Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1221 The weapon lies in the heart

Lu Lei stood proudly between the heavens and the earth, and the supreme killing sounds emitted by the two supreme ancient swords clanked and clanged, making Xuanyuan's soul tear apart.

The Sanqing Daolian that manifested from behind Xuanyuan trembled slightly, swallowed endless daohua, and after protecting Xuanyuan's body, it merged into Xuanyuan's three souls, making Xuanyuan's soul as strong as an indestructible Taoist weapon. Resisting the killing power of the two supreme ancient swords.

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Lu Lei couldn't help but change his expression, and suddenly thought of something, his expression was shocked:

"I didn't expect that he would get the supreme Taoist scripture of the 'Yuhua Daomen' in Xizhou? This 'Sanqing Daolian' was separated in the ancient times because of a great war with the gods, and has disappeared without a trace since then." , I never thought it would be in Xuanyuan's hands."

Looking at Xuanyuan's vision of 'The Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng', there are countless treasures, and he is really amazed at Xuanyuan's luck in his heart. If Xuanyuan grows up, it will definitely be a major resistance to the princes of the ancient royal family. You must know that Xuanyuan is only in the realm of the sixth heaven of immortals.

The Tianyue Empress stopped in front of Xuanyuan, the "Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Map" with hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers falling in all directions, and a bright moon shining on Kyushu.

She flicked her jade fingers lightly, and her demeanor revealed a kind of detachment, not like a woman in the world, but like a celestial girl descending to earth, controlling hundreds of millions of rivers and mountains, with the moon hanging behind her head.

Dao impact, and the two ancient swords shook hard. These two ancient swords are like angry dragons against the sky, breaking everything.

Facing the suppressed mountains and rivers, he didn't have the slightest fear, but tore them apart with the supreme sword intent and fighting intent. The mountains and rivers were broken, the road stopped, the ground under his feet cracked, and countless frosts disintegrated. The vast land was torn into gullies one after another by the terrifying sword intent, thousands of feet deep, with countless lines cracking in all directions.

Countless Shang Daowei rolled, boiled, rushed, torn, and shattered.

In the end, the two ancient swords collided on a round of bright moon, and Empress Tianyue activated the "Liuyue Fighting God's Ancient Art" in her body to the extreme, fifteen times the combat power suddenly exploded, and Mingyue released the stunning silver flower, rushing straight In Jiuxiao, above the moonlight, Dao Yun flows, containing unpredictable mighty power, which forcibly shakes two ancient swords.

With a crisp sound of ding, there was a shatter on the round moon, and the two ancient swords could not help but pause, and a large part of the power of the supreme sword was lost, but the two ancient swords Still beheading Xuanyuan unscrupulously, with boundless killing power.

Empress Tianyue spat out a big mouthful of blood, which stained the white gauze on her face red, and her whole body was weak. The blow just now exhausted all her strength, and she fell from the sky.

Xuanyuan embraced Empress Tianyue, and the Qinglong essence and blood merged into her body, using the power of the "body of all transformations", to repair the wounds that Empress Tianyue suffered.

Empress Tianyue frowned, feeling the endless surge of vitality in her body, and said in a low voice: "It seems that I can only use that move, Xuanyuan, and the 'Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Map' will be handed over to Yuechan in the future."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan's heart twitched violently, and he clasped Empress Tianyue's body forcefully, before her body recovered, he whispered in her ear: "Don't worry, Empress, I haven't reached that point yet, I There is also a hole card, they may not be able to get benefits."

At the same time, on the other side, the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' and the 'Dao Crystal Dragon Seal' headed straight up, one dragon and one monument echoing each other.

Indistinctly, one can see the Taoist dragon headed by the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument', complementing each other, one monarch and one minister, attacking and killing two ancient coffins.

The four supreme Taoist objects collided together, and destructive power burst out suddenly. From the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument', a phantom of the 'Hongmeng Tiandi' manifested, but this phantom was very faint. I got the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument', but there is still no way to push this supreme Taoist weapon to the extreme, unless the spirit of the weapon inside is completely awakened and fights on its own.

Compared with the two ancient coffins, the power of the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' and the 'Dao Crystal Dragon Seal' is much weaker, after all, the gap in control is limited.

Obviously, there is a certain difference between the supreme Taoist implements activated in the hands of the ancient sages and those activated by characters in other realms.

I saw the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' and 'Dao Jinglong Seal' were blown out by the combined force of the two ancient coffins, and the old man of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and Emperor Ouyang flew out like a kite with a broken string, covered in blood , was seriously injured.

The 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' and the 'Dao Crystal Dragon Seal' became dimmed, suspended in the mid-air, and there was no owner for a while.

At this moment, two figures caught the old man and Emperor Ouyang and healed them. When the two terrifying existences of the undead were about to collect the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' and 'Dao Jinglong Seal', the other two I personally took over the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' and 'Dao Jinglong Seal'.

When these two supreme tools came into their hands, in an instant, hundreds of millions of divine lights burst out, piercing the sky and frightening the world.

The phantom of the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" in the "Fudi Tiandao Monument" became real and lifelike, as if the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" descended from the sky, his brows were full of majesty and kindness, and his eyes were like the sun and the moon, shining warmly. Lighting up his own people, his limbs are like pillars of heaven, supporting the sky from collapsing, and his body is like the earth, carrying the weight of the country. He is the holy ancestor revered by countless human races since ancient times, the 'Hongmeng Tiandi'.

