Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1222 The Holy Qi Clan

The Dao sound rolled like a thunderous explosion, shocking Jiuyou.

I saw two bodies with a height of one hundred feet, they were extremely stout, and the lines of the Dao were engraved on their bodies, which was extremely mysterious.

They descended from the sky, emitting destructive power from their bodies, which made people feel palpitations instinctively.

Their physical bodies are not flesh and blood, they are as strong as Taoist tools. Xuanyuan peeped through the "eye of truth", and could not even see the flow of Qi and blood, but only saw the flow of countless ways, as well as many mysterious treasures veins.

Beside them, there was a man and a woman, two lifeless puppets, whose physical strength far surpassed theirs, and exuded an unfathomable aura.

"Swallowing Royal Family..." Emperor Ouyang's face gradually improved, and he looked forward, ready to fight.

"Tiantian Royal Clan, what kind of big clan is this?" Xuanyuan frowned and asked in his heart.

"Speaking of the Heaven Swallowing Royal Family, they are somewhat similar to you. The physique of this family, according to their strength, can devour many treasures from heaven and earth to refine and nourish their own body. It is extremely terrifying. The more they devour, as long as If they can be consumed, the physical body will become stronger. You see, those two puppets are actually the bodies of the ancestors of the 'Swallowing Clan'.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan's heart was shaken. Now that he has added a strong enemy, he is already a bit stretched, but he should be able to handle it.

"Okay, don't say anything more, listen to me." Just as the two terrifying existences of the Tuntian royal family were about to attack Xuanyuan, another figure descended from the sky. It was the Qing Minghuang from the 'Qing Mingwang Clan'. Xuanyuan never thought that he and Qing Minghuang would meet in this way.

Yiyi stood on his shoulder, waved to Xuanyuan and said hello: "Yiyi..."

The meaning is to tell Xuanyuan, don't worry, it's fine, with them here, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will definitely be safe.

Xuanyuan grinned at Yiyi, and beside him, there was the "Biluo King", who gave Xuanyuan a very resentful look. There were many words in his eyes, which made it hard to guess, so Xuanyuan fell silent.

"Emperor Qingming, what do you mean by that? Do you want to favor the 'Qinglong Holy Land'? Are you an enemy of us? You have never appeared in the 'Land of Qingming' all this time, and now you want to help the human race when you step forward?" A terrifying existence of the swallowing royal family asked.

"I don't want to favor anyone, I just think that since you want to be a middleman, you should act decisively. I know a thing or two about this. Since the Nine Primordial Clans were afraid of the power of 'swallowing the Holy Emperor' before, they voluntarily made sacrifices , and including donating dragon veins, are all promises made by them themselves, as we all know, although "swallowing the emperor" is an illusion, but my ancient royal family has always said the same thing, and now several of your royal families unite to attack a The holy land of the human race has revealed a shocking background, if you tell it, it will make the world laugh out loud." Qing Minghuang's strength has already stepped into the realm of a great emperor, but compared with the immortal existence of these ancient royal families, it is still It was a long way off, but he was fearless, looking around, with enough confidence in his heart.

The Nine Ancient Clans are very silent, the 'Qingming Royal Clan' came forward, what they say is inappropriate, the three major royal families cannot protect them forever, unless they are willing to be included in their rule, so now only the ancient sword royal family, Tun The attitude of the Heavenly Kings and the Immortal Kings is gone. If they decide not to pursue it, relying on the strength of the Nine Ancient Clans, they will have to pay a very painful price if they want to compete with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. The outcome is still in doubt. .

At the end of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the three ancient sages were able to overwhelm the audience, which was already beyond everyone's expectations. Moreover, once the supreme Taoist weapon was in their hands, it seemed as if they were all alive. Having more terrifying power before is not only a matter of strength, but more importantly, their control over Taoist artifacts is extremely subtle, and it seems that they can communicate with Taoist artifacts, which is extremely important.

"I think your 'Qingming Royal Clan' was bought by the 'Qinglong Holy Land', right?" An old immortal being from the Undead Royal Clan said coldly.

