Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1217 In Danger

Originally, I wanted to use the hatred of the human race, the demon race, and the demon race towards the 'Qinglong Holy Land', with the help of their hands, to fight the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to the death, but in the end it turned into this ending.

"The 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations' is really terrifying. If it grows up, I'm afraid it will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with several heaven-defying physiques of my ancient royal family."

"That's right, it's no small feat that this 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is also proficient in the "Great Trend of Ancient Art". What the human race relies on is nothing more than the nine ancient arts."

"They all retreated. It seems that things are not going in the direction we expected. What should we do now?"

"Hmph, what should I do? My ancient royal family is not as greedy as those human races. If you are really tough, I am afraid that he will fail in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so I will fight if I want."

"Okay, then go back to the various clans, gather people, and prepare to destroy the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. How dare you use the name of 'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' to cause us to lose so many natural treasures and consume so much manpower Material resources, until the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is disabled, I will not give up."

The Tayun Clan, Pojun Clan, Zilong Clan, Gu Lin Clan, Crescent Moon Clan, Greedy Wolf Clan, Lifeng Clan, Huntian Clan, Tiancan Clan, and the Nine Immemorial Clans all went out together.

The ten major forces returned to their respective homes, and a huge turmoil occurred.

"What is Shi Zhong dead!" The entire clan mansion of the "Mozhou Dynasty" completely rioted, and several immortal beings were about to bring the supreme Taoist weapon to the "Qinglong Holy Land".

"He has five Supreme Dao Artifacts, and the ten major forces are united and dare to challenge them. You only have one Supreme Dao Artifact. What do you use to fight against others?"

"Then Shi Zhong can only die in vain like this?"

"Xuanyuan fights against nine with one, against the existence of the nine sages at the realm of the six heavenly celestial beings, with fewer enemies and more, with the weak defeating the strong, the major forces of the human race did not say much, we are not asking for shame ?"

Xuanyuan used one against nine, and fought against the saint sons of the top ten forces. They were defeated and returned. The nine saint sons lost six of them. This is an extremely terrifying statistic. Looking at the existence of the major forces of the human race, There is no one among the younger generation of Tianjiao who can achieve such a record like Xuanyuan. It is too brilliant. Since ancient times, there are very few people who can achieve this step.

"The current 'Qinglong Holy Land' can no longer be suppressed, and it has become a trend."

This is the greatest emotion of the major forces of the human race. Originally, they thought they could unite to overwhelm the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but they never expected that Xuanyuan would be more ruthless than them, and what Xuanyuan said was right, now At the moment of life and death of the human race, the ancient royal family is the only great enemy. Once they really fight to the death with the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they will only benefit the ancient royal family.

"Should we just let Xuanyuan develop like this? Sooner or later, he will attack us."

"Things are up to now, it can only be like this. Since his 'Qinglong Holy Land' has such great ability, and now the lie of 'Swallowing the Holy Emperor' has been seen through again, we will push the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to the cusp of the waves, let' Qinglong Holy Land' to resist the ancient royal family."

"Okay, this is a good way. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to cultivate and thrive."

"That's right, use the power of the ancient royal family to suppress the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

Almost all the major forces of the human race have reached a consensus that if they want to suppress the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they can only rely on the ancient royal family.

Xuanyuan soared into the sky, and the three incarnations returned to his body. This time, he had spent a lot of thought on fighting against the nine saints.

With his current strength, it is absolutely impossible to face-to-face, so he can only win by chance.

Mo Chou was extremely happy, and said loudly: "Win, brother Xuanyuan is invincible in the world, and he defeated the sons of the heavenly arrogance of all the powers."

Everyone was very angry just now, they insulted Xuanyuan like that, but they couldn't do anything, they could only watch quietly.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan's performance made them unexpected every time. No one knew what Xuanyuan was thinking about, as if he was born for war, and the change of thinking caught people by surprise.

"Haha, good brother, forever." Pengfei came to Xuanyuan's side with his body full of fat, smiling brightly, his eyebrows were beaming, winking, not to mention how happy he was, he patted Xuanyuan's shoulder and said : "My good brother, the chaotic geomantic omen you mentioned..."

"I can't give it to you for the time being." Xuanyuan sighed lightly.

Peng Fei's face changed, and he said angrily: "Are you lying to me?"

"A group of people left just now, and now the main stage is coming." Xuanyuan felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart.

He quickly pulled Peng Fei up and hid above the 'Tianxia Pass'.

Yin Zhenluo frowned, his natural intuition told him that a more terrifying war was about to break out, and she ordered the whole army to be on alert.

Xuanyuan shook his head, and said in a heavy voice: "Listen to my order, all the army retreats to Xuanyuan City, and sticks to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

Yin Zhenluo frowned, looked at Xuanyuan, and said in a heavy voice, "What are you doing?"

