Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1255 Ambushes

(Chapter 1, I just got home... I can't afford to be hurt.)

Along the way, the image of Xuanyuan and the seven-clawed golden dragon searching for himself kept appearing in Pengfei's mind. In his heart, he thought about every detail, and felt more and more suspicious, which made him puzzled. Why did he wake up that day and only saw the seven-clawed golden dragon, but not Xuanyuan? Could it be true?

But if calculated from another angle, Xuanyuan is very suspicious. In "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", with Xuan Yuan as a person, is it possible to give up Tsing Yi in exchange for ancient art? The answer is that it is impossible at all. Tsing Yi's change of heart is a compensation for Xuanyuan's guilt? Peng Fei kept thinking about it.

He had suspected for a long time whether Xuanyuan was Di Shitian, but now Di Shitian is in the "Six Paths of Reincarnation". Are you there for that long? In Pengfei's cognition, this is an extremely difficult thing, of course, to a large extent, it is also because Pengfei doesn't know enough about the "body of all transformations".

On that day, Pengfei watched Di Shitian move towards the distance with his own eyes, but he was attracted by it because of his greed for the treasure. Passed out like this.

In this case, let alone doubt Xuanyuan, there is no reason to even doubt Di Shitian.

But why didn't the seven-clawed golden dragon kill him? As long as he didn't touch the center of his eyebrows, he could kill himself by any means, but he didn't kill him. Why, here is another doubt.

There are too many contradictions in this, and the feeling Xuanyuan gives him is paradoxical, which makes Peng Fei unable to figure it out.

Peng Fei kept staring at Xuanyuan's back, let Xuanyuan's back be like a mang, like a thorn in his throat, and thought: "Damn, this fat man won't really find something, right? He's a fine person, it's hard to fool him .”

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be a thief with a guilty conscience. Who told you to rob people so badly that day." The greedy old man laughed, quite a bit gloating.

"Actually, it doesn't matter even if this fat man knows. The key is that at this stall, what should I do if I say something that affects his mood? Let me make it clear to him again, who told him to plot me against me, didn't he deserve it if I plotted against him? Could it be that he has been hanging out for so long, but he still doesn't understand that when he comes out to play around, he always has to pay it back." Xuanyuan never I don't care, but when I think of Peng Fei's deflated appearance, Xuanyuan feels very happy in his heart, and wants to laugh. There is no way, who told me that this fat man is as cheap as a pig-headed emperor.

"I said, you fat man, aren't you still thinking about what happened just now? I said you have such a big head, why is your IQ so low? Remember, we are responding to a catastrophe now, and the catastrophe will evolve into various It's a kind of delusion, you fat man wants a woman without a woman, a family without a family, and has been fighting wild geese all his life. Only that one time he was blinded by a wild goose, and there was a flaw in his Taoism revealed between heaven and earth, so he was robbed and punished So, if you want to use Baopu Mountain to destroy the robbery, then don't think too much, don't kill me at that time, take ten thousand steps back, you can buy it with money Broken thing, do you really think that I would rarely rob you?" Xuanyuan sneered with a look of contempt for Pengfei.

"The answer is, no."

"Really? Do you know how much it costs to buy the broken things you mentioned? Do you know? You may not be able to buy them even if you have money. It seems that the treasure on your body can't be bought with money." Yes, why don’t you show it to the Daoist? As long as you can convince the Daoist, I won’t say anything.” Pengfei was furious, because there are still people who despise the treasure on him in his life. He couldn't bear it, you must know that this is what he got from searching all over the ancient tomb through untold hardships.

Xuanyuan shrugged his shoulders, and saw a side of "Suppressing Demon Immortal Source" manifesting in front of Peng Fei. This side of "Suppressing Demon Immortal Source" exuded the supreme power of suppressing demons, and there was faintly a statue of the ancient emperor. The phantom manifests, and in the fairy source, there is also a broken supreme Taoist weapon, 'Heavenly Burn', even if it is wrapped by the 'Suppressing Demon Immortal Source', it still cannot resist its own power. Peng Fei's eyes twitched at the sight of the supreme Daowei that came out. Xuanyuan really contained many treasures. No wonder he was so arrogant and fearless when he dared to face the ancient royal family.

"This is just one of them. If you take out any one, you will be blinded. What else do you want to say? Do you want to accept it?" Xuanyuan said with a disdainful smile, contemptuous of Pengfei.

Peng Fei immediately lost his temper. He couldn't accept this kind of master Xuanyuan, but he was still very stubborn, and said: "What is this? I still have a complete Supreme Dao Artifact? This doesn't count, change it others."

