Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1209 Ten Powers

In the "Zonghengjiao", Wuyang's expression is extremely cold, and the eight fairy rings appear on the back of his head, like an immortal god, with hundreds of millions of beliefs condensed in his body, and now his combat power has been improved to a higher level, and he dares to challenge the nine great ancients The emperor and son of the royal family.

"Xuanyuan, this little bastard, is really courageous. He dared to blackmail me from the 'Zonghengjiao'. Now as much as he swallows, I want him to spit out from the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I want him to die without a whole body. "

"Let's go, there must be many big forces who can't sit still anymore, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is going to be in trouble this time. As long as we unite, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will definitely die."

Countless people gloated and laughed.

In the "Nanzhou Dynasty", the gift they prepared to the "Qinglong Holy Land" this time was not light, because Yi Xuan killed Yuan'er and formed a life-and-death enmity with Xuanyuan, for fear that Xuanyuan would let the "Swallowing Saint" die. The emperor attacked them, so they prepared a big gift worth more than Jiang's family, just to turn hostility into friendship.

But I didn't expect that the "Swallowing Saint Emperor" turned out to be a fake. It is conceivable that the seventy-two generals and eight hundred heavenly soldiers are naturally non-existent, let alone any hidden means against the sky, they are all just jokes That's all.

"This time, we must beat the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to pieces, and let Xuanyuan know what will happen to me if I offend the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'."

Zifu Immortal Sect, Suzaku Immortal Mansion, and Zhantian Immortal Mansion were all furious. They didn't expect that they would bow their knees to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', just like courtiers paying tribute to the monarch. It was a great shame to think of it. Heart, extremely uncomfortable.

"This time, we must crush the 'Qinglong Holy Land', let Xuanyuan kneel in front of us, kowtow ten thousand times to atone for his sins, and then hand over all the treasures of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and let him die a bit ugly , it can be regarded as an extrajudicial favor to him, and he will thank us for our magnanimity." This seems to be the voice of the major forces, they are so angry that they have been deceived from the beginning to the end, lest they "swallow the emperor" Once they get angry, they will disappear from now on. It turns out that all this is fake, and it is more shame, and anger becomes anger.

So much fear, so much submissiveness, and so much loss of wealth made them completely explode at this moment.

"What, 'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' turned out to be fake, you kid even made fake things like this!" Peng Fei's face turned green, and his voice surrounded the 'Qinglong Temple', as if he had been raped. Like a girl.

"Otherwise, what do you think, it must be you, a fat man, who was so arrogant that day and wanted to seize the ancestor's dragon veins. Later, I asked the pig-headed emperor to drag you away, making people suspicious, so they joined forces to deduce the truth of this matter. , otherwise, at least this beautiful misunderstanding and white lie can last for a while, and my 'Qinglong Holy Land' will only be stronger." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, not knowing how much he despised Pengfei.

"Then what should we do next?" Peng Fei's face turned green. He was really too arrogant. Fortunately, the other party was forced by the strength of the "swallowing emperor" and did not dare to make a move. They could only swallow their anger. If he can't stop, then his death will be in vain. Now that he thinks about it, Peng Fei is a little scared, and he just thinks that Xuanyuan is too cheating, cheating and doing everything.

"What can we do? Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, wait and see what happens, let them come." Xuanyuan shrugged and looked at everyone present.

"No, I'm going to avoid the limelight. It's not safe in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I'm afraid they will all come to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to question their teachers. I'd better take a step forward." Peng Fei thought very shamelessly to escape.

The pig-headed emperor had a smile on his face, patted Peng Fei on the shoulder, and grinned: "Do you want me to teleport you to the depths of the ancient nine tribes, so that you can avoid the limelight? The most dangerous place is the safest place Well."

Peng Fei shivered involuntarily, and said, "No, it's safer for Daoist to hide in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

"Fortunately, in these days, I bought a large number of excellent war supplies in the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce'. With these, now my 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not a soft persimmon. It can be manipulated by others. If they want to If you want to attack by force, it is impossible without paying a price. With the natural danger of 'Tianxia Pass', they will not be able to break in for a while, so don't worry too much. Now that the current situation is chaotic, anything is possible It happened, they can't stay with us for a long time." Bai Youniang didn't think that the 'Swallowing Saint Emperor' was actually a fake, although Xuanyuan said it lightly, but I'm afraid that 'Qinglong Holy Land' will face unprecedented difficulties.

