(Today is only one chapter for the time being. I drink too much and I am too tired.)

In the sky, the rays of light are overwhelming, auspicious clouds are floating, and the holy way hangs down from the nine heavens, guarding this piece of heaven and earth.

The ancient trees are towering, the dragon river is winding, and the weather is majestic. This place is a land of great blessings. However, Fengshui is just like what I said before. If you take care of yourself, you will hurt others. That's why there are Yang tombs outside and a little shade inside. This person The sage has hurt himself and nourished countless creatures. I am afraid that these should be ancient beasts following him.

On this mountain, Peng Fei was extremely happy. He was basically able to confirm the location of the sage's burial in the ancient tomb. The power of the overall situation is all concentrated in the place of his burial, Peng Fei naturally has his own ideas, Xuanyuan didn't ask any more questions.

But in front of his eyes, there is a very difficult thing. In the sky, there is a flying tiger with huge horns on its head. Its body is covered with the ancient patterns of the avenue, and its back has two wings. Between the wings, the terrifying power of the avenue hangs down. , extremely terrible.

'Flying Celestial Tiger', this is a strange beast that inherits the bloodline of the white tiger fairy beast. It is extremely terrifying, with soaring combat power and overwhelming aura. The majestic surge of qi and blood, like thunder rolling, is deafening, which shows how terrifying the strength of this 'Flying Immortal Tiger' is. According to Xuanyuan's estimation, it should not be a problem to challenge the Emperor of War.

Xuanyuan's complexion is very ugly, because the strength of this 'flying fairy tiger' has reached the realm of quasi-emperor, with extremely high spiritual intelligence, it looked at Xuanyuan and Pengfei, and said in a heavy voice: "Mortals, you enter What is the purpose here!"

This is a kind of questioning from Dao, with a terrifying power that makes both Xuanyuan and Pengfei feel like vomiting blood. The voice is extremely thick, and there is a power to question other people's heart. aware.

Xuanyuan knew that Pengfei was full of gossip, saying it would only make people suspicious, so he immediately took over the conversation and said in a heavy voice: "We are facing the catastrophe of life and death, and we need to use the power of feng shui in the place where the sages are buried here to eliminate the catastrophe for us. Please agree."

Xuanyuan is gentle and courteous, without any concealment, respectful, and now he can only hope that the other party will allow it. There is really no chance of winning by forcing it. Since he is walking in the right way, if he uses conspiracy, I am afraid it is not appropriate.

He knew that there were mostly ancient beasts in this Yang Tomb, but now it is extremely difficult to deal with just a 'flying fairy tiger', there are extremely terrifying life auras in all directions, once he does it, he will definitely die Yes, in this case, he can only tell the truth. It is best if the other party agrees. If he disagrees, he also has a chance to withdraw.

"You are able to come in from the dark tomb, it is considered to be somewhat capable, but the place where the sages are buried does not allow outsiders to disturb them, so please go back." The 'flying fairy tiger' warned Xuanyuan word by word. It was not unreasonable to kill him as soon as he took a shot, but treated him with courtesy. Xuanyuan felt in his heart that a sage is a sage, even the strange beasts guarding him after his death are so polite.

"There is no turning back when we open the bow. All the passages we have come in have been blocked. Now that we have come to this place, why not let us try it. Great kindness, keep it in mind. For us, this It's really an extremely rare opportunity." Peng Fei complained a little about why Xuanyuan was telling the truth, he could find a reason to fool around, now that Xuanyuan has said that, he can only beg, and he has rarely used it in his life The tone of begging for help, now there is no way.

"No, the burial place of the sages is absolutely not allowed to be disturbed by outsiders. We have guarded this place for generations to prevent outsiders from coveting this place. That's the same sentence, please go back, I will send you out of 'Baopu Mountain' safe and sound. Please don't worry!" The 'Flying Tiger' looked calm and spoke indifferently, the robbery and punishment of Xuanyuan and Pengfei had nothing to do with him.

Just when he was about to do something, Xuanyuan and Pengfei's expressions were extremely ugly, Yiyi waved the 'Colorful Dao Flower' in his hand, and babbled a few words towards the 'Flying Immortal Tiger'.

When the flying fairy tiger saw the 'Colorful Daohua' in Yiyi's hand breathing out the aura of Dao, it couldn't help but look shocked. In order to protect that bit of yang land from being invaded by yin tombs, you actually picked it?"

The corners of Pengfei and Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, maybe the situation was not good, but Yiyi looked indifferent, waving the 'Colorful Daohua', and saw seven avenues flowing around Yiyi's body, " The ideas from the Colorful Daohua' and Yiyi's avenue complement each other, expressing to the 'Flying Fairy Tiger' that he is willing to go with him, not picked by the other party forcibly, Yiyi also does the same to the 'Flying Fairy Tiger' out of explanation.