Xuanyuan naturally knew what Pengfei was thinking, no matter what, let’s stabilize Pengfei’s mood now, and let him stop thinking about it for the time being. If he doesn't restrain himself well, this will inevitably become his inner demon, which will have a huge impact on him in the future.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan directly took out the 'Mending the Sky Copper', this piece of the once mending the sky exudes a boundless breath, that kind of vast, far-reaching, thick, so that Peng Fei felt an urge to suffocate, He was so excited that he looked at Xuanyuan almost nervously, his hands and feet twitched, as if he was suffering from epilepsy, and he almost foamed at the mouth, he said in surprise: "This is, this is 'Butterfly Copper', really It's the legendary 'Mending the Sky Copper', oh my god, you are going against the sky, this kind of fetish can't even be exchanged for the Supreme Dao Artifact. Copper is even more valuable than the Supreme Dao Artifact, it can do things that the Supreme Dao Artifact cannot, but you got it, what kind of world is this?"

Xuanyuan smiled, with a very contemptuous look, and said: "Have you opened your eyes? But I'm sorry, this 'Bronze Butterfly' is just the most low-level thing here, so I said, I can take any thing on my body." It is enough to smash you to death if it comes out, and these things on your body, if I didn't buy them with my life, I really don't care."

Peng Fei was really speechless this time, even the 'butian copper' is just a very low-level thing in Xuanyuan, so what would be the most high-level thing, thinking about it made him feel that his little heart couldn't stand it, If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have friendship with Xuanyuan. It would be nice to rob him, but Peng Fei thought about it, Xuanyuan is not so easy to be robbed by others. Thinking of this, Peng Fei couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, then let's pretend it wasn't you who robbed me." Peng Fei was also speechless, but he felt uncomfortable instinctively. He always thought that it was Di Shitian who had black hands on him, otherwise how could he? Is there such a coincidence? As long as Xuanyuan is not Di Shitian, then all this can be explained.

"It's good to know." Xuanyuan finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he managed to fool this fat man. The catastrophe of life and death is really terrible. To be able to know such a thing is simply too heaven-defying, you know But the pig-headed emperor personally took action and wiped away all the imprints of that piece of heaven and earth: "Oh, mountains of gold and silver are also piled up with fluff. Of course, if there is something, it will be robbed. I don't understand this kind of reasoning." , when did the fat man become stupid?"

If Peng Fei heard the emotion in Xuanyuan's heart, he might vomit three liters of blood.

That black shadow never appeared again, and Xuanyuan and his party traveled through the air. If they had followed the original route, they would have passed through the 'Yuheng Holy Land', but now it was suddenly changed to Baopu Mountain. The distance from Beidou became farther and farther. The 'Holy Maiden of Yuheng' received the news from the 'Sage Son of Kaiyang' and looked in the direction of Baopu Mountain with great resentment. thing, there is no other way.

One day later, when Xuanyuan and Pengfei were about to approach Baopu Mountain, a terrifying aura suddenly descended from the sky.

At this moment, the night is deep.

In the sky, the stars are dotted with brilliance and moving, and countless starlights are falling down, illuminating the entire land.

Xuanyuan frowned: "After all, it's still here. It seems that you are more patient than I imagined. I hope you can stop singing and make a big hit."

"Really? I know that you have entered the 'Sacred Land of Kaiyang', and the 'Holy Son of Kaiyang' will definitely give you the means to save your life, but you should never take this route, even if he gives you the 'Order of Kaiyang' , and can’t cross the void to come to help you, within a radius of thousands of miles of Baopu Mountain, many forbidden teleportation methods will fail, I want to see where you are going to escape this time.”'The Holy Son of Light' fought The armor is shining, the starlight is dazzling, and the armor on his body is dotted with stars, and a very mysterious star formation is running.

Although his 'Shaking Light Cauldron' was taken back, he still has his own magic weapon. How could a saint child like him not have his own adventure, the aura of the 'Shaking Light Holy Son'? The height is extremely high, and it is extremely terrifying. After all, he is a figure at the level of a saint child. Even Xuanyuan cannot compete with the "Sage Son of Yaoguang".

As soon as Peng Fei's expression became cold, he was about to attack with the "Yin-Yang Divine Mirror", while Xuanyuan smiled and said: "Fatty man, why are you so anxious, wouldn't it be good to have one more person to help you share the robbery?"

Xuanyuan laughed extremely obscenely, and Peng Fei suddenly realized that his smile was so lewd that the "Son of Yaoguang" couldn't help but feel chills down his spine.

"Hmph, bluffing, you want to see what methods you have." From the back of the head of the 'Son of Light', suddenly condensed into seven star swords, forming a 'Big Dipper Sword Formation', the killing power rushed straight The nebula, as fast as the aurora, tore apart the entire world around him.

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