Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1250 Purple Rhyme's Heart

I don't know how many sins Peng Fei has committed, this time the Feng Shui catastrophe is really terrible.

The moment Xuanyuan's body grew black corpse hair, he understood the horror of this catastrophe. What will be ushered in in the future is not just as simple as growing black hair on his body. If a future emperor like Daozi was willing to help share the burden, Xuanyuan would naturally be willing.

No matter which angle he stood on, he hoped that Peng Fei would be safe and sound.

Naturally, Peng Fei didn't need to say much, he wished that all the people in the world would help him share this feng shui catastrophe.

Now this catastrophe is just the beginning, what happened is so weird, who knows what will happen next, it is simply unimaginable.

Now that Daozi has already made up his mind, Xuanyuan and Pengfei chose not to be polite. Xuanyuan directly used "The Ancient Jue of Flowing Moon Fighting God" to extract the bad luck from Pengfei's body and extract thirty-six black lacquer and ink sticks. Xiaolong, I don't know how many immoral things this fat man has done to have so much bad luck. These big bad lucks are all filled with extremely strong death, yin, and ghost aura, which made Xuanyuan's eyes twitch. But apparently he wasn't much better off himself.

If it were any other person, Xuanyuan would never dare to lure thirty-six death dragons into their bodies, but Daozi is not an ordinary person, so he can definitely bear it. If Erlong said, I'm afraid he will be decapitated in a short time, and a person's luck is extremely important.

Therefore, there is one fate, two luck and three Feng Shui.

People with good fate, no matter how bad luck they encounter, have a chance to turn bad luck into good fortune, while people with bad fate, even if they encounter the best luck, can hardly make it to the top. One can imagine the gap between them.

Daozi frowned, and sighed: "It really is a terrible catastrophe."

He has ten thousand ways to protect the body, and he can more or less feel the danger of the cause and effect that Xuanyuan introduced on him, and some of the secret methods in it are not understandable by ordinary people.

Pengfei was very rare, with a serious expression, he bowed his hands to Daozi, and said: "Thank you, if you have any Feng Shui problems in the 'Yuhua Taoist Garden' in the future, you can come to me, and I will try my best to help solve it."

In fact, in the 'Yuhua Taoist Court', there are many people who have studied Fengshui, and their years of research are extremely long. For Pengfei, their advantage lies in the precipitation of countless years. For Pengfei, he has cultivated The unique "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" in the world has a higher starting point than them. What Peng Fei lacks the most is experience, time, and being able to attract such a calamity at such a young age can be seen that Peng Fei is skilled in Feng Shui thaumaturgy The attainments in the field are great.

"Okay, if there is something that requires the help of fellow Taoist Fahai, I won't be polite." Daozi spoke softly, feeling a little nervous in his heart, because the name Fahai sounded like the name of the Buddhist side, but the fat man in front of him It's another self-proclaimed Daoist, which feels very strange.

"Well, we've been bothering you for so long in the 'Wave Light Holy Land', we should leave and say goodbye." Xuanyuan smiled slightly and bowed to Yao Fu.

"There will be a period of time. Let's go all the way." Yao Fu smiled gently.

At this moment, on the seat of the Holy Son, the 'Sage Son of Kaiyang' laughed and said: "The next road just happens to be to my 'Sacred Land of Kaiyang', so I will open the way for brother Xu Xian and Fellow Daoist Fahai .”

"Well, that's fine." Xuanyuan nodded, then looked at Zui Guchen, and said, "Guchen, what are your plans?"

"Me? Let's go back to the 'Taishang Wangqingjiao' first. Now I have achieved a little bit. My uncle once said that when I reach the realm of the sages, I will go back to the 'Taishang Wangqingjiao'. After I come out, I will go to Zhongzhou." Zui Guchen said to Xuanyuan.

"Well, be careful all the way. The road traveled by the predecessors can also be opened up by future generations. "Three Thousands of Red Dust Forget Love", I hope you can make more breakthroughs, surpass the "Wangqing Daodi", and don't let people love you. In the end, the woman turned into Yu Youxuan in "The Way of Suffering", and that was all my own failure." Xuanyuan left only one sentence, and left with Pengfei, Yiyi, and the "Sage Son of Kaiyang" up.

Zui Guchen was silent for a long time, Daozi looked at Xuanyuan's back thoughtfully, and then said to Zui Guchen: "Your friend is very insightful about the way of cultivation, communicate with him more, It will be of great benefit to you. You have been traveling for a long time, and it is worthwhile to know such a friend who can sacrifice his life for you. As for losing to Ba Ji, your cultivation time is far longer than She comes rarely, and the cultivation method of "Three Thousand Worlds of Forgetfulness" is special, winning or losing is a common thing, so don't worry about it."

"Thank you Daozi." Zui Guchen nodded without saying anything.

Daozi looked at Yao Fu, bowed his hands in salute, and said, "Old Holy Master, then we will also bid farewell, Guchen, let's go."