"I see, you go." Originally, the 'Flying Tiger' did not agree, but the Taoism flowing out of the 'Colorful Daohua' did not know what to tell it, but it actually agreed, and for the The 'Colorful Daohua' has a deep respect, which comes from the heart, I'm afraid I didn't kneel down.

"Huh?" Both Xuanyuan and Pengfei were taken aback, they never thought that the matter would turn to such a point. Could it be that there is something special about the 'Seven Colored Daohua', so special that they can get close to the sage's burial place, The difference in treatment before and after this is too great. He and Pengfei don't understand it, but it is understandable that things have developed like this.

"Senior Feihu, can you tell us who this holy sage is? Baopu Mountain has formed such a heaven-defying feng shui situation that the sages support the emperor, and we are forced to destroy the catastrophe, so we just randomly chose a sage ancient place. Tomb, so I don't know much about the sages buried there, if possible, please tell me, Senior Feihu, let us know who the sages are, so that it will be helpful for us to destroy the calamity later." Xuanyuan sincerely asked for advice. , indeed as he said.

"I don't know much about the holy ancestor. We have been multiplying here for generations. They all reproduce here and guard here, and now it has been a very long time since the death of the holy ancestor, and our understanding of the holy ancestor is passed down from word of mouth from our parents."'Flying fairy tiger Sighed, in these countless years, it is not trivial to finally come to some outsiders and be recognized by the 'Qicai Daohua', so he was not stingy and said a few more words.

"At this point, I know a little better than Feihu, so let me tell you." A blue dragon manifested, and the dragon roared to the sky. Covered by the sky and the earth, its body shrinks rapidly, and then it becomes an old man, hale and hearty, with thick roots, great avenues inside, qi and blood in his body, and his every move is full of strength, according to what the greedy old man said , there is still a sage in this Canglong's body, which is only a small piece, but its power is terrifying and boundless. Although his strength is at the peak of the quasi-emperor, it is afraid that even ordinary people in the realm of the emperor cannot compare.

The 'Flying Immortal Tiger' also began to transform into a human being, manifesting in front of Xuanyuan. It was an old man with a sturdy body and a strong physique, giving people a great edge as a whole.

"I also ask Senior Canglong for advice." Xuanyuan looked at the old man in front of him and said respectfully.

"Haha, what kind of Canglong am I? The Canglong is the Qinglong. It is the ancestor of my dragon clan. Thousands of dragons worship it and are the supreme being of heaven and earth. You are the real inheritor of the Qinglong. We have the same blood in our bodies, so does he. If If it wasn't for my strength being higher than yours, I'm afraid I would kneel down in front of you." Canglong looked at Xuanyuan, and then pointed at Yiyi, sighing, never thought that on this day, he would meet two People with the same bloodline as him, and more pure than himself, this is the essence blood that has been passed down from the Qinglong deity, and he can feel the extremely majestic breath of ancestral blood.

"I am honored to have the inheritance of Senior Qinglong. Speaking of which, you are the junior, please give me some advice." Xuanyuan was very humble, without the slightest arrogance.

"Forget it, since the destined people can come here, then I will tell you about the holy ancestor." Long Lao looked at the 'Colorful Daohua' in Yiyi's hand, and sighed: "The holy ancestor buried here, It is called Commoner."

In the ancient times, those who could be called a Zizi were extremely extraordinary existences. Not everyone could be worthy of a Zizi. At that time, only sages could be worthy of a Zizi. Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi, Wei Liaozi, Wu Daozi, Wang Xizi and many others have all passed on to the next big family one after another.

As soon as this remark came out, Peng Fei's expression was shocked, and he said in shock: "It turned out to be an old man like Lai Buyi. He is an extremely accomplished existence in our feng shui thaumaturgy. Changing the world, almost omnipotent, I have always wanted to find his burial place, but I didn't expect it to be here."

Inadvertently, Peng Fei exposed his thoughts of wanting to beat up this old ancestor. Even Long Lao and Hu Lao couldn't help but roll their eyes. This fat man is too direct.

"The 'Colorful Dao Flower' he held in his hand is the love of the ancestor, the essence of the life essence of the colorful fairy, as well as the ancestor's own thoughts in the sun of the yin tomb. The protection of the ancestors is of great significance." Long Lao was filled with emotion, this was passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth of his ancestors, and he has always kept it a secret. She said sadly: "Perhaps after so many years, Fairy Qicai missed the Holy Ancestor so much that she wanted to come in and take a look at the Holy Ancestor. For countless years, that ray of obsession has never dissipated."

Listening to Long Lao's words, whether it is Xuanyuan, Pengfei or Yiyi, they are all full of admiration for the colorful fairy.

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