Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1287 Love

(Chapter 3, I really like this chapter! Good night everyone.)

Xinghui is left out in the cold, Qingyue Yinhua.

Hanging down from the nine heavens, it covered the boundless desert with a layer of silver gauze, which is too beautiful to behold.

Ba Ji has a fair face and exquisite facial features. At this moment, she has restrained her blood and murderous aura one by one. Under the care of stars and moonlight, she reveals a rare softness, and her black hair falls like a waterfall. , scattered on the sand.

In all honesty, Ba Ji's appearance is indeed hard to find in the world, Xuanyuan took a look and sighed in his heart: "Peng Fei, this old bastard, is full of messy things in his head, what can happen to Ba Ji. "

"Haha, this time I support that boy Pengfei. His decision is correct. Hurry up and take Ba Ji down. For nothing else, even if it is to ease the atmosphere between the human race and the ancient royal family, you must You have to do this." The greedy old man chuckled and said in a serious voice: "In this way, the strength of your 'Qinglong Holy Land' will also skyrocket, and your idea of ​​the coexistence of ten thousand races can also be realized."

"Fart, if I want to achieve the coexistence of thousands of races, I won't use this method. How can a woman like Ba Ji be able to control it as you say? Even if she likes me, it's not what I say, just What it could be, emotional matters are not clear, but at least it should not be used as a tool." Xuanyuan scolded the old man in his heart, it is always despicable to use other people's feelings to do things.

Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan, saw that he was closing his eyes tightly, and was silent, she hesitated to speak, wanted to say something, but stopped her mouth and didn't say anything.

Time passed bit by bit, Pengfei and Yiyi never came back, Ba Ji broke the silence, and said in a heavy voice: "What's going on, it's been an hour, the two-headed dragon wants to catch , it shouldn't be difficult, within a radius of three thousand miles, I can no longer feel their breath."

"Don't worry, even if we die, nothing will happen to them. Peng Fei is very cunning." Xuanyuan opened his eyes, smiled happily, and looked at the heroic Ba Ji between his brows. Extraordinary femininity, a very brave heart, that kind of firmness, that kind of bravery and diligence, let alone a woman, even an ordinary man is extremely lacking.

"Okay, Xuanyuan, let that Jiang Yan come, I know you are worried that I will attack her, but if I say no, I really won't." Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan, repeated the old tune, and Peng Fei said it That sentence made Ba Ji very concerned. She really wanted to see how powerful Jiang Yan was.

"When the time is right, we will meet each other by fate. Why are you in a hurry? Jiang Yan has nothing to do with you. What's the use of seeing her?" Xuanyuan was very straightforward. Although Ba Ji said so, in a certain To a certain extent, women are unreasonable. At this time, Xuanyuan is not strong enough to restrain Ba Ji, so he dare not summon Jiang Yan randomly.

After all, Xuanyuan didn't really understand Ba Ji either.

Ba Ji wanted to refute, but found that, as Xuanyuan said, some things are really like that, there is nothing to say, after a pause, Ba Ji said slowly: "What do you think of our ancient royal family, don't you? In your eyes, our Primordial Royal Family is bloody, violent, cruel, and takes pleasure in killing people?"

"I created the 'Qinglong Holy Land', in fact, to a large extent, for a woman. She is Shiwan, the little princess of the demon clan. Once upon a time, I always aimed for a woman. I felt that I could protect her for the rest of my life. Dream, but when I met her, everything changed. She hoped that the human race and the demon race could coexist peacefully. For this, she made countless sacrifices. In the eyes of others, she is very stupid and very uncomfortable. Worthy actions, but she did it resolutely, and only hoped that innocent people could be spared." Xuanyuan looked at Ba Ji, and every word and every word seemed particularly firm.

"In my eyes, Shiwan has always been a silly girl. She is kind, innocent, happy, and sunny. She will never care about others. Even if others hurt her, she will only smile. To face it, I hope to influence the other party, I hope the other party can understand more, her world is very simple, that is tolerance, understanding, sacrifice, protection, very pure, many people can't understand her, but I can understand, so I I will only do this for her unconditionally, hoping that one day, not only the human race and the demon race will live in peace, but also the coexistence of all races and guarding this land."

Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan, listened to what he said, and suddenly became a little crazy, listening to Xuanyuan talking about Shiwei, Ba Ji didn't feel any jealousy in her heart, Shiwei, it's not like she hasn't heard of this name However, just hearing what Xuanyuan said now, the feeling is completely different.

"She is indeed a very special woman. You are lucky to have her. Why didn't you marry her?" Ba Ji smiled bitterly. Compared with Shi Hou, she was two extremes. It is the kind of offender who will be punished even if it is far away, but Shihou is more smiling, tolerant, understanding and letting go, one is extremely strong, and the other is extremely soft.

