Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1193 Eight Confucian Stones

(Chapter 2, that's all for today.)

Hearing Xuanyuan's description of the entire 'Nanyan Xianzhou', although there are also dangerous places there, it is the same in any place. Where there is good, there must be evil. At least the general environment where the people and the various ethnic groups live together is the same. Well, there is no such thing as in the "World of Fighting Qi", where there are so many fights, so many killings, so many complicated and unpredictable conspiracies, scheming, people are always on guard, it seems It is not safe to go anywhere, and it is difficult to find a piece of pure land.

"Hey, it's great to have that kind of place, I'm really envious, regardless of race, peaceful coexistence, I don't know when the battle qi world will return to that way, you must know that those in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' are all inherited from the battle qi world, Now they are still fine, but the battle qi world has already been lost, is this the end of prosperity?" Huang Yuechan sighed.

"Yeah, I always feel that this world is so complicated, wouldn't it be nice to be simpler?" Qian Duoduo shrugged and said with a troubled look.

"Hee hee, don't worry, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has already developed into the ancient and prosperous age, although our 'Qinglong Holy Land' is only a little bit small, but slowly, our influence will become bigger and bigger, there is no rush , you two, don't be too hasty, step by step, steady and steady is the most important thing." Mochou looked like a little adult, pointing out the country with old-fashioned, amused Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan.

"It seems that you want to be a traitor, 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' doesn't want to stay, and wants to come to 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Huang Yuechan teased Mo Chou with a strong smile.

"'Qinglong Holy Land' was originally my husband's family, and 'Linglong Xianfu' was my natal family. If I want to go back to 'Qinglong Holy Land', they will not stop me. Anyway, sister Zhixi is here now, you didn't see Is it? Just now Zhuzhu sent sister Zhixi back, but I didn't need it, 'Linglong Xianfu' has sister Zhixie is enough!" Mo Chou giggled, and Huang Yuechan's face turned green when she heard it.

"You little girl, what nonsense are you talking about? The husband's family means that you have to marry your elder brother Xuanyuan, that's called the husband's family. You haven't married yet, we don't admit it..." The corners of Huang Yuechan's mouth twitched .

Mo Chou was very close to Xuanyuan, and said with a smile, "If Brother Xuanyuan is willing to marry Mo Chou, then Mo Chou is also willing. It is the best to marry a man like Brother Xuanyuan. Sister Zhixi often says this!"

Huang Yuechan and Qian Duoduo looked at Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan turned her head away, with black lines all over her head, pretending that she didn't hear it, but she didn't expect that there was another Zhizhi, who was hiding her secrets, Zhizhi was always indifferent, no No words were spoken, and no gossip or gossip had ever spread between Xuanyuan and Zhixie. Now that Zhixie said such words, through Mo Chou's mouth, her heart has already been expressed.

But Zhixie wasn't worried yet, she had to deal with the little one in front of her first, and a wholehearted dissuasion began.

"Mochou, the relationship between you and Xuanyuan is that of a brother and a sister. If the two of you are together, it will be a matter of mutual anger. This is called unethical, you know?" Huang Yuechan said earnestly.

"Ah, is it just because I called him Brother Xuanyuan? Then it's fine for me to call him Xuanyuan from now on?" Mo Chou looked at Huang Yuechan with an innocent look.

"That's not okay. You are brothers and sisters. This is an established fact. You have the same name. It is not acceptable for a younger sister to marry an older brother. Don't worry, you are still young, and you will meet many good men in the future. You and I The relationship between the two of Xuanyuan is brother and sister, not man and woman." Qian Duoduo joined hands with Huang Yuechan, and there was a lot of chatter.

"We are not real brothers and sisters..." Mo Chou's last words left them speechless.

"Really, Brother Xuanyuan." Mo Chou smiled and looked at Xuanyuan.

"Ah?'s true that they're not real brothers and sisters..." Xuanyuan rubbed his nose and blushed when he told the truth. In fact, Mo Chou was pure in nature and Xuanyuan didn't take it seriously.

"You..." Huang Yuechan almost died of anger.

"Okay, Tong Yan Wuji, Mo Chou is a child, what are you serious about with her, go quickly." Xuanyuan said indifferently.

"Oh, okay, little husband, come with me." Hearing what Xuanyuan said, Huang Yuechan's face immediately changed, and she was very happy. At first she thought Xuanyuan wanted to marry Mo Chou, but it turned out that she regarded Mo Chou as a A bratty yellow-haired girl, then it's nothing.

Mo Chou didn't say much, knowing that it would be inappropriate to say anything else, she just hugged Xuanyuan's arm, clung to Xuanyuan, and accompanied her all the way.

Not long after, Xuanyuan and his party came to a fairy mountain.

This fairy mountain is simple and natural, with beautiful mountains and rivers, and pleasant scenery. The entire huge fairy mountain is full of yang energy, which echoes with the sun above the nine heavens. Unable to resist the Confucian righteousness in this fairy mountain, this mountain is called Rushan.

