Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1241 Xuanyuan Fights Ba Ji

Originally on Xuanyuan's side, Beidou's holy sons and holy daughters were talking about this matter.

"I didn't expect that Zui Guchen was born so beautiful that even women would be jealous. With such a face and temperament, it would be difficult not to please women." 'Saint Yuheng' was full of emotions, and felt that Zui Guchen was very seductive , but she can deeply understand that such a man is not suitable for her, but she is more optimistic about Xu Xian beside her.

It looks inconspicuous, but it is very eye-catching. It is extremely calm in dealing with people and things, and it has everyone's demeanor, and it is not attractive to women.

"Master Dao, I'm not bad either." Peng Fei spoke out loudly when he heard the words, and patted the pile of meat on his body, not knowing where his self-confidence came from.

"Haha, I agree. I think Brother Fa Hai is no worse than that Zui Guchen." The 'Sage Son of Tianshu' laughed loudly.

While everyone was talking, Xuanyuan went out to stand up for Zui Guchen, which made the saints and saints of Beidou Qimen feel very puzzled.

"Mr. Xu Xian, what are you doing?" said the 'Lady of Light'.

The 'Holy Maiden of Yuheng' tightened her heart, she quickly stood up, grabbed Xuanyuan's arm, and said: "You are not her match, don't show off."

Yiyi also jumped onto Xuanyuan's shoulder: "Yi-yi-yi-"

"It's okay, I won't do anything I'm not sure about. Yiyi, you don't want to make a move, so as not to damage the relationship between you ancient royal families. I believe I can solve this matter!"

Xuanyuan was in the eyes of everyone, soaring up into the sky, countless people looked at Xuanyuan, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he was suicidal, the sixth heaven of immortals, even the peak realm of the sages would be suppressed by this tyrant, and it was difficult to breathe , not to mention that he is such a celestial being in the sixth heaven realm, they really can't think of anything other than courting death.

When Xuanyuan came out, Ba Ji stopped, she didn't kill Zui Guchen, she looked at Xuanyuan, and said slowly: "After all, you still can't help but want to make a move."

"He is my brother. I will not watch him die in front of me. We have lived and died together. If I can let him stay with Lingmei, can you let him go?" Xuanyuan took another step back. Facing Ba Ji, he was under a lot of pressure. He really didn't want to fight Ba Ji, and it was because of such a painful thing.

"No, he has offended me." Ba Ji was stung by Zui Guchen's words just now, and now it's not her little sister's business, but her own business, which seems to be looked down upon by Zui Guchen Like myself, Zui Guchen was the one who started messing around and finally abandoned him, but in the end he came to laugh at him because he was ruthless, which made Ba Ji unbearable.

Seeing Xuanyuan's appearance, Zui Guchen looked surprised. He never thought that he would meet Xuanyuan here. He hurriedly said:

"Don't make a move, you are not his opponent, I will die as soon as I die, don't pull you down."

"Don't worry, she's not my opponent. Take good care of your health and run as far as you can while you're at it, lest I lose and you still have to die." Xuanyuan glanced at Zui Guchen, and said something shameless Then he looked at Ba Ji and smiled casually. That kind of natural self-confidence made Ba Ji frowned. No man had ever dared to be so confident in front of him.

"Are you so sure that I won't overwhelm you with my realm?" Ba Ji ignored Zui Guchen. An opponent like Xuanyuan is extremely hard to find. She tested it that day, which caused a big turmoil in her heart. It's just that there is still Zui Guchen to be arrested, so she doesn't have the heart to compete with Xuanyuan. Now that there is such an opportunity, she will naturally not let it go.

"At least you won't overwhelm me by jumping into a big realm. Zui Guchen doesn't understand you, I understand you, you have your own pride, and no one else can blaspheme it." Xuanyuan still has a bit of respect for a woman like Ba Ji .

"Okay, today I would like to have a good fight with you." Everyone could clearly feel that Ba Ji kept suppressing her own realm, and finally suppressed it to the realm of the supreme immortal. The tenth heaven of immortals, and the sixth heaven of Xuanyuan's immortals, it can be seen how much Ba Ji attaches importance to Xuanyuan.

The Taoists who originally looked down on Xuanyuan suddenly put away their contempt. Even Ba Ji didn't dare to fight Xuanyuan with the sixth level of immortality. It is conceivable that the man in front of him must be extraordinary. They all wait and see.

"I once told you that in the process of cultivation, the cultivation realm advances quickly, which is also a kind of strength. Today I treat you with such a realm, do you accept?" Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan with a trace of confidence. Ruowu asked with a smile.

"I surrender, I believe that I will not lose, even if you are four heavens higher than me, I can still surrender you." Xuanyuan laughed, his spirit was high and he was extremely confident.

The 'Holy Maiden of Yuheng' looked at this scene and exclaimed: "Brother Xu Xian is so handsome, he actually said that he wants to surrender the Tyrannical Blood Empress. This girl is so arrogant, I'm afraid she has already been pissed off."

The 'Lady of the Light' was a strange spirit, and said: "Senior Sister Yuheng, aren't you afraid that Brother Xu Xian will catch eyes with the Tyrant Blood Empress, and run away with her?"

