Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1236 The Secret History of the Taoist School

That night, Xuanyuan couldn't sleep at all, Yiyi, the little guy was holding his belly with his hands, and a snot bubble appeared on his nose, which suddenly became big and small, sleeping so sweetly, Xuanyuan couldn't help but smiled wryly, This heartless little guy has no idea that he is in a fatal situation at this moment.

Now Xuanyuan could only watch the changes quietly and stopped with silence. Regarding this terrifying black shadow, he didn't know where to start.

In Pengfei's room, yin and yang were in the air, he set up a feng shui pattern around himself, trapped himself in the feng shui pattern, and saw two black and white dragons rising and falling around his body.

I saw that thick and slender black hairs began to grow on his hands and face, and Peng Fei felt that his mind was beginning to lose. This is an extremely terrifying force, and fortunately he Born with a strong will, it was only then that he worked hard to resist.

The thick and slender black hairs fell off under the light of black and white. Although there were still many on Pengfei's skin that continued to grow, they were suppressed bit by bit by Pengfei.

At this moment, opposite to Pengfei, there is a black shadow standing, his standing posture is hunched, and there is a gray death light in his eyes, staring at Pengfei, which makes him feel cold all over for no reason.

Peng Fei couldn't see his face clearly at all, he was covered in black shadows, also covered with black hairs, and these black hairs exuded an extremely strange aura.

Hei Ying grinned ferociously at Peng Fei, showing a mouthful of scarlet fangs, without saying a word, just stood like this, watching, making people feel horrified.

"Damn it, who the hell are you?" Peng Fei's eyes twitched, looking at this black shadow, he felt a huge shit pot covering his head, which was extremely uncomfortable, and he couldn't take it off even if he wanted to , For the first time in my life, I was so aggrieved, as if I would die at any time, I knew it, but I couldn't resist it, and the other party didn't seem to want to die, just like that, I kept playing with myself, as if everything was under the control of the other party among.

"Hee hee hee..." Hei Ying let out a strange laugh, his voice revealed a terrifying force, which made the black hair on Peng Fei's body grow faster.

Peng Fei gritted his teeth, let out a dull growl in his throat, and the yin and yang qi in his body spit out more intensely.

From the top of his head, the 'Mirror of Yin-Yang' manifested, and the Supreme Daowei was introverted, falling down, and the black hair on the body surface fell off quickly, and when that black shadow saw the 'Mirror of Yin-Yang', his expression Horrified, he looked at Peng Fei in disbelief, and disappeared in front of Peng Fei's eyes in an instant, apparently extremely terrified of the 'Mirror of Yin and Yang'.

"Damn it, it turned out that he was afraid of the 'Mirror of Yin and Yang', and only hated that I was robbed by that goddamned Di Shitian. With the 'Protecting Buddha Light' on the body, this filthy thing can't get close to the body of the Daoist, and the black hair in this body is really disgusting to the Daoist." Looking at the black hair that fell off all over the ground, there was an incomparable The strong dead air and cloudy air, just like the hairs on the dusty old corpses for millions of years, are really frightening. With a flick of Peng Fei's fingers, the black hairs all over the ground turned into fly ash. He suddenly remembered the Xuanyuan rushed to his room, presumably because of this shadow.

"Damn it, I have to go and see that kid Xuanyuan, he is with the Daoist, and he has a trace of karma, and he probably has to help the Daoist me to resist part of the robbery and punishment, no matter, you kid took advantage of the Daoist me so much , Now help Daoist me to be a disaster, it's nothing."

Peng Fei walked out of the door and came outside the door of Xuanyuan's room, and saw him sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed tightly, and the fate of 'Holy Emperor Zhan Hongmeng' fell down, Peng Fei's eyeballs straightened:

"Damn, is this kid really a person at the level of a heavenly emperor in the future? This kind of fate can be said to be against the sky. There is a land and a sky. As long as you pass through all the thirty-six heavens, you can achieve the throne of no god." Now, after his life, earth, and sky three souls have completed their Dharma, who else can be his opponent? It seems that I am too worried, this kid has this life, I am afraid that the filthy thing will not dare to approach .”

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, looked at Peng Fei who was looking at him outside the window, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Why do you have time to see me?"

"It's nothing, I think you looked a little stupid just now, you came to me in a hurry, thinking what's wrong with you, so I came to see you, it's nothing, you can continue." Peng Fei said something nonsense, then turned and left .

"It seems that he has fought against that black shadow." Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, he heard Peng Fei's heartfelt thoughts in a humane way, but he didn't want to say anything more.

"I sensed that he used the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' just now, and that black shadow should have been temporarily forced back by him, but for a while, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to resolve this calamity, and this calamity will change. It's getting more and more terrifying." The greedy old man's expression is serious, he has seen those famous Fengshui masters in their later years, it's too miserable, the various ways of death are unimaginable, and thousands of kalpas and punishments make people caught off guard .

