Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1191 Exchange

(Chapter 2, just vote if you have a vote, I have worked so hard. Please encourage!)

"Want to know what it is?" Xuanyuan smiled mysteriously.

"I think..." Pengfei's hala juice was about to flow out, he had a premonition that it would be a rare treasure, and his sixth sense never missed it.

"Really or imaginary..." Xuanyuan continued to tease Pengfei with a mean smile.

"I really want to..." Peng Fei's eyes straightened, and he nodded like a chicken pecking rice, very excited.

"How do I know whether what you really want to say is true or not?" Xuanyuan smiled brightly, he couldn't help but feel very happy to tease Pengfei, this fat man also has this day.

"Me! @#¥%...\u0026*()." Peng Fei wanted to scold her, blushing, and wanted to strangle Xuanyuan to death.

"Forget it, I won't tease you, you know what it is, I can guarantee that this is what you dream of." Xuanyuan directly took out the Yin Mirror from his own space of "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact".

That wisp of yin power born from heaven and earth was suspended in the midair, exuding a supreme aura. Almost at the same time, the mirror from Peng Fei's eyebrows also flew out, and the two mirrors of yin and yang were pulling each other, flying in midair. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the power of suspension and suspension in the middle, gloomy with each other, and the unique pulling and sensing power of the sun mirror.

Seeing this scene, Peng Fei's saliva drool all over the floor, and he stretched out his hand involuntarily, wanting to take it. Xuanyuan immediately took Yin Jing in his hand, and said with a smile, "How about it? Do you want it?"

"Thinking..." Peng Fei was extremely excited. As long as he gathered enough Yin Jing, he would have a complete Supreme Dao Artifact, and this Supreme Dao Artifact would surpass many Supreme Dao Artifacts. This is a treasure from the ancient times, and when the time comes, he can kill anyone he wants to see who is unhappy.

"How much do you think about it? If you think about it, you have to show sincerity, not just say it, everyone thinks about it! But not everyone has that opportunity." Xuanyuan laughed.

"Damn it, you're so cruel, Daoist will immediately give you "Feng Shui Ancient Magic" and the ancient scriptures of the Mohist school, and wait for me." This time Peng Fei didn't bargain, he was very straightforward. A complete piece of Supreme Dao Artifact is of great significance, especially the 'Yin-Yang Mirror', not to mention, in which you can get a glimpse of more mysteries of feng shui and thaumaturgy, and he can still figure it out.

"Okay, remember to describe all the feelings you have learned since you practiced "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art", nothing less." Xuanyuan will naturally not be polite, although he has not read the real version, but with his own understanding, he should be able to learn from it to a lot.

"Got it." Peng Fei sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and carefully described everything about "Feng Shui Ancient Magic".

Xuanyuan directly cast the restriction of 'swallowing the years', and he had to take advantage of this period of time to practice hard. The pig-headed emperor saw his eyes straight, but he didn't expect Xuanyuan to get it all.

When Peng Fei evolved "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art", Xuanyuan sat cross-legged and directly entered the small world he had created.

"That day, I stepped into the realm of celestial immortals, and I didn't recall the celestial soul at all, but "Three Flowers Gathering on the Top" allowed me to condense the celestial soul to replace it. Is this its power?" Xuanyuan communicated with the greedy old man with all his heart. .

Because Xuanyuan has already produced lead flowers and silver flowers, with the power of the two flowers, it is not a problem for Xuanyuan to condense a fake heavenly soul to replace it with the help of the method of refining the gods to return the emptiness.

"It is said that "Three Flowers Gathering on the Top" has been cultivated to Dzogchen, and it will never die. Maybe this is where its unique power lies. It does not exist in the thirty-six heavens, but wanders in an unknown world. Whether you can recall it or not depends on your ability, and once you recall it, you will know more." The greedy old man couldn't give a clear explanation, because even the "Emperor Devourer" of the day 'There is no chance to get the Supreme Dao Sutra of this class of Taoism.

Xuanyuan didn't want to say more, 'Sanqing Daolian' manifested from the back of his head, the two flowers had already bloomed, and there was a villain who looked exactly like Xuanyuan sitting on it, only the golden flower was in the center, the dao light was shining, Xuanyuan was Inspired by the heart, the mind penetrates the nine heavens and the ten earths.

"My soul is back..."

Xuanyuan's thoughts are incomparably vast. The invisible seed penetrates everything and penetrates into the unknown world. The two souls of heaven and earth are always outside, but now the earth soul has returned, and it only owes to the sky soul.

Xuanyuan kept calling, but there was no response. Time passed bit by bit, and he seemed to be wandering in a boundless universe.

