'Big Dipper Sword Formation'.

The killing power is boundless, as soon as the seven swords are released, the seven sword rainbows go straight to the sky, and the seven stars shine on the nine heavens, and the seven starlights fall straight down, illuminating the seven stars' sword lights, making the sword formation even more powerful. Behead the pinnacle of the sages.

Once trapped in the sword formation, even Xuanyuan's life would be in danger.

"Go to hell." The 'Sacred Son of Yaoguang' looked cold and murderous, and with a thought, the seven swords intertwined and attacked and killed Xuanyuan.

Seeing that the 'Big Dipper Sword Formation' was about to surround and kill Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan activated the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" in an instant, disappeared into the space where he was originally, and came directly behind Peng Fei. After passing through the deadly sword array, even the 'Son of Waking Light' didn't understand what was going on.

The 'Big Dipper Sword Formation' is not big. In order to increase the killing power to the extreme, the attack range is not wide, only about ten feet in radius. Peng Fei was born afraid of death, so naturally it is a long distance from Xuanyuan, while the 'Yaoguang Shengzi' The main murderer was also Xuanyuan.

Quietly, Xuanyuan used the "Ancient Art of Flowing Moon Fighting God" to attract forty-nine little dragons of misfortune, and directly shot them out. At that moment, the "Sage of Light Shaking" felt extremely terrifying from the bottom of his heart. Crisis, he instantly realized that this was an attack of luck, almost an instinctive thought. It has to be said that no one who can become a generation of saints is easy.

Fortunately, I have learned some ways to protect my luck, and the "Son of Yaoguang" shouted: "Blessed by the seven stars, the Big Dipper is here."

Around him, the seven stars showed their power, and they placed the Big Dipper to protect him. Even so, they still couldn't resist Xuanyuan's attack with the luck of "Liuyue Fighting God Ancient Art", coupled with Peng Fei's bad luck, black It's the same as anything else, it's extremely difficult to break away, this kind of bad luck in the world can make a Baiyun Township dead, and turn it into a fierce place that only the emperor can enter, one can imagine how much it is Terrible, the three words "auspicious person" are not called for nothing.

Although nine little dragons of misfortune were followed by Chong Chong, there were still forty little dragons of misfortune integrated into the body of the 'Son of Light'.

'Son of Light' felt extremely bad in his heart, at this moment, Xuanyuan took out a jade platform in his hand, and said with a smile: "Son of Light, please help us find the way, thank you for your hard work, If you can live, it will count as your life!"

Xuanyuan disappeared again, and the Imperial Forbidden Jade Platform in his hand was activated. Suddenly, Xuanyuan appeared beside the 'Sage Son of Light', and then a portal descended from the sky, wrapped Xuanyuan, and brought the 'Son of Light' to the The depths of Baopu Mountain' are teleported away.

For a moment, the Son of Wave Light couldn't react in time, and roared: "How is it possible, here, many restrictions on crossing the void will be invalid, even the Imperial Forbidden Jade Platform will fail to function."

"You are still too childish, there is no third and third, how dare we come to Baopu Mountain, this is one of the nine ancient arts "Great Trend Ancient Art", the imperial forbidden teleportation method, do you understand now?" Xuanyuan said Dao body whispered something in the ear of the 'Sage Son of Light', and the body of 'Son of Light' trembled violently. It disappeared directly in front of the eyes and crossed towards the depths of Baopu Mountain.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Peng Fei's eyes twitched wildly, and he said: "Damn, this kid is so cruel that he actually got himself into it. Sure enough, no matter what age he is, people who don't want their lives are the scariest."

"You just put yourself in. It was just my Dao body just now. Who would be so stupid? I just used the Dao body to explore the way in advance, huh?" Xuanyuan walked out of the void, like a ghost, It made Peng Fei feel his scalp numb for no reason. This kid's methods are really terrifying. Give him a place of extreme viciousness. If anyone can stop him, he will use his Taoist body to die with others at every turn. Shameless.

Xuanyuan's Dao body crossed the void directly with the 'Sage Son of Light', and came to the depths of Baopu Mountain. He was about to use his Dao body to check the environment of Baopu Mountain, but suddenly the Dao body transformed into Dao autonomously and became A little bit of light, wandering in the four directions, just dispersed, leaving only a very ugly 'Luoguang Shengzi', or Yao Jie.

Apparently, when Yao Jie reached the depths of Baopu Mountain, Yao Jie also felt an instinctive panic.

Xuanyuan's body shook, his expression was very solemn, and he said: "There is an extremely terrifying restriction of Taoism inside, which can dissolve all Taoism bodies, making it impossible for people to explore. This Baopuzi is indeed a remarkable person, even himself Sitting down, they are able to arrange their own burial places so horribly."

"Hey, maybe it wasn't him who was buried. People in the Taoist sect, the transformation of the Tao is directly attributed to the space between heaven and earth. There is no red tape like the Confucian sect. Of course, there are individual methods for various burials, but let's take a step back. I have seen the description of Baopuzi in Guzha. I saw that Baopuzi is simple, he is not enslaved by things, he is innocent and natural, and he does not embellish. It can be seen how his heart is. This should be his sitting form The place is right, but it is hard to guarantee that there will be no latecomers who will make troubles, and use this place's feng shui as a game to bury themselves in it." Peng Fei looked at Baopu Mountain from a distance with his yin and yang eyes, and he had already seen some mystery from it, but it was true , is still difficult to identify.

