Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1220 Undead Royal Family

'Haoqi Changshu', this is a pair of characters, on which there are pens written by all the sages, also known as 'Hundred Saints Qi Shu'.

All the sages, each of them wrote a word on it, and the meaning contained in each word is extremely profound, and they are all representative of their lifelong literary spirit.

In ancient times, all the sages and sages created their own characters, which were divided into hundreds of genres. But in the end, the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" ruled the world. In order to facilitate the communication between the people and the common people, the "Hongmeng Tiandi" proposed a unified language. They come together to determine the shape of each letter.

In the end, every word was created, each with its extremely profound meaning, and all of them were recognized by all the sages.

On this volume of the 'Long Book of Great Qi', great righteousness is billowing, triggering a majestic sea of ​​righteousness to sweep over.

From the "Long Book of Great Qi", it seems that there is a phantom of an ancient sage, but it is not heavy. Obviously, the Eight Immortals of the Yang Dao cannot stimulate the "Long Book of Hao Qi" to revive it. An extremely special supreme Taoist weapon, its spirit is the idea of ​​a hundred sages, it is very difficult for ordinary people to do it, they can only make the phantoms of sixteen ancient sages appear, if they can make the hundreds of ancient sages If the phantoms of the sages appear, few people in this "Long Qi Book" can resist them. Among other things, the power of the hundred sages alone is enough to make people admire.

Lu Lei frowned, looking at the phantoms of the sixteen ancient sages on the "Long Qi Book", he knew how strong the Eight Immortals of the Yang Dao were, and said coldly: "The ground is broken and the dog is vulnerable."

From the back of Lu Lei's head, suddenly, two supreme ancient swords slashed towards the Eight Immortals of the Yang Dao and the volume of the "Long Book of Haoran". They all returned to their respective mountains, defending themselves, to ensure that the mountains and rivers will not be destroyed this day. Too many conquests of supreme Taoist weapons have made them no longer able to compete.

The speed was as fast as lightning, and people were caught off guard. The "Hao Ran Changshu" was shocked suddenly, feeling extremely dangerous.

From the above, the words written by each of the philosophers and hundreds of sages are filled with the supreme Taoist rhyme, full of righteousness and righteousness.

Every character does not belong to any modern font, and every character is the agglomeration of the spirit and energy of the philosophers and saints.

The hundred words condensed, pierced through the air, struck hard with two ancient swords, collided, and the supreme power swept across the world, shaking the Eight Immortals of the Yang Dao to vomit blood. , was already torn into pieces by the fierce sword light emanating from the two ancient swords.

Their expressions are extremely dignified. It is really no small matter for a person who is a sage who asked the ancients to activate the Supreme Dao Tool. Even if the eight of them join forces, they are still not opponents, let alone him who is alone in control of the two swords. .

Lu Lei's murderous aura soared straight to the sky, unmatched by anyone, standing on the nine heavens, like an ancient emperor, looking at the world in all directions, the members of the nine ancient royal families laughed loudly: "Zizao Sword Emperor's Taoism is boundless!"

Almost at the same time, Xuanyuan stepped forward, turned into a green dragon, and charged at Lu Lei, shocking everyone present.

Lu Lei looked at Xuanyuan, and said with a sneer, "The mayfly shakes the tree, it's beyond its control."

He was motionless, exuding the boundless sword intent of the ancient emperor. Before Xuanyuan got close to him, cracks began to appear in his body bit by bit. , so that countless people present were horrified that they were able to shake the existence of the ancient sages with the realm of the sixth heaven of immortals. When Xuanyuan came to Lu Lei, he was covered in blood and was on the verge of collapse. Longkou, spit out an inner alchemy of Jidao Dibo.

That's right, this is the green dragon inner alchemy, and there was a self-explosive aura released from it, which made Lu Lei quickly back away, as fast as a ray of light, and fled in a panic.

The Qinglong inner alchemy is no small matter. Once it explodes, there will be death and no life. Even if he is an ancient sage, he will definitely die. It is extremely terrifying. This is the foundation of a great power.

He never expected that Xuanyuan would dare to be so ruthless, even the Qinglong Neidan, which could suppress thousands of years, would dare to explode himself, just to kill him.

"What's the matter, what are you running for? Aren't we all crumbling dogs, vulnerable? If you have the ability to take a hard blow from me, you won't die. I will give you everything in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to the ancient sword royal family, more than a dozen pieces The Supreme Dao Artifact should be able to make your ancient sword royal family the number one fighting qi clan in the world." Xuanyuan's voice was cold, this Lu Lei relied on his own cultivation level and a pair of Supreme Dao Artifacts in his hand to run rampant, I am the only one, but this is very normal, this world is like this, the weak prey on the strong.

"No need, the things in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', my ancient sword royal family is not rare." The corner of Lu Lei's mouth twitched, and the fool went to forcefully blew a Qinglong inner alchemy, which is not much different from the self-destruct of the ancient emperor The difference is that if you go there, you will be courting death. There are two Supreme Dao Artifacts, both of which will die.

