Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1235 Lingering Soul

(Chapter 2, 4000 words, just take it easy today.)

"The old Holy Master Yaoguang has a high character, and the younger generation admires him." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and bowed his hands in salute.

"Where, the 'Son of Yaoguang' did such a thing and almost murdered the emperor of the 'Qingming Royal Clan'. I feel uneasy. I hope that this matter can be exposed so that it does not affect the relationship between you and me." Good." The old Holy Master Yaoguang smiled flatly, and the power contained in his words made people feel peaceful for no reason.

Yiyi actually didn’t want to pursue it very much, so it didn’t matter. It was just that he felt more angry at first. Peng Fei, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic and wanted to make things worse, heard the old Holy Master Yaoguang just now. No more to say.

"It's easy to say, we are magnanimous, and we don't care about a small-minded villain. If the 'Yaoguang Holy Land' can have an old holy master like senior, why not be more prosperous." Peng Fei smiled brightly, very happy It was rare for Xuanyuan to say a good word, and Xuanyuan felt a little surprised. People like the old Holy Master Yaoguang are indeed respectable, can distinguish right from wrong, and are full of wisdom.

"Okay, since the matter has been satisfactorily resolved, let's take our leave first." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and bowed his hands to the group of people.

"Don't worry, if you are willing to give me face, why don't you choose one of the gifts from all the guests after my birthday is over, and use it as compensation for the emperor who sent the jade platform, otherwise, the old man I feel uneasy." The old Holy Master Yaoguang was extremely polite, upon hearing his words, Peng Fei's eyes were as bright as a two-million-watt light bulb, and Xuanyuan was silent for a while.

On the side, the 'Tianxuan Saintess' said softly: "Brother Xu Xian, why don't you just stay and take a look, you are going to come to the Taoist sect to practice, it happens to be the birthday of the old holy master, and many people with status and status in the Taoist sect will come to pay their respects , when the time comes, there will inevitably be many people talking about scriptures and Taoism, and you will all see and hear it, and it must be of some help to you."

Xuanyuan nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "If that's the case, then we might as well obey orders instead of being respectful."

The 'Son of Yaoguang' was full of resentment, stood up, and said angrily: "From today onwards, I, Yao Jie, will withdraw from the 'Holy Land of Yaoguang' and have nothing to do with the 'Holy Land of Yaoguang'."

'Holy Lord of the Light' was furious. He didn't expect that the 'Son of the Light' could not bear such a small setback and wanted to leave the 'Holy Land of the Light'. He was just about to say something, but the old sage of the Light But the Lord said: "Forget it, let's go, if you can carve out your own imperial path, it is also your ability. Use my magical power of the 'Wavelight Holy Land' to do many evils, and I will definitely kill you myself when the time comes."

The old holy master of Yaoguang's expression was calm, without a trace of waves, but the face of the 'Yaoguang Holy Son' was pale, and he said with a miserable smile: "I never thought that I, Yao Jie, would be loyal to the 'Yaoguang Holy Land' all this time. For the sake of 'Wavelight Holy Land', but in the end it ended up like this, well, I will definitely remember today."

As soon as the words fell, the 'Son of Lighting' was full of stars, and left through the sky. The 'Saint of Lighting' wanted to stop her, but in the end she didn't say anything, and the two of them have been strangers since then.

"Okay, Holy Maiden, arrange a place for them, and I won't accompany you." As soon as the words fell, the figure of the old Holy Master Yaoguang gradually began to dissipate.

Only the complex expression of 'Holy Master Yaoguang' was left behind, and the saint son and daughter of the Six Big Dipper Gates bowed to 'Holy Master Yaoguang' and said, "Holy Master, I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be like this in the end. A result."

"It's okay, this is all his own fault, you can do what you want, anyway, you are not an outsider, saint, you go and arrange it." The performance of 'Yaoguang Holy Master' is still calm, he knows Yao Jie's inner thoughts, and breaks away from 'Yaoguang'. The Holy Land of Light' is to avoid any troubles for the Holy Land of Shaking Light. He will not let go of this emperor named Xu Xian Fahai and the 'Land of Qingming'.

'Lady of Light' nodded, feeling a little depressed. After all, this incident was caused by herself. If she hadn't made up her mind, these things wouldn't have happened. She felt very comfortable. responsibility.