This kind of feng shui general situation is extremely rare, but it is too early to make a conclusion. You have to see everything with your own eyes to know whether it is true. According to Peng Fei's guess, it is absolutely impossible for Ge Hong to set up the general trend of the world on purpose. Yes, of course it doesn't include the possibility that after he transforms into the Dao, his body will transform into the Dao of Heaven and Earth on his own.

However, Ge Hong's status in Taoism is very high, he is a very special existence, in the ancient times, he was also one of the hundreds of sages, after reading the books of the sages of hundreds of schools, and enlightening the world with the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor", Instead of being a minister in the "Heavenly Court" and passing on to future generations in Zhongzhou, he returned to Daozhou to live in seclusion. It is said that Ge Hong sat in this mountain at last.

This mountain is also called Baopu Mountain by later generations to show respect for this Taoist ancestor and human sage.

It's just that Peng Fei didn't believe that Ge Hong was sitting in the hall, so no one wanted to go in and investigate it, even if they didn't at that time, but in later generations, there will inevitably be people who are curious and come to visit, and so on, just like him, It’s like visiting the ancient tombs of great emperors and sages often, so Peng Fei preliminarily judged that there must be Ge Hong’s close friends laying out the overall situation here to prevent outsiders from entering it and affecting the burial place here, or those who are about to die later. It's all possible.

Xuanyuan naturally understood Pengfei's thoughts, he said slowly: "No matter what it is, we will only know it after seeing it, let's go."

Xuanyuan and Pengfei have completely forgotten what happened just now, and now they enter Baopu Mountain, find Ge Hong's ancient tomb, let Pengfei use the power of Fengshui to destroy the calamity. The most important thing is that Xuanyuan has already decided. The worst thing is to sacrifice the "Qinglong Shenguo". With this magic medicine in his body, it is difficult to die. We must let Peng Fei dissolve this catastrophe. If he dies Who knows how terrible the next catastrophe will be, Xuanyuan regrets why he plotted against Peng Fei that day and took these broken things, isn't it just asking for trouble for himself?

The closer the two of them got to Baopu Mountain, the more they felt a very strange feeling. It seemed that all the avenues of heaven and earth began to respect the whole Baopu Mountain.

This made Xuanyuan involuntarily exclaim: "This Baopuzi is really powerful, he is worthy of being a sage of the human race and a sage ancestor of Taoism."

"That's right, sooner or later I will be able to reach this level and become a role model for all ages." Peng Fei laughed loudly, which is quite proud.

"Well, there are countless descendants throughout the ages, and everyone will visit your solitary tomb, and then leave a bubble of excrement and urine to enshrine you, and engrave a visit here on your tombstone." Xuanyuan nodded seriously.

"Damn it, you kid just came to make fun of me." Peng Fei's face turned blue.

Yiyi who was on Xuanyuan's shoulder laughed, and Xuanyuan asked Yiyi, "Yiyi, do you feel that your avenue will be restricted by this place's oppression?"

"Yiyi——" Yiyi was very cheerful, saying that he would not.

Xuanyuan and Pengfei looked at each other, in this place, Xuanyuan couldn't do Daoyin, it was too difficult, not to mention Pengfei, as a Feng Shui master, the mysterious and terrifying existence laid out all kinds of big plans, and he was born with a kind of hostility towards Pengfei , This is a kind of hostility towards tomb robbers.

This is how they felt when they came to the edge of Baopu Mountain.

"It seems that the two of us are really a natural combination. If you want to enter Baopu Mountain without losing you and me, you can't do it. Let's cooperate well." Peng Fei looked serious, feeling that this place is extremely dangerous, what he has seen in his life , this is the most terrifying place.

"Who wants to pair up with you? I want to go to the "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" and then pair up with Jiang Yan. Let's see if the legendary Xuanzong exists at the level of an emperor, and pair up with her. Only a fool will marry you." Xuanyuan solemnly rejected Peng Fei's request for sex.

"Then you don't have to rely on me now." Peng Fei said with a mean smile.

"Now I have to, there are many helplessness in life." Xuanyuan laughed.

Baopu Mountain, innocent and natural, looks like a fairy reclined from a distance, and forms various landscapes when viewed close up.

For example, the Shuangrui Peak not far away is shaped like a woman's breasts, tall and straight, round and juxtaposed. The two peaks stand side by side, naturally formed between the heaven and the earth, and the most soft and yin breath flows out of it.

In another direction, there is a Yangding Mountain, which is shaped like the root of a man's crotch. It is mighty and towering.

The yin and yang of the two places face each other far away, the air permeates the roots of the earth, and they are harmonious with each other. In Baopu Mountain, there are many creatures that are naturally formed by heaven and earth.

Or a long dragon soaring, or a tiger entrenched, or a white crane spreading its wings, can be seen everywhere, lifelike, containing the natural avenue.

"Fatty man, hurry up and use the 'Heaven and Earth Dao Compass' to find out the direction, be serious, don't find Baopuzi's ancient tomb and die outside, it will be ugly." Xuanyuan frowned, road.

"Don't worry, Master Dao, I have only missed a few times in my life. In the end, everyone with me died, and I was the only one who lived." Peng Fei said very seriously, Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently. The dead fat man is as unreliable as the pig-headed emperor.

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