"It can also be said that Senior Qinglong has helped my 'Qingmingwang Clan' to suppress the evil gods for so many years with his deity. He has worked hard and done a lot of work, and he has done a great favor to my 'Qingmingwangclan'. I, the 'Qingmingwangclan', can't watch you join forces to attack the 'Qinglong Clan' Holy Land', don't look at anything else, just look at Senior Qinglong's face, I have to take care of it, so this matter, in my opinion, either let it go, or pass my "Qingming Royal Family" Guan, you choose one!" As soon as the voice fell, a scroll of Dao map appeared behind the 'Qing Minghuang', this is a supreme Dao weapon, almost at the moment of his appearance, the terrifying existence of all major forces His face changed.

"Zhan Dao Tu, 'Qing Minghuang', it seems that you have already made up your mind to help the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." The terrifying existence of the "Swallowing King Clan" spoke in an extremely gloomy tone, as if some kind of murderous intent was brewing.

'Zu Dao Tu' is an extremely terrifying piece of supreme Taoism. Once it is activated, it has boundless power of cutting Taoism. Once it is enveloped, all the Taoism will be cut off. "Zhan Dao Tu" was cut into a peerless Taoist weapon, the ancient emperor was cut into a mortal alive, the reason why "Land of Qingming" is called one of the nine royal families is not unreasonable .

But the current situation does not have much advantage for the "Ancient Sword Royal Family", "Swallowing Heaven Royal Family", "Immortal Royal Family" and the Nine Ancient Clans. The existence of the three sages suddenly killed by the "Qinglong Holy Land" and the The five great emperors are only one step away from understanding the existence of the Way of Asking the Ancients, which is too difficult.

Now with the addition of the 'Qing Ming Wang Clan', it will be very difficult to continue the fight, unless you want to hurt both sides.

"You can understand it this way, but I also want to help the ancient royal family. Without the deterrence of the 'Swallowing Saint Emperor', now everyone will take out the Supreme Dao Artifact at every turn. Is this really what we want to achieve? If we continue to If this continues, I'm afraid that the whole world will become devastated, everyone, remember that the purpose of your war is to achieve yourself, not to make wedding dresses for those gods who have been suppressed by you for countless years."'Qing Ming Huang' looked at the crowd and said bluntly.

"Continuing the fight will not benefit you at all. Today you can gather here to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. As long as they abandon this place and hide, they will be able to blast ten supreme Dao weapons at your ancestral land in the future." One blow, can you guard against him day and night together? Be a human being and stay on the front line. This sentence of the human race is absolutely correct. If you want to force them to death, they will not let you live."

Hearing the words of 'Qing Minghuang', many people were silent. The Nine Primordial Clans naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, but the Ancient Sword Royal Clan, Immortal Royal Clan, and Tuntian Royal Clan didn't take it seriously. They had great confidence.

Not to mention, just how big is the 'Undead Mountain', how many terrifying imperial bans, imperial forces, and imperial bureaus, it is not enough for the supreme Taoist to say that you want to attack and kill them, even if you can, there are already many undead races means to deal with the human race.

"I agree with 'Qing Minghuang'." Suddenly another figure descended from the sky. He was dressed in a Taoist armor, from top to bottom, exuding a kind of supreme dignity, like an ancient emperor, standing in mid-air , he is very young, but he represents one of the nine royal families, the Shengqi royal family.

According to legend, the ancestor of the Shengqi royal family was a unicorn beast whose strength far surpassed that of the ancient emperor. It came from another higher plane and came here by chance. In the chaos of ancient times, the fighting spirit world was extremely powerful. It can accommodate the existence of a higher level of terror, and it has become fragile after the war of chaos.

The unicorn beast intersected with a holy spirit dragon that was naturally generated by heaven and earth, so they left their blood, which is extremely noble.

And this man who descended from the sky was the son of the 'Sheng Qi Royal Family'. His blood returned to his ancestors and possessed the strongest blood of the two ancestors. Therefore, he was born with a compelling noble aura, as if he was in heaven and earth. , I am the only one who respects me.

He looked at the many ancient royal families, and said slowly: "This time, I am here on behalf of several major royal families. Their thoughts are the same as mine, to calm things down. I hope this war can be calmed down. Or use the 'swallowing the emperor' According to the method, the older generation of the royal family is not allowed to do anything to the younger generation. The grievances of the older generation and the integration of the entire big family are all left to the younger generation to resolve.

Do not use the Supreme Dao Artifact, once it is used, no matter it is the human race or the ancient royal family, we will attack it together.

