Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1262 Assassination Dao Bureau

In ancient times, the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" was responsible for balancing the relationship between the sons and saints, and each son and saint governed the world in their own ways. Peaceful, the prosperity of the human race, this is an extremely clever means of governance, which can be seen how the means of the sages.

Now there are actually nine sages who are willing to hang their clothes and hand over their hands. Please the mysterious emperor here, sit here and don't be born. It shows how terrifying it is, and it must be able to affect the general situation of the whole world.

Xuanyuan heard the words and fell into deep thought, without saying a word, with many thoughts flowing in his heart.

Peng Fei's mood seemed very complicated. Originally, he thought that Baopu Mountain was nothing more than the burial place of Baopuzi, and there was nothing to be afraid of. It was more than enough for him to deal with it alone, because of the "Yin-Yang Mirror" 'This thing greatly increased Pengfei's confidence.

Later, even though he knew that there were nine sages buried, Peng Fei still had a certain amount of confidence, and at worst he would take a risk. Life is like a gamble, and when it comes to some forks, you always have to make a choice. If he has been timid and afraid to move forward, he will have limited achievements in his life, so he chose to move forward.

But it was precisely because of his lack of experience that he didn't see that this was such a terrifying feng shui situation of the sage Gongdi.

Now I know that Peng Fei is also very entangled in his heart, whether he should enter it or not, the real commanders all know the gains and losses.

He looked at Xuanyuan and asked, "For the vision of the sage Gongdi, if we enter the ancient tomb, we won't be able to escape death, but the chance of surviving is less than 20%. What do you think? After all, it's the two of us. If I enter it together, I can't make decisions on my own, and I need to ask for your opinion."

"Then what are the chances of helping you eliminate the catastrophe?" Xuanyuan asked back. Everything is like that. Although the risk is great, the feedback is also great. If there are disadvantages, there must be advantages. Therefore, he needs to weigh whether the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"Of course, this catastrophe can be completely wiped out. The feng shui situation of the sage Gongdi is extremely against the sky. I also really want to reveal the true face of the black shadow. If I use the power of this situation, I can definitely destroy it." Peng Fei said in a heavy voice, there is absolutely no suspense in the overall situation of feng shui such as sages supporting the emperor.

"Are you sure it will appear? If it knows that you want to kill it, won't it retreat and not appear?" Xuanyuan asked again.

"In the tombs of the ancient sages, it's hard not to show up. A place with a lot of yin is just the best chance for catastrophe. We are in the holy land of Taoism, and the yang is too heavy, which is harmful to us." It's a great help, but once you are in a dark place like the ancient tomb, it will definitely appear." Peng Fei vowed.

"What if it doesn't appear?" Xuanyuan asked again, the matter was so important that he had to ask in detail.

"Then I have my own way to lure it to show up, I can't let him." Peng Fei said heavily.

"Then get into it. Whatever you say, you must destroy your life and death catastrophe. Otherwise, once you die, I will also be in bad luck. There is only one chance. If you fight, there is still less than 20% chance." Opportunity!" Xuanyuan laughed, his eyes became firmer than ever before, Yiyi waved his little white claws, and shouted happily: "Yiyiyi——"

"There's only a chance of less than 20%, and there's still a chance of less than 20%!" Peng Fei kept muttering what Xuanyuan said, and finally couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, laughed loudly, and swayed With fat all over his body: "Damn, you boy, I am convinced by the Taoist master, no matter, let's go all out, it is a great joy in life to have you follow the Taoist master, and I hope you will not be more arrogant than the Daoist master." die early."

"Smile, be careful, extreme joy begets sorrow, fat man, don't worry, you must have died earlier than me, quickly find the entrance of an ancient tomb, don't keep wandering around outside, if someone from the Taoist sect kills you, then We really have no place to run, this life and death catastrophe is a disaster, but it is also a blessing, whether you can grasp the opportunity is up to you." Xuanyuan raised his brows and said in a serious voice.

Hearing this, Peng Fei couldn't help shivering. When he thought of more than twenty ancient sages, his scalp became numb. Living things are much more difficult to deal with than dead ones. He said in a heavy voice: "Don't worry, we have already We are approaching the ancient tomb of a sage, the sage Gongdi, with such a terrifying feng shui situation, no matter which ancient sage’s tomb you enter, you will be attacked by the same terrifying force, so be careful.”

Xuanyuan didn't say any more, and put on the monk's robe left by an ancient monk who robbed Peng Fei when he was incarnated. This is at least an old monk at the peak of the ancient sages, with a terrifying incarnation on it. The traces of the Tao need to use the Buddhist magic method to maximize the power of the monk's robe. Peng Fei couldn't help seeing the corners of his eyes twitching wildly, and spitting and cursing:

"Damn it, and it belongs to the Daoist, you kid can wear it out with peace of mind? Are you not afraid of being punished by God?"

"Who told you that your fate is bad, and I have already been condemned by the gods. I suspect that it is because of wearing these things that I have been contaminated with this trace of karma with you. If possible, I would rather not have it." Xuanyuan smiled gloatingly. Get up, like you don't care.

