Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1291 Ancient Vajra Temple

"Where is the crazy monk, do you want to stop me just because you want to stop me? It's just looking for death." The 'Five Poison Patriarch' sneered, and a series of terrifying poison formations intertwined around his body, full of murderous aura, pervading the nine heavens .

In the same realm, few people dare to approach the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons'. Even if the 'Patriarch of the Five Elements' possesses the spirits of the heaven and earth that can overcome poisons, they are still extremely afraid, just because the poison cultivated by the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' is similar to that of the former witches. There is a relationship between the family, once it really erupts and dies together, even if you have the understanding of heaven and earth, you can't resist it, and you will die without a whole body.

This crazy monk, besides Jidian, who else could be? The appearance of the treasure is majestic, full of golden light, full of majesty and compassion, like a war Buddha, with one hundred and eight large beads strung together hanging on the neck, each of which is engraved with a different ancient Buddha. His posture, or wide open eyes, or benevolent eyebrows, or Purdue sentient beings, or laughing at the world of mortals, etc., huffing out the power of supreme suppression.

The Buddha of War holds the blue-blooded relatives in one hand, which seems to be able to open up the world, slaughter gods and demons, with boundless power, and holds an iron bowl in the other hand, exuding the supreme ability of sealing. , During the attack, the Zhan Buddha's eyes and brows were still drunk, and the poison of the 'Five Poison Patriarch' wherever he went, melted away one by one, making his mind shocked.

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' didn't hesitate at all, his body turned into nothingness in an instant, and he fled away. Knowing that the method this person practiced, he would definitely overcome himself. If he stayed, he would definitely not be an opponent if he fought for a long time. I'm afraid I won't be able to run away.

In these days, many ascetic monks were beheaded and killed, which has alarmed the Buddhist sect, while the 'Five Poison Patriarch' had already laid out escape methods in advance, which caught people off guard. Go, now the plot can't be made, the 'Five Poison Patriarch' has lived so long, he still knows how to advance and retreat.

"It's late, it's late." Ji Dian chuckled, shook the broken grass fan in his hand, and the sky filled with gods and Buddhas manifested, and the radius of thousands of miles suddenly became a place of bliss in the Western Heaven. The "Five Poison Patriarch" who was about to escape directly Being shaken out, his liver and gallbladder were about to burst, and he felt the breath of the supreme Taoist weapon.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn your head and be right, 'Five Poison Patriarch', come in."

Ji Dian picked up the wine gourd in his hand, stepped out, came to the body of the 'Five Poison Patriarch', pointed at the 'Five Poison Patriarch', and sucked him in instantly, the greedy old man couldn't see it In this scene, he could feel the aura of the two Supreme Dao weapons. Ji Dian was so terrifying that he could control the two Supreme Dao weapons with one person's power, and he was able to use them to such a degree that even if it was 'White-browed Daozu' doesn't work either.

Ji Dian looked at the wine gourd, patted it with a broken grass fan, and said with a smile: "'Five Poisons Patriarch', if you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself. Wine is a poison that penetrates the intestines. Monk, I drink poison every day. Use your old poison to make wine and nourish my body, monk."

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' was taken away in an instant, and the 'Bone Transformation Poison Formation' that had been set up was also instantly shattered. Ji Dian looked at Yi Yitian's supreme Taoist weapon that turned into the 'Demon Devouring Shield', and just smiled , without saying anything, just left like this, he waved the fan in his hand and said with a smile:

"The romantic and suave young man, the Buddhist sect eats meat to make a good relationship, travels thousands of times on the yellow sand road, sacrifices his life to save each other as a beauty, I really envy the monk, let's go, let's go."

Just in the blink of an eye, Ji Dian disappeared, and with or without the Taoist weapon in hand, the 'Five Poison Patriarch' couldn't escape at all, and if he met Ji Dian, it could only be counted as the blood poured out by the 'Five Poison Patriarch' for eight lifetimes Moldy.

The greedy old man notified Xuanyuan at the first time: "Boy, the insane monk has come to save the situation, and the 'Five Poison Patriarch' has been taken away by him, and now he is finally really safe."

Although the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' was taken in, the wisp of strange poison was still there. Ba Ji, Peng Fei, Yiyi, and at the same time, with the power of their own blood, imprinted the avenue of heaven and earth controlled by their own clan, imprinted on Xuanyuan Every corner of the body, refining and grinding away the wisp of strange poison, after three days and three nights, Xuanyuan only felt that his strength had skyrocketed again, and he seemed to be closer to the realm of the sages, as if he could break through at any time. Can.

The Supreme Dao scriptures from the "Blood King Clan" and "Qing Ming Wang Clan" were all comprehended by Xuanyuan, which gave Xuanyuan endless insights. Peng Fei's "Fengshui Ancient Magic" also saved Xuanyuan a lot of effort. In an instant, there were some things that I didn't understand before, but now I understand a lot. Of course, Xuanyuan didn't understand all the means of their respective Dao in three days, but only a part of it.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes and exclaimed in his heart: "I didn't expect that Ji Dian actually had two supreme Dao weapons on his body. It's really a shame, but this time I don't need him to come, and I can be safe."

