Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1237 Michiko

(Chapter 2, I won’t say anything. I’m currently ranked in the fourth place, which is not much different from the third place. If you subscribe to the list, I hope that if you have the ability to subscribe, please recharge and subscribe. If you can sprint to the third place If you are famous, I will keep updating three chapters every day next month, let’s hit it together! Let Devouring Sky return to its peak state and set a new high!)

Xuanyuan was full of emotion in his heart. He never thought that there was such a relationship between the Taishang Wangqing Cult and the "Path of Suffering". this step.

From the Taishang Wangqing Sect and the Suffering Sect, it can be seen how powerful the "Yuhua Dao Sect" is, and this is just a small branch of some of their partial sects.

In the dark, some little-known small Taoist sects may often be the most behind-the-scenes strength among the 'Yuhua Taoist sects'. From these two Taoist sects, the Seven Masters of the Big Dipper came to such a conclusion.

So far, even the holy sons and saintesses of the Big Dipper Seven Sects who are in the Taoist sect do not know how many unknown inheritances are hidden in the "Yuhua Taoist Gate".

I only know that on the bright side, there were a total of thirty-six feathered golden immortals in the 'Yuhua Daomen' in the ancient times.

The strength of each one is equivalent to that of an ancient great emperor. In addition, there is also a Daoist, whose strength is higher than that of the thirty-six feathered golden immortals.

Some of these feathered golden immortals left the "Yuhua Daomen" to the land outside Xizhou, and spread their branches. "Xianfu", "Hantian Jinxian" created "Hantian Xianfu", "Zifu Jinxian" and "Zonghengjinxian" abound.

The strength of the "Yuhua Daomen" is so strong, it can be seen that these big forces have finally separated from the "Yuhua Daomen". Originally, they existed to complement the four dynasties and govern the world, but now they have formed this pattern , and the relationship with the "Yuhua Daomen" is not great anymore.

Today, the 'Yuhua Daomen' is actually a Taoist dynasty named 'Yuhua Taoist Court', which centralizes power and establishes a master, following the example of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. The Xianfu created is the best example.

The descendants of the eighteen Yuhua Jinxian who stayed in the "Yuhua Daomen" have become the important ministers in the "Yuhua Daoyuan". In addition, there are many strong people, even the saints of the Big Dipper Even the sons and saints can't elaborate on them one by one, the 'Fathering Daomen' is really too big and too complicated.

Today, in the 'Yuhua Dao Court' there is an eternal emperor who is called the 'Divine Body of Myriad Taos', who can rule the world and all Taos, and can gather all Taos into one body, which is extremely terrifying.

The 'Myriad Dao Divine Physique' can transform all the attacks of the heavens and the earth, and can be used for both offense and defense. It is almost invincible. It is similar to Xuanyuan's physique.

His name is Daozi, recognized by the Dao of Heaven, and the name Daozi means the son of Dao, the son of Dao, who can compare?

Although Daozi's physique is similar to Xuanyuan's physique, the treatment of them by Heavenly Dao is completely different between the two. The road is difficult, as if they are regarded as rebellious sons, and the treatment of the two can be imagined.

Daozi is invincible all the way, and the younger generation, even the saint sons and daughters of the Big Dipper Seven Sects, will be ashamed in front of him.

Of course, Beidou also has its own background. It seems that in order to cope with the world that is about to change, three thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Beidou Seven Sects discussed to cultivate a Beidou Emperor. The inheritance is immortal, but so far no one has seen the so-called Beidou Emperor.

Of course, this is just what many Beidou Saints and Saints have heard. Whether it is true or not is still unknown.

Speaking of the younger generation, Xuanyuan told them about some people in the four states other than Xizhou. Among the four states, there are only a handful of people who can enter Xuanyuan's eyes. First of all, they are naturally his apprentices. , Fu Jingxuan, and that little girl Luo Xianxian, then Dongzhou Ji Chen who will definitely be his competitor in the future, and then Ji Wu from the Ji family, and Wang Yuchen from the Wang family, they are all very low-key, But during that conversation, Xuanyuan could feel their strength. Regarding himself, Xuanyuan only mentioned it lightly. When talking about Pengfei, Xuanyuan didn't forget to say a few words.

In the three days, apart from talking about the mysterious history in the Taoist sect, of course, there was also a discussion about the moral perception of the practice of supernatural powers.

Practitioners naturally have to be inclusive of all rivers, gather the strengths of hundreds of schools, and condense their own Taoism.

Whether it's Xuanyuan or Pengfei, or the Holy Son and Holy Daughter of the Big Dipper, both sides have brought a lot of benefits.

Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, in this sect, it is much more civilized than in the other four states.

Three days passed like this. During these three days, the black shadow never appeared again, but Xuanyuan didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all.

The same is true for Pengfei.

Yiyi still looked heartless, not knowing how terrifying that black shadow was at all.

The people in Xuanyuan waited here calmly, but in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', a huge wave was set off.

Yao Jie, the 'Sage Son of Yaoguang', was abolished as the Son of the Holy Son, and left the 'Holy Land of Yaoguang' in a fit of rage.