One day, during Xuanyuan's call, he felt a throbbing from the deepest part, which seemed to be the response of his own heavenly soul, like a heartbeat, two bangs, but soon, this throbbing disappeared again .

"The human race is alive and dead today, and catastrophe is approaching. If you don't return now, when will you wait?" Xuanyuan's thoughts exuded the aura of a hundred saints, that majestic thought, that kind of inspiration for all beings in his heart, all of a sudden made the Heavenly Soul respond It's even more obvious.

Xuanyuan felt his heavenly soul and sent feedback to himself, saying that it was tied up in a cage, not that it would not return to its original body, but that it could not be controlled by itself.

"Break it for me, God is dead, and my heaven shall stand, no one can be shackled, break it for me." Xuanyuan's thoughts became stronger and stronger, directly causing many terrifying existences in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to suddenly open their eyes and exclaim road:

"It's such a powerful idea, so domineering, it challenges the sky."

Boom, a cage was broken, and Xuanyuan's Heavenly Soul returned to his body without a sound, and merged into the golden flower bud, all kinds of memories manifested in Xuanyuan's mind.

Xuanyuan has benefited a lot from seeing the countless grotesque outer worlds that his celestial soul has wandered through these days. Hell and heaven, the earth and the sky, let him have a deeper understanding of this world, and finally Xuanyuan also knows why he His Heavenly Soul didn't come back, it was God who made things difficult for him on purpose, when he stepped into Heavenly Soul that day, he shackled Xuanyuan's Heavenly Soul, who told Xuanyuan to dare to refine God's thoughts?

Without a huge idea, it is impossible to recall the Heavenly Soul. Xuanyuan's words made his Heavenly Soul no longer fear God, as if it was the sky, and directly broke through the cage that God set for it. The return of the natal Heavenly Soul, although It didn't make Xuanyuan's strength skyrocket, but it made Xuanyuan feel that he has roots, this is his own, and he knows more things outside the sky, these are not enough for outsiders.

Xuanyuan slowly opened his eyes, and Pengfei was almost there.

Within the prohibition, a full month has passed, Peng Fei completely portrayed "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art", his face turned pale, obviously portraying all the ancient art, the consumption of him is a lot huge.

It's just that when he saw the Yin mirror, he couldn't help it anymore, his blood surged up, his face flushed, and he was in a state of extreme excitement.

Peng Fei presented "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" and the seven-page ancient scriptures of the Mohists. Xuanyuan didn't say anything more, and threw the Yin Mirror directly to Peng Fei. He was shaking with excitement, and laughed hahaha Get up: "I don't know how many years I have been looking for, but today I finally got the 'Yin Yang Mirror', I will be invincible in the world, hahahahahaha..."

It's no wonder that Peng Fei is extremely insolent, he is the only one among the younger generation who possesses the supreme Dao weapon and is complete and complete, at least according to Xuanyuan's knowledge, that's the case.

"Okay, go play and study on your own." Xuanyuan smiled, and sent Peng Fei out directly, leaving only himself and the pig-headed emperor.

For nothing else, the Dragon King Prince died in his own hands. If he took out these treasures, it would be fine. Peng Fei and Di Shitian had a deep blood feud, and everyone knew that the Dragon King Prince was killed by Di Shitian.

"I have something in my hand, you must be very clear about it, how about it, have you figured it out? What do you plan to exchange for it?" Xuanyuan grinned very sinisterly.

"Damn, this great emperor is alone, what do you think I can have?" The pig-headed emperor was extremely arrogant, looking like a bachelor.

"Forget it, since you are so dishonest, I don't want to say anything more to you." Xuanyuan shook his head and was about to leave.

"Hey, hey, kid, don't be like this. If you have something to say, talk about it and discuss things. Young people, don't get angry at every turn." The pig-headed emperor pulled Xuanyuan with a shy face, as if he would not let him go.

"Tell me, what treasure do you plan to exchange, I'm listening, I only have one chance, if I'm not satisfied, I'll just leave, you don't even want to get anything, you know I have "God Forbidden" directly in my hand "Ancient Art", I know you must have practiced part of "Ancient Art Forbidden by God", so you don't have to pretend to me." Xuanyuan was very straightforward.

"Okay, in this way, you give me "Shen Forbidden Ancient Art", and I will directly copy a copy for you when the time comes, is that okay?" That layer of window paper has been pierced, and the pig-headed emperor has nothing to hide , went all out.

"Okay, no problem." Xuanyuan nodded: "What about the others? Are you going to change my "Divine Forbidden Ancient Art" just like this?"

