Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1283 Sooner or later there will be such a day

(In the second chapter, many students have good guesses about the plot, and their ideas are very good. I hope you can put forward more ideas.)

"The three ancient sages died just like this. How terrible is Xuanyuan's method? Why did this happen? It's impossible. If Xuanyuan had this ability, he would have already turned the four human states upside down. "Cao Xiu's voice was trembling, but when he thought about it carefully, he repeatedly shot at Xuanyuan, and the opponent was able to turn danger into fortune and cause serious damage to himself. This can only be explained as Xuanyuan's hiding too deep, no wonder in' The terrifying existence in the "Tianji" is not willing to deduce him.

"I don't know the real situation of the matter now, but it's right not to chase Xuanyuan. This son is cruel and cunning. Once we chase him up, we will only fall into his tricks. Looking at the direction, he is heading towards Buddhism." "Meng Yun's face was solemn, his fists clenched tightly, trembling slightly, the three ancient sages all died in the 'swallowing myriad of transformations', what kind of concept is this.

"This must not be Xuanyuan's means. It must be the means of the 'Swallowing Great Emperor' staying in the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact' before his death to give future generations self-protection. If there is, Xuanyuan will not be killed a few times He was cornered, he was able to escape once, but he couldn't escape the second time. Didn't he want to go to Buddhism? Something will happen." Jiang Yitian's face was as gloomy as he said, he thought that Xuanyuan would definitely die, but he never thought that such a situation would happen again, which caught him by surprise.

"God envoy, what should we do now, I'll listen to you." The 'Five Poison Patriarch' put away the poison array, with a respectful expression on his face, he has already been cunning and changeable in his role, and understands human feelings. Jiang Yitian's bright future is in Jiang Yitian's hands, he is naturally able to bend and stretch, knowing that the envoy must be in a bad mood, so he said some words of obedience.

"Okay, 'Old Patriarch of the Five Poisons', you are fine. I will give you a thousand years of lifespan. You and I will enter the Buddhist gate and obey orders." As soon as the words fell, Jiang Yitian directly entered a group of gods. The power of the source has been integrated into the body of the 'Five Elements Patriarch', instantly making him feel a lot younger, and his mood is extremely excited. This is an expansion of the source of life. The effects are all powerful.

"Thank you for the envoy." The expression of the 'Five Poison Patriarch' was extremely excited. He enjoyed this feeling very much. Everyone hoped that one day he could live forever. He felt that his strength was slowly returning to its peak. It is possible to break through to the realm of the ancient sages. In Taoism and Buddhism, there are too many ancient sages. They are talented, young, and overcome many difficulties. In the end, it is difficult to advance in the realm of the ancient sages.

"Let's go." As soon as Jiang Yitian finished speaking, he headed towards the direction of the Buddhist gate, but two people did not go with him. One was Cao Xiu and the other was Meng Yun. Jiang Yitian gave the two of them some origins of the gods With the power to recruit some tyrannical casual cultivators, personal enmity belongs to personal enmity, but he still dare not forget the order of the gods. This trip to Buddhism is not all for chasing and killing Xuanyuan, he also wants to recruit some ancient Buddhist monks , to serve oneself, there are also orthodox and partial schools in Buddhism, as long as there are enough interests, they are not afraid of being tempted.

Inside the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact', Peng Fei stared at him with a look of extreme displeasure, and yelled loudly: "Damn it, I didn't catch up. If you dare to catch up, use your own way to catch up." The master's current state of sages, activate the Yin-Yang mirror, directly kill this girl, let him know how powerful I am."

Peng Fei began to brag, and cast contemptuous glances, even in his realm, he was not even an enemy of the ancient sages face to face, let alone Peng Fei, but Peng Fei was already used to thick-skinned , naturally feel nothing.

Xuanyuan ignored Peng Fei. At this moment, those terrifying beings who came out of Buyiziyang's tomb had already hidden deep in the "Kingdom of Ten Thousand Transformations". They would not appear until the critical moment. I didn't expect that they would save my life. This should be regarded as predestined. If there is no such a chance, I am afraid that I will really die here this time. Facing those three... Respecting the ancient sages, they didn't have the ability to resist at all. They made Xuanyuan feel what it means to be powerless.

"Girl Ba, we are going to the Buddhist gate next. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you, a woman, to go with us?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

Ba Ji's beautiful eyes widened, and there was a murderous look between her brows, and she said coldly: "Holy Master Xuanyuan, are you issuing an order to chase away guests?"

"..." Xuanyuan suddenly petrified, shaking his head like a rattle, and said hastily: "No, no, it's great that Miss Tyrant can be with us. Some inconveniences, if not, we will naturally welcome it, Peng Fei, do you think so?"