At this moment, the power of the "Fudi Tiandao Monument" was urged to an extremely terrifying state, and the strong man who urged the "Fudi Tiandao Monument" came out:

"Hey, that's amazing. It's indeed the rumored 'Fudi Tiandao Monument'. I'm lucky enough to get my hands on it today. Let's use it to fight with the 'Yin Yang Emperor Coffin' of the undead royal family. Let's see what my human race 'Hongmeng Tiandi' thinks." , right and wrong can still suppress your ancient royal family!"

This person is none other than the ancient sage of the Mohist school, Mo Xuan.

The 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' was powerful enough to overwhelm all the wilderness. In ancient times, all races surrendered. The 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' derived from the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' held the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument', a large stele hand, and shot it out , This move seems to suppress the world.

The 'Yin-Yang Emperor's Coffin' collided with each other, and saw the terrifying existence of the two undead royals who were urging the 'Yin-Yang Emperor's Coffin'. Their bodies shook, and their expressions were extremely ugly. They knew that the other party was a sage and strong man who knew ancient times , and extremely strong, but with the strength of the two of them, they can still resist.

At the same time, a Daolong with a crystal-clear and icy awn glowed all over its body. Its body was tens of thousands of miles away, covering the entire sky.

From its mouth, a icy dragon arrow was blown out, smashing out, the terrifying undead being who was fighting against the 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' shivered, and hurriedly urged the ancient coffin to resist the dragon arrow.

Bang, the cold arrow hit the ancient coffin and shattered in response, like the sound of glass shattering, countless frost splashed everywhere, covering the world in all directions.

The two ancients of the undead existed for a while, only feeling that everything in their physical bodies was about to be extinct, and frantically operated the way of immortality to dissolve this supreme power that freezes and kills everything.

"Rewind, we are invincible, we need our ancestors to take action."

Mo Xuan and Mo Ying joined forces, even though they were holding different Supreme Dao Artifacts, they still had a tacit understanding and killed the enemy with one heart.

The two existences of the immortal royal family are still invincible even if they hold a pair of supreme Tao weapons. The weapons lie in the heart, not in the hands.

These words were said by the ancestors of the Mohists, and they have always kept them in mind.

On the other side, seeing that Xuanyuan and the 'Emperor Tianyue' were about to be split in half, the situation was extremely dangerous, suddenly an old man was holding the 'Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Map', and he was wearing a black robe. He had white beard and hair, and a clear face. He, with a tall and straight figure, with qi and blood rolling like the sound of thunder, rushed straight to the nine heavens with his whole body on the ancient road.

With a thought, Peng Fei, a fat man who had been reluctant to push him, flew out of the beautiful "Yin Yang Mirror" and fell into his hands. The fat man was so shocked that Peng Fei felt chills all over his body. It was his. Lifeblood.

"Wow, my Supreme Dao Artifact, it's worth a thousand knives, you can't use the big to bully the small and take away my Supreme Dao Artifact..." Peng Fei wailed as if he was dead.

"Don't worry, I won't snatch you." Mo Ma let out a vigorous laugh, "Tianyue Mountain and River Map" in one hand, and "Yin Yang Mirror" in the other.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers appeared, suspended between the sky and the earth. The mountains were like heavenly palaces, majestic, and the rivers were like ten thousand dragons, flowing endlessly. true and false.

Although he didn't practice the "Ancient Art of Flowing Moon Fighting Gods", he has activated the "Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Map" to nine times the combat power, and his killing is boundless.

On the other side, the heaven and earth are chaotic and yin and yang are born, a ray of yin and a ray of yang, the two converge, one black and one white, deriving yin and yang and two qi, life and death between the heaven and the earth, rotating.

The two mirrors are hung separately, the avenue of life and death is imminent, containing endless mysteries, reflecting the life and death of yin and yang, Mo Ma holds two supreme Taoist weapons, and hits a blow against the sky.

Lu Lei's expression was shocked. This person definitely has extremely profound attainments in the realm of ancient sages, and he is afraid that he is not far from the realm of sages.

He had no reservations, and tried his best to urge the two ancient swords to shake them head-on. However, facing Moma's sky-defying blow, the two ancient swords were first neutralized by the "Yin-Yang God Mirror", and a large part of their killing power was neutralized. Avoiding the two ancient swords working together to kill power.

After the ninth turn of the bright moon, he smashed out and knocked out two ancient swords one after another. Lu Lei staggered, his skin cracked, and countless bones in his body were broken, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

Xuanyuan, who had fallen into death, was rescued for a while. The Mohist figure was heroic, standing above the nine heavens, with the "Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Picture" hanging down, and the "Yin and Yang Mirror" in his hand. He looked coldly at the ancient royal family. The great emperors of the nine ancient clans all retreated, even if they were in charge of the Supreme Dao Artifact, they could not resist the majesty of the Mo family alone.

"My human race is inviolable. No matter how big the grievances are, you can either expose them or fight to the death to see who wins." The words of the Mo family are very clear. The existence of the three ancient sages and the five great emperors , have already touched the edge of Wengu, once the combat power erupts is extremely terrifying.

"Hmph, do you really think that there is no one in my ancient royal family?" Voices came from the distant sky.

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