The son of the 'Holy Qi Royal Family' represented the wishes of the remaining royal families, and silenced the murderous Gujian royal family, the Tiantian royal family, and the undead royal family one by one.

They weighed it up, and it is true that if they fight against the current "Qinglong Holy Land", it is not that there is no chance of winning, but that winning will be very tragic, very painful. At that time, it will really be a fight between snipe and clam, and the fisherman will benefit. Once the fierce god breaks the seal, no matter the human race or the ancient royal family will die without a place to bury them.

"Okay, then why does the 'Qinglong Holy Land' have an explanation for the Nine Ancient Clans?" Lu Lei from the Ancient Sword Royal Clan looked at Xuanyuan.

"There is no need to explain. The land they repaired with their own hands has now been beaten into a mess by myself. They want to destroy everything by themselves. No wonder I. If they don't say anything, I will give a gift to each of them. I hope everyone will be safe." It's all right, now that I've lost my face, what else do I need to explain, if I'm not happy, I'll continue to call and see, don't be so fucking arrogant and domineering towards me, I won't take this kind of thing." Xuanyuan looked at Lu Lei coldly. , fearless, he still has a greater reliance that he has not brought out.

Lu Lei's expression changed. He didn't expect Xuanyuan to be so arrogant, just a junior, but when he saw the Mo horse in front of Xuanyuan, he fell silent. He felt that the existence of the Mo family had reached the level of the ancient sages. At the peak, most people are not his opponents at all, unless they invite stronger existences from the 'Ancient Sword Royal Family', the current 'Qinglong Holy Land' is indeed a hard bone to bite.

"Okay, what a Xuanyuan, you are capable of collecting so many supreme Taoism tools." Lu Lei didn't say much, put away the two ancient swords, "Qinglong Holy Land" can have so many supreme Taoism pieces The utensils were unimaginable to those present. If there were not so many supreme Dao utensils, even if there were Mo Ma, Mo Xuan, and Mo Ying, they would be hard-working women.

"What kind of ability do I have? In the ancient times, my human race, the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', ruled over hundreds of gods and gods, and possessed hundreds of supreme Taoist artifacts, which made your ancient royal family surrender and live with us. Now I have only confiscated more than a dozen pieces, and it is still far from a hundred pieces, well, since it has been decided, please go back, I will not send it to 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Xuanyuan grinned, that is called A human and animal are harmless.

As Xuanyuan said, the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" and all the saints were an unsolvable combination in the ancient royal family at that time. The ancient gods and emperors are all praising them.

The Nine Ancient Clans took advantage of their prosperity and returned in disappointment. The Ancient Sword Royal Clan, Tuntian Royal Clan, and Immortal Royal Clan all hated their teeth itchingly.

Xuanyuan watched them leave one by one, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Xuanyuan already felt weak all over. It was the first time he faced such a terrible battle, and he hurriedly said: "Hurry up and help the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' 'The old gentleman and Ouyang Zhundi healed his wounds."

"Haha, no need, boy, they took my Mo family's healing medicine, and they will recover naturally after a while." Mo Xuan laughed heartily.

"Moh..., tens of thousands of years ago, didn't the Mohist have turned into flying ashes? It is said that no one was left alive. It is said that even the very famous Mohist son died at the hands of the villains. It was calculated by the 'Secrets'." The old man of the 'Central Province Dynasty' looked very shocked, and he still has a lot of research on these histories.

"It's nothing, nothing to be concerned about." Mo Xuan waved his hands with a sloppy look.

"Hehe, since the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is safe and sound now, let's go back first." The old man of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' knew that the other party didn't want to talk, so he didn't ask any more questions, and brought Fu Jingxuan with 'Fu Di' Tiandaobei' left.

The old woman of 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' saw that Mo Chou finally stopped crying, she smiled happily, touched Mo Chou's head, and said with a smile, "Can you go back to 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' with me now?"

"Yeah, yum, as long as Brother Xuanyuan is fine." Mo Chou looked at Xuanyuan with a smile, and was taken back by the old woman of the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'.

This time the 'Qinglong Holy Land' fought with the Nine Ancient Clans and the Three Royal Families. Although they lost a lot of property and treasures, it was not without gains. On the one hand, they showed the strength of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' to the world. On the one hand, it has reached a consensus with all parties.

That is, this battle should be handed over to the younger generation, without giving the Protoss a chance.

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