Since Xuanyuan gave Bai Youniang a large amount of funds, Bai Youniang has basically done it freely. All kinds of sophisticated war equipment are complete sets, and they are bought with the best magic weapons at the cheapest price to strengthen the "Qinglong Holy Land" 'The power to go up and down.

"That's right, the excellent equipment brought by your young mother has directly increased the strength of my Yin family's elite army several times. All major forces will definitely come to my 'Qinglong Holy Land' to provoke troubles, but there are definitely not many soldiers and horses. Temporary retreat gesture, but they will not be so stupid as to concentrate all their forces on the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Yin Zhenluo was very calm, and now the war is about to start again, she originally planned to leave, but now she really She can't go away, she is the chief general, once she leaves, the army's morale will be lost, she still understands this truth.

Everyone is analyzing the subtle relationship between major forces and making decisions.

"There is one most serious problem. What should they do if they bring only a part of the strong men, but they bring the Supreme Dao Artifact?" Fang Yuyou's eyes were filled with deep worry. The most serious problem, the Supreme Dao Weapon, can be worth thousands of troops.

Hearing Fang Yuyou's words, even Yin Zhenluo couldn't help but feel his heart tighten. In front of the Supreme Dao Artifact, no matter how sophisticated the equipment is, it is irresistible. With the current strength of the Yin family's army, it is powerless to face the Supreme Dao Artifact.

Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, then said heavily: "Then hit, hit hard, see who is more ruthless than who, see who is richer than who, now we have a lot of wealth in our hands, at worst we will burn together, hit The sky will fall apart, let's see who dies and who lives."

Zhizhi frowned, and said hastily: "Isn't it appropriate, Xuanyuan, if this is the case, I'm afraid it will make relatives hurt and enemies will be quick. Now that our human race is in a difficult situation, and we are still killing each other like this, I'm afraid the ancient royal family will wait and see." What about this scene?"

"Don't worry, do you think they really have the guts and courage to fight? They can't afford the consequences. Now that we are in our territory, we have a lot of resources to consume with them. Once we want to use the supreme weapon, we will The 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' is not afraid of them." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Okay." None of the people present had much objection, and it was carried out as Xuanyuan said.

The pig-headed emperor was silent from beginning to end. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' either lost the 'Sage Devouring Emperor' or was weak and deceitful. If all the major forces thought this way, they would only usher in a very tragic end.

On a mountain thousands of miles away from the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the nine old prophets who set up a magic circle to solve the mystery of 'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' looked much better, but it can be seen from their expressions How much hatred for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has reached? For the sake of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', these old men have not been able to live for a few years. It is very easy for individuals to work together, but they considered the horror of the 'swallowing emperor', so they set up the 'blood-breaking array'. If the 'swallowing emperor' really existed, they would carry out a devastating backlash, as if preparing He bought an unsurpassed Taoist weapon and spent countless costs, but only killed one ant.

At this moment, they were waiting for news from the 'Blue Dragon Sacred Land'. One after another, the news turned into aura and struck through the air. Every piece of news brought a cold smile to their faces.

"There are all kinds of intrigues and intrigues among these human races. At this time, how could they let the 'Qinglong Holy Land' go? Everything was expected."

"Hahaha, let them kill them. When it's about the same time, it's our turn to take action."

"In the words of the human race, this is called, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind."

"This time they came to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they will definitely bring the supreme Dao weapon, and they will also bring out a part of the mainstay. When they are about the same as the 'Qinglong Holy Land', we will launch a surprise attack and attack their territory. When the time comes and the news of the death of their mainstay will be sent back, it will definitely break the morale of the army, and it will kill many in one fell swoop."

"Hahaha, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, just let them cocoon themselves."

The prophets of the ancient royal family were full of wisdom and were proficient in this way. This time, their intentions were sinister, and everything was just as they expected.

The powerhouses of all major forces descended on the sky above Tianxia Pass in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' almost at the same time.

They looked at the "Qinglong Holy Land" from a distance, and they saw a myriad of weather, auspiciousness falling, luck soaring, and righteousness like a boundless sky and sea, billowing and majestic.

Now the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is in front of them, so they dare not underestimate it. , the Ancient Demon Sect, and the people from the Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion of the Demon Clan also came.

The ten major forces descended together.

"Xuanyuan, get out quickly and die."

The boundless Dao force was rolling, and the sound penetrated into the distance. They looked at the 'Tianxia Pass', the countless terrible Fengshui situations, the imperial forbidden killing array, and the heaven and earth Dao forces, and they did not dare to act rashly. Hundreds of millions of the nine ancient royal families His soldiers and horses are buried here, unless they activate the Supreme Dao Weapon.

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