Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1240 The Word of Love

(Chapter 2, a new month has begun. I hope everyone can vote for me this month. I want to work hard and update!)

A breath of dominance swept over the sky, and the vast blood was majestic, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, rushing forward, and the rumble of thunder shocked countless people's hearts.

I saw a man who was extremely handsome, with silver threads flying all over his head, and holding the 'Sword of Wisdom to Cut Emotion'. Around him, strands of love were extremely condensed, blending into the avenue of heaven and earth, protecting his body, even with the 'Ba Gu' Even the power of the battle body can't cut off the thread of love.

Between heaven and earth, love threads are the most difficult to cut off. If you want to cut off these love threads, you must have the wisdom to see through everything in the world, and use wisdom to cut off love threads.

But the word love is often the most hurtful, even the ancient emperor is hard to escape, stronger than the "Emperor Devourer", but it is still sad to pass the beauty test, one can imagine how powerful the word love is.

Although there is a huge net of love to protect the body, the handsome man is still coughing up blood, and his body is about to split. The opponent's strength already comprehends the way of quasi-emperor, and he is only half a foot away from stepping into the realm of quasi-emperor. As long as the opponent is willing, he can break through at any time, but now the opponent is just saving.

The corner of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, who else would be hunted down except Zui Guchen, and the hunted down was none other than the Ba Ji of that day.

As soon as she raised her hand, the sky and the earth split apart, the sky overwhelmed blood, with boundless power, beating Zui Guchen until he lost his temper at all.

Behind Zui Guchen, an old man who looks like the way of heaven, sits cross-legged, with boundless wisdom rising into the sky, a pair of eyes full of ruthlessness, as if he has seen through everything between the world of mortals, forgetting love, slashing love, Ruthlessly, he looked directly at Ba Ji.

Ba Ji felt this aura and was furious. Her little sister would be so enamored with such a heartless person. At this moment, Ba Ji had truly murderous intentions, but for the sake of her little sister, she still forcibly Suppress it, and see if you can beat this prodigal son back.

Zui Guchen fled to the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', he shouted: "Save me, Taoist, I am the inheritance of the 'Taishang Wangqing Sect', Zui Guchen."

It turned out that Zui Guchen had heard that Yao Fu's birthday would be visited by experts from the "Fathering Dao Sect", so he wanted to go with them and return to the "Yu Hua Dao Sect", but he did not expect to meet Ba Ji on the way.

Without the slightest hesitation, he fled wildly all the way, but was still chased by Ba Ji, and now he didn't know how many bones in his body had been broken.

As soon as Zui Guchen finished speaking, Daozi, who was originally standing beside Yao Fu, pierced through the air, and Wan Dao fell down, protecting Zui Guchen and healing his wounds.

"It turned out to be the only seedling of the 'Taishang Wangqingjiao'. If something happens to you, I will not be able to explain to them. You back off, and I will deal with her." He recovered very quickly. Originally, Xuanyuan wanted to make a move, but he didn't expect that Daozi moved first, and he was happy to watch the play aside.

Daozi stood in the air, looked at Ba Ji, and said in a harmonious voice: "'Ba Xue Royal Family', 'Ba Gu Battle Body', I saw them today, they are really extraordinary, I wonder if the Ba Xue Empress can let Gu Chen go this time, 'too Since ancient times, Shangwangqingjiao has been cultivating in this way, entering the Tao with emotion, and only if both parties are voluntary can they refine the thread of love..."

Daozi was cut off in the middle of his sentence, but was immediately cut off by Ba Ji's sharp voice: "Fart, my little sister was coaxed and tricked by him, and fell in love with him, but in the end she ended up in a state of despair. Today I will kill him, and anyone who stands in my way will die!" , if your Taoist sect wants to bully the small with the big, you will bear the consequences."

From behind Ba Ji, the scarlet blood of Ba Ji rolled out, condensing into a female God of War behind her, dominating the sky and crushing the sky, making countless people hard to breathe, terrified in their hearts.

Daozi's expression is dignified. Although he has ten thousand ways to protect his body, this way is not among ten thousand ways. If his own deity is here, he will naturally have no fear, but this is just a divine thought of his, not even an incarnation outside his body. The power of ten thousand ways that can be controlled is limited. When encountering such a person who is difficult even for the deity, he must not be an opponent. Now his deity is doing a big event, so he can't spare it.

"Daughter of the Tyrannical Blood Empress, I, 'Emperor Dao Court', would like to make up for your little sister's loss, what do you think?" Daozi's tone remained unchanged.

"Give Zui Guchen to me, that's the best compensation." Ba Ji didn't say any more, the golden Taoist armor and the scarlet blood of Ba Ji echoed each other, with just one punch, it crushed the world, the space shattered, and the void collapsed , the power is boundless, and the sky is domineering.

She and the Goddess of War behind her, who was condensed with boundless fighting spirit and arrogance, punched Daozi at the same time.

