is going on? It's not what their people did.

It is conceivable that someone can deploy such a huge heaven and earth posture technique, how terrifying this person's attainment in posture technique is.

"It seems that there is an expert helping me in the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' secretly! I just don't know who this expert is?" Those hidden characters in the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' sincerely admired him, at least he couldn't tell Such a terrifying general situation has almost connected the entire battlefield. It is extremely difficult to do all this without anyone noticing.

They didn't know that the forty-nine red beans that were rooted and sprouted hidden under the earth, at first glance, seemed to be made by one person in an instant, but they were actually arranged very carefully by Xuanyuan. If you make a mistake, this "yin-yang ghost power" will be completely useless. Of course, only Xuanyuan can do this. The "body of myriad transformations" is too heaven-defying. , each incarnation is concentric with the deity, and there will be no mistakes, which is something that many people cannot do.

"You don't need to look at me. Although I am proficient in power skills, I don't know who it is. This person's attainments in power skills are at least in the realm of Tianshi Xian. The inheritance, my guess, is very likely to be people from the 'Shiting', after all they are also one of the mysterious powers of the human race, it is impossible to watch my human race being attacked by the ancient royal family, so someone took action." Among them A person with a background in the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion' was full of emotions. Apart from this, he really couldn't think of anyone else who would help the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion', because now many big forces are too busy to take care of themselves, let alone help others.

"Hey, a Heavenly Potential Immortal can make thousands of royal troops into chaos like this. This 'Potential Court' is too scary, it's really unfair!"

"Do you know how difficult it is to practice power skills nowadays? If it was in the ancient times, it would not be too difficult to break such power skills, because there are not a few people who practice power skills. Putting the power technique to waste, majoring in supernatural powers of the physical body, the power manifests quickly, although it is strong, but unless it reaches the realm of the ancient emperor, it is extremely difficult to compete with the world, and to create such a terrible trend, it is bound to be countless. Lingyuan, this is an incalculable amount of wealth. When laying down the momentum, there can be no slightest mistake, otherwise, the success will fall short. Now he launched a surprise attack, and the sudden attack, on the one hand, is because the ancient royal family is facing the imperial ban. Zhiguang has already suffered heavy losses, and now he has fallen into the general trend of his world, which has affected the determination of the Shenhuo army. It is correct to retreat at this time, otherwise, these Shenhuo army will be wiped out. No matter what, This person has helped me a lot in 'Hantian Immortal Mansion'!" The person who has a deep research on martial arts is amazed, and he really wants to meet this mysterious person, but it's a pity.

"Then shall we find that person and thank him well?"

"No need, if he wants to appear, he will appear naturally. If he doesn't want to appear, none of us can find him. People who practice power skills are unpredictable and will not show up easily, because they only need to If it can be used well, one person can be worth thousands of troops. There was a time when people who were proficient in stance skills were all hunted down because the stance skills were too terrifying, killing people without knowing anyone. I feel that one can fight against a hundred, or even tens of thousands, so gradually, few people dare to practice gesticulation, and those who can understand it now only know a little bit, and those who are proficient in gesticulation are extremely Low-key, not many people know."

When Luo Zixi saw the scene in front of her, such a majestic world, she was extremely shocked: "Xuanyuan, it must be Xuanyuan, who else would come here except him, it must be him, he came to save me. "

This "yin-yang ghost power" is extremely terrifying, and it takes a very strong person to be able to spread it. At this moment, Luo Zixi firmly believes in her heart that Xuanyuan must have come down, and Xuanyuan must have come to save her. This is hers. Intuition, without any reason, she firmly believed that it was Xuanyuan.

She looked around, sensing the surrounding world, but couldn't catch a trace of breath.

The face of the 'Holy Child of Cold Sky' was ashen, with great hatred in his heart, although Luo Zixi did not call out Xuanyuan's name, it could be seen from Luo Zixi's eyes and demeanor that he roared ferociously in his heart: "Xuanyuan? How is it possible, it is just a joke that such a waste can set up such a huge world, it seems that she is already crazy about Xuanyuan, really think that Xuanyuan is the one who is proficient in setting up power?"

Although the 'Holy Son of Han Tian' thinks so, deep in his heart, he feels that it may be Xuanyuan, but he is unwilling to accept it. He has received the inheritance of "Da Luo Tian Shu", or he is the person of "Great Trends and Ancient Arts". Speaking of it, it's not impossible to be able to create such a terrifying world trend, but he doesn't want to believe that it was Xuanyuan. If Xuanyuan really came down, then he would never be able to catch up with him in his life.

In the distance, Huo Fenghuang sneered and said: "Your 'Saint of the Cold Sky' is looking for you everywhere, it seems that the two of you have an affair, there is such a strong affection in the eyes of that cold woman, could it be you It's Xuanyuan, it is rumored that this 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' has a lot to do with Xuanyuan, who are you?"

At this moment, Huo Fenghuang had doubts about Xuanyuan's identity again, and everything seemed to become clearer, but it became more complicated.

"Don't you really think that every person who can make power is called Xuanyuan? It's ridiculous, "The Ancient Art of Great Power" is not unique to him, but he is lucky enough to have a few pages of the original copy. Speaking of it, it's nothing at all." Xuanyuan didn't want to admit it, but he was more careful, he couldn't reveal his identity, and now he can only forge an identity for himself.

"Forget it, let me tell you, my identity, I am the eternal one emperor's choice in the 'Shiting', born with a chaotic Taoist body, when I was born, I was born with the 'Sanqing Daolian', That's why I can practice the supreme secret art of "Fathering Daomen". My physique is concentric with the sky, so my control over power skills is unmatched by others. Now that the human race is in danger, my "power court" will not live in seclusion for many years, and the human race has survived until now. At this time, it is natural to come out and take care of it, otherwise, are you still waiting for your ancient royal family to wipe them all out, and then wipe us out one by one?"

Huo Fenghuang looked at Xuanyuan's eyes half-believingly, because the person in front of him said that he was the killer of "Reincarnation" at one time, and said that he had won the supreme inheritance of "Fathering Dao Sect" at another time, and now he said that he was "Shiting" The selection of the Eternal Emperor made her feel extremely absurd, but she had no reason to doubt all of this.

Because according to the information she got, Xuanyuan never showed up even when there was a huge crisis in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so how could it be here? He was Xuanyuan's idea, and was ruled out again, maybe because the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' missed Xuanyuan so much, she showed that expression.

"Hehe, this Xuanyuan is really blessed. He can make such a woman think about him day and night. If I have the chance, I really want to see if he really has three heads and six arms and boundless mana." Huo Fenghuang sighed casually. However, Xuanyuan remained unmoved, his language and emotion did not change a bit, a mysterious mirror emerged in his hand, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was still so unbearable.

"I said, Huo Fenghuang, do you still have the heart to care about other people's feelings now? Why don't you see how your Shenhuo warrior died." From the mysterious mirror in Xuanyuan's hand, everything in the dark red mist was derived. .

The fighters of the Shenhuo clan slammed like headless chickens, as if they had entered a maze that could never get out. Their emotions were full of panic, and countless phantoms appeared in front of them, as if the enemy was right in front of them. Many people began to confront each other with their swords drawn, killing each other and beheading each other. Big heads flew up one after another, spurting out fountains of blood.

Headless corpses fell down one after another, and would be trampled into a pulp in less than a moment. The forty-nine generals under Xuanyuan's control shuttled among tens of thousands of troops, beheading everything, and their heads were crushed one by one. Throwing into a mysterious vortex, that is a unique space controlled by Xuanyuan, all they beheaded were generals in the ancient royal army, this is what Xuanyuan needed.

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