It is extremely important for the Holy Son to be abolished, and now that this kind of thing happened on the old Holy Master's six thousand-year-old birthday, it is always not good.

Everyone is discussing what important matter Yao Jie has committed, but few people know about this matter, and the 'Holy Lord of the Light' is also silent.

Gradually, as the old Holy Master's birthday approached, they became more and more busy, and they didn't have the time to pay attention to this matter.

On this day, it finally ushered in a big day for the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'.

That is the first person in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' in 30,000 years, the old Holy Lord, Yao Fu's 6,000-year birthday.

Regardless of whether it is in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' or not, being able to cultivate to the realm of the ancient sages within six thousand years, especially amid such changes in the world, is an extremely outstanding existence.

Perhaps it is easy to reach the realm of the great emperor, but asking the ancients has always been a problem that has plagued many people.

Asking the word "Gu", how many talented young Tianjiao have stopped, and they will grow old all their lives until they turn into dry bones and sit between heaven and earth.

Once upon a time, in the "Sacred Land of Kaiyang", there was an extremely terrifying young saint son. He was forty-nine years old and had stepped into the peak of the sages.

The speed of this kind of cultivation is astonishing, and the next thing is even more surprising. The sixty-four-year-old Zhundi, the eighty-one-year-old emperor, and the ninety-nine-year-old have become the existence of the peak of the emperor. At this moment, countless The halo added to the body, and even the "Yuhua Daomen" sent people to express their congratulations.

Just when everyone thought that he would be the future Emperor of the Ancient Dao, who knows, since he was ninety-nine years old, he began to stand on the peak of the Great Emperor, and kept asking questions about the past, stagnating and not moving forward, and finally Died in depression, did not even survive the second life, made countless people sigh, it is too difficult for the ancient sages to reach the same level.

The great emperor is the emperor among the immortals, the emperor of the immortals.

Whether it is 'Red Lotus Immortal Emperor' or 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor', they are all famous in this realm. As for their future realm, few people can know. They are all outstanding figures of the younger generation. famous.

It's just that the world has changed now, and it is extremely difficult to step into the quasi-emperor realm, let alone ask the ancients.

Therefore, at most, it can only be called the Son of God, the Son of Emperor.

Before the death of the "Emperor Devourer", the luck of the human race was still not weak. Even the younger generation could also cultivate to the realm of the immortal emperor, but now they can cultivate to the realm of the peak of the sages, or the realm of the quasi-emperor. It is rare, and there are only a few that can be known to the world, not many.

It is not easy for the immortal emperor to ask the ancients, with the respect of the emperor, to transform himself into a sage, to reshape himself, to ask the past and look at the present, and to open up the future. , will attract the attention of so many sects.

Coming to pay homage to the birthday is a way to show closeness to the 'Yaoguang Holy Land'. In addition, we also need to see how Yao Fu is thinking, whether he is a threat to them, or probing them, or showing friendship, from various avenues There are a lot of great people.

On this day, the whole 'Shaking Light Holy Land' was bustling like never before.

Inside the 'Yaoguang Holy Land', many elite disciples set up defenses and patrolled to maintain order, and then arranged for the distinguished guests who came to pay their respects to the birthday, guiding them one by one, please come in, everything has been arranged by Yao Fu.

Yao Fu was well-versed in human nature and knew that there were rifts between several Taoist sects, so when arranging the location, he paid special attention to keeping them separated so as to avoid some unpleasant things from happening, and everything went smoothly.

The places received by the big forces are different from the places received by casual cultivators. The visitors are guests, like some casual cultivators who come to pay their respects with good intentions, they are all arranged on the 'Yoguangtai'. Greeting each other and getting to know each other, this is also a good opportunity to make some like-minded people.

On the little star, Xuanyuan couldn't help feeling emotional when he looked at the crowded 'Shaking Light Holy Land'.

"This is how many people came to pay homage to the old Holy Master Yaoguang."

"Most of them are casual cultivators, and other great figures from various Daoist sects are also here. Brother Xu Xian will come with us later." The addition of 'Yuheng Saintess' to Xuanyuan's blue eyes always made Xuanyuan feel uncomfortable. With Yiyi here, both Xuanyuan and Pengfei were touched.

"Hahaha, that's natural. With the 'Holy Maiden of Yuheng' and the 'Holy Maiden of Tianxuan' there, we can't wait for it." Peng Fei laughed loudly, inserting the words between Xuanyuan and the 'Holy Maiden of Yuheng'. In the middle, the fat all over her body was shaking, so that the 'Saint Yuheng' couldn't help but a blue vein burst out on her forehead.

"Yiyi-yiyiyi--" Yiyi suddenly cried out with a pair of black jewel-like eyes and a strange figure shining, pointing to the sky.

"What's wrong?" The 'Tianxuan Saintess' also clearly felt the changes in the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

"Yiyi said, the heaven and the earth are coming, and some extraordinary people have arrived, could it be..." Xuanyuan raised his brows.

"Daozi..." The sons and daughters of Beidou all responded immediately.

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