Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1227 Unlucky Man

"Why do young women from good families frequently become pregnant mysteriously? Is there another secret in the effect of this old-fashioned talisman water? It has attracted countless people to explore, but they still can't understand it."

"Is the alien race with a human head and a pig's body born of thousands of wild boars? Is it a variant of Dao, or is it related to the exciting screams hidden in the ancient temple in the middle of the night? It is worth thinking about."

"Why does the nun frequently communicate with many ancient giant beasts? Is there any hidden secret among them? All the truth will be revealed one by one when I come to Xizhou, so that the world will know all about it."

Pengfei was thinking all the way, his heart was extremely excited, his hands were dancing, his body was full of fat dangling, Xuanyuan's head was covered with black lines, he just felt very ashamed, why would he go with Pengfei, at this moment, Xuanyuan only wanted to Kick him to death.

"Damn it, fat man, if you dare to cause me any trouble, don't blame me for being disloyal, just leave you and run away. When you arrive in Xizhou, no other place, even the ancient sages of the Mohist family will be extremely jealous, let alone you!" Don't say it's you and me." Xuanyuan hated his teeth, this fat man is really a troublemaker, and now he must give a verbal warning, otherwise, I don't know what trouble he will cause when the time comes Come.

"Damn it, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Holy Master Xuanyuan, Amitabha, how can you see death not long ago? Our Buddhist sect is compassionate. In ancient times, there were ascetic monks who sacrificed their bodies to practice and cut their flesh to feed eagles. What kind of feelings do you have? There are so many treasures on my body, cut some out, and feed me, a hungry eagle, as long as I am fed, I will not cause trouble." Peng Fei looked at his expression solemnly, It seems that he is really a Buddhist monk, but his words are completely unspoken, and it is obviously extortion.

Yiyi laughed loudly, and the three of them made a fuss all the way. After crossing the Imperial Forbidden Jade Terrace several times, they finally came to the boundary of Xizhou.

Xizhou is divided into two parts, that is, the Taoist gate and the Buddhist gate.

The Taoist sect is headed by the 'Yuhua Taoist Gate', while the Buddhist gate is headed by the 'Ji Le Buddhist Temple'.

The territory of Xizhou is huge, and the Daomen occupies a land of one yuan, 129.6 million miles.

The same is true for Buddhism. The two major forces occupy a land of one yuan, blooming everywhere, and the duality confronts each other.

Xuanyuan looked around, and it seemed that his group had first arrived in the area of ​​the Taoist sect.

Blue sky and white clouds, high mountains and flowing water, rolling mountains, dense forests, scattered small towns, and many Taoist temples.

Xuanyuan and his party walked all the way, and they could see Bairi Feisheng from time to time, and saw a person who had broken through to the realm of fighting immortals, charging straight up. These people looked like they were very ordinary people in the local area. They all believe in their own different ways. Some people die, and some people survive. This is the case in practicing one way.

Many people walk between this piece of heaven and earth and feel that Taoism follows nature, and some people sit quietly in Taoist temples and meditate on themselves.

Xuanyuan opened it with the 'Eye of Reality', and saw an old Taoist, sitting cross-legged in the center of a small Taoist temple, with his five hearts facing the sky, his face was sacred, and the fairy ring behind his head radiated light, like a god.

There is a statue enshrined in the Taoist temple, which is himself. On it, a lot of power of faith has been condensed. Xuanyuan looked at the fairy ring behind his head and suddenly realized that it was the same as the fairy ring behind Wuyang's head.

It's just that this old way is two times worse than Wuyang's. Wuyang has already condensed the eight immortal rings, which is extremely powerful. Power, mixed and impure, flawed, even if Wuyang condensed it to the nine immortal rings, but the incomplete way of faith, if Wuyang really convinced countless people to believe in him, and condensed the eight immortal rings, Xuanyuan would not be able to. Dare not confront him head-on.

And although there are only six fairy rings behind this old Daoist's head, each of them is extremely pure. In this place, there are thousands of ways, and people believe in it, and Taoism is natural and unrestrained. It is extremely profound and difficult to control. On the contrary, Wuyang is believed by the people of the Li people. They have nothing to rely on and their own strength is not high.

Xuanyuan, Pengfei, Yiyi, the three walk together, and they can feel the mystery of this piece of heaven and earth all the time.

Peng Fei looked at this piece of world, with a strange look on his face, and muttered: "My Daoist is finally back."

"Huh? Fatty, are you from the Daoist sect? No wonder you call yourself the master of the Daoist sect. Tell us about your life in the Daoist sect. What kind of place is this place? It's like looking at flowers in the fog, looking at flowers in the mirror, it's not real." Xuanyuan was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Peng Fei really came from the Taoist school, so he naturally wanted to know more about everything in the Taoist school.

"Yi..." Yiyi nodded, expressing that she wanted to hear it too.

