Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1145: The Sarcophagus Moves!

This time, the "beheading operation" selected by the "Samsara Emperor" was based on Xuanyuan's guess. With the strength of the young generation, it is absolutely impossible to cut off too powerful characters, and more importantly, cut off the core characters, so Xuanyuan believes in his own judgment.

Before leaving, the words of that mysterious figure lingered in Xuanyuan's heart, which was praising Xuanyuan and telling others: "If you want to become my 'Samsara Emperor', you should have such courage, not just It’s just that you can kill people, but you also need to have foresight and a bigger heart.”

The army of tens of millions of Shenhuo Clan consists of at least a thousand core generals. None of these people can escape, including the commander of Shenhuo, they are all Xuanyuan's prey. To Xuanyuan's identity, it was a sure thing.

Seeing this scene, the howls and howls of the warriors in the clan, their desperate faces and terrified looks, everything was engraved in Huo Fenghuang's heart. Xuanyuan didn't look at Huo Fenghuang, but said slowly: "Why, do you hate me very much, do you really want to kill me? Only then can you relieve your hatred."

"Yes." Huo Fenghuang didn't hold back at all, her voice was extremely cold, she had never hated someone so much, in her eyes, Xuanyuan was already extremely hateful, she wished to cut Xuanyuan into pieces.

"It's a pity that your life is in my hands now." Xuanyuan didn't care at all, and even laughed badly.

"Do you think you can trap me? As the emperor of the 'God Fire Clan', if you think that my fate will be in your hands, then you are completely wrong." The look of the fire phoenix suddenly It has become firm, which is a manifestation of real confidence in the heart.

"Everyone has a back hand, you have me and I have it, it depends on who has a bigger hole card, whether the fish dies and the net breaks, or it is safe, you decide for yourself, and sometimes the fish dies, the net may not be broken." Xuanyuan While speaking, while urging the 'yin-yang ghost power', from forty-nine directions, a mysterious portal appeared in the sky.

I saw a series of black ancient coffins falling from the mysterious portal and hitting the ground fiercely, making a loud bang, shaking the ground.

On the forty-nine black sarcophagi, each is hundreds of feet in size, thick and heavy, like a big mountain, cold, majestic, majestic, full of various auras, making people feel unshakable.

There are extremely hideous patterns carved on it, which are completely different faces of ghosts and gods, full of all kinds of illusions and pain, making people frightened, and each black sarcophagus exudes an aura that shakes the mind, and the destructive murderous aura pervades the whole field , It makes the body feel like it's splitting, and the warriors of the ancient royal family around it dare not approach it, because those who approach it, unconsciously, turn into ashes and fall to the ground.

Through the mysterious mirror, one could see that the crimson land began to fade slowly, and countless blood was swallowed by the black sarcophagus.

Coo coo, coo coo's strange sound came from the black ancient coffin, resounding in the minds of countless people, hurting people's minds.

Almost at the same time, these days, the blood flowed by the royal warriors poured out from the ground, melted the ice and snow, and was crazily swallowed by forty-nine black sarcophagi.

Since the ancient royal family, there is a sage who respects the sages, the sages are at the peak, half-step quasi-emperor, and the faces of the quasi-emperors are extremely ugly. They gather together, and with their strength in such a general situation, they can protect themselves from worries, but Those warriors of the ancient royal family will surely die.

"This is the method of summoning. This kind of breath must come from the existence of ghosts, gods and hell. They have destructive power, and their strength is difficult to estimate, and there are more than one or two. Together, they will inevitably be even more powerful. Here, All warriors will become nourishment to strengthen their own strength, what should we do now?" A quasi-emperor figure who is proficient in martial arts has a dignified expression, if he finds out earlier, he can destroy the formation, but everything is too late Suddenly, he shattered ninety-nine places in a row, but they were all illusions, not the eyes of the formation. At this moment, he finally understood that the people who set up the formation were extremely difficult.

He opened his heavenly eyes, but he could only see a haze. This can only explain one thing, the power-wielding person's martial arts is more subtle than him, or the opponent's martial arts attainments are superior to his own.

"The whole army obeys the order, and gathers in the commander's camp. Don't mess up your position, stick to the local area, and don't make mistakes." Commander Shenhuo gave an order. Fortunately, he had these powerful quasi-emperors to suppress the formation before, and saved the commander's camp. Wan Dajun, these are the elite of the elite, most of them are soldiers from the Shenhuo clan, gathered together, the blood in the body is rolling, filled with hot breath, resisting the "yin and yang ghosts and gods", even so, Now they can only stick to it, and it is impossible to leave.

