Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1264 Abnormal Holy Tomb

"Sage, open the door. Thief, open the door. Robber, open the door. Your sister, open the door. Master, open the door. Brother, open the door. Widow, open the door..." Peng Fei continued to shout, pulling his ugly duck voice, None of them stopped.

Xuanyuan suddenly felt extremely ashamed, a vein popped out on his forehead, he wished he could kick this fat man to death, it was too cheap, but Xuanyuan still endured, and carefully figured out on this "Holy Tomb of the Great Desolation", those things Flowing the holy rhyme pattern, perhaps understanding a little bit, it will help me to enter the holy tomb.

Xuanyuan used his heart to understand the inner feelings of this ancient sage when he portrayed these Dao patterns, and focused on understanding.

But obviously, Yiyi has a better comprehension ability than Xuanyuan. Yiyi, who originally wanted to poke Pengfei again, has closed his watery eyes at this moment, contemplating these holy rhyme patterns very quietly. The ideas that flow out.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, three days had passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, Xuanyuan seemed to be thinking, and Yiyi seemed to be enlightened. They were very silent and didn't say much. Everyone's understanding was different, so they didn't discuss it too much. Instead, they were all in their hearts. To brew and understand, because this is only a part of the holy rhyme pattern after all, there may be some small inspirations, but it is definitely not the essence of it.

At this moment, there was a bang, the stone gate of the 'Holy Tomb of the Great Desolation' was opened, and Peng Fei's fat body was dangling, rejoicing. I am moved by heaven and earth, and finally moved the sages to open the door for me. Did you see it, did you see it? This is the sincerity of the Taoist master!"

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, it must be during the past few days, Peng Fei took advantage of them to comprehend the holy rhyme and dao pattern, and then secretly manipulated to open the stone gate by unknown means, Xuanyuan didn't bother to reveal it, anyway, everyone They all have their own little secrets, and it is normal for Pengfei not to let others know.

You know, Peng Fei suffered from all kinds of bullying since he was a child, and he struggled step by step with his own ability. However, when he started to grow up, there were endless intrigues. When visiting the ancient tomb together, the friend's Betrayal, hiding a knife in a smile, hiding a needle in a sleeve, and constantly stabbing in the dark, so it is understandable that he is seriously suspicious. At this moment of life and death, Peng Fei sometimes does not want to expose some of his methods, and it is normal to have reservations.

Even Xuanyuan didn't expose all his methods in front of Pengfei. Everyone has their own secrets, Xuanyuan naturally didn't want to know more about it, and Yiyi looked at Pengfei with pure eyes. Fei, groaned a few times, with an unbelievable look, which gave Peng Fei great satisfaction.

When the 'Holy Tomb of the Great Desolation' was opened, countless dust fell down, and the whole world shook violently. Immediately afterwards, from the depths of the ancient tomb, an incomparably rich Yin Qi rushed out, extremely cold and pervasive. Into the bone marrow, even the existence of the general supreme celestial realm will be frozen.

In the yin qi, there are extremely terrible thoughts of death, hatred, resentment, anger, violence, madness and all kinds of terrifying breaths. Peng Fei's face changed, and he said in a serious voice: "Could it be that the overall situation of Feng Shui has changed? There is no reason for the ancient tomb in the land of great luck, could it be that this ancient sage deliberately suppressed himself in such a bad place? Strange, strange, strange, it is too strange."

Pengfei's heart is full of doubts. Many things in front of him are still a mystery in his heart. Only by entering the depths of the holy tomb can they be solved.

Xuanyuan frowned, and he naturally felt the evil thoughts of this ancient tomb. If according to what Peng Fei said, the sages rule the world with their bows, they should be here with the aura of great holiness and the way of the saints, but now they are Xuanyuan was extremely perplexed by the ghostly aura and death aura, and said: "Why, isn't it the sage Gongdi?"

Peng Fei scorned Xuanyuan fiercely, as if looking at an idiot, and said: "Some of the avenues you have laid down are inevitably not formed by some other general trends? The feng shui overall situation of sages and emperors It contains a lot, it's too mysterious, I can't figure it out for a while, so let's go in and have a look first."

Xuanyuan touched his nose, and didn't say much, while Yiyi stood on Xuanyuan's shoulders, a pair of watery, innocent big eyes showing extremely deep vigilance at this moment, from Xuanyuan's body, there was a pure and gentle The light of the Buddha illuminates the four directions of the world, dispelling the oncoming Yin energy, holding the 'Son of Vajra Bodhi' in Xuanyuan's hand, calm in his heart, and walks slowly.

Wearing the ancient robes of the holy monk and holding a mysterious iron bowl, Peng Fei walked side by side with Xuanyuan, walking towards the depths of the "Holy Tomb of the Great Desolation".

Just when they entered the 'Holy Tomb of the Great Desolation', the huge stone gate closed again, causing Xuanyuan's heart to twitch violently, and closed the entrance completely. There was really no way out, he looked at Leaving Pengfei, he said: "Fatty man, can you still open this door?"

