Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1269 The Small World of Sages

At the entrance of the Yang Tomb, purple air is permeating, and auspiciousness hangs down.

Just as Peng Fei said, that black shadow was looking at them from afar, and from its dead gray eyes, there was a cold light, full of death, it smiled silently at Xuanyuan, its blood-colored fangs were ferocious, It's frightening, it was still in sight one moment, and disappeared without a trace the next moment, floating and elusive.

It seems that it didn't have much impact on it just now, Xuanyuan was worried, and Pengfei was even more worried.

"Fatty man, what method do you want to use to kill him?" Xuanyuan felt more and more uneasy because he felt that the method used by the black shadow became more and more terrifying. As for the 'Desire to Transform', as long as Xuanyuan enters the center, I'm afraid that he will be directly swallowed by desire and become a corpse, ignorant all day long, not even knowing who he is.

No one can know how terrifying the next attack by Sombra will be.

Maybe it's just the beginning, this is the feeling that that black shadow gave Xuanyuan.

"You just have to look at it, it won't work if you say it." With the help of the purple energy here, Peng Fei finally completely refined the black corpse hairs on his body, and he pretended to be an expert Looking around, he nodded frequently.

The area here is not wide, 1,296 feet, which coincides with the number of one yuan, corresponds to the mystery of the nine heavens, and contains many mysteries. If you want to enter the yang tomb from the yin tomb, I am afraid that you still need to spend some thought. It is the entrance to Yangfen, but no one can see where the portal is.

Xuanyuan looked at the land under his feet. It was as pure as glass, filled with purple aura, like a dragon or a snake, extremely spiritual, full of strong aura of yang, and contained boundless fighting energy in it, which could temper his own physique and at the same time Extracting these purple qi for cultivation will be of great benefit to the body and mind. It is more precious than ordinary pure fairy sources, and even comparable to alien fairy sources. It contains the breath of sages, which is the most important thing.

It's just that these purple qi are also extremely difficult to refine. Even so, Xuanyuan still ingests the purple qi unceremoniously and integrates it into the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact", even if it cannot be refined, he stores it up. It would be good to have the opportunity to refine in the future, a lot of purple qi flowed into Xuanyuan's body in strands, and it was impossible to swallow a large amount, because every strand of purple qi was extremely thick, like a mountain, Xuanyuan's heart moved, Peng Fei Is it so heavy, is it also because he has collected some terrible Dao Qi?

This thought flashed through Xuanyuan's mind, and he didn't ask any further questions. Fatty has so many secrets that he wouldn't tell if asked.

At the entrance of this yang tomb, not only is the yang energy strong, but when one is in it, one can clearly feel it, as if surrounded by the Dao. People can't help being infected.

On the ground, from time to time, one can see crystal clear, unsurpassed Tao treasures that have survived for an unknown number of years. They exude strong yang energy, which can prolong life, strengthen the foundation and cultivate vitality, and help people realize the Tao. They are all rare top-grade treasures. , almost priceless, the background of the sages can be seen from this.

In normal times, both Pengfei and Xuanyuan would have taken action to search for it, but now, as soon as they felt the aura of the sage in the purple air, they knew that these were planted by the sages, and neither of them did anything. It is a kind of respect for the saints.

And they had the same idea in their hearts, and felt that they would use the power of the tomb of the sages to destroy the catastrophe. Once these supreme treasures were picked, they might anger the sages later, even if they wanted to take them away, they would not We have to wait until after the catastrophe is over, otherwise, the gains outweigh the losses.

On the contrary, I saw a flower with colorful brilliance, which was crystal clear, and there was a strange ancient rhyme on it. I didn't know what kind of supreme treasure it was. Take it off, hold it in your hand and smell it, and play with it very fondly, watching Peng Fei's face twitch violently, but he can't do anything about it, that Supreme Dao Zhen is obviously spiritual, and can run away independently, but Pick it up, but it doesn't dodge or avoid it, it waits quietly, which is really weird.

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched. He originally wanted to stop Yiyi, but seeing that Supreme Daozhen didn't resist at all, he didn't say much in the end, and said slowly: "Let's go to Yangfen, I really want to know, What kind of terrifying existence exists inside the Yang Tomb."

Peng Fei nodded, holding the "Heaven and Earth Dao Compass" in his hand, trying to figure out where the entrance of the Yang Tomb is, but the "Heaven and Earth Dao Compass" moved to the Qian position from time to time, and to the Kun position, or to the Xun position from time to time. , hurdle position, departure position, gen position...

Looking at the chaotic "compass of heaven and earth", Peng Fei was very puzzled. Xuanyuan also had some understanding of feng shui thaumaturgy, so he just said: "I remember that in the overall situation of some feng shui tombs, its switch seems to be hidden. In the ground, it coincides with the portal, and you have to step out of the trajectory in order to be able to manifest the passage."

