Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1229 Yao Guang

"Cause and effect..." Peng Fei's expression was cloudy and uncertain. It was the first time Xuanyuan saw Peng Fei expressing such emotions, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Don't worry, it's okay, everything will pass." Xuanyuan comforted Pengfei.

"You don't need to comfort me, it's just that I have committed more crimes than you, so I encountered it earlier than you, and you will encounter the same thing in the future." The emotions on Peng Fei's face were swept away, and he smiled cheaply , showing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, looking at Xuanyuan.

"It's none of my business." Seeing that Peng Fei had returned to his humble appearance, Xuanyuan didn't care.

"Have you ever heard of the ominous old age of stone bettors and Fengshui masters?" Peng Fei looked at Xuanyuan and said in a heavy voice: "Those who practice power will inevitably unravel stones and kill the spirits in the stones. They can breed so many years. They are all the darlings of the gods. In the dark, they have already planted the unsolvable killing catastrophe in their hits, and the feng shui masters are the same. They set up the overall situation of the world, change the world, capture the dragon's veins, and dig graves, which will affect themselves every moment. This terrible situation in front of me has something to do with my Daoist, that's all, Daoist's life is not so easy to take, I want to see what will happen next, and break it one by one."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan also fell silent. He also knew about these things, but he never expected that Peng Fei's unfortunate old age would come so quickly. It seems that Peng Fei is not old yet, right? Obviously, Peng Fei has already responded to the robbery at the beginning. If the robbery is over, he will live, but if he fails, he will die. The cause and effect that Pengfei said just now has clearly seen through the relationship between them, and his heart is relieved.

Xuanyuan originally thought that this catastrophe would be similar to the thunder catastrophe, but he never thought that it would be this kind of causal catastrophe, which was more difficult to deal with than the thunder catastrophe. As for where the catastrophe came from, there was nowhere to find it.

"Who could that black shadow be?" This is the most puzzling part of Xuanyuan's heart, why would he attack Peng Fei's parents' bones? That kind of aura makes people fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"How does this Daoist know? This Daoist will definitely drag him out, smash his bones into pieces, and turn him into a corpse puppet. He will use his mouth as a chamber pot every day to piss and shit." Peng Fei looked fierce, Obviously touching his parents' bones had already touched his bottom line.

"Then it's useless to want to worship now, what are you going to do next, track down the whereabouts of that black shadow?" Xuanyuan touched Yiyi who had recovered from his injury, and looked at Pengfei.

"Fart, that kind of thing that doesn't know whether it's a human or a ghost, how could it be tracked down by us? If it is a simple existence, we won't even know that he is hiding by our side. What should we do? Until he appears, I believe that if we don't look for him, he will come to us, you have to be careful, I am an ominous person, and being with me may cause unreasonable disasters." Peng Fei grinned, cheap Show your face.

"Well, if that's the case, let's count where we go. Anyway, I don't have any acquaintances here in Xizhou, so I don't know where to go." Xuanyuan shrugged, saying that he didn't care about Peng Fei, an ominous person, because He has encountered too many, and this is not bad, and he is relieved to see Peng Fei recovering.

"Is this little guy okay?" Peng Fei looked at Yiyi.

Yiyi stretched his teeth and claws on Xuanyuan's shoulders, stepped on the avenue of heaven and earth, and called out cheerfully: "Yi——"

"Don't worry, Yiyi's bloodline is very noble, young son of the God Emperor, you thought it was you, an ominous person." Xuanyuan hit Pengfei with a sentence.

"Damn it, my Daoist is born with Dao bone, and he is a rare Taoist wizard once in a million years, what a fart you know." Peng Fei blatantly said that Xuanyuanniao didn't like him.

Xuanyuan and Pengfei left Baiyun Town yiyi, and just as they were leaving, beside the grave where his parents were, a black figure suddenly appeared again, with a gray light in his eyes, and he grinned ferociously A mouthful of scarlet fangs made people horrified, and suddenly a more terrifying murderous aura rose into the sky from the tomb where his parents were.

"Five million miles to the west, there is a big city named Yaoguang. It is the main city of a Taoist holy land and a place where many practitioners gather. Go and inquire and see if there is anything interesting. Let's go Join in the fun, anyway, I have nothing to do." Peng Fei knew more or less about Taoism, so he showed Xuanyuan the way.

"I think you want to find out if there is any ancient tomb of a great Taoist sage that you want to visit." Xuanyuan raised his middle finger at Peng Fei with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

"Hehe, it's good to know, I just don't believe in cause and effect, what should be dug, what should be dug, whether it will be robbed or not, let's talk about it when it comes, whether it will die or not, Daoist I will decide." Peng Fei said Lao Tzu is number one in the world and looks fearless.

Xuanyuan Youyou sighed softly, and didn't say anything more, this fat man is really fearless.

Five hours later, Peng Fei and Xuanyuan came to Yaoguang City.

Yaoguang City is the main city of Yaoguang Holy Land, just like "Xuanyuan City" in "Qinglong Holy Land".