"Forget it, whoever asked me to stand up with you guys, let me tell you." Peng Fei sighed, and said: "I was born in a small town on the border of Daomen, called Baiyun Town. There are two to three hundred thousand people. Outside the town, there is a Taoist temple named Baiyun Taoist Temple. Eliminating disasters and solving difficulties, practicing medicine to help the world, and helping people build foundations and practice, are quite good."

"That's very good." Xuanyuan responded.

"Shut up and listen to me." Peng Fei had a look of unbearable memories of the past, and that pig-like face had a bright and sad expression on it. He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Just now One day, in this Baiyun town, an ancient emperor who had never been seen before and who will never come after was born. It was me, and so was Pengfei. Various strange phenomena appeared in the world, which alarmed the white cloud crown The old Taoist, he saw that I was very talented, and I was a rare Taoist wizard who was rarely seen in a million years. He was jealous and wanted to take me away, telling the whole Baiyun Town that I was an ominous person , will inevitably bring great calamity to Baiyun Town, so take me away."

Xuanyuan was silent, this dead fat man really had such an unknown past, his big watery eyes were full of pity when he heard it.

"At that time, my biological mother was extremely weak after giving birth to me. After the old Taoist took me away, the blow to her was even greater. Countless people in Baiyun Town scolded my biological mother and biological father as a villain. I came to kill everyone, although they didn't do anything, they scolded my mother to death, and my father was accused by thousands of people, and couldn't bear their words, so he committed suicide and died with my mother." Having said that, Peng Fei clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turned white, wishing he could kill all the people in Baiyun Town. This group of foolish people forced their parents to death like this. I have never experienced the hatred in my heart. All these people cannot feel.

"On that day, the old Taoist took me back to Baiyun Taoist Temple, wanting to draw out the supreme soul of my Daoist master and refine my supreme Dao body. Fortunately, the Daoist master has the mercy of the heavens, has the Daoist body protection, and has the supreme Dao style. Sweeping towards him, he took away the Taoist master. Because of the evil thoughts in his heart, the old Taoist mutated, black hair grew all over his body, and he went crazy. During that time, two or three hundred thousand Limin people were all killed by him, and their bodies were covered with dead bodies. He buried my parents with his own hands, and finally knelt and died in front of my parents' grave."

"Then you are quite ominous. You let your parents die as soon as you were born, and then let the two to three hundred thousand people of Limin in Baiyun Town die, so you are right." Xuanyuan grinned and hit Pengfei .

"Your uncle, my Daoist will fight with you." Peng Fei was about to duel with Xuanyuan, dangling his body full of fat.

"It's more timid to be close to the hometown. It must be not far from Baiyun Town, right? Let's go and offer incense to uncles and aunts?" Xuanyuan ignored Peng Fei's screams and said in a serious voice.

"Yi..." Yiyi nodded and agreed.

Peng Fei shrugged his shoulders and said: "This is what you want to offer incense to them, I didn't force you to go."

All his life, Pengfei has a surly nature, he can't make many friends, and few people are willing to make friends with him.

So he walked between the tombs of the dead day and night, dealing with the dead in the Fengshui cemetery. Even though he had some like-minded friends who had attainments in Fengshui thaumaturgy before, he turned against each other because of the objects in the tomb, and almost died a few times. Since then, he has only believed in himself.

In fact, Peng Fei also understands that if he is really as he said, a rare cultivation genius who is rare in a million years, he will be like a sweet potato being held in his arms. Just an ominous person.

It was a lucky thing for Peng Fei to meet Xuanyuan. Unlike the people he met before, Xuanyuan was stalking his back and trying to kill him. Xuanyuan wanted to blackmail him. They all slandered him naked in front of their faces, which made Pengfei feel more comfortable. At least Xuanyuan really treated him as a friend all the time.

Especially to be able to give him the scepter of the 'Yin-Yang God Mirror' and the Yin Mirror, how much trust is needed, knowing how terrible the destructive power of a supreme Taoist weapon is, Xuanyuan doesn't even care about the younger generation, whether He will overwhelm himself because he possesses the Supreme Dao Artifact, and he will have reservations about him, hiding his shadow.

Originally Xuanyuan had a Yin mirror on his body, how could Peng Fei not know, but in the end Xuanyuan really gave him the Yin mirror, which made Peng Fei thank Xuanyuan for his trust in him from the bottom of his heart, so he spared no effort to kill Taikoo The Nine Clans kept arresting the dragon veins, and blessed the "Qinglong Holy Land", but they did not expect to attract a catastrophe. They were indeed an ominous person. Fortunately, Xuanyuan did not have the idea of ​​handing him over. They fought to the end for the sake of the "Qinglong Holy Land" Killed a future.

Now, in Xuanyuan's capacity, he actually made a request to pay homage to his biological father and mother, which made Pengfei feel very uncomfortable.

Under the leadership of Peng Fei, Xuanyuan and Yiyi came to the place where Baiyun Town was located more than 20 years ago.

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