"Don't worry, because of a woman's intuition, it is impossible for the Tyrannical Empress to like Brother Xu Xian, and Brother Xu Xian won't like him either."'Saint Yuheng' smiled like a little fox, with the corners of her eyes and brows All of them have a foxy atmosphere, which has a special taste.

"It's really fierce, dare to fight with such a woman, Brother Xu Xian is really a real man, I would rather run away."'Sacred Son of Kaiyang' marveled at Xuanyuan's courage.

"That's all you can do." The Son of Heaven laughed.

"Laughing fart, don't you dare to fight with this tigress?" 'Kaiyang Shengzi' stared and said loudly.

The 'Sacred Son of Heaven's Quan' trembled, his head held high, and he was about to say something when he saw the tyrant blood empress turned her head to look at them, and he shrank all of a sudden: "Don't dare..."

'Kaiyang Shengzi' trembled, picked up the wine, and made a drunken and crazy gesture: "Come, come, drink, which bastard is talking about a tigress? Whoever said it, stand up for me..."

This acting skill is really perfect, everyone suppressed their laughter.

Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you to subdue me and make a move."

Before Ba Ji's words fell, Xuanyuan had already made a move, and directly cast "Warfare of Ten Thousand Transformations", only to see that he formed the sun seal with one hand and the moon seal with the other, which caught him by surprise.

A round of red sun, like a golden crow soaring, contains the supreme aura of the real sun fire and the two-color lotus fire, blended with the flavor of the vision of "Yellow River sunset circle", and contains boundless fighting spirit, which attracted countless people present to fight. blood boiling.

A round of clear moon hangs high, the moonlight is cold, and the clear light falls, illuminating the earth, and the bright moon turns around, with boundless killing power. It contains the power of "The Ancient Jue of the Flowing Moon Fighting God". Incorporating a trace of luck into it, the sun and the moon rose together, shocking the hearts of countless people present.

There was a strange color in Ba Ji's heroic eyes. She never expected that Xuanyuan would be able to draw inferences from one example to another. That day, he only imitated his Zhanri seal, but now it leads to another round of Zhanyue, and today Yueyue Combined attack, the killing power is more powerful, making her blood boil instantly. This son was born for fighting. I am afraid that in time, he will be able to catch up with the 'Emperor Devourer'. She is looking forward to it.

I saw Ba Ji's blood rolling behind Ba Ji, letting Xuanyuan attack with countless means, she only broke it with her pair of golden fists, and saw her fists, like two rounds of scorching sun, raging with violent fighting spirit, if Ordinary people are afraid that they have already been melted when confronted with this grudge.

Two scorching suns collided with the sun and moon derived from Xuanyuan.

The destructive avenue collision swept across the world. It was obviously a battle in the realm of the celestial beings, but this level of killing power has far surpassed the methods of ordinary sages.

Countless people's hearts were shocked, and there was a hint of excitement in the eyes of the older generation of Taoists. This kind of evenly matched younger generation's battle is rare.

Boom, the battle energy is fluctuating, after all, Ba Ji is in the realm of the Supreme Celestial Immortal at this moment, and she has four more heavens than herself.

She remained motionless, broke through ten thousand spells with one force, and directly shattered the sun and moon condensed by Xuanyuan, even if Xuanyuan had integrated the power of heaven and earth spirits, they were all resisted by the golden Taoist armor on her body, unable to It hurt her root, but quietly, the attack of that ray of luck had penetrated into Ba Ji's luck, but she couldn't see it.

Xuanyuan missed a single blow, and flew back quickly. Facing Ba Ji, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. With a thought, he saw a portal manifested between this piece of heaven and earth.

"The small world of the thirty-six heavens!"

"Is he going to cross the catastrophe?"

Xuanyuan rushed straight up, directly opened the portal of the first heaven, and smiled frivolously at Ba Ji: "Beauty, if you dare, you can enter my small world, if you don't dare, you can just come here Obediently wait for me to come out and subdue you."

"Interesting." The corners of Ba Ji's eyes and brows raised a smile, she looked at Xuanyuan, and said in a serious voice: "You are not afraid that I will enter your small world, release the suppression of my own strength, and kill you in it dead?"

Xuanyuan shrugged, and smiled casually: "I've said it before, others don't understand you, but I understand you. I'm not afraid, you have your pride, and besides, it's an honor to be a ghost and not be flirtatious."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan rushed straight to the first layer of heaven.

Ba Ji smiled happily, it was the first time she met such an interesting person as Xuanyuan, she followed closely behind, entering Xuanyuan's small world.

This time, no one saw how they fought. This is also Xuanyuan's intention. After all, the "Three Flowers Gathering on the Top" that he practiced, the method of transforming the three cleans in one breath, is the supreme secret technique of the "Eternalization Daomen". Once someone sees through, I'm afraid that I will be hunted down by all the Taoists.

Seeing this scene, the "Holy Maiden of Light" made a fuss and said, "It's over, it's over, the fight has just started, and the two of them have already hooked up, Senior Sister Yuheng, you must have no chance."

"What do you know, Brother Xu Xian is called luring the enemy to go deep, just watch." 'Saint Yuheng' looked extremely calm.

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