This big city, not to mention how majestic and imposing, gives people the feeling of simplicity and vicissitudes. The years of existence will not be much later than the "Fudi City" of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty", and the whole body is nine days above. It is tempered from stars and meteorites. At night, the city glows faintly with starlight, illuminating the surrounding world, and echoing the Yaoguang stars above the nine heavens. There is an inscription of the Taoist Emperor hidden deep inside the city. Once the city is activated, there will be The prestige can block the attack of the supreme Taoist weapon.

In the city, there is a lot of traffic and people come and go. There are old roads riding white cranes, and there are heroic young men riding ancient beasts. Here, many ferocious ancient beasts and strange beasts can be seen everywhere. They are all in peace with each other. In Guangcheng, no one dares to provoke and make trouble here.

Yaoguang City naturally has its own rules, and outsiders cannot tolerate contempt.

At this moment, the night had already fallen, looking at the shining Yaoguang City, Xuanyuan exclaimed in his heart: "The one who built this city must have great supernatural powers."

"In the ancient times, there was a big force in Taoism called Beidou, and Yaoguang was one of them. With the changes of the years, now Beidou is divided into seven parts and scattered in seven directions. It is the seven holy places of Taoism. Although they occupy Its territory is not vast, but its influence in the Taoist sect is quite astonishing." The greedy old man popularized Xuanyuan, and among the Taoist sects, they are not of the same heart and mind, and various Taoisms have different schools. Similarly, the one like Zui Guchen is rather weird, and the 'Taishang Wangqing Cult' belongs to an extremely partial branch of the 'Yuhua Daomen'.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go into the city." Peng Fei looked at the bright moon and the stars in the sky, gritted his teeth, and said in his heart: "It's a blessing or a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. People are dead and their eggs are in the sky, Daoist!" I'm going all out."

A group of people came to Yaoguang City, Xuanyuan, Pengfei, and Yiyi all concealed the power hidden in their blood. This combination is very common, but Yiyi looks really cute, and some of them will attract people. The attention of some women.

"That little white beast is so cute, what kind of alien is it?"

"It would be nice if I could touch it in my arms and play with it."

"It's a pity that this little white beast followed such an ordinary man and such an ugly fat man. It's a waste of money."

Hearing this, Peng Fei said with envy and tears streaming down his face: "It would be great if I were this little guy. He is naturally lovable. Damn it. My Daoist is born with a strong character, which is rare in a million years." Daoist wizards, their eyesight is clumsy, and they can't see the extraordinaryness of this Daoist..."

Xuanyuan touched his nose, expressing that he didn't care, scattered his perception between heaven and earth, and listened to the focus of people's discussion in Yaoguang City.

"Have you heard? In Zhongzhou, a holy land suddenly rose up, named 'Qinglong Holy Land', and its founder was Xuanyuan, the inheritor of the 'Emperor Devourer' who ruled the world tens of thousands of years ago."

"That's amazing. I've also heard that the Nine Ancient Clans and the three Three Ancient Royal Clans attacked the 'Qinglong Holy Land' at the same time, but they could only retreat in the end. This shows how terrifying this powerful force is."

"Forget it, these are too far away from us, just listen to it. Speaking of the nine ancient royal families, in these days, it is said that there will be an emperor from the 'Blood King' descending on this city. A big storm is coming."

"Why, could it be that Lord Yaoguang's birthday, and their 'Blood Royal Family' are also coming to join in the fun, to draw closer the relationship between the two major forces. You must know that Taoism and the Primordial Royal Family are all in peace."

"That's not true. According to legend, a branch of the 'Yu Hua Dao Sect', the inheritor of the Taishang Wangqing Sect, deceived the feelings of the little princess of the 'Blood Tyrant Clan'. Now the little princess of the 'Blood Tyrant Royal Clan' is living and dying, the emperor Naturally, I feel very distressed, and I want to let out a big sigh of relief for my sister, so I don't want to chase here."

"It seems that Yaoguang City is going to be troubled again."

When Xuanyuan heard this, he couldn't help but feel black lines all over his head, why did this kind of thing happen to him, Zui Guchen dared to provoke even the little princesses of the nine ancient royal families.

"Three Thousand Red Dust Forgetting Love Jue" is the non-transmission method taught by Taishang Wangqing. Its cultivation method is extremely difficult. It is to fall in love with every talented woman, temper yourself with their love threads, and condense the wisdom sword. Seemingly sentient but ruthless, seemingly ruthless but affectionate, is to forget love.

Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing are two life treasures, they are completely opposite. Tian Youqing doesn't want the other party's feelings, but only the other party's body, while Zui Guchen only wants the other party's feelings, not the other party's body. Not yet known, but the fact is that they all caused a lot of trouble and gnashed their teeth for many people.

Speaking of women, compared to the two of them, Xuanyuan sighed.

Peng Fei also looked at Xuanyuan with a strange face, and said: "I said, why is there something about you everywhere, you people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are really amazing, causing trouble everywhere, and now a Zuiguchen even 'tyrant' Even the little princesses of the blood royal family dare to provoke you, this time, I'm afraid you will be the first and the second."

Xuanyuan sighed: "Let's see and talk."

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