Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1251 Sea Needle

(Chapter 3, start to focus on the portrayal of the emotional drama part, get rid of the facial makeup of the characters, and let the devouring sky be sublimated again, let's work hard together, please subscribe, now reading KB in December is free, everyone hurry up to read it, free chapters KB to subscribe.)

The clan land of the 'Blood King Clan'.

It is located in the southwest of Zhongzhou, at the junction with Nanzhou. There are mountains like dragons hovering here, majestic and majestic.

In the ancient times, this was a place where the "Blood King Clan" was really killed. It covers an area of ​​50 million miles and is extremely vast. Wherever the Blood Cavalry goes, all spirits occupy it. Years and years, one can imagine how terrifying it will be when the hegemonic blood royal family is born.

In the depths of the 'Blood King Clan', there is a place called 'Blood Ridge'.

It is the ancestral land of the 'Blood Overlord Clan'.

Here, the veins of the ancestor dragons are winding, entrenched, the weather is soaring, and they are full of godless power. It is the most sacred place in the entire "Soil of Blood". Every day, countless races want to worship it to show their respect for it. tribute.

In the depths of the 'Blood Blood Ridge'.

In a small world, there are flowers and plants everywhere, full of exotic flowers and plants, and all kinds of fish, insects, birds and beasts full of spirituality are raised in it. Everything in this world has extremely high strength, at least all of them are immortals. I don't know how many years it has been nourished.

In the small world, the breath is like spring wind and rain, extremely gentle. Being in it, it seems that you are being baptized by the purest power of the Dao in the world all the time.

In the center of the small world, there is an incomparably clear lake, with traces of mist rising. Even a trace of this mist can only be extracted from a pure source of heaven and earth the size of a human head in the outside world.

Next to the lake, there is a jade bed, the sun is shining green, crystal clear, as if water is about to leak out, very warm.

On the bed, there is a woman with a heroic look between her brows, her face is cold and unparalleled in the world, she is sitting cross-legged, wearing a loose white robe, with black hair like a waterfall, lazily scattered around her waist .

She is the emperor daughter of the 'Blood Blood Royal Clan', Ba Ji.

At this moment, her mind is full of every detail of the battle with Xuanyuan that day. It can be said that Xuanyuan's grasp of the battle situation occupies an absolute dominant position. As soon as Ba Ji came back, she began to think about everything.

Whenever she thinks of her cunt being severely trampled by Xuanyuan's hand, she will itch with hatred, wishing to grab Xuanyuan and beat him up.

Ba Ji slowly opened her eyes, the corners of her mouth raised: "Xuanyuan, I am looking forward to how far you can grow."

As soon as the words fell, Ba Ji looked at the rough linen clothes that she had neatly folded on the jade bed, returning to the original, and containing the supreme true meaning of the Dao. Wear it back.

At this moment, she involuntarily caressed the sackcloth with her hands, and there was a strange look in her eyes.

"Wow!" Suddenly, a woman's voice came from behind Ba Ji.

Ba Ji's hand trembled, and she quickly retracted it. Besides Ba Yun'er, who else is the woman behind her?

"My dear sister, what are you thinking?" Ba Yun'er is eccentric, she is full of energy instead of the emotionally wounded appearance of that day, and she is full of anticipation every day, looking forward to Zui Guchen's coming to find her. she.

"Why are you here?" Ba Ji said displeased.

"Why can't I come, I come here whenever I want, why aren't you happy?" Ba Yun'er was not afraid of Ba Ji's majesty at all.

Ba Ji sighed helplessly, and said: "Well, I see that you have been abandoned, and you seem to be in a good mood."

"Don't talk nonsense, Gu Chen said, he will come to me." Ba Yun'er had a bright smile on her face.

"Do you think he will really come to you? Like that kind of heartbroken, unrequited lover, what he says can't be taken seriously." Ba Ji sneered, not taking it to heart, and even more dismissive of Zui Guchen's words Gu.

"Yes, he will definitely come." Ba Yun'er was in high spirits, with a full smile, lively and cute, innocent, just like a child, her eyes were full of expectation, and she was a completely different person.

"Why do you believe him?" Ba Ji frowned, not seeing her sister's nympho look.

"His eyes tell me that he will definitely come, even if you beat him to a disability, he will come to me." Ba Yun'er said firmly.

"Eye? A joke!" Ba Ji sneered.

"Hey, sister, although your cultivation base is better than mine, you don't understand when it comes to emotions. You don't understand what it feels like when a man looks at you with that kind of eyes." The happier I said, the happier I was when I talked, and I was so happy that I lay directly on Ba Ji's jade bed, almost rolling.

"I don't understand, but at least I won't cry like you, and make myself lose my mind and look like I have no master." Ba Ji said angrily.

"Soon, sister, you will be like me." Ba Yun'er smiled cunningly.

"What did you say!" Ba Ji sternly said.