As soon as this remark came out, Peng Fei suddenly thought of it, and his expression was happy, but he suddenly felt very shameful. He was an expert and didn't expect it, but Xuanyuan thought of it. He looked arrogant and said loudly: "My master I've thought about it a long time ago, it's just to see if you have obtained the inheritance of my Daoist master, to see if you have made progress, and now it seems to be not bad, um, a child can be taught!"

"Then you should quickly take the right steps and open the entrance of Yangfen." Xuanyuan didn't want to talk to Pengfei about this, so Yiyi looked at Pengfei with some doubts, obviously not believing what he said if.

Peng Fei looked solemn and solemn, staring at the "Heaven and Earth Dao Compass" every time the magnetic needle points, there is a certain pattern, just as Xuanyuan said, the entrance to the Yang Tomb can only be opened if you take the right steps, but It is not enough to stand in any position and take any step. In the end, Peng Fei settled at the end of this Yangfen, which is the edge.

"So that's how it is. I finally understood. I thought the entrance would be in the center, but I never thought it would be on the edge. Yin and Yang face each other from a distance to make a situation." "Standing on gossip, the black and white long dragon galloping and chanting, all kinds of Fengshui avenues fall straight down, penetrating the depths of the ground. He uses the "compass of heaven and earth" to calculate the steps from front to back in eight directions. After a while, a The gate formed by the condensed purple energy manifested, exuding an incomparably sacred aura.

Peng Fei heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Xuanyuan and Yiyi, and said with a very proud smile: "How about it, my master Fengshui thaumaturgy is unparalleled in the world, and no one can compare it. It is also possible to replace it with an ancient sage." It may not be possible to break through this formation, but this Daoist can easily break through, who can compare?"

Xuanyuan smiled without saying a word, with a hint of sarcasm that made Pengfei's cheeks tremble, and he giggled strangely, shaking the flower in his hand, which was only one foot long, but the flower part was only the size of an ordinary person's palm. Every time it swings, there will be colorful brilliance flowing with it, and the ancient rhyme will flow.

Xuanyuan has seen quite a few exotic flowers in his life, but this is the first time he has seen such a supreme daozhen. It is extremely restrained, with seven petals, each of which has a different color. The petals are crystal clear, round and full, flowing Follow the mysterious law of the road.

Peng Fei also looked at the seven-color Taoist flower, but he didn't know what it was and what its function was. He had never seen it in his life, and even among the many ancient secrets he had seen, there was no record of such a flower.

"Let's go, don't think about it, it's a blessing or a curse, and a disaster can't be avoided." Xuanyuan knew that Peng Fei was worried about the impact of the dao flower in Yiyi's hand, but if he picked it all, what could he do? , Xuanyuan directly stepped into that portal, followed by Peng Fei.

After a while, the purple light dispersed, and Xuanyuan and his colleagues were placed in another world.

This world is completely opposite to Yinfen.

The place is full of vitality. All the tall and ancient trees have spiritual wisdom. The vigorous and powerful branches are like a lifelike horned dragon.

Xuanyuan is in this place, the first feeling is that it is extremely dangerous. There are many terrifying ancient beasts here, each of them is at least in the realm of sages. I don’t know how many years they have been passed down in this world. The greedy old man growled in his heart Said: "This is a small world opened up by the dead ancient sage. He used his body to transform the world and nourished many ancient beasts. I didn't expect such a place to exist. This is an extremely real world. Unlike The tomb was intertwined with many foreign spaces just now."

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, then it would be very troublesome, the Yin Tomb is simpler, after all, he has the treasure to restrain them, but in the Yang Tomb, every ancient beast is a life of flesh and blood, and it is difficult for him to resist.

At this moment, they were standing on a mountain top with a height of 3000 zhang. Xuanyuan looked into the distance, and there was a dragon river spreading towards the distance. The mighty aura surged, and the word sage and sage made Xuanyuan once again have a deep understanding in his heart.

Peng Fei was silent. He bit the tip of his tongue, spattered a string of blood, and used his fingers to draw blood-colored Dao patterns, and carved a strange pattern on the 'Heaven and Earth Dao Compass', which Xuanyuan had never seen before. At the next moment, that A pattern penetrated directly into the 'Compass of Heaven and Earth', and Peng Fei used the method in "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" to directly make the magnetic needle turn. After a while, it pointed directly to the west, and determined the sage's burial place. position.

Yin-yang burial method, ten thousand yin embraces yang, and ten thousand yang embraces yin. This sage must be buried in the yin of the yang tomb, suppressing all yin and evil with himself.

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