Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1257 Gluttonous?

In 'Baopu Mountain'.

Peng Fei used "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" to directly activate the "Heaven, Earth, and Dao Compass", and the majestic Feng Shui breath rolled and swept across the vast expanse.

In the 'Compass of Heaven, Earth, and Dao', the magnetic needle vibrated violently. If Peng Fei hadn't performed the "Ancient Fengshui Magic Technique", the 'Compass of Heaven, Earth, and Dao' would have become extremely disordered and he could not tell the direction.

Peng Fei's expression was very solemn, and he said in a heavy voice: "This place is terrible. Deep in the ground, there is an extremely strong 'Yin-Yang Geomagnetism'. It will be affected like this, and fortunately there is "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" to complement it, otherwise, I'm afraid we won't even be able to find the way, and now we can just point out a way, let's go."

At this moment, Xuanyuan and Pengfei have stepped into Baopu Mountain.

There are many natural stones in the mountains, and their shapes are different, like dragons, tigers, lions, leopards, cows, or even insects, flowers, birds, and fish.

These stones are all naturally generated after countless years, and they are lifelike, like living things, flowing with supreme dao rhyme, as if they are about to come alive.

Sometimes it is really scary, because Xuanyuan and Pengfei have to guard against those horrible creatures that can suddenly kill and rush out at any time. They may not be alive, but they may be dead. What can happen in this kind of place? can happen.

"It's not right." Xuanyuan frowned, and said in a heavy voice, "What's going on here?"

"What's wrong?" Peng Fei's heart was almost in his throat when Xuanyuan said this.

"It doesn't make sense, this kind of place with strong geomantic omens breeds the beauty of heaven and earth. Look at these stone statues, if it is not a place of great luck, it is absolutely impossible to form such an appearance naturally. This place is a place of great auspicious geomantic omen and auspiciousness. It is no small matter." Xuanyuan Yitianyan Unfolding, seeing through these stone statues, they were indeed conceived naturally by the heavens and the earth, not any ferocious beasts, but because of this, the vitality of this place is extinct, so that Xuanyuan can't feel a trace of vitality, which is very strange.

"It's best to have no life. Are you still looking forward to fighting those ancient beasts in the deep mountains? Don't treat Baopu Mountain as a mortal place. If an ancient beast really steps out, we will all be wiped out." Peng Fei turned He rolled his eyes and despised Xuanyuan.

"I just want to say, if even the ancient beasts are completely wiped out, let alone us, can't you weigh the pros and cons?" Xuanyuan's words immediately made Peng Fei feel numb and feel guilty .

"Damn it, don't hold back, kid, you want to kill us, hurry up and see what's going on." Peng Fei changed his face so quickly that Xuanyuan had already gotten used to it.

Xuanyuan was silent for a moment, then opened his own space, and saw countless breaths of peerless spiritual sources spewing out.

At this moment, Xuanyuan saw that the 'swallowing source' gluttonous appearance had grown to the size of a water tank, and this gluttonous appearance looked more ferocious and lifelike, as if it were a living thing , there was an immortal aura flowing out of it, seeing that Peng Fei's eyeballs almost didn't fall to the ground, he screamed:

"Damn it, the 'Spirit Swallowing Source' gluttonous phase, where did you get the shit luck to be able to pick up such a big 'Spirit Swallowing' gluttonous phase, as long as it is nourished to a certain level, if If you are unlucky, you can take the other three souls and seven souls into it and control it for yourself. If you are lucky, it will be even more remarkable, but you can improve towards the direction of the real gluttonous beast, and one day you will be able to become a real gluttonous beast , that is a real divine beast."

Xuanyuan frowned, looked at Peng Fei, and said in a startled voice: "What did you say, say it again."

"Are you stupid, don't you even know this? But that's right, how can a country bumpkin like you be as knowledgeable as my Daoist master? Those who form gods and beasts like this are worthy of God." Hanging down the curtain, bestowing a ray of remnant spirit, and then conceived in the spiritual source of heaven and earth. After countless years, it was naturally nourished, absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, gradually formed, and evolved into a source corresponding to its nature. The nature of Taotie is greed, so it was born It will evolve into a 'swallowing source', because there is a ray of gluttonous remnant spirit, so it will form a gluttonous appearance, as long as there are enough peerless spiritual sources, or peerless immortal sources, if you warm them up, you may not be able to become a divine beast in the future, otherwise you I thought that in the ancient times, how did those divine beasts and fairy beasts come from, such as Qinglong, Xianhuang, Kunpeng are all unique, in fact, they all reached the limit with the supreme fairy source, and they evolved, so there is this family born memories, my own supernatural powers, etc., you must be silly, kid."