"Let's describe the terrain and prepare to use the momentum to break the momentum." Several quasi-emperor figures said in unison. You must know that they are domineering figures, and now they are trapped here. Naturally, they feel aggrieved and unwilling to be trapped.

"No, now that a powerful enemy has set up such a great situation, they must have made all preparations. If you distract yourself from describing the terrain, there is no guarantee that no one will make a move. He wants our entire army to be wiped out. Don't forget, this is just a battle. In a tentative war, our elites are all in our own clan. If the others die, they will die. Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Now each sticks to his post. The general trend of the world is not formed naturally, and the power is limited. We will be able to get out of danger." The commander-in-chief of the armed forces gave an order, and he was extremely cautious and dared not take risks. Describing the terrain requires full concentration. When terrifying characters come to suppress the formation, the power of the restraining formation will also be greatly reduced. Maybe the opponent is just waiting for this moment and wants to wipe them all out.

On the battlefield, the world is unpredictable and ever-changing. Those who are in the quasi-emperor realm were not convinced that these people who are not strong can become the commander-in-chief of the three armies, but now they have to listen, because what he said is very reasonable. Among other things, the hidden characters in Frost Snow City are a hidden danger, and there is no guarantee that this is not a big murderous situation set up by them.

It is very likely that they are forced to describe the terrain to weaken their power to protect the restriction. On the premise that the other party has a supreme Taoist weapon, they must not be careless in the slightest, even if it is not the killing situation set up by the "Hantian Immortal Mansion" , They will never let go of this opportunity, because it is right under their noses.

Xuanyuan saw the center of the battlefield, and smiled coldly: "Unexpectedly, the commander of your Shenhuo Clan is quite cautious. He wants to wait until my power of the world is exhausted. Yes, he is a very stable veteran, and there are many proficient in it." It is a pity that I have set up 999 false formation eyes and 98 life and death power eyes, alternating in an instant, even if they want to break the power, it is extremely difficult."

When Huo Fenghuang heard the words, her mind was shocked. Those quasi-emperors had studied the art of power for countless years, but Xuanyuan could be so confident in front of them. The scary thing about "Skill" is not that she dare not use her hole cards, but that she wants to know more information about Xuanyuan. As long as her life is not in danger, she is more willing to stay by his side and see through everything about him. Such an enemy must have With enough understanding, the next time you face each other, you won't suffer a big loss. Knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle.

It’s just that Xuanyuan has already seen through Huo Fenghuang. He looked at everything in the mysterious mirror and said calmly: “Since I dare to keep you by my side, I’m not afraid that you will know my secret. , ups and downs, even I can't see through, let alone you?"

"Ninety-eight life-and-death array eyes, forty-nine generals, forty-nine red beans, I'm right." Huo Fenghuang said coldly.

"Yes, if they die, they will be replaced in an instant. If I let you go back now, will you have the ability to break through? Even if you can kill these forty-nine generals under my control, the battlefield with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles , can you find the forty-nine red beans hidden deep in the ground and destroy them?" Xuanyuan smiled slightly and looked at Huo Fenghuang.

Huo Fenghuang thought of countless ways in his mind, and after a pause, it was indeed as Xuanyuan said, even if she went back, there was no way to break through: "I, there is no way. "

"I set up a general plan to block the eyes of the sky. Unless the opponent's attainments in martial arts are far superior to mine, otherwise, it is delusional to find those forty-nine red beans." Xuanyuan smiled lightly, from his With the mysterious mirror in his hand, he could see that the black sarcophagi were dyed red bit by bit. From the bottom, it became red like blood and spread to the top of the coffin. This was a long process.

Every time an inch of the sarcophagus is dyed red, the murderous aura emanating from it becomes more terrifying and shocking. Every sarcophagus with a radius of hundreds of miles has become a place of death filled with murderous aura. Piles of dust, forty-nine killing pillars broke through the dark red mist and went straight to the Nine Heavens.

Murderous intent surged, and the hairs of countless strong men in the commander-in-chief camp of the ancient royal family stood on end. This is the boundless killing intent from ghosts and gods, not from this world.

"Be careful, the opponent's stance technique has been completely completed, and ghosts and gods are about to appear."

Forty-nine killing pillars shocked everyone. Forty-nine sarcophagi that were as red as blood were shining with killing light and destruction. The lids of the coffins were opened one after another and hit the ground fiercely, shaking the ground. , Heart trembling.

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