Xuanyuan paused for a moment, and said: "In front of the Supreme Dao Artifact, no matter how many people there are, they are sacrifices, and I don't want the army you have worked so hard to build up, let those soldiers who share life and death with you sacrifice in vain, let If they retreat, I will die first."

Huang Yuechan looked puzzled, and said: "Little husband, what nonsense are you talking about, they were all driven away by you, are they planning to use the supreme Dao weapon to attack the 'Tianxia Pass' from afar?"

Xuanyuan shook his head, and said helplessly: "The top ten forces just now are just a stepping stone for them. Soon, the real lord will appear on the stage."

Peng Fei's complexion changed, and he said in a heavy voice, "You mean the Nine Ancient Clans?"

"That's right, I let them consume so many resources, they will never let it go, I'm afraid this time they will use all their resources to destroy the 'Qinglong Holy Land' completely, let's prepare for the worst." Xuanyuan sighed, this day is always coming, among other things, Peng Fei directly grabbed so many of their big dragon veins, they can't let it go, Xuanyuan looked at Zhixie and Mochou, said: "You two go back to 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'."

"Don't go, Mo Chou wants to stay, and she will be with Brother Xuanyuan even if she dies." Mo Chou said firmly with bright eyes.

"Pig Head Emperor." Xuanyuan's voice was very calm, and he looked into the distance, motionless.

"Understood." The pig-headed emperor showed a rare seriousness on his face, without saying a word, he directly cast the imperial ban and sent Mo Chou back to the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', ignoring Mo Chou's crying.

"Zhixie, you go back to 'Linglong Mountain' and take the disciples of 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' and escape from this place. They belong to 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' and don't have to risk their lives with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Xuanyuan said in a harmonious voice. .

"Xuanyuan, you're offended by saying that. These days, they have been living in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and they have long regarded this place as their home. I will go back to sit in the 'Linglong Mountain', and don't worry about that girl being sent back. , will definitely make trouble for the ancestors of the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' to come to the rescue, so I can't leave, I will go back first, and I won't make trouble for you here." Zhizhi's face was covered with white gauze, her eyes narrowed slightly, At this time, her voice, the corners of her eyes and eyebrows can make people feel at ease and peaceful.

"Zhen Luo, you and your uncle are leading the army in 'Xuanyuan City'. If you can't defend it, bring all the people outside of 'Xuanyuan City' into the city and protect them." Xuanyuan looked at Yin Zhenluo.

Yin Zhenluo looked fierce, and said in a heavy voice: "Why, I have also obtained the inheritance of the 'Tianlong Shenwang'. I can also help if I have the Supreme Dao Artifact in my hand."

"It is precisely because you have the Supreme Dao Artifact that I need you to guard 'Xuanyuan City'. It is no small matter to confront the Supreme Dao Artifact. Once you fight, you must at least use the Supreme Dao Artifact to block the aftermath. Otherwise, 'Xuanyuan City' Once the city is swept away, I don't know how many innocent Li people will die in vain. As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, you must put the people first, so go." Xuanyuan's words are extremely peaceful, and every word is full of strength. He looked at Yin Zhenluo who was standing still, and finally spit out a sentence: "Soldiers, the meaning of existence is to protect their own people, otherwise they have no meaning of existence at all, and the overall situation is the most important."

Yin Zhenluo gave Xuanyuan a bitter look, and said no more to Yin Tuxian, Yin Qianxun directly withdrew from the 'Tianxia Pass'.

"Yuyou, young lady, Yuechan, go back and sit in the 'Qinglong Palace', regardless of whether the 'Tianxia Pass' is broken or not, and stick to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Xuanyuan's tone was firm, and she could not refuse her at all.

Huang Yuechan realized the seriousness of the situation, she shook her head and said: "No, Xianhuang and Qinglong live and die together."

"Let's go." Bai Youniang's eyes were firm, and she pulled Huang Yuechan out of the 'Tianxia Pass', she just said lightly: "Xuanyuan has its own means, we don't want to stay here and get in the way, it is our duty to guard the rear, Trust Xuanyuan."

Fang Yuyou and Qian Duoduo left without looking back.

In the entire 'Tianxia Pass', only the Tianyue female saint, the Eight Immortals, Ouyang the Great, Peng Fei, the old city lord of the 'Sin City', Peng Fei, the Zhutou Emperor, Long Bi, A Suda, Emperor of War.

"Everyone, I need your help to guard this place and wait for the arrival of the Nine Primordial Clans."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I've already lived to the point of old bones, what's the big deal if I fight with the Nine Clans of the ancient times to the death, I finally see the hope of the prosperity of the human race, in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', how could I just sit there and watch Let him be ruined." The old city lord of the 'Sin City' felt very relieved that Xuanyuan was in control of everything in the face of danger.

Xuanyuan raised his head, looked at the sky, and said word by word: "We live together and die together."

Many terrifying existences present also said at the same time: "We live together and die together!"

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