Peng Fei nodded again and again, staying away from Ba Ji, he still has lingering fears when he thinks of Ba Ji's punch, this woman is really too cruel.

Ba Ji snorted coldly, the scarlet cloak fluttered around, turned around and went to the depths of the 'Kingdom of Ten Thousand Transformations'.

Xuanyuan sighed: "This woman is so fierce, she is simply the fiercest woman I have ever met in my life."

"Boy, subdue her, pin her under your crotch, I believe you have the ability to do it, make her scream, make her whole body weak, make her legs tremble... "As soon as Peng Fei finished speaking, he suddenly felt a terrifying murderous aura. Ba Ji's face turned red, his fists were clenched tightly, and the way of fighting fell down, making people tremble uncontrollably. Peng Fei turned around mechanically. Come on, look at Ba Ji haha ​​and said with a dry smile: "Ah, ha, ha... What did I say just now, um, Xuanyuan, don't you have any wishful thinking about others, Ba girl is a 'tyrannical blood royal family' How could a generation of emperors like you fall in love with you, don't just use your dog eyes to look at others..."

Before the words were finished, there was a loud bang, and Peng Fei was blown away by Ba Ji's punch, and his body was covered in waves of flesh. After rolling thirty-six times on the ground, Peng Fei felt as if he was dead. Lying on the ground like a dog, Xuanyuan thought he was dead, seeing him foaming at the mouth from time to time, his hands and feet twitching a few times, Xuanyuan felt relieved.

He looked at Ba Ji, laughed dryly a few times, and didn't say anything, while Yiyi laughed unscrupulously, leaning forward and backward, so angry that Peng Fei trembled all over, and twitched more violently from time to time .

"What are you looking at, the men of your human race don't have any good things, they only think about these messy things." Ba Ji was very strong and snorted coldly.

"Peng Fei was just making a joke, so there's no need to do that." Xuanyuan said, Ba Ji didn't answer, paused, and Xuanyuan said again: "Sooner or later, there will be such a day, just wait."


Ba Ji shot like lightning, Xuanyuan reacted extremely fast, and the five-element spirit evolved a five-element canopy in front of him, protecting Xuanyuan, there was a loud bang, the five-element canopy trembled, and Xuanyuan melted away with the "body of myriad transformations" With a large part of the strength, he was still knocked back more than ten steps, but fortunately, he was not as miserable as Peng Fei.

Although Ba Ji didn't do her best, she was able to resist this punch with Xuanyuan's level. Even Ba Ji felt a little unbelievable. She really couldn't treat a monster like Xuanyuan like an ordinary person. Realm, Xuanyuan, who began to comprehend the way of the sages, made another extremely terrifying leap in all aspects of his cultivation.

Ba Ji saw that Xuanyuan didn't make another move, and said: "I'm waiting for that day, if you can suppress me in my prime, then you can do whatever you want, as long as you have the ability."

While speaking, Ba Ji restrained her fighting spirit in imperial armor, she looked at her, put away her fists, her black hair was flowing, showing an extra feminine look, she turned and left, took one more look at Xuanyuan, and didn't make any more moves.

Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, such a woman is really not to be messed with.

Just when Xuanyuan and his party left the Buddhist gate, in the Taoist's "Fathering Dao Court", an ancient sage came to Daozi's side and whispered in his ear. The four elders, the seven elders of the Big Dipper, they were discussing important matters, and everyone looked at Daozi.

Daozi smiled happily, and said: "It's nothing, the news just came that Xuanyuan has left our Taoist gate and headed towards the Buddhist gate, chasing and killing his 'Blood Moon Patriarch' and 'Five Elements Patriarch', Qi Wenshu has all fallen."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar among the presence.

"This Xuanyuan can have such a terrible method. The three ancient sages will fall. Although they are only casual cultivators, they don't know what kind of adventure they got. Their energy and blood are surging, and their strength has reached the peak. Especially The 'Patriarch of the Five Elements' possesses five elements, which is extremely rare. Fighting alone, only Daoist Brother Baimei can suppress him. Others, I'm afraid they can't compete with him. "

"It seems that this son of Xuanyuan is indeed a man of great luck. Maybe he represents the existence of the emperor of the four states of the human race."

In the hearts of the people, there was another extremely high evaluation of Xuanyuan, Daozi smiled slightly, and said: "Okay, let's take care of ourselves first, and Xuanyuan is also powerful, so it will benefit us more. After all, this The world, or the world of the human race, he is right, no matter who is the master of the "Central China", what is important is that he can make the entire human race prosper, if one day, Xuanyuan has that strength, I am naturally willing Just like in ancient times, leading my Taoist sect and guarding Xizhou, as his trump card, suppressing the luck of the human race, if he is weak or unwilling, then I will naturally do my part!"

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