Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1284 The Pious Land


Compared with the high mountains and rivers of Daomen, the wild and wild forests are completely different.

Here, the yellow sand is everywhere, a piece of golden, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

The sun is scorching hot, full of strong yang energy, and it is difficult for any evil thing to approach here.

Countless people live in the yellow sand, and there are countless ancient Buddhist temples, large and small, or the incense is withered, and there are only a few sweeping monks, or the incense is flourishing, and countless monks can be seen everywhere.

Being in the Buddhist gate, one can feel the incomparably huge idea of ​​this piece of land, faintly, as if there are Sanskrit sounds in the ears, coming here, one can't help but be devout in heart, yearning for the boundless Dharma.

Xuanyuan, Pengfei, Baji, Yiyi, stepping on the yellow sand, walking and watching, saw many devout Buddhists, kowtowed in three steps and worshiped in nine steps in one direction, their hearts were very devout, yearning, going get where they want to go.

While he was worshiping, Xuanyuan could feel their thoughts, which turned into an extremely majestic power of faith.

Compared with the power of faith in Taoism, the Buddhist side is more pious and concise.

This is a land full of devotion.

Because it can be seen in the Taoist sect that many people only burn incense and pray in their beliefs. How can they be like them, knocking at three steps and worshiping at nine steps.

"These people know very well that they will not be able to reach their destination even if they walk on foot all their lives, but they still move forward and practice on foot. On the way to the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple', there are too many People are buried in the yellow sand, although some people have become Buddhas, some people have turned into dry bones, and no one knows about it." Peng Fei sighed, born in Xizhou, he still has a certain understanding of Buddhism.

"It's no wonder that the Buddhist sect is so powerful that I'm extremely afraid of the 'Blood Blood Royal Family'. The power of such pious faith is truly unmatched by all the major forces in the entire 'Central China'." Elegant and flamboyant in the wind, she looks heroic and has a special taste. Compared with Yin Zhenluo, she is less reserved and more direct. If Yin Zhenluo is as straightforward as Ba Ji, maybe she will be with Xuanyuan Already together.

"Xuanyuan, what's your plan next? I know a little about Taoism, but I'm really not very familiar with Buddhism. I just visited the place where my ancient monk sits and transforms. But the cause and effect here is too deep, and a lot of things happened several times. I don't dare to stay for such a weird thing." Peng Fei looked at Xuanyuan, he was far away from Ba Ji, this woman made him feel hairy all over his body, he really didn't dare to provoke her, it was the first time in Peng Fei's life that he was so afraid of a woman Women are simply the nemesis of life.

"Well, I want to find Jiang Yan, and I don't know how she is doing in Buddhism these days, and whether she has encountered a greater opportunity." When Xuanyuan said this sentence, he immediately regretted it again. As expected, Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan coldly, and said, "Jiang Yan, who is this?"

Peng Fei couldn't help shivering, coughed a few times, and said, "Jiang Yan, this is a woman who can overwhelm you, so you'd better not ask too many questions."

Ba Ji was not angry but happy, and said with a smile: "Really? Then I really want to meet her. Such a woman is worth seeing."

"She and Xuanyuan had an unspeakable love affair. On the night of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', she and Xuanyuan were on the flower boat, full of lights and festoons, lingering and sentimental, which made all the holy sons in Nanzhou jealous..." Peng Fei began to play to his heart's content, all kinds of nonsense, arousing the jealousy in Ba Ji's heart, Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, the corners of his eyes twitched, his hands twitched, and he couldn't help strangling this fat man to death.

But before Xuanyuan could make a move, Ba Ji made a move, as fast as lightning, and pressed Peng Fei into the yellow sand, made him eat a few big mouthfuls, then clapped his hands, looked at Xuanyuan, and said coldly : "The men of your human race really don't have a good thing."

Pengfei's face was full of yellow sand, and he spit out a big pill: "Bah, bah, bah, there is no good thing, you beat him, why beat me, I was just telling the truth, how innocent. "

"Whoever tells you to talk too much, if you tell me more, I will let you eat a few more mouthfuls." Ba Ji was very domineering, worthy of her surname, and made Peng Fei's messy mouth shut immediately.

Xuanyuan was overjoyed, finally there was someone who could control Peng Fei to death, he was in a happy mood, and laughed, and Yiyi was also on Xuanyuan's shoulder, laughing loudly: "Yiyi——"

Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan, with some doubts, said: "What's so funny, what are you laughing at?"

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose and said: "It's nothing, I just like to see this fat man slumped. This way, only you can control him. I really hope you can come to our Qinglong Holy Land more often when you are free." 'Sit down and let this fat man restrain his arrogance."

When Ba Ji heard this, a blush appeared on her fair face, and she said: "Whoever has nothing to go to your 'Qinglong Holy Land', this fat man deserves his death."

