Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1230 Ba Ji

The woman in the golden Taoist armor is heroic, her physique is extremely domineering, her body is full of qi and blood, and her murderous power is boiling. It is not something that Xuanyuan can beat now. From Xuanyuan's feeling, she can be compared with Lu Chen that day, at least He is also the existence of the pinnacle of the sages, and his strength is terrifying. At this moment, he is not an opponent.

Xuanyuan has more or less guessed her identity, while Pengfei's eyes are twitching, he always feels that the woman in front of him doesn't like him very much, and he panics for no reason.

Just when the two women were about to go upstairs, the strong woman took a look at Yiyi and said to the middle-aged Taoist: "It's best to let them pass, they are also not something you can afford in Yaoguang Holy Land of."

As soon as the words fell, she went straight upstairs. Among the ancient royal family, everyone knew the form of the youngest son of the 'Qingming God Emperor'.

The 'Qingminghuang' will take Yiyi to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. As we all know, among the ancient royal families, Pengfei, a dead fat man, is already notorious. His appearance is known by countless people. Pengfei has been wanted by the ancient nine clans. Yes, once a friend's head is exchanged, there will be an extremely fat return, and she also knows it. As for the other one, it should be the legendary 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', Xuanyuan.

She was looking forward to fighting Xuanyuan on the second floor to see what level his strength had reached.

"How about it, are you going to let us in now? What do you mean? Who are the idlers waiting?" Peng Fei said in a shrill voice with a strange expression.

The middle-aged Taoist looked at Yiyi, turned a deaf ear to Pengfei's arrogant yelling gesture, did not say anything, stretched out his hand and said: "Please."

Peng Fei grinned, showing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, dangling fat all over his body, shaking his legs and going upstairs, that was called arrogant, and yelled at the people in the living room: "You A group of idiots, how about it, let your eyes be blown away. I am an innate Daoist, but a rare Taoist wizard who is rare in a million years. You people with poor eyesight can't see it. Look at his momentum, his identity, and his strength. Good eyesight, learn more, or I’m afraid you won’t even know how you died in the future.”

Many people in the living room were scolded and depressed, but they didn't expect that this fat man had a great status.

They had already guessed who the woman was.

She is definitely the emperor daughter of one of the nine ancient royal families, the "Blood Tyrant Clan", and the other is the little princess of the "Blood Tyrant Royal Clan".

It has been rumored for a long time that the emperor and daughter of the 'Blood Blood Royal Family' is about to come to Yaoguang City, but I didn't expect it to come so soon.

"'Ba Gu Battle Body', this level of power is really terrifying. In the same realm, I just felt that I was greatly suppressed. I didn't even have the slightest ability to resist when I faced her. With a flick of my finger, she could could kill me."

"That's right, it's no wonder that the 'Blood Blood Royal Clan' became one of the Nine Great Royal Clans in the ancient times. You can get a glimpse of one or two of them when you see the Empress. It's too scary and too domineering."

"It's just who is that fat man? He has a very high status. It's from the mouth of the queen of the 'tyrannical blood royal family'. There should be no falsehood."

"I don't know, anyway, this time, there should be a good show, but it's a pity that I can't see it."

Xuanyuan listened to the whispers of the crowd, and walked up with Yiyi, "Ba Gu Battle Physique", these four words are very imposing, the Domineering Primordial Physique, although a bit exaggerated, has gradually become terrifying in combat power.

On the second floor of Yaoguangtian, there are pavilions and pavilions. Here, it seems to have entered the void universe.

As if entering the Tianmen headquarters of 'Samsara', a series of suspended star stones are suspended, forming a star path around it.

The difference is that this place is not that big, and the surrounding pavilions are all empty.

In the center, there is a huge pavilion, the whole body is made of 'Tianyu Xingsha', engraved with countless exquisite prohibition lines, comparable to the imperial prohibition, extremely strong, and can resist the supreme power.

'Ba Gu Battle Body', the emperor and daughter of the 'Ba Blood Royal Clan', Ba Ji Da Ma Jin Dao walked towards the pavilion in the center, followed by his sister.

Then came Xuanyuan and others, the Taoist who guarded the gate of the pavilion did not dare to stop them and let them go in.

Inside the pavilion.

Here is another scene. Here, there are high mountains and flowing water, small bridges and old trees, and the ground is paved with white jade, reflecting the stars. It is a special taste to be in it.

Above the nine heavens, the stars are falling, and the rivers of stars are flowing, converging in the sky, bright and bright, and figures of saints and saints, occupying the tops of the mountains, seem to be talking about something.

Seeing Ba Ji walking in, many holy sons and saints frowned or looked puzzled, Ba Ji looked at them, and only said: "Who do you know about the 'Tai Shang Wang Qing Sect'?" Inheritor, where is Zui Guchen?"

Everyone looked at each other, knowing that the person who came was of extraordinary strength, belonged to the younger generation, and had a domineering physique. No one wanted to be an enemy to him.

They more or less heard some news, so they also guessed Ba Ji's identity, and they answered truthfully one by one.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it. This person has not walked in the Taoist gate all year round. We have no intersection with him." This is the answer of many saints and saints.

