Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1258: Ancient Tombs of the Nine Great Sages

Dao rhyme emanates from the inside of the lion tiger, which is a sign of beginning to transform into Dao.

Peng Fei, who was full of expectations in his heart, seemed a little dejected at the moment, with an indescribable loneliness in his heart. When he saw this scene, he said helplessly: "Failed, they have begun to transform, you are wasting your efforts in vain."

"It's still too early to make a conclusion. I won't give up until I see them truly transform into the Tao. Show me." Xuanyuan said every word, very firm, as if he thought he had harmed him that day. Yuan'er was the same, but in the end the enlightenment was successful, which was beyond Xuanyuan's expectation.

Yiyi on Xuanyuan's shoulder nodded repeatedly, expressing agreement with Xuanyuan's thoughts, waving its snow-white paws and yelling a few times: "Yiyi——"

It means that there is no real transformation path yet.

If they can be enlightened, it will be of great help to them along the way. Although they are not random stones like Yuan'er, they can become adults after enlightenment, but they also have their own wisdom. With such a long period of time in one piece of land, they can instinctively feel where there is danger and where it is safe, and some of the general situation of Feng Shui in this piece of heaven and earth, the killing power of heaven and earth will not be touched by them.

As soon as the babbling words fell, those dao lights that originally scattered between the heaven and the earth were swallowed back by the two, and a mysterious and mysterious power circulated.

The light wrapped them bit by bit. In the end, even if Xuanyuan and Pengfei used the eyes of heaven and yin and yang to see through them, they couldn't see their condition. The pen killing robbery is written in his own head, that is to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

A moment later, under the watchful eyes of Xuanyuan and Pengfei, a lion and a tiger came out. They were crystal clear, flowing with precious light, as pure as glass, and there was a road flowing between their steps, and their strength was extremely high.

Xuanyuan can clearly feel that their physical strength is already comparable to the terrifying existence of some sages at the peak.

A lion and a tiger crawled down towards Xuanyuan, and Yiyi jumped on top of the Lion King's head happily, "Yiyiyi——"

These lions and tigers are extremely powerful. They are all in the realm of sages. Their physical bodies are equivalent to those of some sages who specialize in physical bodies. They are extremely strong. Even Xuanyuan is hard to shake for a while. A stone has been practiced for millions of years since the ancient times, and it has only reached the state of great accomplishment of the sages. The slow progress of its cultivation can be seen from this. If it is not for Xuanyuan's enlightenment in advance, it does not know how long it will take for them to transform into form Well, so they are grateful to Xuanyuan.

Being able to tap these two spirit creatures made Xuanyuan very satisfied.

But they can't speak, and there is a Dao rhyme in their voices when they roar, it is very difficult for Xuanyuan to interpret, but fortunately there is Yiyi, he danced and acted as a little translator, and told Xuanyuan: "Yiyiyi -"

Only then did Xuanyuan understand that the lion king and the tiger king meant that they were willing to lead the way for their master and asked him to sit on them.

"Come on." Xuanyuan looked at Peng Fei, and sat on the Lion King directly, while Peng Fei sat on the Tiger King. go ahead.

Pengfei admired Xuanyuan more and more in his heart. With this lion and tiger, the next road will be much easier. He is not a fool, so he can naturally see some of Xuanyuan's intentions.

Along the way, the lion king and the tiger king led the way, which saved Xuanyuan and the others a lot of trouble. They passed safely in this way. They were not fast, but they were very steady. After all, they had just been formed from a stone, and their movements seemed a little rusty, but this was normal.

At the same time, Xuanyuan also communicated with them through Yiyi.

It turned out that after Baopuzi sat down that day, many people really came here, including those who loved him and his close friends. In order to prevent outsiders from disturbing or harboring malicious intentions, they set up some ancient bans for sages, the emperor Gu Forbidden, there are also some Heavenly Dao Emperor Powers, Feng Shui Emperor Bureaus, which are extremely terrifying, and ordinary people cannot enter them at all.

Xuanyuan felt emotional in his heart, it seems that this time he and Pengfei want to enter it, it should be impossible, even after such a long time, but Xuanyuan still believes that there is no God to forbid these horrors that were laid down that day, the emperor's power , the imperial bureau is still boundless in power, otherwise, those who covet the place where Baopuzi sits will never be dead.

But Pengfei has always insisted, saying that he wants to take a look, even if it is to look up at the outside, this kind of overall situation, Pengfei can know the seriousness in his heart, and he will not mess around, and Xuanyuan also wants to take a look , also agreed.

