Pengfei was really annoyed and mad. As a man, he was bullied by a woman again and again. How decent is he? A masculine heroism erupted from the depths of his heart, like a volcano erupting. , burning blazingly.

Ba Ji turned around, looked at Peng Fei, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled slightly: "What did you say just now? I didn't understand, please say it again."

Peng Fei was shocked, and the erupting volcano in his heart froze and petrified instantly. He looked at Xuanyuan angrily, and shouted loudly: "Who said something just now, Xuanyuan was you who said it, but I didn't say anything. It was you who said it, it must be you who said it, you see, Xuanyuan must have said it."

Xuanyuan laughed and said, "I don't know, whoever says knows, go upstairs."

Yiyi laughed until tears fell, and almost rolled off Xuanyuan's shoulders. Ba Ji is simply Peng Fei's natural nemesis. Originally, Xuanyuan could only accept Peng Fei's lowliness. Now that Ba Ji is here, Peng Fei If Fei wants to be cheap, he has to weigh the consequences.

Ba Ji turned around and looked into the distance. Her eyebrows were like spring mountains, her eyes were like autumn water, extremely clear, her black hair was fluttering in the wind, she was dressed in imperial armor, she was full of domineering, majestic for nine days, she looked unique, fair and clean The skin is so soft that people can't help but want to touch it.

Peng Fei's body trembled, his fighting spirit froze, he turned the yellow sand in his hair into flying ash, and he followed closely behind everyone. He was completely helpless against Ba Ji, and he couldn't really fight, but the opponent's strength Overwhelming himself by a big realm, playing himself to death is as simple as playing to death an ant. If it is a real life-and-death fight, he can set up a feng shui overall situation, and he will not be inferior to Ba Ji, but now he only has the fate of being bullied. up.

If I was as good at physical combat as Xuanyuan, and my physical body was extremely strong, I would have nothing to be afraid of, at least I could withstand every move of hers, and I wouldn't be as miserable as I am now.

The group of people walked very fast, four or five miles a step, the speed was astonishingly fast, and this was just walking, and they didn't rush on the road deliberately.

Many pious people who have been seeking Buddha along the way can't help but look shocked when they see the speed of Xuanyuan and his party. If they can go at their speed, even if they take three steps and one prostration, and nine steps and one prostration, there is hope to reach the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple', but They are all ascetic monks, they practice non-stop along the way, they keep moving forward, and their speed keeps increasing.

Soon, I arrived at the oasis that Xuanyuan mentioned earlier, which is what Xuanyuan saw through his real eyes. The distance is 360,000 miles. Poor Ji has never been able to walk such a long distance in his life. He can only fall down in the yellow sand everywhere and be buried without a trace. It can be said that there are many devout Buddha bones buried in the land under his feet. .

This oasis is covered with green grass, surrounded by the sea of ​​yellow sand, filled with extremely strong fighting spirit of heaven and earth, nourishing the people on this land, and there are layers of thick mist floating in the air, zero zero Scattered, there are a few towering ancient trees, their branches are winding like horned dragons, their shape is like a dragon, lifelike, their leaves are thick and their branches are strong, each of these ancient trees is carved with exquisite avenue lines, obviously these ancient trees have been experienced Many robberies and punishments have grown up to this day.

In this oasis, Xuanyuan saw many Buddhists resting here. In the center of the oasis, there is a very clear lake. Looking at it from an angle, the reflected scenery is not the same. You can even see a mirage, manifesting a huge Buddha kingdom, majestic, majestic and majestic.

In the Buddhist country, the Buddhist people worship devoutly, the power of faith is surging like the sea, everyone's blood is surging, the body is strong, the spirit is strong, a piece of harmony and serenity, guarding their own land, Sanskrit sounds can be heard everywhere, boundless Dharma, descending from the sky, and witty words everywhere The lotus is growing, the flowers are blooming everywhere, the grass grows and the eagle flies, the scene is prosperous, which makes people feel peaceful.

The people in Xuanyuan, seeing this scene, couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. Buddhism is really no small thing, and it's just a small oasis that can see such a majestic scene.

"One flower and one bliss, one sand and one world, one tree and one bodhi, one leaf and one Tathagata, one water and one Buddha kingdom..." Xuanyuan was thinking in his heart, whispering with emotion. Fei was dressed in the robes of the holy monks, and ordinary people couldn't tell, but they would also regard them as Buddhist disciples.

Yiyi will not attract too much attention from others, because in Buddhism, there are many ancient beasts, but they are all subdued by eminent monks and turned into mounts, which do not hurt people, let alone such a cute beast like Yiyi. What about the little beast.

It's just that Ba Ji is different, Ba Ji's blood is boiling, his fighting spirit is like the sky, like a vast ocean, rolling like a tide, forcing countless people to mobilize their own blood, so that their strength can resist Ba Ji's boundless battle. I mean, her breath is incompatible with the peaceful atmosphere in Buddhism.

