Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1265 Yin Beast, Yin Soldier.

The reason for taking out "Feng Tian Yin" is largely because Xuanyuan wanted to let Peng Fei survive as long as possible. As long as there is enough temptation, Peng Fei's will can become stronger than ever. For a madman, it can be said that entering the legendary "Heavenly Court" should be his biggest dream in this life. If there is a "Heavenly Court" temptation, Xuanyuan is not afraid that Peng Fei will not persevere with the strongest will.

After all, it is such a terrible life and death catastrophe, Xuanyuan is very afraid that Pengfei will give up when he can't hold on, but for a person like Pengfei, whatever you say is useless, you can only use obvious benefits to lure him , is the most real.

Xuanyuan looked at Pengfei's excited drooling eyes with green light, couldn't help laughing, put away the 'Fengtian Seal', so that Pengfei could only stare blankly, and said angrily: "Damn it, you The boy is simply tempting me to commit a crime, if you don't take me to the 'Heavenly Court' then, I will rob you first regardless of friendship."

At the same time, because at the moment Xuanyuan took out the 'Feng Tianyin', he saw the appearance of that black figure again. He looked at Feng Tianyin, and in those gray eyes full of lifelessness, appeared There are waves, throbbing.

"It seems that this black shadow is also very concerned about this 'Feng Tian Yin'." Xuanyuan sneered in his heart, he was really annoyed by this black shadow, entangled with ghosts along the way, and still caught cats Like a mouse, Xuanyuan couldn't bear it. If he didn't get rid of him for a day, Xuanyuan would feel extremely uneasy.

The Buddha's light from Xuanyuan and Pengfei's body is overflowing, the breath is majestic, dispelling the darkness, dispelling all the essence of negative emotions in all the Yin Qi, dispelling all the ferocious faces into nothingness, faintly, let this In the passageway, there was a ray of peace, as if it had experienced a pure baptism, and the Buddha light flowing out from Xuanyuan and Pengfei's circulation could still echo with those holy rhyme dao patterns.

After walking for about an hour, along the way, Peng Fei used the 'Feng Shui Ancient Divine Technique' to test the luck and fortune, to see if there was any hidden Feng Shui killing technique, but he didn't feel a trace of it, and finally the two of them went straight to the end of the corridor.

In front of him is a more open world, as if entering another world, giving Xuanyuan, Pengfei, Yiyi a powerful visual shock.

Here, the sky is gloomy and full of darkness, and the lead clouds are pressing down on the poles, containing the endless breath of death, which makes people feel desperate. .

Countless undead roared, struggled, howled, and boiled. These undead had different shapes, including dragons, flying tigers, war oxen, wild leopards, mammoths, etc. They ascended in various forms in the nine heavens. On the ground, patrolling everything, if someone invades this place, they will definitely launch the most terrifying attack immediately.

And their physical bodies have been mutilated, leaving only their lingering thoughts, and the white skeletons that have gone through countless years. These skeletons are tempered here by the light of the stars and the moon, making them almost immortal , and the power of Feng Shui is easy to suppress. Over time, their bones will naturally become extremely sharp and terrifying.

On the ground, there are Yin soldiers in tattered armor. The armor is still clanging as they walk. I can see that the armor on their bodies is already tattered, their bodies are full of rotten flesh, and there are worms growing in them. Going in and out, extremely horrified, with white eyes, and a hideous and terrifying face.

They move forward neatly, from one space to another.

Xuanyuan could see that there were at least hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers, forming one square after another, advancing in an inexplicable direction, giving people a huge impact in terms of momentum.

There are also dilapidated chariots, which are extremely ancient. Even in the ancient times, such chariots were not seen. They were inscribed with chaotic ancient road patterns, with amazing killing power and surging fighting spirit, which shocked Xuanyuan Xiangzhi's heart.

The chariot has a total of eight wheels, and each wheel has sharp edges and spikes that can tear everything apart. Now, on these chariots, the body has long been damaged, and the wheels are even more damaged. A big hole had already been pierced in the surface of the war drum, and the banners had been broken in two.

This is such a terrible scene after experiencing such a tragic war. Xuanyuan dare not imagine that the strength of these Yin soldiers is extremely high, and the strength of each one is at least in the realm of the supreme celestial beings, the level of sages The existence of them can be seen everywhere, and they seem to be guarding this piece of world, preventing outsiders from entering it.

This time, without Peng Fei saying anything, Xuanyuan also understood what to do. He looked at the Lion King and the Tiger King, and said: "You will be in danger if you go forward with us, and we will leave it to us. You should hide first." In my Dao artifact space, it will be safer."

