Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1208 Exposed

Tongtian Valley.

The feng shui terrain here is dark and heavenly.

An image hangs down in the sky, it takes shape on the earth, and it becomes a thing in people. Both are indispensable. Calculating the secrets of the heavens, predicting the future, and returning all dharmas to one is the same principle, but the way of cultivation is different.

Deduce the truth of a thing here, and use the terrain to maximize the accuracy.

At this moment, Xuanyuan is in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', feeling restless, but he doesn't know what happened, this has never happened before, he just wanted to propose marriage to the 'Mozhou Dynasty', to marry Shihou , but was suddenly delayed by this sudden feeling, and Shihou didn't care, just thought that there might be something wrong with Xuanyuan.

Over the years, every time Shihou would find any excuse for Xuanyuan to come here in her own heart, she was already used to it.

In the 'Tongtian Valley'.

The prophets of the nine clans are all the oldest, and there is not much longevity left. Their calculation methods are extremely exquisite, hard to find in the world, and more importantly, they all left their descendants to their clan. They are not weak For them, to make such a decision, they have already made all preparations.

From their chests, at this moment, bone knives with mottled prophetic patterns are pierced, exuding glittering light, illuminating the surrounding world, making the entire 'Tongtian Valley' more bright and translucent.

The gurgling blood spurted from the chests of many old prophets, flowing down their bodies, flowing under their feet, and the tiny blood grooves on the ground, under their thoughts, swallowed their blood, extending in all directions one after another. A series of magic circles are intertwined.

They sat cross-legged, holding their breath and concentrating. This time they wanted to solve the mystery of whether the "Swallowing Saint Emperor" was true or not. They had already made the worst plan, and they used the most powerful magic circle, which was no small matter.

The prophets of the nine ancient tribes all have a kind of Taoism in their blood. They predict the future and calculate the past, and they are also extremely powerful. They interact with the heaven and earth every day, and they will naturally imbue themselves with a Taoism that ordinary people do not have. Their blood, similar to the calculation of blood sacrifice, is quite accurate.

As they chanted ancient spells in their mouths and condensed strange imprints on their hands, the chain circle they set up in the 'Tongtian Valley' began to slowly rotate. In the blood groove, blood rolled like Living things, meandering around.

"Enlightenment." The nine prophets shouted in unison, and in an instant, the blood shot straight to the sky and poured into the sky.

The boundless imperial prestige that weighed on their hearts was instantly shattered and turned into nothingness. Seeing this scene, the nine prophets couldn't help vomiting blood.

Each of them made calculations before, but all the secrets were covered by an inexplicable force, and they couldn't figure it out at all. Now, the nine of them joined forces, based on the blood formation, and set up the "Blood Breaking Heavenly Secret Formation", Finally, that covering power was completely shattered, the so-called 'swallowing the emperor' was nothing more than a ray of energy.

They realized that everyone had been cheated, and it was really not so miserable to be cheated.

"Okay, what a Xuanyuan, it's really amazing to have deceived our ancient nine clans so badly." An old man coughed up a big mouthful of blood. If it wasn't for Xuanyuan, he wouldn't have ended up like this. Array' consumes a lot of life energy, and will also cause huge damage to the soul.

"The Tundi actually kept the aura that belonged to the 'Swallowing Emperor' tens of thousands of years ago, and has deceived everyone by using the 'law of ten thousand transformations' and the means of the emperor's ban. No one would have thought of it." An old prophet gritted his teeth, and he said angrily: "The nine clans unite and razed the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to the ground. This time, we don't need to have the slightest consideration."

"Hey, don't worry, didn't Xuanyuan also ask for a lot of money from the major hostile forces of the human race? I'm afraid that those big forces may not let him go, first let the human race eat their own dogs, and we will retreat completely and release the news How about going out and watching the good show first?" An old prophet was extremely calm and scheming, and once he made this statement, it was in line with everyone's wishes, and when they both lost, the nine ancient clans joined forces to plunder everything.

"Since Xuanyuan tricked us once, we have to give him a great gift back. Otherwise, it will appear that our ancient royal family doesn't understand etiquette, and we don't know what reciprocity is. That's not good." A group of old prophets turned pale, Like a dead person, his face was pale, and the consumption of the "Blood Breaking Heavenly Secret Formation" this time was undoubtedly huge for them.

Since Jiang Family, Zonghengjiao, Xuanwu Immortal Mansion, Zifu Immortal Sect, Nanzhou Dynasty, Zhantian Immortal Mansion, Suzaku Immortal Mansion, Ancient Demon Sect, Mozhou Dynasty, Chaos Immortal Demon Mansion, these great powers are almost all in the first place. Time received the secret letter.

That is the news that the 'Swallowing Saint Emperor' simply no longer exists.