Xuanyuan stood up, not only did the 'Bone Transforming Strange Poison' not cause him fatal damage, but it also allowed him to control it, and it was nourished by the three emperor-level bloodlines, which benefited Xuanyuan a lot.

Ba Ji, Peng Fei, and Yi Yi's complexions were not very good-looking, and they didn't do much damage to their original nature, but momentary weakness was inevitable, and they all sat cross-legged and adjusted their breath.

"Thank you, you guys have a good rest, I'll go out and have a look." Xuanyuan smiled.

Ba Ji opened her eyes, her red lips turned white, and said in a heavy voice, "What are you doing, are you going out to die?"

"It's all right, the 'Five Poison Patriarch' has been taken in by Monk Jidian, and it's safe and sound outside now, I see if that crazy monk is still there, take a good rest and rest assured." Xuanyuan knew the situation outside was Naturally, they didn't know about the old man's report, but the sudden disappearance of the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' really made them feel strange, and what Xuanyuan said now made sense.

Pengfei took a deep breath, listening to Xuanyuan's words made him have a toothache: "Damn it, that monk who aids epilepsy is so powerful. How can I not fight back against him, I thought he was nothing, but I didn't expect..."

Ba Ji didn't say much, she was really surprised that Monk Jidian had such great strength.

Xuanyuan didn't bother them to adjust their breathing, but walked out directly, and the laughter of the greedy old man came from his heart: "Boy, this time, your 'Myriad Transformation Body' has undergone a huge transformation."

"What's wrong?" Xuanyuan asked in confusion.

"The existence of the "Swallowing Dao Jue" is to devour all the supernatural powers, magic weapons, and physiques between the heavens and the earth for their own use. They voluntarily imprint their own blood and many avenues of their own clan in your body, which is equivalent to you devouring them Like the flesh and blood of your body, it makes your "Body of Myriad Transformations" stronger. This is a more fundamental improvement. Some ordinary special characteristics have little effect on the "Body of Myriad Transformations", but these emperors Super physique, but it can make a big change in the 'everything body', you have to experience it with your heart." The greedy old man smiled happily.

Don't say I don't know, Xuanyuan felt it carefully, indeed, now his physical body is much stronger than before, Yin Yang, Tyrant Blood, Qing Ming, three kinds of Dao brands are all in one body, once attacked, it will only It has become more and more powerful, that is to say, the current Xuanyuan can also display some of their respective visions, supernatural powers, and more importantly, the convergence of their blood will cause a higher qualitative change in the "Body of Wanhua", which is the "Wanhua Body". The body of transformation', a physique that will continue to grow upwards.

"So that's how it is." Xuanyuan sighed, although the benefits to him are quite great, but after all, his physique is not tolerated by the heavens and the earth. I don't know.

Xuanyuan walked out from the 'Devouring Demon Shield', took it into his body, and walked out of the sky.

Here, there is no trace of a big battle, and it can be seen that Monk Jidian did not expend much strength to subdue the 'Five Poison Patriarch'.

"Monk Jidian didn't ask me for a drink, it's unscientific." Xuanyuan was puzzled.

"Who knows, but since he said that he is destined to meet you, we will naturally meet again. Let's go to the 'King Kong Ancient Temple'. There are only 20 million miles left. Who knows if Jiang Yitian will send other The ancient sages follow you, if another one comes out and plans to kill you, I'm afraid you won't be able to run away, hide, or touch the defense. 'Ancient Buddha Zen Wood', 'Five Poisons Patriarch' can make you die unconsciously, without any suspense." When the old man said this, Xuanyuan's heart couldn't help beating. The escape from his hands was all due to his own luck.

When Xuanyuan set foot on this piece of land, there was a slight throbbing from the 'Vajra Buddha Land' in his body.

The 'King Kong Buddha Land' was originally a thing from the 'King Kong Ancient Temple', but it was only used to suppress the 'Nightmare Ghosts', so it stayed in the 'Nightmare Daze', and now it is obtained by Xuanyuan, which is also considered to be related to Xuanyuan , the most important thing in Buddhism is cause and effect. At that time, if Hui Neng Xuanyuan went to Buddhism in the future, he would go to the "King Kong Temple" to find him. It was not without reason.

"'Vajra Buddha Land', do you want to go home?" Xuanyuan communicated with the 'Vajra Buddha Land'.

"No, I just want to take a look. Dependence comes and goes, genesis and cessation. Naturally, I get it for you. Unless you die, otherwise, I will not leave." 'Vajra Buddha Land' replied very directly.

"Take a look at the location of the 'King Kong Ancient Temple', and I'll cross it directly with the imperial ban, so as not to cause complications." Xuanyuan said via voice transmission.

"Yes." A moment later, the location and coordinates of the 'King Kong Ancient Temple' were engraved by Xuanyuan into the Emperor's Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform.

Xuanyuan moved, crossed the void, 20,000,000 li, arrived in an instant, and the 'Vajra Ancient Temple' appeared in front of him in the next instant.

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