When Xuanyuan, Pengfei and Yiyi walked in, Ba Ji turned around, looked at Xuanyuan, and said in a heavy voice, "Where is he?"

Xuanyuan smiled wryly, this was within his expectations: "I don't know either, but I think feelings are a matter between two people, and it's probably inappropriate for the bully girl to intervene? Why don't we just let the two of them to solve."

"Hmph, what's inappropriate, you humans are full of heartbreakers. My little sister has a deep love for him, but in the end it just became a tool for his cultivation. If you don't want it, you don't want it, and you don't care about my little sister's life or death." Ba Ji Extremely furious, he looked at Xuanyuan and said in a heavy voice: "He has a lot to do with you, you really don't know where he is?"

"I was afraid that his head was in a different place, so I was looking for Miss Ba to resolve this grievance. If I knew where he was, I would take him back to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. Why would he hang around here?" Xuanyuan Knowing that Zui Guchen was at fault this time, what is wrong with playing, he has to play with other people's feelings, because everyone has a temper, not to mention that the ancient royal family, which has always been tyrannical, deserves to be chased and killed.

"Joke, defuse, how do you want to defuse it?" Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan, her eyes were full of sharpness, her fighting spirit soared, and her pressure was rolling. Fortunately, Xuanyuan, Pengfei, and Yiyi were all different types. Otherwise, he would have been crushed to the ground by her aura long ago.

"Is it enough for a peerless Taoist artifact?" Xuanyuan looked at Ba Ji sincerely. Zui Guchen and the 'Qinglongmen' lived and died together, not to mention anything else, just this one, Xuanyuan felt Peerless Taoist is worth it.

"It's really a big deal. You can actually give a superb Taoist weapon for such a philandering man. I can see your sincerity, but I'm the 'Blood King' and I won't let him go. Don't worry, I won't let him go." Let him die, at most let him become a eunuch in your human race, let him confess in front of my little sister day and night." Ba Ji is extremely powerful, and she is approaching Xuanyuan, and she completely suppresses her level and realm. In the realm of the sixth heaven of immortals, he said in a heavy voice:

"Come on, I want to fight with you."

As soon as the words fell, her golden silk hand was like a sharp sword, and she took it straight towards Xuanyuan's neck. This move was as fast as lightning, Xuanyuan frowned, and reacted very quickly. The physical bodies shook together, and the majestic energy and blood collided together, like a sea of ​​thunder roaring, deafening, both of them took a few steps back.

"Okay, it's really powerful." Ba Ji collided with Xuanyuan with pure physical strength, and she could tell a thing or two.

Pengfei and Yiyifei retreated, knowing that Ba Ji was on par with Xuanyuan, otherwise they would not have suppressed their realm.

I saw Ba Ji raised her hands, and instantly a big sun was hugged between her hands, and the boundless battle was rolling, but she hugged the sun and the moon and smashed it towards Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan drew the gourd in the same way, feeling Ba Ji's boundless fighting spirit, he also embraced a big sun, the difference is that in this round of big sun, there is the power of the two-color lotus fire and the real sun fire, There is also a phantom of the Golden Crow hidden in it.

"Myriad tactics!"

The two rounds of scorching sun collided together, shaking thunder in all directions, and the eyes of the holy sons and saints of the Big Dipper Seven Sects watched with scorching heat. It is really rare that the sixth heaven of heaven can erupt such terrifying combat power.

Xuanyuan looked at Ba Ji, and said: "I don't want to fight you here, you can't be my opponent when you suppress the realm of the sixth heaven of immortality, invincible at the same level, no one in the world can compare."

When Xuanyuan said this sentence, the confidence overflowing was genuine.

Ba Ji was silent for a moment, her eyes were burning hot, she was looking forward to Xuanyuan's growth, and said: "Not everyone who fights with you will suppress their own realm, in the process of cultivation, the rapid improvement of realm is also a manifestation of strength, Your physique is born to be extremely slow, this is a defect, with the means I used in my heyday, I only need one finger to kill you."

As soon as the words fell, Ba Ji's strength returned to its peak state again, and she turned around to leave. Xuanyuan looked at Ba Ji and said in a heavy voice:

"Girl Ba, if you catch that guy Guchen, don't hurt him first, I will let him have a good explanation to Lingmei. Physical injuries are easy to heal, but emotional injuries are hard to heal. Lingmei fell into it." I can't extricate myself, I'm afraid I can't let go now, if you kill him, my sister will be hurt forever."

"Hmph, time will heal everything. All heartless men and lovers in the world should be killed." After Ba Ji responded, she took her sister and left. Helpless, Zui Guchen is really too much.

'Ba Gu Battle Body', Ba Ji left just like that, this woman is extremely proud, she doesn't bother to fight with highs and lows, and she is here to fight against Xuanyuan, she just wants to find Zui Guchen and give her sister a sigh of relief, Xuanyuan feels Get it, Ba Ji will definitely be his big opponent in the future.

In this pavilion, the sons and daughters of the Big Dipper all looked at Xuanyuan and Pengfei.

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