The seven fighting talismans that can resist the fatal blow from the peak of the sages soared into the sky and turned into colorful radiances, which shook the attack of Xuanwu, as stable as Mount Tai. It is extremely precious and can only be bought at a very high price.

Quasi-Emperor Fighting Talismans are very rare, because refining Fighting Talismans, if you are not particularly proficient, will consume a certain amount of energy. Every Zhundi, or half-step Zhundi, is an extremely important figure for every major force. , only the ancient royal family has that capital, and the human race can't afford it at all, except for some left over from ancient times, otherwise, the current quasi-emperor would not refine it at all. For them, lifespan is everything.

Xuanyuan knew that his attainments in power techniques were limited, and with his current state, it was his limit to be able to deploy such great powers. If he wanted to head-on, it would only consume the power of the peerless spiritual source. He led the blue dragon out , lingering on the light wall derived from the sages' fighting talisman, I saw vines growing from the green dragon, turning into small green dragons and taking root on the fighting talisman, biting the fighting energy contained in the light wall , the rune, disintegrating it bit by bit.

The corners of the eyes of the 'Zifu Shengzi' jumped wildly, and he said in shock: "I didn't expect that this green dragon could not only swallow the power of the momentum technique, but also the power of the fighting talisman. The protective talisman hasn't broken yet, hurry up and take action."

Qinglong crazily devoured the power of these fighting talismans, making the Sixiang lore avenue become more terrifying, and the power of the sages' protective fighting talismans was also rapidly weakened.

The holy sons took advantage of this time to quickly advance to the place where the formation was located, and the 'Zifu holy son' said in a heavy voice: "Everyone, push your own emperor objects to hit there, hurry up."

'Zifu Shengzi' calmed down, moved the 'Holding the Moon' in his hand, the sound of the piano evolved into a great way of heavenly sound, penetrating the four directions, and 'Boundless Qin' continued to bless all the people present, so that they could express themselves The emperor's object was running to the extreme, and he covered himself with the "moon embrace" to protect himself, and the "Qiankun Daoyi" on his body was fully functioning.

At the same time, the Demon Commander urged the 'Battle Sky Demon Clock' to echo with the Emperor's Tiger Talisman. Hundreds of millions of demon soldiers and horses swept across the sky, with boundless killing power, attacking and killing towards the center of the formation.

The 'Blood Moon Demon Fang' in Shi Zhong's hands came out. It was refined from two teeth that fell off from the ancient emperor. It was so sharp that it could shatter everything.

Jiang Tushen, Wu Yang, Baihu Shengzi, and Xuanwu Shengzi also urged their respective emperors to attack the center of the formation. As long as they hit, the four elephants will shatter the avenue of lore.

Almost at the same time, the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' saw the four Xuanyuan statues grinning sneeringly at him at the same time, which made him get goosebumps all over his body for no reason. Peerless spiritual sources gathered together, tumbling endlessly, and instantly shocked the 'Zifu Shengzi' into a cold sweat. He realized what Xuanyuan was going to do, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up, protect me!" Live by yourself."

But it was too late, the four Xuanyuan statues disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, a low roar came from the void: "Explosion!"

The 'Four Elephant Killing Dao Sixiang' blew up.

Dao potential self-explosion, power is boundless, this is the last means that Xuanyuan can use, the 'Purple Mansion Saint Son' is proficient in the power technique, can find the weakness of the power technique and has six saint child level figures to help, they are not easy to deal with, It's not easy to kill them by relying on the four elephants lore avenue.

Many avenues collide, tear, and destroy.

One after another screams sounded, the smoke billowed, and the energy scattered. Xuanyuan knew that someone had been severely injured.

When the dust and smoke were blown away, I saw that Shi Zhong was covered in blood, and his body was torn apart. At this moment, new granulation sprouts were growing. To restore his body, if it wasn't for the Demon Commander by his side, he would use the 'Battle Sky Demon Clock' and the Tiger Talisman to protect him. Hold him a little, I'm afraid his physical body will be more severely damaged, so Shi Zhong's vitality is still seriously injured.

At the critical moment, Mo Shuai hid directly in the 'Battle Sky Demon Clock'. He was safe and escaped the catastrophe, but he still vomited blood from the shock of this force.

The 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' is cunning and cunning, and he left a hand long ago to protect his body with the 'hug the moon', and then fully urged the 'Qiankun Daoyi' to dissipate the terrifying killing power without touching his body, and then used a He resisted the defensive posture technique, even so, he also looked a little embarrassed, with a disheveled face and an extremely gloomy face.

On the side, Jiang Tushen looked extremely miserable, his whole body was blown to pieces, only one head was left intact, and his three souls and seven souls were all greatly damaged. If he recovers, his vitality will be seriously injured. Falling down, under all kinds of despicable and shameless fighting methods of Xuanyuan and others hiding in the XZ, his "Fighting Immortal Body" has nowhere to play, and there is an indescribable grievance in his heart.

In all fairness, Xuanyuan didn't dare to let God Jiang Tu hit him with a close-up blow. The "Immortal Body" is a special physique, so it must have its frightening features. In addition, the imitation of the "God Whip" emperor, once beaten Among them, even if he practiced "Three Flowers Gathering on the Top", he would be severely injured.

No matter how powerful the killing power is, if you can't hit the enemy, it's tantamount to nothing.

