Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1292: The Devil Appears and the World Changes

'King Kong Ancient Temple'.

Majestic and majestic.

The walls of the ancient temple are tall and dark red, with various Vajra faces depicted on them, such as Angry Eye Vajra, Jishi Vajra, Horse Face Vajra, or Weide Vajra, which can be found everywhere.

Its bricks and tiles are as clean as glass, exuding the supreme Buddha spirit, and the majestic power of faith is flowing like a long river, washing the sky.

In the "King Kong Ancient Temple", the most conspicuous building is a pagoda with a height of 3,000 floors. This tower is called "Hongchen Pagoda". sacred place.

Every disciple of the 'King Kong Ancient Temple' must enter it to train his heart. Those who can reach the top of the tower must be those who have cultivated to the extreme. It has been many years, and no one has been able to reach the top. Once they reach the top, then The existence of the supreme ancient Buddha.

Comparable to the ancient sages, in this life, it is extremely difficult to enter the realm of the ancient sages, let alone the ancient sages.

There are 3,000 layers of white steps leading directly to the entrance of the 'King Kong Ancient Temple'.

Xuanyuan stepped in mid-air, looked behind him, and at a glance, it was a big city covering an area of ​​a million miles.

There, there are many Vajra statues in the "King Kong Ancient Temple", which are worshiped by devout children, and the majestic power of faith gathers.

The people here are peaceful in nature, firm-willed, kind to others, and have nothing to contend with in the world. When Xuanyuan looked at them, he found that many people were worshiping this place with piety and respect from the bottom of their hearts.

Xuanyuan knows that where he is, in their eyes, is the supreme holy mountain, where many Buddhas live. Countless people yearn to become Buddhas, and they will worship devoutly. After stepping up the 3,000-story step, one can finally become a disciple in the 'King Kong Ancient Temple'.

Once you can become a disciple of the "King Kong Temple", you will be a person of great will, such as Huineng, who was trapped in a fierce situation and sat withered for six thousand years, using the secret method of the "King Kong Temple" to forcibly gather relics to protect yourself It is impossible for ordinary people to achieve this kind of perseverance, waiting for someone with a destiny. What's more, he is still in a fierce situation, and he is always suffering from the negative aura of the fierce situation.

I'm afraid that Huineng's strength far surpasses his own now, and Xuanyuan is still very optimistic about Huineng. After six thousand years of suffering, it is not impossible to live another life, become a late bloomer, and step into the realm of ancient sages.

Xuanyuan appeared in front of the 'King Kong Ancient Temple', and the one hundred and eight disciples of the 'King Kong Ancient Temple' guarding the three thousand steps all looked at Xuanyuan, feeling the Vajra Buddha energy emanating from Xuanyuan's body, making him They couldn't help but look surprised.

Xuanyuan is wearing the robes of the ancient sages sitting in the body, with a headband of "protecting the Buddha's light", but he is wearing black hair, and his behavior and deeds do not look like people living in Buddhism. It can be seen at a glance, but Xuanyuan is Emperor Jin came across from the sky, so his identity must be very important, which makes people uncertain.

"Benefactor, what is the purpose of coming to my 'Vajra Ancient Temple'?" A young monk with a face like a crown of jade, red lips and white teeth, extremely handsome, gentle and polite, with a peaceful expression, bowed to Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan descended from the sky and bowed his hands in return: "I'm here to see Huineng."

As soon as these words came out, the one hundred and eight disciples of the "Ancient Vajra Temple" surrounded Xuanyuan one after another.

"He's here to save the demons, set up the formation, arrest him, and hand him over to the abbot." A disciple of the 'Vajra Ancient Temple' opened his eyes wide, like an angry King Kong, and there was a long line on his face. The scars are extremely ferocious.

Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and said in a heavy voice: "I'm here to find Huineng, what is it to save demons, what are you guys doing here?"

"This person must have a close relationship with the devil, so arrest him first." A disciple had a square face, wide ears, straight brows, and a majestic aura of mighty virtue.

"Wait a minute, we'll talk about everything later, benefactor, let me ask you, why did you come to see Huineng?" A disciple with a beautiful and intelligent look between his eyebrows looked at Xuanyuan and asked.

Xuanyuan looked directly at the other party, and said word by word: "That day he was trapped in the fierce force of the 'Nightmare Daze' in Dongzhou. I got his golden body and relics. ", saying that if I come to the 'King Kong Ancient Temple' in the future, I will come to find him, and now I come here as an appointment to see how my old friend is, is this how you treat guests?"

"So that's it. It looks like someone who is destined to be with me in the 'King Kong Temple'. Please come in first. It's better for the abbot to tell you personally about such a big event." With a wink, they asked them to disperse the formation and make way for Xuanyuan.