A group of people came out of the "Luminous Star Palace", seeing that the "Lady of Luminous Light" was a little depressed, so they jumped on her shoulders, stroked her long hair with their furry little paws, and let out a gentle moan : "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee——"

The 'Holy Maiden of Light' was a little dazed, she looked at Yiyi, she didn't know what Yiyi was talking about, but Xuanyuan laughed and said, "Yiyi tells you not to be sad, saying that he is not good."

"Emperor Qingming's words are serious, this matter has nothing to do with the emperor." The "Holy Maiden of Light" smiled wryly.

The Saints and Saints of the Six Schools of the Big Dipper stared at Yiyi. It was hard for them to imagine that the emperor of the "Qingming God Emperor" would look so harmless to humans and animals. Take the side.

"The emperor of the 'Blood Blood Royal Clan' looks like that, but the emperor of the 'Qingming Royal Clan' looks like this, the contrast is too great." The more straightforward 'Kaiyang Sheng' Son' sighed.

"Yeah, who would have thought that this would be the emperor of the 'Qingming Royal Clan'." The "Son of Heavenly Quan" swayed the Eight Trigrams folding fan in his hand, amazed, no wonder Yiyi can have such a powerful strength.

Under the arrangement of the "Holy Lady of the Light", Xuanyuan, Pengfei, Yiyi, and the Holy Son and Holy Maiden of the Six Big Dipper Gates all lived on a star with a diameter of a thousand feet.

Countless heaven and earth dao patterns flow on the ground, like living things, under the reflection of the stars, winding and entrenched, flowing with dao rhyme.

The exquisite pavilions are all carved and refined by great supernatural beings. Not only are they excellent in protection, but the Dao that flows on them is naturally formed by the Dao of the universe. It is thought-provoking and can bring people strange insights , from which to understand the truth of the universe and heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan and Yiyi live in one room, and Peng Fei lives in one room. After a day of tossing around today, I can finally take a good rest.

"Greedy old man, how strong do you think the old Holy Master Yaoguang is?" Xuanyuan asked in his heart.

"I have just stepped into the realm of Wengu, but this person still has a lot of room for improvement. It is not unreasonable to be called the number one person in Yaoguang in 30,000 years." To be fair, you must know that like Emperor Ouyang, he has lived for three lives, but he has not stepped into the realm of asking the ancient sages, while the old Holy Master Yaoguang only lived for the first time, only six thousand years old. The gap can be imagined.

"Well, this person is open-minded and far-sighted, and he is sincere in keeping us here this time. Well, it would be good to meet many people from the Taoist sect then." In anticipation of the birthday of the old holy master of shaking light, it is necessary to have a good understanding.

The room Xuanyuan lives in is very simple, inside is an Eight Immortals table, four chairs, and a bed, all of which are made artificially from the inside of this little star, through the doors and windows, one can look at the sky full of stars, Xuanyuan is faint sigh.

At this moment, another black shadow passed by.

Xuanyuan's heart twitched violently, goosebumps appeared on his scalp, and his whole body went numb. The feeling of this black shadow was exactly the same as the one at Baiyun Taoist Temple that day. Could it be that it followed him all the way without anyone noticing?

Xuanyuan hurriedly rushed out of her room and rushed to Pengfei's room.

"Fatty." When Xuanyuan rushed into the room where Peng Fei was, he only saw Peng Fei looking at him in astonishment.

"What's the matter, it's a good thing I haven't taken a bath yet, otherwise, I'd be gone, and you don't treat yourself as an outsider too much." Peng Fei despised Xuanyuan.

"Are you okay?" Xuanyuan looked puzzled.

"It's okay, what can I do?" Peng Fei rolled his eyes and said, "You don't have any brain problems, do you? Why did you suddenly come to ask Master Ben this question?"

Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, didn't say anything more, just closed the door and left.

Watching Xuanyuan leave, Peng Fei's whole body was covered in cold sweat, and thin black hairs grew on his palms.

"Damn it, it really lingers..."

Xuanyuan walked a few steps, but still felt something was wrong, there was no reason why he saw it all, but Pengfei didn't feel it.

At this moment, Xuanyuan saw that not far away, the 'Saint of Light Shaking' was standing quietly. On this empty star, the field of vision was extremely wide, without a single obstacle.

"'Wavelight Saintess', it's so late, what are you still thinking about here?" Xuanyuan walked behind the 'Wavelight Saintess'.