"Now I can only take one step at a time. That fat man is more afraid of death than anyone else. He won't sit still. From what I know about him, he should find a way to deal with that black shadow. After all, I'm not familiar with Fengshui. He has read many ancient books and knows much more than me.” Xuanyuan never denied that Peng Fei, a fat man, was more knowledgeable than him, although he liked it very much. Bragging, like to show off, but Pengfei does have such a capital.

Within this small star, Xuanyuan and Pengfei lived for three days.

During these three days, the sons and daughters of the Beidou Qimen will come to visit, and Xuanyuan is also willing to talk to them.

To understand each other's information, it turns out that Beidou is a big force in the Taoist sect, but later it was divided into seven sects due to some reasons, and it has become the current pattern. Daomen', there are two other Daomen, one is called Sword Immortal Dao, and the other is called Longevity Dao.

Sword Immortal Dao Sect is now divided into four, namely Zhuxian Sword Dao, Killing Immortal Sword Dao, Trapping Immortal Sword Dao, and Absolute Immortal Sword Dao.

Sword Immortal Daomen has a characteristic. It not only accepts human races, but also accepts monster races, demon races, ancient royal families, or some naturally raised spirit races, such as the source stones, stone people, natural materials and earth treasures. Conceived and born, and so on, this Sword Immortal Daoist School recruits correctly, teaches without discrimination, and has no taboos.

The Sword Immortal Dao Sect has boundless killing power, four Supreme Dao swords, and four Supreme Dao maps. Once they are united, they can fight against any major force in the world.

Then there is the Tao of Longevity.

Presumably, Sword Immortal Taoism and Longevity Taoism are more strict about recruiting disciples. They must be human and have extraordinary talents. There are not many disciples, but the incense is extremely hopeful. Countless people believe in longevity. Among the Longevity Taoism, there are a few The characters who live comparable to the ancient emperors, the 'Emperor of Longevity', 'Taoist of Longevity', 'Taoist of Zhenyuan', these are all from the sect of longevity. At the age of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, there are thousands of ways in the world, just ask one question, and you will live forever.

Countless people practice for longevity.

Relatively speaking, the Tao of Longevity is relatively indifferent to the world, so this Taoism has always been safe and stable, so there has been no split.

The biggest one, of course, is the 'Fathering Taoist Gate'. According to legend, in the ancient times, Sword Immortal Dao broke away from the 'Yuehua Taoist Gate' and established itself. It is conceivable that there were some How outrageous.

Among the "Yuhua Daomen", there are many miscellaneous Taoisms, such as the Taishang Wangqing Sect, which is one of them. , He has met countless talented and stunning women who have fallen in love with him, and he has cultivated three thousand ways of love, and finally achieved a sword of wisdom.

This sword integrates the wisdom of the three thousand great ways, the way is sentient, but cuts it, the way is ruthless, but it is made of love, in the world, there is no thing that cannot be cut by the wisdom sword, even ordinary supreme tools, it is difficult to resist Stay away from the attack of Huijian.

Xuanyuan specifically asked about the Dao of Bitterness. After all, they are in the Taoist sect, and they know the secrets that have been passed down since ancient times.

It turned out that the path of bitterness was created by the first love of the "Emperor Wangqing", Yu Youxuan, who was known as the number one strange woman in the Taoist sect at that time.

'Wangqing Daodi' is romantic, sentimental and ruthless by nature, and after double cultivating with many women, she was completely disheartened and disheartened.

"It's easy to find a priceless treasure, but it's rare to have a lover." It came from her mouth.

Since then, she has embarked on a path that makes people feel depraved in the eyes of the world, that is, double cultivation with an extremely talented man in the Taoist sect, in order to take revenge on the "Wangqing Taoist Emperor". Love is suffering, who is doing all this for?

In the end, the line of "Bitterness Dao" was achieved, and a supreme Taoist weapon was refined, which can block the sword of wisdom. It is called "Bitterness Mirror". Among them, they are all people who are suffering from love, practicing "The Way of Suffering Love", and finally caused a lot of trouble.

According to legend, after Yu Youxuan refined the "Journal of Bitterness", he approached the "Wangqing Taoist Emperor", and the two fought a battle, which was recorded in the secret history of Taoism. , "Learning from Bitterness", learning from his heart, but found that "Emperor Wangqing" has her in his heart.

She was crazily mad, suffering in love all her life, and finally got relief. Finally, she refined herself into the "Misery Mind" and guarded in the "Path of Bitterness" day and night. Since that day, the "Emperor of Forgetfulness" left With the sword of wisdom, it disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

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