Daozi was surrounded by ten thousand daggers, resisting in front of him, and saw countless avenues crumbling, like paper paste, there was no ability to resist at all, countless people were horrified, only to see Daozi's body rupture, and finally turned into light spots and dissociated between heaven and earth.

Many strong men from the Dao sect gasped, and broke out in cold sweat. Only some tyrannical existences knew that it was just a divine thought of Dao Zi, and even one ten thousandth of the combat power of Dao Zi himself No, naturally he couldn't resist the emperor daughter from the 'Blood Blood Royal Family'.

But such a scene is really shocking.

Ba Ji's golden Taoist armor exuded a roaring Taoist sound, with high fighting spirit, and rushed straight to the sky. Faced with this kind of situation, Ba Ji was not afraid at all, and approached Zui Guchen.

Zui Guchen didn't expect that Daozi only came with a divine thought, this time he really asked for trouble.

Mainly, he was defending against the predictions of the prophets in the "Blood Royal Family", and he was afraid that he would be alone and helpless, so he turned back to find Daozi.

If he had known that this would be the case, he would have gone straight to the Taoist sect. It would not be so easy for Ba Ji to find herself.

Zui Guchen's face was pale, his silver hair was stained with blood, and behind him was a Taoist figure, similar in appearance to him, exuding an aura of forgetfulness, severance, and ruthlessness, which made Ba Ji feel angry for no reason.

There are many threads of love to protect the body, but facing the existence of such a terrifying emperor and daughter like Ba Ji, everything seems ridiculous.

Originally, he had no reason, but now Zui Guchen's confidence is even more lacking.

"Zui Guchen, who else do you want to protect you, let them come out, no one can save you in the sky and on earth, if you kneel and kowtow in front of everyone, apologize to the younger sister, and swear I will be her slave for the rest of my life, and I will let you go, otherwise, I will let you die today and never be reborn." Ba Ji wanted to make Zui Guchen completely desperate, without any illusions.

When the people present heard these words, they couldn't help sighing in their hearts. How many men would dare to marry a tigress like Ba Ji. In fact, it is not normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Just abandoning it, she can go directly from the 'Blood Blood Royal Family' to the Taoist sect. If it were her own, wouldn't she be able to chase Qingming Jiuyou.

"Scholars can be killed, but you can't be humiliated. You can kill if you want to." Zui Guchen's mouth was bleeding, looking at Ba Ji, he didn't expect that he would end up like this today, anyway, this life is worth it.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll help you." Ba Ji sneered, showing no sympathy for Zui Guchen.

"Sister Huang, don't kill him." At this moment, a woman descended from the sky, with tears in her eyes, pleading bitterly, it was Ba Ji's younger sister, Ba Yun'er.

"Sister, I didn't want to kill her, but seeing you like this, I have to kill her, so that you can completely die. People like this who take pleasure in playing with women's feelings and cultivate themselves with love are not at all. I will keep you in mind, as long as he lives, the thoughts in your heart will not stop, rather than causing you such pain, it is better for me to kill him directly, and it will be over once and for all." Ba Ji's words were sonorous and powerful, and the killing was deadly.

"Yun'er, your sister is right, let her kill me, but what I want to say is that I didn't play with you, let alone lie to you. Although I entered the Tao with love and tempered my body with love, but It's not that I'm hungry, I hook up with women when I meet them, I was with you because I really liked you that day, and even if you want to leave the "Blood King" desperately, I advise you not to leave, because I know I can't give it to you. Your future." Zui Guchen's words were very sincere, and Ba Yun'er was already in tears, sobbing uncontrollably, she knelt in front of Ba Ji, and said: "Sister Huang, forget it, let it go He, I will stop crying and making trouble, let's go home!"

"Zi Guchen, you shameless bastard, even now you still use my sister's feelings to help you get away, don't think I don't know what you think." Ba Ji was extremely furious, and now she can't kill her, no Killing is not right, if you want to kill, Ba Yun'er might hate herself for the rest of her life, if you don't kill, can you just let this heartless man go, and watch her sister be hurt by love for the rest of her life?

"How can a woman like you understand the relationship between a man and a woman? We also met once that day. Speaking of which, you are better than Yun'er in every way, but why do I have no feelings for you? Between the two of us In the meantime, who is ruthless?" Zui Guchen smiled freely.

Many people wondered in their hearts, "Taishang Wangqingjiao" is really not built. After being able to hurt a woman so thoroughly, it can still make that woman reluctant to part with him, never forgetting him, and even begging for him. This is the most mysterious and incomprehensible thing in the world. To be able to do this, it can be seen that 'Zui Guchen' has obtained the supreme true teaching of 'Taishang Wangqingjiao'.

"Zui Guchen, I understand it." Ba Ji's expression was extremely cold, she was completely murderous towards Zui Guchen.

The terrifying breath shook Ba Yun'er aside, and Ba Ji rushed towards Zui Guchen. At this moment, a soft sigh came out:

"Ba Ji, you and I have a fight, if you lose, you retreat, don't mention this matter again, if I lose, Zui Guchen will be at your disposal, what do you think?" Xuanyuan stood up at this moment.

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