Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1286: A Real Man

(Chapter 2, winter really makes people more lazy, typing hands are stiff, I really want to sleep, another chapter!)

"The 'King Kong Temple' can be reached westward for 90,000,000 miles." Monk Jidian led the way while drinking.

Xuanyuan nodded, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Thank you Master Jidian for your guidance, I am very grateful, so we won't bother you, let's take our leave first."

"Good wine, fragrant, mellow! Thick and thick! It can be a drunken fairy, with a happy mood, and the brewer has a bit of a mood. Who is a god, I am a god, hahaha." Monk Jidian said to himself drunkenly, with a bright expression on his face. A few wisps of blush.

Seeing the disposition of Monk Jidian, Xuanyuan felt very entangled in his heart, turned and left with the group, paused, Xuanyuan still couldn't help his curiosity, bowed to Monk Jidian and said: "Master Jidian, do you know?" Lingyin Temple, Monk Daoji, Living Buddha Jigong?"

"Huh..." Just as Xuanyuan asked, Ji Dian had already started to sleep soundly, propping his head with one hand and holding the wine gourd in his arms with the other.

Xuanyuan was silent for a moment, didn't say anything more, and said to the group of people: "Go, all the way to the west."

Coming and going in a hurry, Xuanyuan and his party left this place very quickly.

A moment later, Monk Jidian suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a ray of shock in the depths of his eyes. He was lying there sleeping soundly one moment ago, and disappeared without a trace the next moment. How did he leave? Yes, no one knows.

"I said, boy, why did you suddenly ask that monk about Daoji and Lingyin Temple? Although I haven't been in Buddhism for a long time, I know a little about Buddhist temples, big and small. I've never heard of a place called Lingyin Temple." Peng Fei rolled his eyes and looked down upon Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan sighed, some things are naturally inconvenient to say directly, so he said vaguely: "It's nothing, it's just some small doubts in my heart, it seems that I am overthinking."

Before, Xuanyuan once asked the 'Vajra Buddha Land' about Amitabha Buddha. At that time, the 'Vajra Buddha Land' seemed extremely shocked. Obviously, this was implicated in some secrets in the Buddhism that could not be disclosed. As for what it was, no one knew.

So when Xuanyuan saw Ji Dian, he was puzzled, so he naturally asked one more question, but there was nothing wrong with it.

When you come to Buddhism, in this endless piece of yellow sand, there is a vast power of Buddhist belief. All people appear peaceful and tolerant, devoutly admiring, and indifferent to the world, which makes Xuanyuan's heart look extraordinarily peaceful, faintly For a while, let Xuanyuan have the idea of ​​converting to my Buddha. Suddenly, Xuanyuan's heart shook and immediately dispelled this idea. Transformation, this kind of appeal, is extremely terrifying.

Even Ba Ji, who usually fights and kills, came to this land, and her expression became a lot more peaceful. Many murderous auras in her body were unknowingly dispelled, but Ba Ji's heart was still extremely firm. I believe that my invincible and indomitable way of fighting has not been affected by this huge force of faith.

Xuanyuan and his party were not in a hurry to rush on the road, they walked on a step-by-step basis, watching the scenery along the way, there were countless pious Buddhist disciples, practicing in this land with their own methods.

In this endless golden desert, there are many dangers hidden. Under the sand, there is a double-headed dragon hidden. This is a bloodline of the ancient beast and nine-headed dragon. It's still extremely terrifying. I don't know how many ascetic monks who were walking were torn apart by them, and the blood was splashed on the yellow sand. People who are not in the realm of the sages are hard to resist.

There are also blood-colored sandworms, this kind of sandworms are extremely ferocious, with sharp claws, sharp teeth, and incomparably sharp, comparable to high-grade Taoist artifacts. They are not big, and their killing power is not small. It is difficult for ordinary flesh to resist. Xuanyuan walked in a desert. , I met them before, but unfortunately, what they encountered was Xuanyuan and others, and Ba Ji and Yi Yi suddenly became violent.

In that desert, all the ferocious beasts with a radius of 300 li were slaughtered immediately, and Xuanyuan and Pengfei had no chance to take action.

Originally, it was just to kill the beasts that attacked and killed him, but Ba Ji insisted on killing everything. The style of the "Blood King" has always been like this, otherwise it would not be known as a "tyrant".

Just when Xuanyuan left the oasis, Jiang Yitian, who was hiding in the dark, said to the 'Five Poison Patriarchs': "You just follow them all the way, you don't need to shoot, just keep an eye on them, I will go to the land of Buddhism for a while Fan, call a few capable assistants to help you."

"Yes." The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' naturally had no choice but to bow down and accept the order.

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' followed all the way, and no one in Xuanyuan was aware of it. An ancient sage wanted to hide all his aura, and it was simply a piece of cake to detect people who were two or three levels lower than himself.