She is dressed in white like snow, and the breeze blows her robes, making her look ethereal and elegant.

She turned around, looked at Xuanyuan, and said with a slight smile, "It's nothing, it's just that I'm destined to be sleepless tonight, why did Brother Xu Xian come out suddenly?"

"It's nothing, did the 'Lady of Light' see a black shadow just now?" Xuanyuan asked.

"No, what kind of shadow, this little star we live in is a world of its own, called the Void Star, you need the 'fluctuation token' in my hand to enter, if you don't bring it in, you will be Being restricted by the avenue and being blocked by the terrain of the avenue, what's wrong with Brother Xu Xian, if you have any worries in your heart, you might as well just tell me."'The Holy Maiden of Shaking Light' said seriously.

Xuanyuan patted his forehead, what happened to that black shadow just now, that kind of feeling, could it be that he was delusional?

"That's not true, maybe it's because I'm a little tired these days, maybe it's a hallucination, I saw a black shadow just now." Xuanyuan told the truth.

"Don't worry, there is no one else besides the six senior brothers and sisters, you, Brother Fahai, 'Emperor Qingming', and me." The 'Saint Lady of Shaking Light' smiled softly.

"Well, I see, is the 'Lady of Light' still worrying about what happened just now?" Xuanyuan changed the subject.

"Yeah, I grew up with the 'Sacred Son of Light'. The two of us have reached our current status through our own hard work, but now he has given up everything. I'm afraid he already hates you. Yaoguang Holy Land has paid a lot. Knowing the identity of 'Emperor Qingming', he doesn't want to implicate Yaoguang, so you must be careful. Based on what I know about him, he will not let you go. .”

"Why did you tell us this? Aren't you afraid that the Son of Wave Light will die at our hands?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

"I tell you, I hope that nothing will happen to you. If the 'Holy Son of Wavelight' falls into your hands, you can promise me to let him go for once?" The 'Holy Lady of Wavelight' stared at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you, but only once, there will be no second time."

"Thank you." The 'Lady of Light' saluted, turned around, and looked at the brilliant stars in the sky.

"Then I'll go back to my room to rest and take my leave." Xuanyuan smiled and turned to leave. At this moment, he saw another black shadow passing by his room.

His spirit was tense again, and he directly killed the past with "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu". You must know that Yiyi was sleeping soundly in the room at this moment.

It's just that when Xuanyuan returned to his room, Yiyi was still sleeping soundly, a bubble formed on his nose, accompanied by Yiyi's breathing, one big and one small ups and downs, which made Xuanyuan feel relieved. big breath.

"What's going on, what kind of existence is this black shadow? Why can't I feel its existence? Just don't want An Sheng.

"This is the same as if you performed the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu". For those who have not practiced this skill, and the level is not high, and there is no way to crack it, it is also incomprehensible. Maybe, I already know why The voice of the greedy old man became serious. He and Xuanyuan share the same field of vision. As long as Xuanyuan sees it in a normal state, that is what he sees. Moreover, he himself has his own perception ability, which is even worse than Xuanyuan's. To be strong, he naturally knew that it was not an illusion.

"What's the reason, tell me quickly." Xuanyuan frowned, he had never been so uneasy like this moment, it was so weird, he didn't even know where the enemy was, and the other party swayed in front of you from time to time, that kind of Unscrupulous, he didn't take himself seriously at all.

"You once entered the tomb of the ancient sages. You were with Pengfei at that time. At that time, you and Pengfei had a causal relationship. In addition, we ransacked Pengfei once. He There is no doubt that those things on your body came from the tomb robbers. In order to avoid the robbery and punishment of the stone gambler, you brought these things on your body, and unintentionally, your karma became more profound. Now Peng Fei has been robbed, you have a causal relationship with him, and naturally you have resisted part of the robbing punishment for him, so you must be careful." The greedy old man said heavily.

"Damn it, it's really not good to follow this fat man. It doesn't matter if he should be tribulated, why should I resist part of the calamity for him?" Throwing away evil spirit rings, immortal jades, etc., how could I be so unlucky.

"The matter has come to this point, there is no other way, you just need to be careful." The greedy old man was also very worried. Peng Fei, a fat man, has committed a lot of crimes. I am afraid that the calamity will not be too small, although Xuanyuan just resisted it A small portion, but enough to choke.

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