In the 'Mozhou Dynasty', the Moshuai Mansion and Shi Mansion, not long ago, after receiving Xuanyuan's invitation again, their faces turned blue, but they swallowed their anger and prepared a big gift, which has already been sent over. They received this piece of information, and it has already been transmitted, 'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' is a fake news.

In the first time, they all received the message that their respective subordinates would deliver the gifts.

'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' is purely non-existent, it is only the breath left by the 'Swallowing the Great Emperor' tens of thousands of years ago, combined with the method of no God's prohibition, it manifests that kind of power, and the so-called eight hundred heavenly soldiers, The seventy-two generals no longer exist, and those few strong men are just the remnants of the 'swallowing the emperor'.

This is the answer received by the major forces.

When Mo Shuai saw this news, he went crazy. The huge Mo Shuai's mansion actually swallowed his anger and sent such a huge amount of wealth to Xuanyuan, an ant. Now that he thinks about it, Mo Shuai's heart is bleeding.

Shi Zhong's face turned pale, his mouth was trembling, his whole body couldn't help twitching, he almost foamed at the mouth, if this news came earlier, he wouldn't have to spend a lot of money.

Almost all major forces received it immediately.

'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' is fake.

"This Xuanyuan is simply lawless, creating such false appearances to blackmail all major forces."

"This time, the ancient royal family has reached a consensus with us and has withdrawn troops in an all-round way. Obviously, they also want to take action against the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

"The Nine Primordial Clans have been deceived by Xuanyuan so badly, they will never let the 'Qinglong Holy Land' go."

"Xuanyuan created the illusion of 'swallowing the Holy Emperor', and then ran rampant everywhere. Is it tolerable or unbearable. This time, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' must be completely leveled."

"That's right, there is no need for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to exist anymore."

One after another, the big forces almost made a crusade against the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and in a short time, everyone in the world knew about it.

When Xuanyuan broke through the method of concealing the secrets of heaven by the nine great prophets, he knew that this news would never be concealed.

So Yin Tuxian was asked to lead the Yin family's army to sit in the 'Tianxia Pass'. Outside the pass, they are all members of the Nine Clans of the ancient times, and some powerful forces from the human race. The soup, or the spies who were inserted into the "Qinglong Holy Land" by the major forces but were kicked out. Before, there was the illusion of "swallowing the emperor", and the ancient nine clans did not dare to do anything to the human race. Although they get along with each other on weekdays. The friction is still polite, and now when they know that the "Swallowing Saint Emperor" is fake, they directly attack the surrounding human races, as if they think that killing one more earns one more.

All of a sudden, outside the 'Tianxia Pass', there was blood and murderous aura, and countless souls of the human race were frightened. It was originally a gold mining cave, but now it has become a place of death. They fled crazily and wanted to leave this place. 'Qinglong Holy Land' has become the most dangerous place.

Soon, the elite of the nine royal families who were responsible for the reconstruction of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' were all recalled. They did not dare to neglect, knowing that their own family must have deep intentions for such an arrangement.

After the 'Dongzhou Dynasty' knew about this, Ji Chen just said four words in a very flat manner: "No, it's a blessing."

Knowing this, Mo Chou and Zhixie felt extremely nervous, knowing that this time the 'Qinglong Holy Land' must be in great trouble, but there are still many refugees in their hands who have to be sent to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', what should they do? good.

After Zhizhi asked Xuanyuan for instructions, he said calmly that everything was as usual and there was no need to worry.

Dou Tiandao of 'Doulong Xianfu' was extremely amazed, and said in a heavy voice: "Although this kid is the inheritance of 'Swallowing the Great', he doesn't have the style of 'Swallowing the Great'. The Nine Primordial Clans have been fooled for a while, this is considered a skill, yes, if the 'Emperor Devourer' had such a clever mind, he would not have ended up like that."

When the Beizhou Dynasty received this news, all the civil and military officials discussed it, but Xia Zikai stroked his forehead very troublesomely, and said in his heart: "Xuanyuan, this boy will really cause trouble for me. Now it's okay. With such a big stall, I have given away the 'Pill Book Iron Voucher', if I ask 'Beizhou Dynasty' with this item, 'Beizhou Dynasty' will have to work hard for his 'Qinglong Holy Land'..."

The Jiang family was extremely furious, their family was the first to be stabbed by Xuanyuan, and they paid countless money, but they didn't expect that this "Swallowing Saint Emperor" was actually a fake, and he even rushed to the "Swallowing Saint Emperor" by himself with drums and gongs. Going to Qinglong Holy Land was like losing all face. Jiang Ru cut his face like chicken blood. He said word by word: "Take people and horses and go to 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I want to see it. The so-called eight hundred Heavenly soldiers, seventy-two generals, who are they?"

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