Ba Yun'er stuck out her tongue and said: "Sister, don't scare me, but it is true. I feel that you have someone in your heart. Is it the one named Xu Xian? He is indeed a very good man. The realm of the seventh heaven, suppressing you in the realm of the tenth heaven, sister, is truly remarkable."

"You damn girl with your elbows turned outward, see if I don't fix you." Ba Ji was about to get angry, but Ba Yun'er looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and smiled: "Come on, come on, others Afraid of you, I am not afraid of you."

Ba Ji felt powerless all of a sudden. As an emperor daughter, she had to bear too many burdens. Sometimes she really envied her sister. She was protected by someone, so she didn't have to worry about anything. She was carefree. Innocent and innocent, she has always been protecting her younger sister, as if she would be satisfied as long as her younger sister can possess the part she has lost.

That's why when Ba Ji saw her sister being hurt that day, Ba Ji felt very pained, and she was so angry that she did not hesitate to chase and kill Zui Guchen for hundreds of millions of miles, regardless of everything else.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you as a child." Ba Ji sighed.

"But having said that, that Xu Xian is not very good. He is not as good-looking as my Guchen, and he is not as gentle as my Guchen. No matter how you look at it, he is not as good as my Guchen." Ba Yun'er was happy.

"Fart, no matter how you look at it, Xu Xian is ten thousand times better than your Zui Guchen. I bet that even if your Zui Guchen is in full bloom, if you don't suppress your own realm to fight Xu Xian, it is impossible to suppress Xu Xian. On the contrary, as long as Xu Xian Stepping into the realm of the supreme celestial being, or stepping into the realm of the sages, it will not be too difficult to suppress your Zui Guchen. He entered the realm too fast, his foundation is unstable, and his comprehension of the great way of heaven and earth is a bit erratic. Xu Xian is It has a very solid foundation." Ba Ji said in a heavy voice.

"Yo yo, sister, I didn't mean you, you must have him in your heart, I just said that, why are you so excited." Ba Yun'er looked weirdly at Ba Ji.

With Hongxia on her face, Ba Ji said to him from left to right: "Why do you have him in your heart? This bastard dared to treat me. I didn't even have time to kill him. I just told a fact."

"Well, it is true. His strength will be so strong, which is really beyond my expectation. However, he is just a casual cultivator without the slightest background. He is definitely not worthy of my sister. How can he compare with my lonely family?" Chen, at any rate, is also a holy son of a mysterious branch of the 'Yuhua Daomen', looking at the ancient times, 'Wangqing Taoist Emperor' is also a figure in the Taoist school, everyone knows, this Xu Xian is nothing." Ba Yun With a bit of pride unique to women, she smiled happily.

"Hmph, what background, what inheritance, nothing in my eyes, as long as you dare to stand in front of me, break it with one blow, smash it with one punch, those are all empty." Ba Ji couldn't help but retorted .

"Okay, sister, tell me, what's so good about Xu Xian? He's just a little-known little guy." Ba Yun'er laughed even more happily.

"He is affectionate and righteous. If it weren't for him, your Zui Guchen would have died long ago. He is calm and introverted. He has a deep understanding of the great way of heaven and earth. He will not be confused by appearances. Ancient techniques, unparalleled wisdom, precise grasp of the battle situation, and the way of fighting are extremely rare among the younger generation..." Ba Ji praised Xuanyuan several times, and said it with an extremely serious look.

Ba Yun'er, who was at the side, couldn't help it anymore, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha..."

"What's so funny about laughing? What I'm saying is the truth. Of the younger generation of humans I've seen, there should be only one named Daozi who can compete with him." Although Daozi's clone was punched by himself that day Blow it up, but Ba Ji knows that the Daoist deity is definitely not simple, and if he wants to deal with it, he can only have a chance to suppress him if he breaks through the quasi-emperor realm.

"Sister, you still said that you don't have him in your heart. You usually don't even bother to talk about men from the human race, but now you still defend him. This is the first time I've seen him. Don't deceive your heart. This Xu Xian is pretty good." Yes, compared with Guchen, he has his own advantages. While he has no women now, hold him tightly. Otherwise, one day, when he becomes a generation of young emperors, and his fame shakes the world, countless women will vote for him. If you are in love with another woman, it is too late for you to regret it, a man who values ​​love and righteousness will not change his mind easily." Ba Yuner felt particularly fulfilled when he borrowed words from Ba Ji .

"Joke, as long as I say a word, there will be countless men who are willing to be slaves under my feet. Why should I care so much?" Ba Ji said displeased.

"Then I just want to ask my sister, can you have them in your heart? I won't say much, sister, you can realize it yourself. There is a path of bitterness in Taoism. This is what Gu Chen told me. Xuan once said that it is easy to find a priceless treasure, but it is rare to have a lover, and love is a matter between two people, so for Gu Chen, I will not worry about face, because I really like him!" Ba Yun'er finished speaking After saying these words, she left lightly, looking like an expert in the world, and she really deserved a beating, which made Ba Ji hate it. She thought in her heart: "I like that Xu Xian? Is it possible?"

A woman's heart, a sea needle.

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