Just when Xuanyuan and his party arrived at Rushan Mountain, they saw a little boy greet him, his movements were light and elegant, his feet stepped on the air, as if walking on the ground, and his strength was profound. He said to Xuanyuan: "I think there must be someone coming, it must be 'swallowing' A descendant of the Holy Emperor, Xuanyuan, right?"

The little boy was full of white hair, less than one meter tall, holding a dust whisk in his hand, he was full of energy, and made a bow to Xuanyuan.

"Exactly." Everyone in Xuanyuan bowed and returned the salute, not daring to neglect.

"Several masters have already explained that if you come here, they will take you to the Babu Bridge. If you can walk across, they will see you." The boy said seriously.

"Oh? Okay, please lead the way." Xuanyuan smiled slightly. These eight old men are really interesting. Seeing that they still have to cross the bridge, could it be that there is a mystery hidden in the bridge?

Xuanyuan didn't say much, came to Xianshan, Mochou, Qian Duoduo, Huang Yuechan didn't say much, they also heard about the 'Eight Immortals of Yang Dao', they are all Confucian masters, even though their aristocratic families have been annihilated , but they all inherit the heritage passed down from their ancestors.

Under the leadership of Xiaotong, the group walked through the dense forest, crossed the Lingxi River, climbed over the mountains, and finally came to the top of Confucian Mountain, and there was an overpass in front of them.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, this is the Babu Bridge, and the other side is where the masters lived, please!" As soon as the little fairy's voice fell, she stepped aside and said nothing more.

When Xuanyuan looked around, there were eight stone slabs hanging in the air, and there was a cliff below him. They were suspended in mid-air, motionless, as stable as Mount Tai.

Each suspended stone slab is simple and unpretentious, with a long history, and the stone carvings on it have long been blurred, but Xuanyuan can still feel the unfathomable power hidden in it.

He looked to the other side, and there were simple huts, like a small mountain village, there were eight rooms in total, presumably the 'Eight Immortals of Yang Dao' lived in them.

Xuanyuan was very silent, didn't say a word, didn't ask much, walked to the bridge, took the first step directly, the stone slab shook violently a few times, Xuanyuan felt that his whole body was almost thrown away, suddenly, a wave of Evil energy billowed around him, and all kinds of evil thoughts came from Xuanyuan's heart. He was startled, and quickly settled down, not moving. The power that once came from Baisheng Hongguang slowly spread to every corner of Xuanyuan's body. , Gradually, the stone slab slowly stabilized.

Xuanyuan stood upright, stepped out on the second step, the stone board was stable, without any reflection, Xuanyuan then took the third step, fourth step, fifth step, sixth step, seventh step, each step was safe and sound , when Xuanyuan stepped on the eighth hanging stone slab, suddenly, a huge coercion descended from the sky, which almost broke Xuanyuan's muscles and bones. This is a kind of substantive crushing from the spirit and the body.

The unsurpassed killing was straight down from the Nine Heavens, and the stone slab was shaking violently. Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and against this killing air, he stood up bit by bit, his eyes were clear, Being moved, he exhausted the killing aura until the stone slab under his feet was stable, Xuanyuan was not aroused by this killing aura.

He let out a long breath, and stepped directly on the land on the other side, but at the next moment, he returned to the starting point of the bridge, Xuanyuan was stunned for a while.

The little boy seemed to have received some order, and said to Xuanyuan: "You can go back, the master ancestors said that they have seen it, and they took your wish."

Xuanyuan was confused, didn't know what happened at all, nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll take my leave first."

The 'Eight Immortals of Yang Dao' became more and more unpredictable, Mo Chou blinked her eyes a few times, ignored Xuanyuan's obstruction, and stepped on the eight floating stone slabs several times, nothing happened, which surprised her very much.

"Please go back." The little boy didn't say much about Mo Chou's nonsense, Xuanyuan knew that Mo Chou was arguing for herself, so she couldn't help laughing.

After a while, Xuanyuan left with a group of people.

From the thatched hut on the other side, several voices came out: "On the Orthodox Stone and the Benevolent Stone, it is vacillating. Is this Xuanyuan really worthy of a heavy responsibility?"

"Stones of wisdom, stones of courtesy, stones of righteousness, stones of faith, stones of loyalty, and stones of filial piety, he has no problem. It is not easy to be accepted by the six stones of Confucianism."

"If it is not benevolent, the people will surely suffer misery in the future. If it is not righteous, then our human race will inevitably fall into evil ways in the future. This matter is serious and must be investigated."

"In the end, didn't he also stand firm on both the benevolent stone and the orthodox stone? Xuanyuan is really like the eight bastards said, he is a trustworthy person. Look at the little girl beside him, Mo Chou, 'The body of a thousand spirits', the eight Confucian stones have nothing against her, things flock together, people divide into groups, don't worry, as long as you guide it well, this child will definitely become a great weapon in the future."

"Right now, we can only hope for this. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is full of vistas, and a lot of waste is waiting to be done. As long as we walk on this road, we won't be too far away."

The eight stones of Confucianism, benevolence, wisdom, propriety, righteousness, loyalty, filial piety, are the ancient Taoist stones used by Confucianism to test the conduct of disciples in ancient times. They would all be sent flying by ancient stones, Xuanyuan barely passed the test.

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