Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1266 World-Destroying Black Lotus

The sea of ​​golden light and Buddha, the sky full of compassion, the ancient Bodhi tree, all living beings are devout, the Sanskrit singing is rolling, and the world is saved.

Xuanyuan stepped in the nine heavens, solemn and solemn, with solemn dharma, compassionate eyes, and peaceful breath. The ancient monk's robes on his body burst out with supreme and majestic Buddha light, illuminating the four directions of the world, and radiated from the "Son of Vajra Bodhi" in Xuanyuan's hand. Looking at the bright Huamang, I saw nine Xuanyuan manifested. They sat under the bodhi tree, facing nine directions, and chanted the supreme Dharma, the "Diamond Sutra".

Under the bodhi tree, millions of Bodhi sentient beings believe in pious belief. With compassion in their hearts, they recite the scriptures together, attracting the sound of Sanskrit singing all over the sky, making people feel peaceful and admirable. , Evil thoughts and all kinds of negative forces can only be transformed by the positive forces in the human heart.

'Bodhi crossing sentient beings', this vision, was brought to the extreme by Xuanyuan at this moment, and its power was shocking.

I saw that the battle bulls that rushed to kill gradually slowed down when they rushed into the sea of ​​Buddha light emitted by Xuanyuan. Jiadu began to turn into dissociated light spots bit by bit, and turned into fly ash, their evil thoughts were immediately melted away by Xuanyuan, and since then they dissipated between heaven and earth, and they got real relief.

The corners of Peng Fei's eyes twitched, and he exclaimed: "You are so awesome, you can do all of this, but it is extremely difficult to transform these yin beasts that died so many years ago. Just like drinking water, you can do it in minutes. It seems that you are born to be a monk. Don't look at me with a holy face. I know that you are not holding back any good farts when you stick your butt. Just you and I don’t know? Pretend to me, pretend to be hard.”

"Oh, Taoists who are greedy, angry and ignorant, it's not that I'm too powerful, but the 'Son of Vajra Bodhi' is too strong. This thing has the power to transform everything in the world. Even you are crossing with me." Xuanyuan said with emotion.

As soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, followed by Yin soldiers who attacked from the ground, their battle armor clanging, each holding a war knife, war spear, war gun, war bow, battle axe, war hammer , although it has long been incomplete or broken, it is still sharp, especially the terrifying power of the ancient times is still flowing on it, which is still fatal to Xuanyuan and others at this moment, and the Yin Qi is also extremely heavy, containing corpses. Poison, once injured, it will be turned into a corpse, making it difficult to treat.

Peng Fei has a huge body and slow speed. There is a leader of Yin soldiers who is extremely fast, holding a broken spear, and stabs straight up. Peng Fei can't dodge, and the huge buttocks are immediately shot hard. The pain was so painful that Pengfei almost burst into tears, and a horrific scream resounded through the sky, almost scaring Xuanyuan into the urine.

If it wasn't for the holy monk's cassock on Peng Fei's body, and his fatal restraint against these evil soldiers, Peng Fei's butt would have been poked out a big hole long ago. Now that he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, naturally It's just a matter of pain.

I saw the battle spear stabbed on Peng Fei's buttocks, under the Buddha light of the holy monk's cassock on his body, it instantly turned into fly ash, and the phantom of a holy monk manifested behind Peng Fei, his face was calm, Although it is old, it gives people a very energetic breath.

Peng Fei was very annoyed when his chrysanthemum was stabbed not long ago, but now that his ass was fucked again, he couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled: "Damn it, if the tiger doesn't show its power, can't I be a sick cat? Let's see Today, Daoist Lord, I am killing people, oh oh oh oh! oh!"

Peng Fei is like a big show singer, dangling the fat all over his body. From the mysterious iron bowl in his hand, a black lotus manifested, releasing the aura of destroying the world. The color of this black lotus is pure, Translucent, lustrous and embellished, it contains unpredictable power.

On top of the black lotus, sitting cross-legged is the phantom of a Buddha demon. The reason why it is called a Buddha demon is because half of his face is full of peace and kindness, and half of his face is full of killing and destruction. It is a Buddha demon. A combination of demons, it folds its hands together, sits on a black face, with its eyes closed and peaceful, and its angry and ferocious face, forming a sharp contrast.

Peng Fei was shot in the ass, his face was extremely ugly, his plump lips trembled, and he shouted loudly: "Wutian bergamot!"

Immediately, a big hand entwined with black and gold descended from the sky, crushing pieces of space to collapse, and all kinds of void flowed backwards and forwards. I saw that Wutian bergamot, with the power of destroying the world, seemed to have thousands of Thousands of crazy demons are roaring, and the power of compassion is flowing. It seems that there are ancient Buddhas singing all over the sky. They have both, and they are burning with the black lotus fire that will destroy the world. I'm sure, this is what I want: "The Mieshi Black Lotus, the Mieshilianhuo, would actually be on the body of this fat man like Peng Fei. I really can't think of it. I really don't know that there is something hidden in this fat man like Peng Fei." How many babies."