Peng Fei glanced at Xuanyuan, grinned, and said: "Yes, but it's very difficult. Now that we're here, if we don't get rid of the robbery and punishment, then don't even think about leaving."

Xuanyuan didn't say anything more, looking at the surroundings, there were "prehistoric Dao stones", which also portrayed completely different holy rhyme and dao patterns, mysterious and profound, which made people fascinated leisurely, and was amazed in his heart. , although it was not the first time Xuanyuan saw them, but from the bottom of his heart, he admired these sages very much.

In this passage, it is nine feet wide and nine feet high, exactly the same. It is square and square. At this moment, it is filled with extremely strong Yin Qi, which contains all kinds of terrible negative emotions, gathered in the dead air. Amidst the ghost aura, distorted faces manifested one after another, extremely ferocious, and they frantically hunted towards Xuanyuan and Pengfei.

The sound of howling ghosts resounded in this square corridor, making one's scalp numb. They were not afraid of death, and they rushed forward frantically.

It's just that when they rushed to the range of the Buddha's light, they were overcome by the power contained in the Buddha's light, and the smiles bit by bit couldn't help them struggle at all, and finally turned into wisps of black light smoke, which slowly dispersed.

Xuanyuan frowned, and said: "According to the logic, there shouldn't be such a vicious idea in the cemetery of the ancient sages? What's going on!"

"Damn it, you ask my master, who should I ask, you will know when you go in, this is just the entrance, you can't see anything, it depends on the internal layout." Peng Fei is also very excited. Puzzled, he came here with creeps all over his body, giving him an unprecedented sense of crisis. He held a mysterious iron bowl in one hand, and the other held a mysterious iron bowl. in it.

Xuanyuan remained silent and didn't say anything more, but at this moment, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, faintly, Xuanyuan could still see those gray eyes that were full of lifelessness, and the scarlet and ferocious eyes. The fangs made people shudder involuntarily, not only Xuanyuan, but Pengfei also saw it.

The hairs on everyone's body stood on end, and cold sweat broke out from their bodies. This black figure was really frightening, and it penetrated everywhere, especially his attitude, which was like a cat catching a mouse, teasing Xuanyuan and Pengfei.

"Damn it, it really is a lingering ghost, but this time, I want to see where you are going. I will definitely make you disappear completely, and make you regret fighting against me." Peng Fei hated He had to grit his teeth, his expression was so fierce, he was tortured by this black shadow these days, and almost had a nervous breakdown, Peng Fei has made up his mind, this time he must completely wipe out this black shadow, Otherwise, the pent-up breath in my heart will be hard to get rid of.

Xuanyuan frowned, thinking that this black shadow was not so easy to deal with, maybe it already knew that Peng Fei wanted to use the Feng Shui layout of this place to kill it.

"Fatty man, you'd better not underestimate the enemy. My feeling tells me that this black shadow is not afraid of your tricks from beginning to end. In fact, it just wants to play with us, and it doesn't take us seriously at all. Especially in this place, it occupies a favorable location, and it is even more difficult for us to kill it, and it is not bad to be able to keep ourselves alive." Xuanyuan said every word, emphatically, without stopping Nodding his head, he agreed with Xuanyuan's idea.

"Don't worry, the more it underestimates the enemy, the worse it will die. I hope it will take it seriously, Xuanyuan, if this Daoist dies, then don't forget to carry forward this Daoist's orthodoxy, and in the future, "Fengshui Ancient God" It is said that it is a supreme ancient art created by a feng shui wizard who is rare in a million years, Peng Fei Daodi." Peng Fei said it seriously, quite shameless, and the corners of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched. Fatty is simply too shameless.

Xuanyuan just said slowly: "I am not greedy for anything in you, as long as you can live, it is better than anything else, the tombs of the ancient sages are nothing, I will take you to the legendary heaven later, let If you visit the tomb of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', I'm afraid it will be even more splendid than this place."

As soon as Xuanyuan's words came out, Pengfei's eyes lit up involuntarily. His green eyes were like two will-o'-the-wisps. In this dim space, they actually overwhelmed the Buddha's light. It can be seen that Pengfei's ancient love for "Hongmeng Tiandi" How coveted the tomb is, he trembled all over, excitedly said: "Xuanyuan, is what you said true?"

Xuanyuan nodded, took out the incomplete 'Fengtian Seal' in his hand, and said in a heavy voice: "Open the key to 'Heavenly Court', I have collected almost all the 'Fengtian Seal', now I just need to find the remaining ones Partially, we will be able to open the 'Heavenly Court', there must be a lot of secrets inside, waiting for us to discover, maybe you can get the complete "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" is not necessarily."

When Peng Fei saw the 'Fengtian Seal' in Xuanyuan's hand, he was so excited that his pig's hooves swayed. He was so excited that his desire to win suddenly exploded by 10,000%. The legendary "Heavenly Court" must survive well.

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