Later, through the memories of the Lion King and the Tiger King, I got another message. After the past 60,000 years, another extremely extraordinary figure came. They didn't know who it was, but the man did not touch it. Baopuzi's ancient tomb, he came here to look up and walk around, and then buried himself in a mysterious place here.

Together with Baopuzi, there are a total of nine sages and sages who are proficient in Fengshui and the overall situation. They buried themselves here. They occupy nine completely different positions and listen to the statements of the lion king and the tiger king. , Xuanyuan couldn't help frowning.

Baopu Mountain, I didn't expect that this place is not only the place where Baopuzi sits, but also the place where eight other ancient sages sit and die. I'm afraid many people would never have imagined that these people quietly put themselves They were buried without alarming anyone. Given their state, no one would know where they wanted to go.

After Pengfei learned about it, he was already trembling with excitement. He was simply against the sky. He finally understood why the "compass of heaven and earth" became so chaotic. There are nine ancient tombs here, strong and weak. In addition to the 'Yin-Yang Geomagnetism', it can't find its direction. In the end, Peng Fei suppressed it with "Feng Shui Ancient Magic", and let it choose a road independently. I don't know if it leads to Baopu. The place where the son is buried is now the biggest problem.

"What if it's not Baopuzi's ancient tomb next, are you sure?" Xuanyuan looked at Pengfei.

"The ancient sages are all very important. In the ancient times, sages appeared frequently, and the human race was immortal and reached the peak. From now to now, even after their death, they can play a huge role. And according to the Lion King and What the Tiger King said, they are all people who are proficient in wind and water, and unfortunate things will inevitably happen in their later years. They buried themselves in this place, there must be a deep meaning, I have a thought in my heart, maybe it coincides with them, but all of this, You have to wait until you enter the ancient tomb before you can get the real answer. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Baopuzi’s ancient tomb or not, every character here is not simple.” Peng Fei didn’t have that foolish look, Why did this place turn into a dead place? These ancient sages were also proficient in wind and water, and it was impossible for them to live without damaging their own virtues.

Sometimes as a feng shui master, it is not for yourself, but for the people of the world, and you will hurt yourself, because you use the overall situation of feng shui, you set up this situation, and bless the people of this world, you will suffer The creatures on the other side of the world, in the dark, have a cause and effect. Fengshui is to attract the spirits of the four directions of the world, gather them in one piece of heaven and earth, change the landscape of mountains and rivers, lock the spirits in the layout, and nourish one side of the world. This place is nourished, and the rest Quartet will naturally be affected, which is unavoidable.

Xuanyuan didn't have much understanding of Fengshui thaumaturgy. Although he got Pengfei's "Fengshui Ancient Magic" and his own insights, Xuanyuan didn't have time to study and understand it. Now Xuanyuan can only remain silent.

Seven days after Xuanyuan and Pengfei entered Baopu Mountain, three figures appeared outside Baopu Mountain.

"Hehe, the secret treasure concealment method of the Protoss is indeed unparalleled in the world. Xuanyuan's perception is extremely keen, but he still doesn't perceive our existence." A man laughed strangely.

"Xuanyuan and Pengfei have already gone in, shall we follow in? A mantis catching cicadas and orioles are behind!" Another man laughed.

"Why should we go in and let them suffer for themselves? Killing people with a knife is the best way. Why should we take risks?" The man who spoke at the end had an indescribable joy on his face. The other person was Jiang Yitian.

Beside him are the original "Dragon Saint Son" Meng Yun, and the original "Han Tian Saint Son", Cao Xiu is his real real name.

"Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan's methods are so terrifying. Fortunately, we didn't show up, otherwise, I'm afraid he would have fallen into his hands." Meng Yun frowned, with a serious expression. He asked himself, even if it was himself, he would not be able to react. The ants in the past gave him such an unfathomable feeling. Even if he got the inheritance of the ancient emperor, he was still very afraid of Xuanyuan. Meng Yun felt very uncomfortable.

""Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" is too scary, no one knows it, no wonder it will become one of the ancient arts against the sky, it is really incomprehensible." Cao Xiu and Meng Yun are full of the huge origin of the gods at the moment, giving The benefits they brought are obvious. They can clearly feel the surge in their strength and the increase in their lifespan. With their aptitude, as long as they have enough years, they will definitely be able to achieve a lot.

"It doesn't matter, we can get these, the premise is that they all have to die, I have a way to extract the ancient art, and then the three of us will practice together." Jiang Yitian smiled, and then took Meng Yun and Cao Xiu together Break through the air and fly into the distance.

Just an hour later, explosive news came out from the three major forces of 'Yuhua Daomen', Beidou and Changsheng, which shocked many people!

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