Peng Fei had black lines all over his head, spit out a few more mouthfuls of sand, and muttered, "I'm not dead yet, I'm alive and well."

"Xuanyuan, quickly summon Jiang Yan out. I know that you two adulterers have the means to communicate. Let them compare the two emperor-daughter-level characters to see who is better and who is worse." Peng Fei Angrily yelled at Xuanyuan.

This time Ba Ji agreed with Peng Fei's point of view, she always wanted to see what this woman, whom Peng Fei said was stronger than her, looked like.

"Fatty man, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll let you eat shit." The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched.

But there is one thing that Peng Fei was right. Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan have their own channels of communication, but now that Ba Ji is here, Xuanyuan is hesitant. Whether she should let Jiang Yan come here, she can It is clear that Ba Ji has a woman's natural hostility towards Jiang Yan. She didn't expect to be made into one head and two big ones. Jiang Yan is the emperor in the "Potential Court", and she is indeed no worse than Ba ​​Ji , especially at this stage of time, she cut out the 'six-tusk white elephant', traveled far away from Xizhou, and came to Buddhism, I am afraid that there will be a greater chance, Xuanyuan can feel that Jiang Yan's luck , is equally strong.

Now that the ancient royal family has come back, the figures of the gods have also begun to appear. In a chaotic world, I am afraid that some emperors and daughters of mysterious forces should also appear. Jiang Yan is one of them. Is there any existence of the emperor's son level.

"What's the matter, are you scared? I really want to see who the hell is that Jiang Yan." Ba Ji saw Xuanyuan's hesitation, and felt somewhat disgusted. Obviously Xuanyuan was afraid of that Jiang Yan hurt it.

"Eh? There's one thing, people have to live in harmony. Don't fight and kill at every turn. If the domineering girl can be gentler, there will be few women in the world who can match you. After all, men are still I don't like women who are too strong, and it is the kingly way to strike a balance between strength and softness." Xuanyuan seemed to be pointing at beauties, and there was a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth, which confused Ba Ji.

Ba Ji's face turned white for a while, and turned red for a while. She didn't quite understand what Xuanyuan said. I won't make a move on her, and I won't embarrass you, so don't worry."

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose and felt that the woman's words were unbelievable, so he should go to the "King Kong Buddha Temple" first to find Huineng and said, after all, Jiang Yan has not been in Buddhism for a long time, and he must not have as much understanding of Buddhism as Huineng, and that day Hui Neng once said that if someone came to Buddhism, he would go to the "King Kong Temple" to find him. After all, Xuanyuan also got the inheritance of the "Diamond Sutra". Maybe this is not the most complete, but it is also related to the "King Kong Temple". There is no small cause and effect.

"Let's go to the 'King Kong Ancient Temple' first. Jiang Yan is practicing in Buddhism. I don't want to disturb her, but I had a karmic relationship with a Tianjiao in the 'King Kong Temple' and got the inheritance of the "Diamond Sutra". Buddhism, don't go to him, I'm afraid it's inappropriate." Xuanyuan smiled, and planned to wait for Ba Ji to leave before going to Jiang Yan and exchanging "Great Trend Ancient Art" with her, so as to let his attainments in martial arts , One more step up, this is inevitable, I have nothing to do with Jiang Yanqing, if it weren't for the bastard Peng Fei, Xuanyuan would have known Jiang Yan by now, and he also practiced "Great Trends Ancient Art" , If you want to let the other party know, it is very easy.

"Oh my god, when did you actually fall in love with men, Xuanyuan, I really misread you." Peng Fei screamed, drooling wildly.

Unexpectedly, Ba Ji made another powerful attack, and slammed Pengfei's head on the yellow sand again: "Give me the sand!"

"Hmm..." Peng Fei buried his whole head in the yellow sand, shaking his limbs, making Xuanyuan laugh out loud, feeling very happy.

For some reason, seeing Xuanyuan smiling, Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan, and also smiled. The two of them looked at each other, and they separated when they touched each other. Great waves, what kind of feeling that is, he can't tell.

Xuanyuan turned his head and said: "Let's go, we don't know much about Buddhism, there is an oasis not far ahead, see if there is anyone, let's ask the way."

"Hmm." Ba Ji uttered a groan with unprecedented gentleness, which immediately made Xuanyuan feel soft and weak. An extremely strong and domineering woman, when she is gentle, is also extremely gentle.

Yiyi patted his head for a long time, but didn't understand what was going on, so he looked at Xuanyuan: "Yi——"

He looked at Ba Ji: "Hey——"

Looking at Pengfei who was eating sand, he laughed loudly, showing his sharp white teeth, rolling around on Xuanyuan's shoulders, his big watery eyes burst into tears: "Yiyiyiyi— —”

Peng Fei pulled out his head from hiding in the yellow sand, and was about to go crazy: "Wang, what a fuck, if you dare to disrespect me, be careful if I bite you, it doesn't matter if you are a woman..."

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