Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1207 Nine Clan Prophets

If Doutian Dao hadn't come out, I'm afraid that the disciples of the entire 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' would have almost dispersed.

Now that there is such a terrifying and boundless existence, to come out to preside over the overall situation, and to replace all the former Supreme Elders, a batch of new blood must be injected. For many people who have stayed in the "Doulong Immortal Mansion" for countless years, This is a good opportunity.

At least I can get a fair election, and "Doulong Xianfu" can also usher in a new beginning. The reason why Dou Tiandao agreed with Dou Cangtian to take those people away is because those people have been attacked and killed by the power of the Supreme Dao Artifact , naturally there is a shadow in my heart, the hearts of the people are scattered, and it is naturally difficult to get together again. Let them leave and go to another place. Carrying forward the orthodoxy of "Doulong Xianfu" is the same as staying in "Doulong Xianfu".

So Doutiandao didn't stop him too much, as Xuanyuan said, he threw Meng Yun and Meng Jiong out like rubbish.

The expressions of the grandfather and grandson were terrified. One day they were as rich as the sky, and the other day they were as humble as dirt. Now they are facing thousands of indifferent, mocking, and sneering eyes. A few days ago, these people still treated them Generally speaking, those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish exist, but now they are underestimated.

"Feng Lie, what do you mean by suppressing me with the method of 'swallowing the Holy Emperor'? If you have the ability to follow me into the void and fight alone, if I lose, I will kill or cut you. If you die, don’t blame others, it’s between us, we will only let outsiders help, are you still a man?” Meng Yun’s face was ferocious, his eyes were full of despair, he really didn’t want to die with everyone, originally he He also owns the 'Doulong Xianfu', but now he has nothing.

"That's exactly what I mean." Feng Li said coldly, without further arguing with him, he and Meng Yun took a step at the same time and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Xuanyuan came out, looked at Meng Jiong, and said slowly: "If you can defeat me, then I will let you live."

"Do you think I will believe what you say?" Meng Jiong asked coldly.

"Believe it or not, I, Xuanyuan, have always said the same thing. I will fight alone with you. If I lose and don't let you go, then I will die a terrible death." Xuanyuan swore viciously, and neither Dou Cangtian nor Dou Jiuyou said What, the successors of 'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' would never say such words without some ability. They still have a certain understanding of Xuanyuan.

"This is what you said yourself. You are looking for death. Don't blame me for being ruthless." Meng Jiong was overjoyed. His strength was at the peak of the sages, and he touched a bit of the barrier of the quasi-emperor. They are even more powerful, but now that Xuanyuan is in the mere celestial realm, he still dares to provoke him, it is simply reckless.

"This little bastard, it's all because of him that he has made it to where he is today. Even if I die here, I will take him to be buried with me."

Meng Jiong's speed is extremely fast, like a ray of light, a Dao blade in his hand spits out the mournful cry of a dragon. This blade has slashed countless dragons in its lifetime, and it has gathered the supreme dragon-slaying dao spirit, with boundless killing power. Seeing that Meng Jiong is about to chop Xuanyuan to death At the moment when it became two halves, from under Xuanyuan's body, an extremely terrifying attack on the emperor's ban suddenly broke through, and a jade platform shattered in response to the sound, deriving a series of emperor's ban lines, which stretched out in front of Xuanyuan's body.

A golden unicorn suddenly manifested, and Dou Tiandao's eyes showed a stern light, and he muttered to himself: "It turned out to be the 'Kirin's ban on killing' and 'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' in "The Ancient Art of God". The inheritance is indeed no small matter."

I saw that unicorn was full of Godless majesty, its majestic Qi and blood rolled, and its awe-inspiring righteousness hit the sky. With infinite power, it trampled on Meng Jiong's body with all four hooves. In an instant, The Taoist robe on his body was broken, and his body was also torn apart, blood splashed, and the white bones flew down, torn apart, his soul screamed:

"Xuanyuan, you despicable and shameless villain, you actually used this method to deal with me! I am not reconciled!"

Xuanyuan deliberately gave him hope and made him despair. Although he lost a jade platform that was attacked by the emperor, it was nothing.

Hearing Meng Jiong's miserable howl, countless people sneered repeatedly, Xuanyuan just said flatly: "I just want to play with you, it's as simple as that."

With the movement of Xuanyuan's mind, the unicorn let out a roar, which shocked the whole world. At this moment, Meng Jiong's body and his soul were torn apart, leaving only some treasures saved in the fighting ring space on him. He was not greedy, and directly handed it over to Dou Tiandao: "These are all the money he collected by using the authority of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', and distributed to the common people under the jurisdiction of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'. The people under the jurisdiction of Longxian Mansion have suffered from wars, so it is necessary to properly resettle those refugees."

