Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1261 Protoss Means

(Chapter 1, I apologize for what happened yesterday.)

The Taoist ancestor with white eyebrows is an extremely terrifying figure. He has reached the pinnacle of the ancient sage realm. He has surpassed the heavens and the earth, and his ability is extraordinary. The realm of the ancient sages, one can imagine how powerful they are.

However, in the process of calculation, Taoist Baimei was able to be severely injured. Everyone knew how terrible the overall situation of Fengshui was here, and Taoist Baimei verified what Xuanyuan said.

I saw the white-browed Daoist directly swallowing a dao pill, and his face looked better. The calculation just now seems to have offended a very terrifying existence, but a small backlash can cause him serious damage. Thinking about it, if he tried his best to do everything, even the white-browed Taoist ancestor would not even have ashes left.

"I won't lie to you, this should be a secret, hidden deep in Baopu Mountain, it is extremely against the sky, but now I have to, it can only be like this, in Baopu Mountain, not only your Taoist sect will be buried The holy ancestors, and the sages of my human race, so we just want to come here and use the power of Fengshui in the ancient tombs of the sages of my human race to break the catastrophe for us, presumably Daozi shouldn't care." Xuanyuan looked at Daozi, and said in harmony After asking, he understands that Daozi is a person who understands the overall situation. Although Daozi has ambitions, these ambitions are based on the premise of the prosperity of the human race, so to a certain extent, he and Daozi can be regarded as people on the same road. .

"Well, of course there is no problem." Daozi nodded without any objection.

At this moment, a figure of an ancient sage said sadly: "Who knows, if it is not my Taoist school, its heart will be different. If you offend the ancient tomb of the Taoist ancestor and seize the tomb of the Taoist ancestor The most precious Taoist scriptures, that is the supreme loss of my Taoism, so you should get out of the supreme holy mountain of my Taoism, this place cannot be invaded by outsiders, it is their business that your human saints are buried here, but you are not qualified Get in here."

What this casual cultivator said made some sense, so no one refuted him. Many people indeed regard Baopu Mountain as one of the holy mountains of Taoism, which is extremely sacred. The respect of this Taoist ancestor has been passed down for countless years. Many people have always done this, knowing that they cannot enter Baopu Mountain, but they have always worshiped outside Baopu Mountain. This is a kind of awe from the heart.

Xuanyuan frowned, ignored the ancient sage, but looked at Daozi, and said slowly: "Daozi, you have also been contaminated with our karma, Peng Fei is the master of calamity, if he is the master of calamity "Of course, we assistant robbers can't turn up too much trouble. Now Peng Fei needs my assistance to destroy the main robbery. Once the main robbery dies and the deputy robbery becomes the master, you will not be able to escape this life and death, Daozi." Great catastrophe, we have many ancient arts backgrounds that are still difficult to resist. Daozi, as a "ten thousand Taoist body", attracts such a catastrophe of life and death. Not only will he not be able to become your protective umbrella, but he will also become a sharp weapon to kill you. 'Wan Dao Shen Physique' is favored by the heavens, and there are ten thousand ways to protect the body. If the heinous evil is unforgivable, the ten thousand ways will be killed. I'm afraid Daozi can understand this in his heart. The fate between you and me is closely linked. If Daozi doesn't object, I will Continue to go deep into Baopu Mountain!"

As soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, an ancient sage came out as fast as lightning, and his speed caught everyone off guard, and Daozi's expression changed instantly.

I saw Xuanyuan was torn apart by it in an instant, and then a terrible imperial ban erupted. This is an 'Eighteen Hells and Ghosts Forbidden', in which there are vicious and hungry souls from the eighteenth hells, contaminated by many hells. The aura of death gave rise to various illusions of the eighteen levels of hell, and the ancient sages present were shocked. The eighteen levels of hell are only in legends, but now someone can refine such a terrifying emperor. Forbidden, if it is reflected, it can be seen that this person's attainments in prohibition are against the sky.

It is rumored that Xuanyuan has "Ancient Art Forbidden by the Gods", this statement is true.

Seeing that Xuanyuan was torn apart was the Tao body, and there was such a terrible imperial ban hidden in the Tao body, Daozi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but he also regarded Xuanyuan as one of his big opponents in this life , such a person is too strong, strategizing, extremely intelligent, with a Dao body, flawless, no one can see a trace of flaws, and only the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" can have such power.

The one who attacked and killed Xuanyuan was a casual cultivator in the Taoist sect, named 'Wusheng Patriarch'. When he saw that Xuanyuan was only a Taoist body, his face changed drastically. Suppressed by hand, at this moment, the ancient sage is being tortured by many fierce souls, biting, extremely painful, and he can't live without dying. Originally, when he was not suppressed, he was able to suppress these fierce souls , and now he was suppressed to the point of being powerless to fight back, and could only let these fierce and hungry souls ravage and devour him, which was extremely painful.