The lion king and the tiger king nodded, knowing that they would only be a burden here, so they nodded and growled a few times.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan took the Lion King and Tiger King into it. At any rate, he personally instructed them to bring them back to the "Qinglong Holy Land" and grow up to be quite powerful in the future. Xuanyuan couldn't bear to let them be sacrificed. here.

"It seems that you are quite smart, so prepare well." Peng Fei smiled, and set a direction with the "compass of heaven and earth" in his hand, which was heading east. He looked into the distance with his yin and yang eyes, and said : "From the east there is purple air rushing up, this is a land of great yin, it is extremely terrifying, I have already known the layout of this 'Holy Tomb of the Great Desolation', it is based on the yin and yang burial method, taking the land of great yin, and burying it The evil karma created in one's life can enter the place of great yang at the entrance of one point of yang. This place is divided into yin tomb and yang tomb. When a person dies, he becomes yin. The ancient sages must be buried in that point of yin in the yang tomb. .”

The 'Heaven, Earth, and Dao Compass' has the supreme power of Fengshui. Under the operation of Pengfei's "Fengshui Ancient Magic", it has fixed the east far away. No illusory Fengshui power can disturb it. Pengfei shouted loudly: "Let's go, just rush over, we can't stay here for long, otherwise we will die so that there will be no bones and dregs left. Damn it, I originally wanted to fight them 30,000 times, but this number is too much , even three million games will not be finished, so we can only go back and settle accounts with them."

Xuanyuan and Yiyi rolled their eyes at the same time, despising Pengfei, they broke through the air almost at the same time, Xuanyuan activated "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", the speed was extremely fast, like a passing light, Yiyi stepped on the heaven and earth road, only faster than Xuanyuan To be inferior to everything, Peng Fei watched them getting farther and farther away from him, his face turned green, and he shouted: "Damn, you two slow down, Daoist, I am not you, with such a fast speed, ouch, Damn it, you're going to die."

I saw the two black and white yin and yang dragons under Peng Fei's feet roaring and roaring again and again. In the majestic Daoyin, there is a huge killing power against fierce souls. All the vicious souls were shattered by the power of yin and yang, and the huge skeleton fell from the nine heavens, and was smashed to pieces by the yin soldiers below.

Almost at the same time, the fierce beasts in the sky and the Yin soldiers on the ground were all alarmed. They all looked at Xuanyuan and Pengfei, and they shot again and again, with a terrifying momentum, hitting the whole world cracked.

A kind of vindictive fighting spirit is rolling and filling the whole world. If it wasn't for Peng Fei and Xuanyuan, Yiyi's physique is inhumanly strong, and he also has the treasure of body protection, his soul would have been frozen to death long ago. Dou Qi kills people invisible, it is extremely terrifying, especially under the attack of such a huge number of Yin Beasts and Yin Soldiers, it is difficult to resist for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan felt extremely frantic, it was terribly frightening, he quickly transformed into a Tao body with one breath, and let the Tao body pull Peng Fei towards He rushed towards Dongfang, but the weight of that fat fat Pengfei was at a terrifying level, Xuanyuan couldn't help scolding his mother: "Fuck, what did you eat to grow up, fat fat, why is your body so heavy?"

Even so, at any rate, the speed has also increased a bit, barely able to keep up with Xuanyuan and Yiyi, just at this moment.

Ahead, thousands of war oxen galloped forward, and the strength of each war ox was at the level of a half-step sage. The heavy armor on their bodies had already been torn, and the bones covered by the heavy armor had already been scorched black, as if they had been burned by flames. On their bones, there are sharp blades that can pierce through everything. Their fierce souls are painful and hideous, moo——

The roar of the sky resounded, Xuanyuan frowned, and suddenly remembered a kind of formation that existed in the chaotic ancient times, which was extremely ferocious. It was called the "Fire Bull Fierce Formation". On the bones, refining is like a murder weapon that destroys everything. Before the big formation begins, a fighting fire is lit on them. Under the burning of the flames, they will rush forward, maddening, roaring, burning their life essence , until their death, this is the most glorious moment in their life, it has to be said that the fate of these war oxen is very sad.

It's no wonder that after they die, their thoughts will not be scattered, and they will be full of pain.

Yiyi let out a loud cry, and the terrifying power of the avenue of dancing with the little white claws fell down, beating the whole world to the point of collapsing: "Yiyiyi——"

Yiyi said that it was going to be the striker and cut a trail of blood. When he raised his hand, the whole avenue of heaven and earth was trembling. Unpredictable, in this place, he did not reserve his own strength, because he knew that if he was not careful here, he would die unexpectedly.

Seeing Yiyi's terrifying tricks, Xuanyuan quickly stopped them, saying: "Yiyi, they are all pitiful, and now there is no other choice. Let me transform them so that they can rest in peace and no longer suffer."

He stepped forward, facing thousands of war bulls with half-step sage killing power, he shot directly.

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