'Xuanwu Shengzi' turned into a huge Xuanwu head, his skin was torn apart, and blood gushed like a fountain. Fortunately, the lineage of 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' has strong energy and blood, and few people in the world can match the protection ability. At the most critical moment, he recalled The 'Xuanwu Seal' blocked it for me, otherwise, I'm afraid the consequences would be even worse. Not everyone can be protected by a peerless Taoist weapon like the Demon Commander. The material is also the top-grade choice among the peerless Taoist utensils.

The 'White Tiger Son' turned into the white tiger himself, with blood holes all over his body, which was extremely hideous and terrifying. He frantically repaired his physical body, and the sound of the tiger's roar was endless. In succession, the majestic life energy is mobilized and regenerated continuously.

Wuyang also kept an eye out, although he used the 'Tianyi Ziwei Sword' to kill the eyes of the formation, but he used the 'Pure Yang Body' to condense a 'Pure Yang Royal Dao Armor' to protect his body, and the Eight Path Immortals The ring, with the power of faith hanging down, double protection, although the body is not damaged, but the self-destruction of Sixiang's lore avenue still blew him into a trance, and his expression was in a trance.

Most of the saints were seriously injured. How could Xuanyuan miss this opportunity? He took three incarnations and killed them all. The two halves were devoured, and the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" made it impossible for the elders of the Jiang family to rescue them. They could only watch helplessly as Jiang Tushen was beheaded, but when he wanted to make a move, he was stopped by Ouyang the Great.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan turned to kill Shi Zhong. This person had a very mean mouth and a cruel heart. He tried to plot against him again and again, but Xuanyuan naturally couldn't let him go. Shi Zhong felt Xuanyuan's cold killing intent and screamed: "Magic Commander, save me."

The Demon Commander protected himself with the Supreme Tiger Talisman, and stood in front of Shi Zhong with the 'Battle Sky Demon Clock'. Facing this 'Battle Sky Demon Clock', which has now become not even a semi-perfect Taoist weapon, it is gone. Xuanyuan didn't have the slightest fear of the oppression of the boundless Zhantian Dao. Four treasures came out together, the Renhuang Brush, the mysterious iron bowl, the Yingtian Immortal Sword, and the Devouring Demon Sword. 'Boomed out, Shi Zhong, who was hiding behind the 'Battle Sky Demon Clock', was hit so hard that his body, which was just about to start recovering, was torn apart again, blood splattered, it was horrible.

The Devouring Demon Sword in Xuanyuan's hand swallowed a huge vortex, devouring the fragmented Shi Zhong, leaving only Shi Zhong's desperate roar.

"Xuanyuan, let me go..."

How could Xuanyuan pay attention to him, the existence of the seven holy sons was cut off two again, just when Xuanwu Shengzi was about to retreat, suddenly, from the sky, two god sons were killed, they held The emperor swords slashed the 'Xuanwu Seal' in unison, and then the emperor swords that had been slain in wars and baptized by the emperor of the gods, one of the emperor swords pierced into the ruptured wound, blood spattered, and the emperor of Dongtian fought hard With a pull, he dragged the emperor sword and tore open the Xuanwu tortoise shell, only to hear Xuanwu's miserable howl, earth-shattering, the huge body rolled over, and the severe pain caused Xuanwu's head to stick out. In an instant, another The emperor's sword directly pierced Xuanwu's eyebrows, the son of Xuanwu, the soul of heaven was shattered, and the son of Xitian emperor was fierce.

On the other side, the two emperors of the God Race suddenly came, and saw that the huge white tiger's head was cut off in half, and blood gushed out, while the other emperor's sword pierced through the white tiger's frontal bone, directly killing the white tiger. The son's soul was torn apart.

In the blink of an eye, the four holy sons completely disappeared and died unexpectedly.

'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' 'Zhantian Immortal Mansion' Mozhou Zongren Mansion, the strong elders of the Jiang family wanted to kill Xuanyuan, but they were stopped. Nine, life and death are conceited, they follow Xuanyuan's way, and they die, no wonder others.

On the other side, without further ado, Mo Shuai activated the 'Battle Sky Demon Clock' and disappeared through the air.

Wu Yang knew that if he continued like this, his entire army would be wiped out, so he turned around and left.

The 'Zifu Shengzi' retreated to the side of the 'Zifu Immortal Sect' strong man, with an extremely ugly expression, and said: "Holy Master Xuanyuan is really good at tricks, I feel ashamed."

Xuanyuan looked at Qu Zi, and "Son of Suzaku", with a harmless smile on his face: "Qu Zhi, brother Suzaku, do you want to give me some advice?"

Qu Zhi's expression was dignified, Xuanyuan's strength was unprecedented, and the three Taoist bodies were as powerful as the real one, sharing everything, which was too much. Could it be that this is the legendary "Ten Thousand Transformation Body Technique"?

'Son of Suzaku' shook his head, sighed: "I'm no match for Brother Xuanyuan, quit."

Xuanyuan nodded, and looked at the elders of the ten great powers. Facing the ten supreme Dao artifacts, he didn't have the slightest fear: "Since the outcome has been decided, this matter will be settled like this, don't say anything more."

Xuanyuan was one against nine, and every saint child level figure was a big step higher than him in strength, and Xuanyuan could still win, they couldn't say anything more, and they would be humiliating themselves if they continued.

'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' and 'Zhantian Immortal Mansion' took away the remains of the two holy sons and turned to leave, and other major forces also left without saying a word.

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