Almost the moment she stepped into this oasis, everyone looked at Ba Ji and frowned. They could all feel Ba Ji's strength. As long as Ba Ji didn't attack them, they naturally wouldn't Say more.

The disciples of Buddhism are the most tolerant compared to the major forces. As long as they don't violate them, they will not hurt others.

Xuanyuan sighed, took a look at Ba Ji, didn't say much, Ba Ji paused, and said: "Do you want to drive me away, thinking that if I am with you, it will be an eyesore and cause you trouble? "

"Ha, no, don't think too much about it, but you can choose to restrain your aura, be extremely rigid and easy to break, domineering and kingly, whichever is the same, and it's too late, after all, we are in someone else's land now, so we should keep a low profile It's better to be restrained." Xuanyuan smiled softly, and with four or two strokes of a thousand catties, Ba Ji's words were dissolved.

Hearing this, Ba Ji restrained her naturally domineering aura, and expressed her kindness to everyone, but her physique was such that she had no other choice, and soon some of the Buddhist disciples who were present had their grudges eliminated, and that kind of body naturally The resulting tension dissipated naturally. They had also heard of the "Blood Royal Family", and they were surprised that this ancient royal family was able to show kindness to them.

In this place, the strength varies. Some people only have the realm of immortality, while others have reached the peak of the sages. Some people even make you unable to see through them at all.

"Let's find someone to ask the way." Peng Fei always felt strange when he came to Buddhism, probably because he visited the place where several ancient monks sat and transformed.

In Buddhism, the ancient monks sit anywhere, unlike other big powers, they will not pay so much attention to the tombs, and they may be on a rocky cliff, or in a dilapidated ancient temple, or in an ordinary people's house , he was lucky, let him meet a few times, let him get an ancient sage, a treasure left by an old monk in the realm of ancient sages, since he got it, he can encounter some weird things from time to time For example, when he was practicing, there was an old monk's face smiling at him, as bright as a chrysanthemum, which made his whole body creepy, or he could see the sighing sound of an ancient monk from time to time, or from time to time There was a kind of low-pitched Sanskrit sound sung by an old monk, which made him involuntarily get goosebumps all over his body. All kinds of weirdness brought him a karma with Buddhism, so when he came to Buddhism, he still felt a bit of resistance in his heart. , but after going through this catastrophe, he also understands that he will always have to pay back when he comes out to mess around, so he made up his mind to come to Buddhism together, and settle all karma together.

Xuanyuan naturally didn't know what Peng Fei was thinking deep in his heart. These things were unknown. Looking at the ancient monks in all directions, or worshiping devoutly in the distance, or reciting the mantra of Sanskrit, or meditating and practicing, they condensed into a pound Majestic thoughts made Xuanyuan feel embarrassed to bother him, but not far away, Xuanyuan saw a monk, wearing a tattered cassock, covered with patches, wearing a broken hat, holding a straw cloth Walking around with a broken fan, he murmured: "Wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha kept it in his heart. Is there any good wine and good meat?"

I saw quite a few Buddhist disciples looking at this tattered old man, and couldn't help but frown, but they still didn't say much. Among Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism have various branches, each of which is different. They have different cultivation methods. As long as they don't invade each other, they can still respect each other. It is really not easy to make a place like this.

When Xuanyuan saw this person, his heart skipped a beat. He stepped forward and asked, "Master, we want to ask the way. Is it convenient for us to give us some pointers?"

The tattered monk gave Xuanyuan a sleepy look, and smiled, revealing a mouthful of black and yellow teeth: "If Xiang asks where to go, please bring good wine."

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, and after a pause, he took out the 'Drunken Immortal Wine' from his fighting ring. This was a jar that Xuanyuan specially left behind for the family banquet that day, and gave it directly to the crazy monk in front of him, saying: "Master, how about you try this wine?"

The crazy monk drank the jar of wine into the gourd on his waist, shook it for a while, took a sip, and said with an intoxicated expression, "Not bad, not bad, it's good wine, but it tastes like stealing." , this wine was stolen."

Xuanyuan heard the words, the corners of his eyes twitched, he touched his nose, and said: "This is a good friend who stole it from his grandfather for me, and there is still this jar left."

Xuanyuan had no choice but to tell the truth, the crazy monk in front of him was definitely not ordinary, Xuanyuan couldn't see through his depth at all, although he was crazy, he was definitely not ordinary.

"Well, well, what do you want to ask, tell me." The mad monk looked drunk, and fell directly to the ground, drinking the drunken fairy wine one gulp at a time.

"What's your address, Master?" Xuanyuan was polite.

"The poor monk's Dharma name is Jidian." Jidian chuckled and took a special look at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan's heart moved, he nodded, and said: "Master, may I ask which direction should we go to the 'Ancient Vajra Temple'?"

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