Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1192 Gains and Losses

"As long as the next three fragments can be found, the 'Fengtian Seal' can be reassembled and restored. The material for refining the 'Fengtian Seal' is extremely special and has a strong ability to repair itself. I don't know if I experienced it that day. What kind of war, even the 'Seal of the Sky' has been broken." The greedy old man sighed, and was also shocked by this.

"Forget it, I'll talk about these things later, I didn't expect the pig-headed emperor to be able to collect so many pieces of the 'Fengtian Seal', it seems that since I got the 'Fengtian Seal', he has been paying attention to this matter, see There are still some achievements after countless times of robbing." Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, thinking about how to take the next road, although the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is in a safe state, but this is only temporary, no one can Guaranteed what will happen next, what will happen.

The prophets of the ancient royal family have always been the existence that Xuanyuan feared in his heart. Once they unite to deduce it, it is very likely that they will see through the illusion of "swallowing the holy emperor".

"Hehe, Tundi wants you to open the 'Heavenly Court' and become the 'Lord of the Heavenly Court'. This is probably the greatest expectation he has for you in his life. He hopes that you can be the 'Swallowed Emperor' back then." He has more and more hope in you for things that he hasn’t done yet.” The greedy old man chuckled and spoke earnestly.

Xuanyuan naturally understands the thoughts of the pig-headed emperor. Once upon a time, the "Emperor Devourer" also stood at the pinnacle of this world, unbeatable, but at that time, the "Emperor Devourer" was carefree by nature and arrogant, and he didn't like to build up too much power. In order to manage these, in the end, the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" managed by the pig-headed emperor attracted countless people, but without a set of management methods, naturally it was impossible to manage the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" well. The consequences can be imagined, even if the inside There are masters like clouds, but the heart is hard to gather together, it is just a plate of loose sand, and it is difficult to become a master.

Now change to Xuanyuan, although the two are also of the same virtue, but Xuanyuan is better than the 'Swallowing Emperor', at least Xuanyuan is still a hands-off shopkeeper, there are many trustworthy people in charge of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', united as one, The top and bottom of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are extremely cohesive, which is a huge force.

Because they came here with the same aspirations, and because they wanted to bring the race back to the "Prime Ancient Prosperity", never closing doors at night, never picking up lost items on the road, everyone supporting each other, practicing benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, respecting the teachings of all saints, and developing with the current momentum, one day, "Qinglong" Holy Land' can also ascend to the position of 'Heavenly Court' and take charge of the entire 'World of Dou Qi', the pig-headed emperor has always believed.

"Forget it, let's talk about these things later. Now that I have just returned to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it's time to visit the many experts who have integrated into my 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense." Xuanyuan sighed and moved away Although it has been a month since the restriction of 'swallowing years' has passed, in the real world, only a few hours have passed.

Xuanyuan walked out of the secret room, Bai Youniang returned to the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' with a lot of resources in her hand, Fang Yuyou sat on the 'Qinglong Hall' to deal with government affairs, and now Fang Yuyou is in high spirits, it seems that Xuanyuan's return has given her more fighting spirit.

Seeing Xuanyuan appear, Fang Yuyou put down the brush and said hastily, "I'll go in the morning and prepare a visit list for you, Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan will guide you, both of them are very familiar with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. "

As soon as the words fell, a jade slip fell into Xuanyuan's hands. He opened the jade slip and saw four clever and clever characters:

"The Eight Immortals of Yang Dao."

The Eight Immortals of the Eastern Territory, most people only know that they cheated the Eight Immortals to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, and that was to deceive people.

The original Eight Immortals Mountain was shrouded in a sinister situation. It looks like a bad land to people, but it is full of magic and beauty. The overall situation is good luck and bad luck. , for 'Tai Chi Dao Shi'.

Evil water surrounds the fairy mountain, a natural avenue, and it is an extremely rare treasure land. The Eight Immortals rule the outside, while the Eight Immortals rule the inside, and the inside is the sage and the outside king.

Yin and yang embrace each other, and there are two ways of yin and yang, each with its own Eight Immortals.

The "Eight Immortals of Yang Dao" are usually hidden from the world, and they are the Immortals of Benevolence, Immortals of Wisdom, Immortals of Li, Immortals of Righteousness, Immortals of Faith, Immortals of Zhong, Immortals of Filial Piety, and Immortals of Righteousness.

In the four words "Eight Immortals of Yang Dao", there are various information about them, which Fang Yuyou prepared for Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan didn't expect that Fang Yuyou was so considerate, she could think of what she thought, and she was so well prepared, he nodded, didn't say anything more, turned and left, Fang Yuyou looked at Xuanyuan's leaving back, hesitantly Said: "Xuanyuan, I believe you can do it."

At the gate of the 'Blue Dragon Hall'.