"Boy, it's better not to go in. It seems that the Huineng you mentioned may have had an accident and became a demon. If you have something to do with him, won't you ask for death if you enter it?" The greedy old man's voice was a little anxious , the 'King Kong Temple' is no different than other places, many places are from the hands of the supreme ancient Buddha, heavy suppression, even the imperial ban is difficult to escape.

Xuanyuan said in his heart: "It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. There is already a terrifying existence of the 'Vajra Temple' watching me. Do you think I can escape if I run away now? Hui Neng taught me the "Diamond Sutra" 》, and now he has fallen into a demon, I should understand it, and help if I can, and there is nothing I can do if I can’t."

The greedy old man didn't say anything more. Xuanyuan stepped on the white stone steps, only to hear countless Sanskrit singing, a kind of belief in the "King Kong Ancient Temple" from the heart, hundreds of millions of sentient beings, they chanted in a low voice , the power of the Buddha is like a sea, people can't help but feel devout, believe in, want to kneel down, Xuanyuan is following his own way, naturally he will not bow down to others easily, his mind has not wavered in the slightest, the power of all transformations Boiling and revolving around him, the idea of ​​being invincible and indomitable swept all directions.

The numerous Vajra disciples were forced to step back. At this moment, Xuanyuan was only in the realm of the Supreme Immortal. Under the same realm, these Vajra disciples were no match at all, and Xuanyuan's aura made them terrified.

"There is such a powerful person who can be so strong in the realm of the Supreme Immortal. Who is this person?" The handsome and intelligent little monk looked surprised, thinking in his heart, but still couldn't get an answer.

Xuanyuan stepped on the 3,000-floor stone steps, no matter how grand the idea of ​​faith is, Xuanyuan still maintains his original heart, feeling the power of the "King Kong Temple" in it, but his original heart remains unchanged, and he will not be crossed by the invisible. change.

Being here, it is easy to make people feel that this is the supreme, the only way between heaven and earth.

The horror of Buddhism makes Xuanyuan Rumang sad, but now he has no choice.

After entering the gate of the 'King Kong Ancient Temple', there is a huge Buddha tripod in front of you, with two ears and three legs, standing in the center, engraved on it is an ancient Buddha who surrendered the evil god here when he came to Xizhou. The deeds of the beast were lifelike, as if there was an aura of the end of the chaos that was about to come out through the imprint of the Buddha cauldron, shaking Xuanyuan's heart.

Xuanyuan did not evade, but put his hands behind his back, carefully looked at them one by one, and understood them one by one. He stood here for three days and three nights. The disciples didn't say much, and they didn't stop them. They knew that Xuanyuan was enlightening.

Xuanyuan slowly opened his eyes, and there was a ray of wisdom in his eyes. What he got from the inscriptions of the Buddha Cauldron in the past three days is not enough for outsiders. , Ba Ji, and Yiyi all manifested, and three days of breath adjustment have basically brought them back to their best condition.

Many disciples of the 'Vajra Ancient Temple' saw the scene in front of them, a strange color flashed in their eyes, but they still didn't move.

Because the 'Vajra Palace' is right in front of Xuanyuan and his party, and their abbot has been there since ancient times. Except for Huineng, no one dared to act presumptuously in the 'Ancient Vajra Temple'.

Xuanyuan looked at the plaque on the "Diamond Palace", four large characters, vigorous and powerful, revealing compassion, wisdom, majesty, benevolence, etiquette, peace, and tranquility, and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Tell the three to let them understand what is going on.

Unexpectedly, Peng Fei yelled loudly when he heard the words, and looked at Xuanyuan angrily: "Damn it, you let me come out in this situation. I knew that I would not come out because I was hiding in the Supreme Dao Artifact."

Xuanyuan said plainly, "You can choose to go in."

"Forget it, without my Taoist master, can you beat them?" Listening to Peng Fei's words, many disciples of the "King Kong Temple" couldn't help laughing and laughing, but the ancient monk's robe on Peng Fei made them frowned. Wrinkled, claiming to be the master of Taoism, but I am afraid that there is a big cause and effect with Buddhism, and the background is not small.

Both Ba Ji and Yi Yi have the supreme imperial spirit, and they come from the ancient royal family. Except for the "fighting and defeating Buddha" in ancient times, very few people came to Buddhism. This is a rare thing. Is it true that the prophecy of "King Kong Buddha" is true, and the world will change?

Xuanyuan stood in front of the 'Vajra Temple'. In the past three days, it was one thing for him to realize Taoism. More importantly, he wanted to test the attitude of the 'Vajra Ancient Temple'. Inside, waiting for a junior like myself, without the slightest urging, not saying a word, not saying a word, it can be seen how well-bred they are.

Xuanyuan was certain that they would not have any ill intentions towards him, so Xuanyuan stood up straight, bowed, and said loudly: "Xuanyuan, the Holy Lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', please see all the eminent monks of the 'Golden Light Ancient Temple'."

As soon as these words came out, countless people's hearts were shocked: "What, he is Xuanyuan?"

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