"They are going all the way west, and I don't know how many people the envoy will find to help me and kill them. I am enough for me alone. When there are more people, they will fight with me more. For the benefit, I will kill these people first, and then summon the envoy, as long as I can kill them, the envoy will not blame me for anything, and I can gobble up more treasures myself, so it is decided."' The Patriarch of the Five Poisons is naturally not a person who is willing to be controlled. Jiang Yitian underestimates these people who have stepped into the ancient sages, even if they can listen to him on the surface, but secretly Jiang Yitian can't stop him. They have lost the original power of the Protoss, but they have no real strength and cannot deter them.

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' was moved, and immediately overtook Xuanyuan and the others, preparing to find out the only way they had to pass, and set up a poison formation, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

The people of Xuanyuan walked in this desert for seven days and seven nights, and traveled forty-nine million miles. They experienced many dangers. Although they had heard of some bad places, they did not take any risks. The focus now is to go' King Kong Buddha Temple', find Huineng, have a specific understanding of Buddhism, and then take action. After all, some ascetic monks on the road are not high in cultivation level, and naturally they can't know too much about the secrets of Buddhism.

Xuanyuan came to Xizhou this time just to experience himself, and there was also a karma with the 'King Kong Temple' that needed to be settled.

"Stop and have a rest." Xuanyuan said as he watched the night gradually darken, and there was still a vast golden desert in all directions.

"It's only been a few days and nights, do you feel tired?" Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan and said.

"It's not a matter of being tired or not. You can let me walk for seven years. It's just that I suddenly feel uneasy. Rest for a night and adjust my state to the peak, so that I can protect myself from accidents. See You can tell by your appearance that you are the kind of person who rarely walks outside." These days, Xuanyuan felt that the closer he was to the 'King Kong Temple', the land under his feet, and the power of faith, became more majestic and stronger. The vastness of the world, people who are in this place are easily transformed unconsciously, with good hearts and devout devotion to the Buddha.

At this moment, Xuanyuan finally understood the horror of Buddhism. This kind of conversion of people's human nature to goodness is still good. In Buddhism, there is also "The Sutra of Rebirth". According to Tianyouqing, this supreme Buddhist scripture can still Forcibly passing people through life, crossing life from life to death, just thinking about it makes people feel creepy.

The kind that can make people feel that there is no interest in life, and that they can only be liberated when they reach the Land of Ultimate Bliss after rebirth. Transmute those dead souls, because of obsession, they form the existence of fierce souls, transmute them, let them die with peace of mind, free from painful obsessions, and be released, but later in the hands of caring people, can It is not surprising that the living people will be crossed to death.

Hearing this, Ba Ji didn't say anything more. Indeed, she seldom went out for training, and she was always in the "Blood Blood Royal Family", under the protection of countless people. It was precisely because of this that she decided to go The world of the human race has been explored, and no strong men are allowed to follow. As an emperor, no one will disobey her orders.

As night fell, the sky was full of stars, and in the desert, a bonfire slowly rose. Xuanyuan, Pengfei, and Ba Ji sat cross-legged for the bonfire.

Peng Fei looked at the bonfire triggered by Xuanyuan in front of him, and was in a daze. There were four kinds of power in the bonfire, Qinglian heart fire, red lotus karma fire, black lotus extinguishing fire, and the real fire of the sun. Shili is brightly illuminated and nine days of stars complement each other.

"I said, little bastard, it's inappropriate for us not to roast something in front of this fire?" Peng Fei looked at Xuanyuan and Ba Ji, and then said to Yiyi.

Yiyi blinked a few times with big watery eyes, then nodded: "Yiyi——"

"I think the two-headed dragon tastes good. Why don't we grab one and roast it? After all, it's also a descendant of the blood of the nine-headed dragon. I feel sorry if I don't eat it." Peng Fei said, drooling .

Yiyi was also seduced, nodded repeatedly, waved his little hand and said: "Yi——"

"Okay, then let's go and catch a two-headed dragon, no, three-headed, four-headed dragons are specially designed to catch big ones." Peng Fei did what he said, got up straight away, followed closely by Yi Yi, fart and fart He ran away with Peng Fei.

Xuanyuan patted his forehead, there was nothing he could do about them, with the strength of the two of them, no matter what kind of danger they encountered, they should be able to retreat completely, so he didn't stop them.

Ba Ji couldn't help but laugh, 'Emperor Qingming' was much simpler than she imagined.

Pengfei and Yiyi ran thousands of miles away, Yiyi suddenly pointed down, and softly called: "Yi——"

Pengfei has been with Yiyi for so long, so he naturally understands what he said: "Little bastard, let's run a little further, catching dragons and eating them is a trivial matter, but the important thing is to create opportunities for that kid Xuanyuan and Ba Ji, do you understand?" Understood, this lonely man and widow, burning firewood, no one around, what do you think the two of them will do? Papapapa, do you understand?"

Yiyi thought for a while, and there was a lewd smile on his face: "Yiyi——"

Pengfei was delighted, looked up at the sky, looked at Yiyi with tears streaming down his face, and said solemnly: "Little bastard, from today on, you finally become a real man, let's go, let's catch three, four, five Dragon go."

As a result, Pengfei and Yiyi ran farther.

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