The eight demon kings had long since disappeared, while Mo Chou was sitting on the gazebo talking with Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan.

"Ah, those eight idiots are going to be arrested and spanked. Did you see that just now? That old man who is drunk is so angry that his face is purple, just like that overripe eggplant." Qian Duoduo gloated a little, Smile very brightly.

"Yeah, it must be fun for these eight idiots to be spanked, I really want to see it." Mo Chou also followed suit.

"You two heartless people, they were beaten because they wanted to protect your Xuanyuan. I hope their buttocks don't bloom, their skin breaks, and they bleed." Huang Yuechan said brightly. sad.

"Hey, brother Xuanyuan has come out."

Seeing Xuanyuan coming out, Mo Chou leaped lightly, with incomparable movements, landed beside Xuanyuan, hugged Xuanyuan's arms, and said with a smile: "Brother Xuanyuan, where are we going next?"

Xuanyuan looked at Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan, and said, "'Eight Immortals of the Yang Dao', help me lead the way."

Huang Yuechan smiled brightly and nodded repeatedly. Being able to be with Xuanyuan, no matter where they go, it is a pity that there are still two light bulbs, which is a fly in the ointment, especially Mo Chou, it is difficult to dismiss.

Qian Duoduo looked at Xuanyuan, feeling a little miss, he laughed and said, "Xuanxuan, long time no see, I couldn't have a good talk with you last night."

"Haha, there will be plenty of time in the future." Seeing Qian Duoduo again now, she still hasn't changed much. Xuanyuan heard the jingle bells on Qian Duoduo's body, clear and sweet, and asked with a smile: "The pig-headed emperor I said, you had a great fortune that day, so I don't have to worry about it, but I only believed half of what he said, if you don't show up again, I really thought something would happen to you."

"Well, I almost died. Piggy is so unreliable. I was almost killed by him. Fortunately, I was lucky and escaped a catastrophe. Then I got a great fortune of my own. It's really amazing." Qian Duoduo stuck out his tongue, very playful, joking, and didn't seem to blame the pig-headed emperor at all.

"This dead pig, looking back at how I taught him a lesson and told me that you are fine, I knew that he was not reliable in many things." Xuanyuan's expression changed.

"Okay, Xuanxuan, don't be angry with pigs, am I okay now? If pigs didn't send me in, I might not be able to get this great fortune, pigs also told me, Life and death are unpredictable, let me make a good decision, don’t blame pigs, luck and misfortune depend on each other, that’s right, I’ve become very strong now.” Qian Duoduo’s big bright eyes are watery, his smile is like a flower, and his white teeth are white. Like a little girl, bouncing around and jingling bells, she and Mo Chou looked like sisters. Since she came here, there has been another beautiful scene in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"Okay..." Xuanyuan didn't know much about the situation at that time, but if it was him, he would definitely not let Qian Duoduo take that risk. I'm afraid that the pig-headed emperor also used a gambling mentality to do this at that time. The matter, the matter is over, and he doesn't care about the amount of money, so he doesn't say much, otherwise he can blackmail the dead pig a lot.

"Xuanyuan, you went to the outer world, tell me what you have encountered, and let us open our eyes to know what the outside world is like." Huang Yuechan was very curious and asked excitedly .

Xuanyuan started bragging a lot, omitting the part about Liyue, talking about "Luantu Domain", "Death God Valley", and "Fierce God's Nest". Chan broke out in a cold sweat.

Of course, Xuanyuan also talked about the prosperous age of 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

The human race, the demon race, the demon race, and the ancient races live together without competing and being tolerant of each other. This is what Shihou dreams of, but it is difficult to achieve in the world of fighting spirit. The derivation of hatred and the inheritance from generation to generation, that kind of The hatred of the ancestors is deliberately poured on the descendants, who were originally innocent young people, but because of their indoctrination of hatred, it is impossible for all ethnic groups to truly coexist peacefully.

In this way, generations continue to kill each other, and the cycle goes on and on, without end.

Because they all want to rule this world, even a commoner who has nothing to do with the monster race, the demon race, or the ancient myriad races will feel that they are extremely sinful, vicious, and cruel, as if they have a deep hatred against them, but in fact they There is nothing. Under such a vicious circle, the relationship between the various clans is getting worse and worse. Even within the same clan, they will kill each other, let alone outsiders.

Lost mind, lost tolerance, lost mutual understanding, this kind of race has no future at all, it will only kill itself. In today's world, it is like Shihou's selfless dedication, that kind of hope to coexist peacefully, Being tolerant of the world is considered a fool's behavior, but in fact it's all because of people's selfishness.

They don't want to give in vain. Every time they give, they have the mentality of being rewarded. They feel that their contributions must be rewarded. Paying without rewards is a fool's act.

However, in one life, there are too many gains and losses in a lifetime, and the world often cannot see clearly between gains and losses.

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