As soon as the voice fell, Wan Dao fell down, and Dao Zi took Zui Guchen to the direction of 'Yu Hua Dao Court' through the sky.

Xuanyuan, Pengfei, Yiyi, 'Kaiyang Shengzi', all the way through the air, suddenly Pengfei screamed: "Damn it, why are you leaving in such a hurry, we all forgot to go?" Mainly make amends with that old sage, but he said, let us choose three treasures from the gifts given by the guests, and now they are gone, gone."

Peng Fei called to catch the thief, Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and said: "Then what should we do, let's go back and find the old master now."

"Forget it, forget it, it's all you kid, you wasted three treasures for nothing, the old Holy Master is a good person, and this time you even made trouble for his birthday banquet, it's not bad for him to let us go, my master I’m too embarrassed to go back and ask him for it.”

The corners of 'Kaiyang Shengzi''s eyes twitched wildly, and the corners of his mouth twitched. This Fellow Fahai is simply the best. He saw it with his own eyes that day, and heard the old Holy Master asked him to choose gifts. It's all black, and I can't say much, so I can only watch my nose and nose, and pretend to enjoy the breath of nature.

"No, one is one, and two is two. It's good to be clear about being a person." Xuanyuan was about to walk back in a serious manner.

"Hey, let me tell you, do you still have some self-knowledge? The old holy master didn't keep you, so he didn't intend to compensate you. Isn't it just a jade platform to break the emperor's forbidden jade? Are you so competitive?" Peng Fei said a little In a hurry, I said with a green face.

"The Emperor's Forbidden Jade Terrace is also money, no, I have to go back to the old Holy Master to discuss it." Xuanyuan was filled with indignation, as if he had been greatly deceived.

"I said, why don't you respect the old at all, it's his birthday, don't bother him, don't talk about it, and I'm in a hurry with you." Peng Fei looked protective of the old man.

"Slap!" Xuanyuan slapped Pengfei hard on the back of the head, and said, "Bang, you kid, pretend to be a little bit more for me, you still pretended to be me even though you took it."

Peng Fei grinned his teeth in pain, and suddenly saw Yiyi laughing, and the sound of Yiyi was endless, and he suddenly realized that he grabbed Yiyi, with a vicious look: "Yiyi, you little bastard actually turned me sold."

The 'Sacred Son of Kaiyang' looked at Xuanyuan, Pengfei, and Yiyi who were fighting all the way, couldn't help but patted his forehead, and sighed: "The best, it's really the best, I really didn't see it before."

On a piece of land in Daozhou, two women walked through the air.

The leading woman has white hair like snow and a simple and elegant face. She is not alluring, but she gives people a clean, simple, gentle and dignified feeling. There is a bitterness between her brows, which makes people know She is a persistent woman.

Another woman is extremely ethereal, and everything between the heaven and the earth echoes her. Her long black hair is like black silk, silky and smooth, her forehead is white, her eyebrows are delicate, and her eyes are clear. In one place, it feels pure and flawless.

These two women are Yan Ziyun and Yuan'er.

"Sister Ziyun, why don't you go back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'? Xuanyuan said that as long as the 'Qinglong Holy Land' survives the danger, he can take you back. There will be any danger, and everyone wants you to go back." Yuan'er stayed by Yan Ziyun's side and did not dare to leave, for fear that something might happen to Yan Ziyun and she would not be able to explain to Xuanyuan.

"It is precisely because the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is getting more and more prosperous that I don't want to go back. Yuaner, you are still too simple. Women are selfish. A woman who can reach the level of a teacher is hard to find in the world. Once I go back, no matter if it is Fang Yuyou, Bai Youniang, Yin Zhenluo, Huang Yuechan, they will feel very uncomfortable. Women are selfish. Who would like to put their man with more men? For others to share, they don’t give less to Xuanyuan than I do. Besides, to a large extent, Xuanyuan’s love for me is not due to the relationship between men and women, but out of guilt for me. I don’t want to embarrass him, let alone What's more, 'Bitter Love Tao' also needs me, so I won't go back, you go back." Yan Ziyun spoke very softly, but it floated far away, and there was a faint bitterness in her voice, which few people can understand.

Yuan'er finally understood what was going on in Yan Ziyun's mind, and after a pause, she raised her smiling face, showing bright teeth, and said: "Then I won't cause trouble for Xuanyuan, I'll just be with Sister Ziyun Well, in fact, the master is also very guilty because I died for him once, and Sister Ziyun doesn't say anything, I still don't understand what the master's feelings for me are."

"Yuan'er, you silly girl, how could it be, Xuanyuan cares about you very much." Yan Ziyun sighed.

"Then Master Xuanyuan is also very concerned about sister Ziyun." Yuan'er smiled brightly with her black jewel-like eyes.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly descended from the sky, and a voice came: "Xuanyuan? Hehe, I didn't expect to meet Xuanyuan's woman here. It's okay, I'll arrest you first, and then we'll see what happens to him." ?”

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