Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1228 Black Shadow

Baiyun Town.

With ruined walls and broken roads, more than 20 years later, this place is still a dead place, and no one cares about it.

This place is ominous, the feng shui is extremely vicious, one day changes, hundreds of thousands of souls died unexpectedly, attracting countless powerful Taoists to come to investigate, and finally turned into a sigh, even if this place is empty, no one is willing to come here to build a new Taoist temple .

In the middle of the sky, Xuanyuan looked at an extremely dilapidated Taoist temple on a hill not far away. At its peak, he and Peng Fei glanced at each other, and then walked towards the Taoist temple.

It has been a long time since no one has paid attention to it. The dead ancient trees, dilapidated gates, and walls blown down by wind and rain are all dilapidated.

In the main hall of the Taoist temple, the giant beams of the roof began to rot, and many cracks appeared on it. In the main hall, there was a layer of dust on the ground, and spider webs hung one after another. Many cracks appeared on a dilapidated Taoist statue.

Here, Xuanyuan can't see anything special, it's very simple, it's just a dead place, dead to the point of death, there is no trace of human breath at all.

"It seems that this place has been completely abandoned."

Xuanyuan had sharp eyes, looking at the ground, there were a few black hairs, the moment he picked them up, the black hairs were shattered, presumably this is what Peng Fei said, what was left by the old Taoist who had undergone a change.

Pengfei's emotions are also very complicated, and now he just stands quietly.

Just as Xuanyuan and Pengfei were looking at everything here, suddenly, a black shadow passed by at an extremely fast speed.

Everyone's heart trembled, their whole body was cold, their hairs stood on end, and they screamed, and the avenue fell down, protecting everyone.

"Did you feel it? Fatty." Xuanyuan's expression was serious, that black shadow was moving extremely fast, based on his own perception, he hadn't even felt his existence before, it appeared suddenly.

Peng Fei felt numb all over, and involuntarily got goosebumps all over his body, and said: "Damn, it's too scary. With such a keen perception of my master, I didn't feel anything just now."

Yiyi's white hair stood on end, and he was extremely vigilant. Xuanyuan calmed down and said in a heavy voice, "Go, this place is ominous. After offering incense to uncles and aunts, we will leave here and don't stay for long."

The feng shui pattern here is fierce and evil, or disasters from heaven, or killing from the earth, both. This place is a change in feng shui. Now both Pengfei and Xuanyuan have a certain understanding of "Feng Shui Ancient Magic" Accomplished, one can naturally see the danger of this place, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time. This is not much different from entering the ancient tomb of an ancient sage.

It is also for this reason that for so many years, no one dared to attack Baiyun Town, unless they wanted to seek their own death.

When Xuanyuan, Yiyi, and Pengfei withdrew from the Taoist temple, they felt relaxed for no reason, and the sense of crisis just now completely disappeared.

Even so, Xuanyuan became more vigilant in his heart: "Old man, have you sensed the direction of that black shadow just now? The safer you feel, the more dangerous it is."

"I can't sense it, it's very strange, I don't know what's going on, there is an existence that can escape my perception method, boy, you must be careful, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even know how you died." The greedy old man also Be extremely cautious, the other party must be some special existence, otherwise, with your own means, you won't even be able to sense its position.

Yiyi stood on Xuanyuan's shoulder, patted his little heart, just now, he was quite frightened.

Not only Yiyi, but also Xuanyuan and Pengfei. They are all masters who are not afraid of anything, but when they entered the Taoist temple, they didn’t feel anything. A black shadow passed by, the instant appearance made them unable to react in time. If it was an enemy attack, they would probably die.

For people who have cultivated to their level, they naturally feel extremely dangerous, and they are extremely afraid in their hearts.

After leaving the Baiyun Taoist Temple, Xuanyuan and his party entered Baiyun Town and did not plan to stay here for a long time.

In Baiyun Town, the resentment is soaring, the kind of hatred before they die, they are all resenting Pengfei's parents before they die, if there is no them, it will not bring them bad luck, they will not They will die, they die extremely unwillingly, and the great resentment lingers and lingers, flooding this land.

Baiyun Town is full of dead bones, no one buries their corpses, they are left to rot, and some of them even turned into corpses, because of the vicious feng shui influence of this place, some of the existences came back to life in the form of zombies.

They are muddled and no longer human. During the day, they hide in the haze, and at night, they swallow the essence of the stars and the moon.

These are all seen by Xuanyuan through the "Eye of Reality", and many zombies are hiding in the houses.

Pengfei's yin and yang eyes can naturally see all of this. Although Pengfei used to hate these people very much, after these people died, it was difficult for them to survive and turned into zombies, so he didn't want to worry too much about it.

According to Peng Fei, his parents were buried in the center of Baiyun Town, and Xuanyuan and his party rushed there.