"I thought about it at first, but later the nine ancient clans joined forces to attack, and the three major ancient royal families appeared again. Although this matter was also resolved, the methods of the ancient royal families were definitely more than just this star. At this critical moment, I didn't mention the matter of getting married anymore. I think many people would say that I am, but how could they understand that getting married with Shihou is a big deal. I want to give her an absolutely stable and happy wedding. Such an aboveboard combination of the human race and the demon race, how many people will be backlashed and impacted, not to mention the demon race, how many people will make a big fuss among the human race alone, and use this to make trouble, if there is no absolute strength to marry Shihou If you do, it will only hurt her, and the time is not yet ripe..." Xuanyuan wanted to mention this matter to Shihou after the matter was resolved that day, but seeing that Shihou didn't mention it to himself, he led the demon clan The people came to the 'Xuanyuan City' to maintain the communication between the two races, as a bridge, at this time, Xuanyuan had already understood Shihou's intentions, many things were silent, Shihou was simple Kind, but she is also smart and knows when things are good and when they are bad.

And Mo Ma also left, Xuanyuan felt that there might be many accidents, and he might not be able to suppress the scene, so he could only hold back, there were too many factors involved.

Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan and spoke slowly, she listened quietly, and suddenly felt that Xuanyuan was not as heartless as she imagined, from his attitude towards Shihou, it could be seen that Xuanyuan was very capable of liking her. Put yourself in the woman's shoes, give her a safe and happy wedding, fear that she will be hurt, etc. Isn't this what a man should do?

At this moment, Ba Ji felt that it was not unreasonable for Xuanyuan to attract so many women to sacrifice and sacrifice for him. Anyone would like such a man. A man, Ba Ji began to linger again, obviously Xuanyuan had most of his heart on Shihou, after thinking for a long time, Ba Ji said to Xuanyuan: "Xuanyuan, if you say, I like you If so, will you like me?"

"What do you mean by liking? A beautiful person or thing will make people like you. If it's pure liking, I like you very much now. It's pleasing to the eye. How could you not like it?" Xuanyuan Saran smile.

"It doesn't mean this." Ba Ji's face turned red, it was the first time Xuanyuan praised herself so bluntly, the feeling between the two of them is very subtle now, she wanted to take this opportunity to find out what Xuanyuan's mind was, Ba Ji Ji has always been a very straightforward woman, even if she hesitates, she will not procrastinate for too long.

"The liking I said refers to the liking between a man and a woman, or love, between a husband and wife, you and I, do you think it is possible?"

After Ba Ji finished speaking, her heart beat very fast, this feeling was extremely mysterious, her fair face blushed involuntarily, she just looked at Xuanyuan, waiting for Xuanyuan's reply.

"Do you understand what love is?" Xuanyuan looked at Ba Ji very attentively and replied.

"Love? It means becoming an integral part of each other's lives, protecting each other and never being separated." Ba Ji thought for a while and said.

"Actually, what you said is right. In my opinion, love is about caring for each other, love is about compromise, love is a kind of commitment, love is forgiving, love is not domineering, and love is not selfish." Xuanyuan looked at Tyrant Ji, solemnly said.

"Compromise, commitment, tolerance..." Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan, quietly pondered his words, paused, Ba Ji thought of Xuanyuan's current situation, his face suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "Men of your human race, as expected It's not a good thing, a group of tortoise bastards, who turn a corner and let themselves have three wives and four concubines, and let their women compromise, promise, and tolerate, it's really hypocritical, can you compromise, tolerate your women, and love many men Is it? Fair enough, if you can."

"Haha, of course I can't tolerate it. There is no absolute fairness in the world. The so-called fairness is all in my heart. For things like feelings, I can't find a real answer or true fairness, because It is not a trade item. There is no correct value to balance whether it is fair and just. Everyone has different ideas. They love with their own ideas. No one can stop it. This is love. I never force others to love Me, what, let everything take its course, if you want to say hypocrisy, I have nothing to refute." Xuanyuan smiled very freely, very naturally and at ease.

Originally, Ba Ji wanted to get a positive answer from Xuanyuan, but she didn't expect that Xuanyuan would play Tai Chi with her in the end, which made her very angry. Seeing Ba Ji's face was ugly, Xuanyuan said: "But you You are a woman worthy of liking, there will be many people like you, there will be all kinds of people in everyone's life, some people become an indispensable part of her life, some people are It may be a passing visitor, it may stay for a while, but in the end it is just a passing visitor.”

Hearing this, an extremely sad emotion rolled from Ba Ji's heart, stinging her heart. It was unprecedented, since she was a child, her eyes were red for the first time.

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