Peng Fei rolled his eyes, and said: "Fortunately, I have hands and feet, and I know how to support myself, otherwise, I would have died a long time ago."

As soon as the words fell, Peng Fei put on a cassock of an ancient monk who transformed Taoism, which was even more awesome than Xuanyuan. The fat monk, with his peaceful brows, looks like an accomplished monk.

Xuanyuan felt the breath of the monk's robe on Peng Fei's body, and his movements froze: "This is the ancient monk's robe in the realm of sages, and the power after transformation into the Tao is integrated into the monk's robe. This is the holy way. Damn, you How can a fat man still have such a treasure?"

"That's right, my Daoist walks in the ancient tomb all year round, how can I do without a few treasures to defend myself, why, are you envious and jealous? Alas, people compare themselves to others, and it's just maddening. The real treasures are all hidden treasures. Between Dao Lord's eyebrows, it can't be easily revealed, this time the situation is very different, so I invited out this supreme cassock, the ancient tomb is right in front of you, let's go quickly." Peng Fei raised his eyebrows The corners of the eyes are winking, which is a smugness, anyway, he just feels comfortable and happy when he presses Xuanyuan's head.

Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan directly held the 'Sage Son of Vajra Bodhi'. It took seventy-seven to four hundred and ninety thousand years to condense such a Buddhist treasure. Seeing that Peng Fei's eyeballs were green, he wished he could eat Xuanyuan in one bite , baring his teeth and claws, flicking his fat tongue, spitting wildly, and his face was so ferocious that it was enough to scare the child to tears.

Saints and sages are easy to find, but such treasures that need countless years and various calamities to preserve are extremely rare. Xuanyuan was beaming with joy, humming a little song, shaking his head and shaking his head, looking like a fairy who is at ease.

"Hey, I can't compare with you, and I can only use this kind of gadget to resist. I'm a miserable person, and people are more angry than others, so I won't compare with you."

Pengfei was almost choked to death by Xuanyuan's words, he gritted his teeth, and didn't say much, at this moment, a mist appeared in front of his eyes, in the mist, there were countless terrifying avenues of heaven and earth, countless ways of killing and strangling, it was extremely terrifying, let Xuanyuan's soul tensed up, this kind of terrifying killing way, touching it will kill him, he frowned, and said in a heavy voice: "Don't move forward, people will die, none of us can resist, this is still Before we got to the ancient tomb, we encountered such a feng shui catastrophe that we couldn't escape."

The Lion King and Tiger King looked at each other and stopped in their tracks. They naturally knew how terrifying the mist was, and Yiyi on Xuanyuan's shoulder couldn't help frowning, looking very cute.

Peng Fei took a deep breath, and said: "This is the fog of the Dao, and if you are not careful, you will die. In terms of Feng Shui and thaumaturgy, this is the 'Assassination Dao Bureau'."

"Do you have a solution?" Xuanyuan looked at Pengfei with a calm expression.

"That must be there. I have been in the ancient tomb for decades, invincible, and attack everything. How can this Feng Shui situation stop me? Only through the fog on the road can I really reach the entrance of the ancient tomb. "Peng Fei boasted wildly and looked full of confidence, Xuanyuan felt relieved, this fat man would not make fun of his own life, Xuanyuan knew this very well.

I saw the magnetic needle on the 'Heaven and Earth Dao Compass' twirling around. Obviously, here, the influence on the 'Heaven and Earth Dao Compass' has become greater. Peng Fei put the mysterious iron bowl on the 'Tian and Earth Dao Compass' Below, the magnetic needle on the 'Heaven and Earth Dao Compass' has become a lot more stable. Although Xuanyuan has been in charge of this mysterious iron bowl, he still hasn't figured out the mystery in it. It is an extremely mysterious ancient treasure. To a certain extent, it is comparable to a supreme dao weapon, but it has to be said that this fat man is not an easy thing.

From behind Pengfei, two black and white dragons rise up, swallowing the supreme Fengshui avenue. In "Fengshui Ancient Magic", there is a trick that Xuanyuan knows, which is called "Crossing the Way and Avoiding Killing Method" by Pengfei. Fei used it incomparably exquisitely. He stayed in the "Heaven and Earth Dao Compass", and saw that the sky above the "Heaven and Earth Dao Compass" started to rotate, and then the magnetic needle in the center started to move, and finally pointed to the northeast. Peng Fei That fat face shivered for a moment, then probed it with the eyes of yin and yang, and said with a triumphant smile: "The avenue of heaven and earth, there are gaps, there is no perfect way, everything leaves a thread, the so-called perfect way, It's just that some people can't see the flaws in it. This "Assassination Dao Bureau" seems to have no solution, but it is a pity that it is destined to fail when it encounters the Dao Master. Let's go, take nine steps to the northeast, the two of us can't Walk side by side, follow behind me, otherwise, you will encounter a killing situation."

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