"What else do you want, kid? We're exchanging the "Divine Forbidden Ancient Art", and it's even." The pig-headed emperor held his head high, confidently.

"Okay!" Xuanyuan also knew that it was impossible to make the pig-headed emperor give in in this kind of place.

He directly took out the treasures on the Dragon King Prince, such as the 'Forbidden Ruler', 'Forbidden Road Boots' and other treasures, and then the Taoist items that are hard to find for those who practice restraint, which are sought by the 'Forbidden God Emperor' The preciousness of the ones left behind can be imagined, and the pig-headed emperor's juice flowed all over the ground.

"These things are actually nothing. I know that if I exchange them with you, you may not be able to appreciate them, so they will be devoured by the greedy old man." Xuanyuan said that it doesn't matter, so he will throw it in. Salivating, wanting to rob Xuanyuan, he hurriedly said: "Don't, kid, tell me, what do you want in exchange?"

"Oh, so you want it, so tell me what you have there. If I'm not interested, then I'll throw it to the greedy old man." Xuanyuan smiled strongly.

"Damn it, you're really ruthless, I'll exchange the fragments of the 'Sealing the Heaven Seal' for you." The pig-headed emperor said with flickering eyes.

"'Sealing Heaven', how many fragments do you have of the Supreme Dao Artifact that can open the 'Heavenly Court'?" Xuanyuan knew that this Supreme Dao Artifact was no small matter, and the one that could break it back then was probably the It has a great relationship with those sealed fierce gods.

"Three yuan." The pig-headed emperor said arrogantly.

"Forget it, then I won't change it." Xuanyuan directly removed those treasures and was about to leave.

"Five yuan, five yuan!" The pig-headed emperor said hastily.

"Oh, there's no sincerity at all." Xuanyuan sighed and shook his head.

"Damn it, six yuan." The pig-headed emperor was angry, why did this kid become more and more human.

"Don't say anything, I'm leaving." Xuanyuan walked resolutely.

"Damn it, seven yuan, any more will be gone." The pig-headed emperor finally compromised.

"You are really not sincere." Xuanyuan was very helpless.

"Fuck, is this great emperor lying to you? There are really only seven fragments, which are collected by this great emperor so hard. If there are more, there will be no more. Otherwise, I will add some other things to you in exchange." The pig-headed emperor anxious Yes, he wants those babies too much.

"Okay, then tell me, what do you want to exchange with me, these treasures are hard to come by, left behind by the 'Divine Emperor', they are extremely precious." Xuanyuan boasted all kinds of things , Hearing that, the pig-headed emperor felt more and more itchy in his heart.

"A piece of 'Dao jade for death', is there too much? If you still don't agree, I don't want it anymore." The pig-headed emperor also put down his harsh words.

"Deal." Xuanyuan agreed without even thinking about it. These treasures are of little use to him. In exchange for seven fragments of the 'Seal of Sealing Heaven', plus a piece of 'Substituting Death Dao Jade', This is already extremely good, he personally experienced the power of the 'Dao Si Dao Jade' that day.

"I said there are a lot of 'Dao Death Jade'?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Fuck, you have a good idea. Nine pieces were refined back then, and each piece is extremely precious. Now you have destroyed one piece, and you still have one piece in your hand. I don't know whose hands the other seven pieces belong to. Maybe This is the only one left." The pig-headed emperor rolled his eyes, despising Xuanyuan, the 'Daosi Daoyu' is extremely powerful, and can save his own life, and those like the 'Surrogate Doll' who encounter powerful enemies, are not at all Just can't resist.

'Immortal Dao Jade' is different.

Jade can help the owner to prevent disasters, it can resist any catastrophe, and save the life of the owner, just like Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi clearly penetrated the central soul of the "Dragon King Prince" and his eyebrows and heavenly soul , but his central soul and heavenly soul are still safe and sound. If he uses surrogate dolls, even if he can be resurrected, the central soul and heavenly soul are destroyed, and he will be disabled after resurrection.

The pig-headed emperor screamed in distress, and handed over the seven fragments of the 'Sealing the Heaven Seal' and one piece of the 'Subsidiary Dao Jade' to Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan didn't say a word, and directly sent the pig-headed emperor out of this secret room, and now he is the only one left.

He carried the 'Bai Si Dao Jade' with him, took out two fragments of the 'Sealing Heaven Seal', and joined the nine fragments of the 'Sealing Heaven Seal' together to form a jade seal. There are still three gaps missing, that is to say, the 'Fengtian Seal' is only three fragments away.

Although there are three gaps missing, the 'Fengtian Seal' still exudes a supreme aura, with the power of sealing the sky, and the aura remains undiminished.

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