Daoist Baimei just used secret techniques to extract the memory of this ancient sage, and wanted to know the origin of this 'Old Ancestor of No Life'. Suddenly, a brand hidden in his memory instantly shattered and burst, A mark is not from the human race, nor is it from the ancient royal family, but from the god race.

I saw that the body of this 'Wusheng Patriarch' exploded involuntarily, and even Baimei Daozu was useless to suppress it, which shocked the hearts of countless people present, Baimei Daozu reacted very quickly, and shouted sharply: "The void is peeled off. "

The Supreme Patriarch who was suppressed by him was instantly thrown into the void of an unknown distance, blew himself up and turned into fly ash, otherwise, if an ancient sage blew himself up, everyone would be injured even if they didn’t die. This kind of scene It is extremely frightening.

The white-browed Taoist ancestor looked dignified, and said: "I didn't expect that in my Taoist sect, there are actually people from the gods. After reaching this level, the ancient sages can be controlled by the gods. It's really terrible. I'm afraid there will be endless troubles. It seems These years, the people of the Protoss have never been idle. This person is called 'Wusheng Patriarch', and he is quite famous in the Taoist sect. He has a long life span and a surge of energy and blood. God created it, it turns out that there is a god race behind it."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the people in the three Daomen were extremely dignified. Daozi was in a bad mood. Obviously, when he heard Xuanyuan's words, he would suddenly kill him. The three hidden small fish were still not far away from him. He was thinking about whether to kill them or not.

"At this moment, my fighting spirit world is really troubled by internal and external troubles. There are the ancient royal family inside and the gods coveting outside. If we are still killing each other, sooner or later we will become the souls of others. Hold here, no outsiders can enter, let Xuanyuan and Pengfei succeed in destroying the catastrophe, other things will be discussed later, don't let other people take advantage of it." Daozi said in a serious voice.

Everyone knows that Xuanyuan Pengfei's fate is closely related to Daozi's fate, and now the "Wusheng Patriarch" controlled by the protoss has completely angered Daozi, and made everyone present understand the seriousness of the situation.

"This is natural." The old men of the three Daomen didn't say much, they all saw the gains and losses clearly. The fate of heaven, at least at this moment, they all hope that Daozi can be able to, or, among them, some people admire that Daozi has such a great talent at a young age, and are willing to assist Daozi to become the future ancient emperor.

In the dark, Jiang Yitian's face turned blue. He never expected that it was just Xuanyuan's Taoist body, and he cursed in his heart: "Xuanyuan is as cunning as a fox, I should have known it a long time ago, it is absolutely impossible to belong to him!" This deity, but he can have the same strength and the same aura as his deity, it seems that he is a "body of all transformations", and he has already begun to mature. If this son does not suppress it, if he grows to the state of "swallowing the emperor" that day , is the unworldly enemy of the Protoss."

"What should we do now? Daozi asked many ancient sages to guard here to protect Xuanyuan and the others. We can't do anything in the future." Cao Xiu frowned, and his expression was very ferocious. The ants in his eyes that day will change now. It was so terrible that he was extremely unbalanced.

"I can only take one step at a time, otherwise, what else can I do?" Meng Yun was also very helpless, but the power Jiang Yitian controlled was really not ordinary, and he was able to control a person who was in the realm of ancient sages. What he used, I really don't know if there are other more terrifying methods in the future.

"Wait and see what happens, I don't believe that Pengfei will bring about such a terrible catastrophe of life and death, just relying on Xuanyuan and Pengfei, the two of them can wipe out the catastrophe, as long as Pengfei dies, the time for Daozi's death will come At this moment, Jiang Yitian has completely hated Daozi, this man has opposed him again and again, and he does not follow the route he expected, which makes him extremely angry.

As soon as Xuanyuan's Dao body was destroyed, the deity immediately felt it. He frowned solemnly and said, "Sage Gongdi, what kind of Feng Shui overall situation is this?"

When Peng Fei heard the words, his face turned green immediately, and he screamed: "What did you say, sage Gongdi, who did you listen to?"

Xuanyuan recounted what happened just now, which made Pengfei's expression more solemn. He used his yin and yang magic eyes, kept observing the surrounding world, and deduced from the edge from time to time. In the end, his face was extremely pale and heavy. Said: "It is indeed the image of the sages and emperors, I dare not directly calculate the overall situation, otherwise I will die without a place to bury if I am not careful."

"How to say?" Xuanyuan also became nervous.

"Sages Gongdi, as the name suggests, the nine sages ruled by bowing down to make the world peaceful, but there is a tendency to hide evil in the good. It is a terrifying existence in the world, and even these nine sages can only hang their clothes and ask it not to go out and stay here." Peng Fei's expression is very ugly, that is to say, one carelessness can trigger the nine sages A terrifying existence that ancient sages and sages all feared.

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