When they arrived at the center of Baiyun Town, Peng Fei's face was pale, even Xuanyuan couldn't help but frown, clenched his fists, and let out a low moan.

Peng Fei was right. His parents were buried in the center of Baiyun Town. In front of the grave, there was also a kneeling human and beast covered in black hair. It was motionless and lifeless. It was obviously dead. for a long time.

It's just that the pair of graves have been dug up, and the corpses inside have disappeared.

Peng Fei was so angry that he trembled all over: "What's going on, how could it be like this, when I came back to see it last time, it was still fine."

All his life, he had been the only one who dug other people's ancestral graves, but he never thought that his own ancestral graves would also be dug up.

"Don't worry." Xuanyuan grabbed Pengfei, looked at the feng shui layout of this piece of heaven and earth with the "eye of truth", and felt something in his heart.

Here, the law of heaven is vicious, and the earth is murderous. It is an extremely vicious place, with many ominous omens.

"Maybe I know what happened." Xuanyuan's emotions were very complicated, and he could understand Pengfei's feelings very well.

Peng Fei looked at Xuanyuan and said in a heavy voice, "Say it quickly."

Xuanyuan took Peng Fei straight up to the Nine Heavens, and said in a heavy voice: "Maybe it will be clearer if you look at the Nine Heavens."

The three soared to the sky thousands of miles away.

When they were in the sky, looking down at the feng shui pattern of the entire Baiyun Town and Baiyun Taoist Temple, Peng Fei's expression changed drastically: "How could this happen? I never found out that it turned out to be such a dangerous feng shui situation."

"The way of heaven is evil, and the way of death is pervasive. Everything has a causal relationship. The place where your parents are buried is the evil eye of heaven and the eye of earth, which coincide with yin and yang. Now someone has opened the grave. Your parents will turn into murderous corpses in the future, because their obsessions persisted before they died, and they cared about you wholeheartedly. It is often the corpse transformation that occurs in this situation, which is even more terrifying." Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice, originally thinking that it would be for Peng Fei It's just a trivial matter to offer incense to my parents, and I just leave when I pass by. I didn't expect that the situation that has been triggered now is even more complicated and confusing.

"I don't care. I must find my parents' bodies. I buried them here before because I didn't find a place that satisfies me. I came here this time just to bury my parents." Go to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Peng Fei's face turned pale, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead, even though he was startled and kept saying that he wanted to run away when facing the Supreme Dao Artifact, Xuanyuan had never seen him So panicked from the bottom of my heart.

Humans have weaknesses, and they all have their most vulnerable parts. Peng Fei must have felt sorry for his parents the most in his life. After giving birth to him, he was said to be an evil spirit, an ominous person, and his mother was raped. People scolded him to death, but his father was forced to commit suicide. Before he died, his obsession persisted and he was thinking about it.

When Pengfei came to worship in the past, he could feel the call of his parents if there was anything. This is the greatest warmth in his heart for so many years.

"Don't worry, Yiyi, I know that you are very proficient in the means of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, you can restore it, what happened here." Xuanyuan looked at Yiyi, as the youngest son of the 'Qingming God Emperor', Inheriting his purest blood, born with affinity with the Dao, and controlling the Dao of Heaven and Earth for his own use, is remarkable.

Yiyi nodded, while the little hands and feet were waving and stamping, the avenue fell down, condensing into a mirror, and began to evolve everything that happened in the grave of Pengfei's parents.

Rao Yiyi, the attainment of the Dao of Heaven and Earth still cannot be clearly deduced, and countless Dao's are combined.

The picture begins to take shape.

Both Xuanyuan and Pengfei stared closely at the Dao Dao restoration mirror. Suddenly, they saw a black shadow coming to the grave of his parents. They didn't know what method they were using. Xuanyuan's expression changed, and he was startled. road:

"Could it be him, the black shadow just now, who is he!"

That black shadow couldn't be seen clearly at all, Peng Fei's body trembled involuntarily, suddenly, this black shadow grinned, showing a mouthful of blood-colored fangs, facing Xuanyuan, making people creepy, the road mirror was broken, babbling He let out a loud cry, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and was injured, Xuanyuan hurriedly blended the Qinglong essence blood into Yiyi's body to heal Yiyi: "It's okay, Yiyi..."

"Yi..." Yiyi blamed himself a little, saying that he didn't help and caused everyone trouble.

Peng Fei clenched his fists tightly, and he was terrified: "Hanging down the evil way in the sky, penetrating the killing way in the ground, secretly cooperating with yin and yang, washing with resentment aura, watering with the blood of thousands of people, nourishing with the power of heaven and earth, it turned out to be such a feng shui overall situation. "

In Peng Fei's mind, he suddenly remembered the records in many ancient books. The Feng Shui master was a bit ominous. He had robbed too many tombs in his life, and everything had a cause and effect.

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