Peng Fei was finally taken aback in front of Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan never thought that this "swallowing source" gluttonous form would turn into a real divine beast in the future. Originally, Xuanyuan didn't have much hope for it, he just wanted to see it It grew into a fairy source warmly, and when it saw whether there was any use for it, it threw it in the Wanhua space, and didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't expect it to grow so big independently now, and its future is limitless.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, only to hear the greedy old man laughing and said: "Well, what Peng Fei said is correct, but I don't know as much as he does. These days, I have used the purest blood to water , nourish it, because I think it is worth cultivating. Since he said that, I will spend more time on this piece of "Swallowing Spirit Source" in the future, but it is about to turn into a fairy source, and there will be a reverse The catastrophe and punishment of the heavens, transforming from a peerless spiritual source to a fairy source, is no less than stepping from the quasi-emperor realm to the great emperor realm, and even worse, especially the Taotie phase, which should be even more rebellious. sky."

"Well, that's good, I will enshrine this uncle well in the future, and when I go out from here, I will water it with my own blood every day, and when it really turns into gluttony, I don't know how strong it will be? "Xuanyuan chuckled, very happy in his heart.

"Who knows, hahaha." The greedy old man laughed loudly.

"Understood, it's okay to count you as good, I'm going to start to describe the power, don't come to quarrel with me, otherwise, don't die and blame me for making mistakes." Xuanyuan didn't say anything more, sat cross-legged, and took out a few pieces in his hand. A peerless spiritual source, a peerless spiritual source born with extremely keen perception.

They are all spiritual, and when they feel that they are in danger, they will flee on their own. These peerless spiritual sources were all formed by the gods, and they were finally obtained by them. After being nurtured day and night, their spirituality became stronger , and now they are all acquired by Xuanyuan.

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you, you have a great spirituality like this, and you have the opportunity to evolve into an adult with these peerless spiritual source depiction techniques, and you will also accumulate killing calamity, so if it is not a last resort, take it easy." As a feng shui master, Fei had the same unfortunate old age as the stylist, so my friend also read the records of some stylists.

Xuanyuan frowned, still without the slightest hesitation, holding the 'Renhuang Brush' in his hand, pouring into it with his incomparably majestic thoughts, and then drawing dragons and snakes on it, depicting incomparably exquisite lines of heaven and earth, every day The aura of each pattern is gradually flowing with an ancient rhyme of the Great Dao. It can be seen that Xuanyuan's understanding of the art of power is becoming more and more profound. Thanks to Mo Xuan and Mo Ying's guidance that day, Xuanyuan has a lot of epiphany results.

After three days and three nights, Xuanyuan finally portrayed this Dao Situation, and this Dao Situation was named 'Heavenly Sensation Dao Situation'.

Possessing a keen perception like the sky, it can predict good and bad fortune, and then manifest it, so that people know how to advance and retreat, and understand gains and losses.

"Let's go." Xuanyuan frowned and stood up.

During these three days and three nights, Peng Fei didn't dare to be negligent. He saw the black shadow twice, and each time the opponent just passed by, but invisibly, it caused great pressure on Peng Fei: " Boy, you have to be careful, that black shadow is coming, hurry up and go."

Xuanyuan nodded, he already knew it, and it really is lingering, just like what Pengfei said, you can't just sit and wait for death, instead of waiting for Yingjie, it's better to take the initiative and go to destroy Jie!

"Wait a minute." Xuanyuan said.

Peng Fei frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

Xuanyuan ignored Peng Fei and walked up to the stone statues of a lion and a tiger. It has been so lifelike for so many years that they have already merged with this piece of Baopu Mountain.

"Since you have already committed crimes, you might as well make it bigger. Whether you live or die depends on your good fortune." As soon as Xuanyuan finished speaking, an incomparably majestic aura of sages rose from the back of Xuanyuan's head, and from his fingertips, A flash of wisdom was emitted, and the corner of Peng Fei's eyes twitched, knowing that Xuanyuan was going to use the method of enlightenment.

Every time Xuanyuan points out a finger, there is his majestic spiritual idea, his thoughts, and the supernatural means he has learned.

After two fingers, Xuanyuan's whole body became weak, his face was pale, and he was almost untenable. The continuous depiction of "Heavenly Sensation Daoshi" for the past three days was a huge consumption of Xuanyuan. The two stone statues can be enlightened as much as possible, and too much has been incorporated.

I saw Xuanyuan hastily mobilized a lot of heavenly milk and melted it into his body, refining ninety-nine drops at one time, and Xuanyuan gradually recovered.

"Boy, do you think you can achieve success?"

"I don't know, I can only look at their fate. There are a lot of blessings here, and in order to enlighten them, I have raised the technique of enlightenment to the extreme, incorporating the power of the Seventh Heaven Dao, and Many supernatural powers, as well as my own thoughts and spirits, if there is still no way to enlighten them, I can't do anything." Xuanyuan closed his eyes, said nothing more, and adjusted his breath.

Two hours later, in front of Xuanyuan, the stone shell on the surface of the entrenched lion and tiger broke open, and the glittering streamers were spinning inside, and the rhythm of Tao was overflowing, scattered between the heaven and the earth.

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