Even if the existence of the realm of the ancient great emperor is alive, he may not be able to live if he is blown up by the green dragon inner alchemy. Even if he has a pair of supreme ancient swords, he would not dare.

Xuanyuan has been forced to turn red, God knows how many cards he still has not used, he looked coldly at the Nine Clans of Taigu, and Lu Lei, and said in one sentence: "Either get out of sight of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', or fight to the end, Do so at your own peril.”

There was a green dragon inner alchemy floating above Xuanyuan's head, with emperor patterns flowing on it, full of murderous aura, under Xuanyuan's order.

Boom, boom.

The "Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Picture" was fully revived, and the fifteen-fold combat power exploded even more terrifyingly. The bright moon in the sky seemed to be able to cut everything in the world.

The 'Dao Crystal Dragon Seal' also revived, with a terrifying coldness, icy sky, icy wind, winter snow chilling, a crystal clear Daolong winding above the nine heavens.

Only Peng Fei's "Yin Yang Mirror" is extremely difficult to revive. On the one hand, it has something to do with his strength, and on the other hand, it is because Peng Fei, a fat man, is reluctant to burn so much money in his body. At this moment, he is only recovering slowly. The money consumed by "Yin Yang Shen Jing" made his heart bleed non-stop.

"Xuanyuan, you have to consider the consequences yourself. Once a fight breaks out, your 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be wiped out." Lu Lei threatened with endless killing in his eyes.

"If you want to die together, am I still afraid that you will fail? Isn't it the birth of the gods? Just let this muddy water become more muddy, and it's hard to say who will die in the end." terrifying existence.

The Protoss has always been the deepest fear of the ancient royal family. Once the seal is broken, the first thing to deal with is the several big royal families who suppress them day and night. Few people can bear the consequences at that time.

"A boy who doesn't know how to live or die, it seems that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can't be kept, let's kill it together!" A voice descended from the sky, and a more majestic aura of ancient sages fell to the world, and only a pair of ancient coffins were seen , descending between the heaven and the earth, and another pair of supreme dao weapons, the pressure on the human race present suddenly increased.

Empress Tianyue looked solemn, and said: "It turned out to be this family. It seems that this time it will be difficult to be kind. The realm of the ancient sages, at this moment, it is difficult for me to shake."

"I'm only one step away from stepping in, but it's a difference between heaven and earth if I don't step in." Emperor Ouyang was very silent, even so, he was still fearless.

Undead royal family.

One of the nine ancient royal families.

The doors of the two ancient coffins were opened, and an incomparably terrifying aura swept across the world, like a pair of ancient corpses, walking out, the air mechanism tore apart the sky and the ground, making people's bodies tear apart, and the existence of many older generations in the race. Dignified, frowning tightly, this way, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

With the background of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the human race can be disdainful, but in the face of the nine ancient clans and the nine ancient royal families, it is still not enough. It means not even reaching the realm of the Great Emperor, which is completely different.

"It just so happens that there are so many supreme Dao artifacts in the human race, I still worry that one person can't deal with them. If we destroy this 'Qinglong Holy Land' today, there will be no future troubles, otherwise the whole world of fighting qi will be in danger, and Xuanyuan can't keep it." Lu Lei was so murderous that he desperately wanted the two clans to go to war, which had angered Lu Lei.

"It's ridiculous. It's only natural for my own royal family to provoke troubles. I swear to the death to resist, but I can't stay. Could it be that we have to not resist when your ancient royal family kills people, and obediently stretch out our heads to let you kill them? What a big reason!" Xuanyuan said. Laughing angrily, the vision of "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" manifested to resist the more terrifying coercion, the green dragon inner alchemy hung above Xuanyuan's head, and the three ancient lotus lamps manifested independently to protect Xuanyuan.

Looking at Xuanyuan's vision, everyone's eyes were full of strange colors. This is no longer a vision, but the appearance of Xuanyuan's fate.

Xuanyuan didn't say anything more, at the moment, he was running the remnants of the Mohism in his hand, scattered between the heaven and the earth, this was one of his trump cards, and now he could only summon the terrifying existence of Mo Ma, to help himself a big gang, We've pulled through.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's destroy your 'Qinglong Holy Land' today." The two terrifying beings who came out of the ancient coffin simultaneously activated the ancient coffin, fell from the sky, crushed down fiercely, and beat the entire area The sky and the earth collapsed.

This pair of ancient coffins belonged to the undead god emperor and undead god empress among the undead royal family.

The Immortal Royal Family, as the name suggests, the Immortal God Emperor and the Immortal God Empress, were all before the chaos of ancient times. After the death of the mysterious ancient corpses, they absorbed the essence of the world, the sun and the moon, and then began to gradually develop spiritual wisdom, and finally cultivated to great success. The ancient coffin, along with them, also turned into a supreme Taoist instrument, named "Immortal Yang Coffin" and "Immortal Yin Coffin". The two coffins work together to dominate the sky and make people immortal.

The entire 'Tianxia Pass' seemed to be shattered in an instant, and at the same time, the two ancient swords behind Lu Lei turned into two long rainbows, and slashed towards Xuanyuan without mercy. The sound of the sword's killing and cutting was clanging, breaking people's souls.

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