"Snatch it, you must grab it. Now you have obtained the Karmic Fire Red Lotus, the Pure World Green Lotus, and the World-Exterminating Black Lotus. You only need the last Golden Lotus of Merit. ' Among them, it can naturally make it more complete and powerful, and it depends on you whether it can be restored to the realm of the supreme Taoist weapon, or even the realm of the divine weapon." The roar of the greedy old man also became a little crazy.

"Sacred Artifact, it's still too far away from me now, but don't worry, I will definitely let this fat man hand over this world-destroying black lotus willingly." Xuanyuan smiled in his heart, and saw those whose killing power was at least half a step in the realm of sages The Yin soldiers were directly shocked and killed three thousand people by Peng Fei's palm, turned into ashes, and fell down in a rustle. It can be seen how terrible that palm is for the killing of Yin soldiers.

It's just that when Peng Fei saw that there were countless Yin soldiers rushing forward, fearless of death, his expressionless face couldn't help shivering: "Damn it, two fists are hard to beat four hands, a good man won't follow me!" You fight, Daoist, I will take a step first, a good living person, why bother with the dead, blah, blah blah."

Peng Fei ran away twisting his big buttocks, and then he struck down with another terrifying big handprint, which crushed the entire void and killed thousands of Yin soldiers into flying ashes. Xuanyuan couldn't help marveling from the bottom of his heart, this world-destroying black lotus must have fallen into the hands of some terrific person later, and was collected in a mysterious iron bowl, and it turned out to be obtained by Peng Fei, this fat man It is also hidden very deeply, and it is also a master who does not see the rabbit and does not scatter the eagle.

Xuanyuan is a Taoist body, specially pulling the dead fat man Pengfei to walk through the air, and Xuanyuan's true deity is like an ancient Buddha who descended from the sky, pursing all living beings, wherever he goes, all pain will disappear, and all suffering will disappear. Let everything go with the wind. Only the boundless Dharma can liberate all the resentment and violence of all living beings.

"My Buddha is merciful." Xuanyuan recited the Buddha's name, and the body of the 800 flying tigers with bone wings that rushed to kill them shook, and then turned into a little light, and the thoughts after liberation were directly integrated into In Xuanyuan's vision of "Bodhi crossing sentient beings", they resumed their original appearance, crawled in it, their snow-white tiger wings retracted, their fierceness disappeared, and there was only peace and tranquility.

Seeing Xuanyuan's terrifying transmutation power, Peng Fei couldn't help but gasped, and exclaimed: "Xuanyuan, it's a pity that you don't want to become a monk, you are so talented, what I have learned in my life None of the monks I met is as awesome as you, don't worry, I will take care of your women with confidence."

Xuanyuan ignored Peng Fei's shameless words, with a calm expression, no joy, no sorrow, no sorrow, no anger, only the determination to transform the suffering beings and liberate them, but at this moment, a huge mammoth , falling from the sky.

It is hundreds of feet tall, covered with dead bones, only covered with a layer of old skin, with a strong smell of corpse on it. The long and sharp ivory is aimed straight at Xuanyuan, and the killing power of this mammoth is comparable to that of a mammoth. The existence of the peak realm of the sages rushed directly into Xuanyuan's sea of ​​golden light and Buddha, and the killing intent was still strong.

Xuanyuan was very calm, and moved forward at the fastest speed. He directly used the right hand of the 'Son of Vajra Bodhi', and punched the mammoth face to face on its skull. The small skeleton shattered, and Xuanyuan continued to break through the void.

"Damn it, boy, you are so awesome, all the sages at the peak state were beaten by your punch like this." Peng Fei laughed loudly.

Xuanyuan naturally knew that Peng Fei was making fun of him, but the 'Son of Vajra Bodhi' was indeed an extremely rare treasure.

At this moment, there are countless pursuers behind Xuanyuan and the others, with astonishing killing power. I saw the rusty sharp swords smashing out, revealing a terrifying insidiousness, but as soon as they touched Xuanyuan's golden Buddha sea It dissipated completely, unable to cause a trace of damage at all, but if surrounded by them, it would be really difficult to escape.

Among them are not only terrifying existences at the peak of the sages, but even quasi-emperors and great emperors. Fortunately, their spiritual intelligence is simple, and they cannot use great powers. They only have pure killing power and can only fight hand-to-hand. Hundreds of Xuanyuan are going to die now.

Peng Fei pointed to the distance, and said in a heavy voice: "Xuanyuan boy, did you see that the purple energy is coming from the east, there must be the entrance of the yang tomb of this yin and yang burial place, hurry up and kill us, we know that once we enter the entrance of the yang tomb, we will be saved .”

Hearing this, Xuanyuan's heart tightened, and he speeded up, but at this moment, an extremely terrifying aura descended from the sky, even Peng Fei's face couldn't help but change, his fat body couldn't help shaking, he absolutely didn't Thinking that such a terrifying existence would be killed.

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