"Well, I have my own arrangements. It's a pity that the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' didn't keep you back then." Doutiandao nodded without saying anything. After a pause, Feng Lie returned to the crowd and looked Meng Jiong had already died, and he was even more helpless.

"What's wrong?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"Meng Yun's nature is too despicable and he has no faith. He keeps saying that he wants to duel with me and lures me away from this place. As a result, he seems to have obtained a great inheritance, and escaped with an imperial object. I can't even catch up with him. .” Feng Lie gave a forced smile helplessly.

Xuanyuan had a guess like this in his heart just now. With the nature of the "Dragon Fighting Son", he would never put himself in danger, but after all, it was just a guess, so he didn't say much. He didn't expect to be guessed by himself .

"It's okay, if you can run away, you can't run away with your heart. This person is timid and afraid of getting into trouble. He will hardly become a great weapon in the future. One of the culprits has already died. You can also comfort the spirit of the wind fairy in the sky. As long as Meng Yun is still in this fighting spirit world , then there will be a chance to kill him in the future." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, not caring.

"It's good to say that you can run away, but you can't run away with your heart. It is worthy of the inheritance of the 'Swallowing Saint Emperor'. Now all the grievances and grievances have been settled. I will deal with the fault of the Supreme Elders. Please go back, the government There are still many things that I need to deal with in the world, so I will not accompany you." Doutiandao sighed, and directly opened his mouth to see off the guests, and now the "Doulong Immortal Mansion" has become a mess, there are too many things he has to deal with up.


A group of people in Xuanyuan bowed to salute, and then the emperor descended from the sky and flew towards the 'Qinglong Holy Land' through the air.

The "Doulong Immortal Mansion" started a major rectification, and the news spread quickly. Dou Tiandao was in charge of the "Doulong Immortal Mansion". The existence of sub-realm, did not expect him to survive to this day.

Things will develop like this, which is beyond the imagination of many people. Many big forces have already prepared their troops and horses to get a share of the "Doulong Immortal Mansion". The bottom line began to emerge.

While Xuanyuan and his party were in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', the Nine Ancient Clans held a secret meeting.

This was convened secretly by the prophets of their clan, and no one knew about it. Naturally, it was aimed at the illusory 'Sage Devouring Emperor'.

They went back and forth, watching the great battle tens of thousands of years ago over and over again, and felt that the 'Emperor Devourer' must have fallen, how could he still be alive and become a holy emperor, which made them feel unbelievable.

Now the Nine Ancient Clans join forces to repair the land of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', which consumes a lot of them every day. If the 'Swallowing Saint Emperor' really exists, that's all. If it doesn't exist, wouldn't it be a mistake? Killed by the other party for nothing?

"Do you think it is really possible for the 'Swallowing Saint Emperor' to be alive?" The closest to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' is the 'Purple Dragon Clan', the prophet from the 'Purple Dragon Clan' said heavily.

"I've watched what happened back then several times. It stands to reason that the 'Swallowing Emperor' should have fallen, but the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' was all shattered. Why did he survive?"

"But how to explain the boundless aura, the gods and soldiers who emerged one after another are not ordinary people, all of them have amazing killing power, and their methods are against the sky."

"That may also be a group of casual cultivators who are loyal to the 'Emperor Devourer', passed on to help the descendants of the 'Emperor Devourer'."

"That's right, so far, among the so-called eight hundred heavenly soldiers and seventy-two divine generals, only one divine general has appeared, and there are only two heavenly soldiers. Isn't that strange?"

"If they really exist, we should let them appear in front of the world, shock the world, and let the 'Qinglong Holy Land' become the invincible overlord of the fighting spirit world. If there are really 800 heavenly soldiers and 72 generals, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will also be It has the potential to become a giant in the fighting spirit world, coupled with the projection of 'Swallowing the Holy Emperor', who would dare not follow?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"Let's work together to figure out whether that ray of 'swallowing the Holy Emperor' is real or not. If it's fake, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is extremely rich now. We launch an attack and divide it when the time comes to make up for our days. If the loss from the past is real, we will die, take all the responsibility, and say that it has nothing to do with the people of our nine clans, presumably the "Swallowing Saint Emperor" will not go on a killing spree."

"This is a life-and-death gamble."

"To gamble or not to gamble?"

"Tell me why you bet."

"That Peng Fei, holding the 'Yin-Yang Mirror', wanted to capture the dragon veins of our clan's ancestors. Just when our clan was about to fight to the death, the 'Tundi' took him away by force. There must be some Tricky."

"That's right, with the backing of the 'Sage Devouring Emperor', even with the Supreme Dao Artifact in hand, he still has the ability to suppress us with bare hands. Back then, before he became a Saint Emperor, he was able to receive the Supreme Dao Artifact with his bare hands. Let alone now?"

"Forget it, let's take a gamble now." Some prophets also made up their minds, even if they risked their own lives.

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