Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1293 Huineng is a demon?

The 'Qinglong Holy Land' first forced back the nine great forces of the human race, and then forced out the nine ancient tribes, forcing out the three ancient royal families. Since then, who can do it?

Especially on the cusp of this wave, the prestige of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has spread all over the world, even in Xizhou, it is not in a state of complete blockade.

The ancient royal family came back one after another, even Buddhism is very concerned about the news of the four states of the human race. This new star of the human race has naturally attracted their attention. Once they make a move, they will naturally find the right big power. "Darkness, whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, no longer intends to support this great power. If you want to create a new prosperous age of human race, you only have new blood and new ideas. The coexistence of all races advocated by the 'Qinglong Holy Land', It is in line with the idea of ​​Buddhism, and it is also in line with Taoism's teaching without discrimination. They are all just paying attention secretly and have not expressed their position.

Xizhou is the trump card left by the "Hongmeng Tiandi" to suppress the luck of the human race. They have passed it down here for generations, so they can naturally understand the truth of the death of lips and teeth. Once the four states of the human race are destroyed, Xizhou will also fall to heaven and earth soon. between.

Regardless of whether the Taoist and Buddhist sects are willing or not, they will stand up to help the four states of the human race when it is time to take action, because once the human race prospers, they will naturally prosper, and once the human race is destroyed, they will also perish. There is no doubt about it.

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, many eminent monks in the "King Kong Ancient Temple" were speechless for a while. It was obvious that the abbot and a group of elders were waiting for him in the "Diamond Hall" and made a group of people wait for him for three days. If the eminent monks who are not Buddhists are all well-trained, they would have been vomited blood long ago.

But apparently the people in the 'Vajra Palace' didn't care too much.

"Please come in." A peaceful voice came out, containing the supreme Buddha's voice, which made people feel at ease.

'King Kong Ancient Temple' belongs to one of the 'Temple of Bliss Buddha', just like 'Shaking Light Holy Land' belongs to Beidou, it must not be underestimated. 'Great Leiyin Temple'.

Xuanyuan didn't dare to be careless, after all, he didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he asked Peng Fei, Yi Yi, and Ba Ji to rush out of this place with him at any time, which was the worst plan.

A group of people stepped into the 'Diamond Palace' together.

The inside is very empty and very wide. On the ceiling, there are many Sanskrit characters and ancient patterns of Buddhism engraved, which are extremely mysterious and dazzling, full of endless mysteries, obscure and difficult to understand, and contain the supreme Dharma. It is difficult for people to understand.

On the ten golden pillars, the years since the end of the chaos are engraved, the story of the "King Kong Temple" in the land of Xizhou, all of them are people who have cultivated at least in the realm of holy monks It was portrayed, because what flows on these golden pillars is the immortal holy power, which is blended into it with their almost immortal will to deduce it.

He talked about how the people of Limin in Xizhou were struggling at that time. Under the rule of the evil god, the human race was eating blood, living in endless terror, and suffering tremendous torture. They were not even as good as slaves, and so were other ancient tribes. In the chaotic and end times, struggling to survive.

Coincidentally, at that time, Buddhism and Taoism came here together, and the Wu clan of the ancient ten thousand races began to prosper gradually, becoming the first great royal family to lead ten thousand tribes to fight against the evil gods. Taking advantage of this time, Buddhism and Taoism began to confront each other The intelligent and chaotic human race conducts enlightenment.

Because they are the same race, but they don't live in the same world, they naturally don't want the human race to be lonely, they want to develop their faith here, and spread their Buddhism and Taoism to every inch of land. The biggest wish in their hearts, so they began to cast down demons and eliminate demons, open altars for the common people of the human race, listen to Buddhism, and enlighten them to wisdom, bit by bit, just like that, the human race began to rise.

These are some of the pictures that Xuanyuan saw from these golden pillars. They are not complete, but they just glanced at them. It gave Xuanyuan endless emotion, many things that were imagined out of thin air before, but now they are engraved in his mind, they are extremely real, is it possible that we are also ushering in such a chaotic end of the past?

Xuanyuan smiled wryly, and looked at other places. In the depths of this "Vajra Palace", there stood ten golden bodies, which were the ten great Vajras. They appeared in various forms, holding various Buddhist treasures, Buddhist teachings Boundless, this is Xuanyuan's most intuitive feeling, that is the aura of the ten supreme Taoist artifacts, which shocked him greatly. In the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple', there are ten supreme Taoist artifacts in just one 'King Kong Ancient Temple' Dao Qi, how shocking is this?

Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, but in retrospect, there were hundreds of Supreme Dao Artifacts of the Zhongzhou Human Race, and hundreds of schools, but because of the ups and downs of the sage families, some Supreme Dao Artifacts disappeared inexplicably. The Supreme Dao Artifacts have also become less and less, and since ancient times, no one dared to invade the 'King Kong Temple'. Naturally, it has a long heritage and a strong heritage.

After Xuanyuan finished reading these, he walked forward. In the center of the "Diamond Hall", there were eleven eminent monks sitting. The old man in the center was extremely old. He just sat there quietly, which gave people a kind of inner stability. Xuanyuan couldn't see what level his strength had reached, but he felt that he could at least be at the same level as Ji Dian.

Those on both sides of him are either younger than him, or some eminent monks who have just stepped into their peak state, and their strength is unpredictable.

Ba Ji, Yi Yi, and Peng Fei were extremely vigilant, and followed closely all the way to the center of the 'Diamond Hall'. In front of them, there were four yellow futons, and eleven eminent monks from the 'Ancient Vajra Temple' crossed their legs. Sit and wait for them.

It is very quiet here, Xuanyuan and his party can hear the sound of their own blood flowing.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, please sit down." The old monk in the center is obviously the abbot of the "King Kong Ancient Temple". He looked at Xuanyuan and said in a heavy voice, "I am Huineng's senior brother, Huiwu."

"I'm sorry!" Xuanyuan bowed, sat cross-legged, looked at Huiwu, and said, "Can you tell me what happened? I never understood. Among them, after suffering six thousand years of suffering, they are already as firm as a rock, unmoved by the eight winds, how can they become demons?"

"Yeah, I think the same as you, but the facts are right in front of you, so I have to believe it. Anyway, since you have a relationship with Junior Brother Huineng, I will tell you about it. After listening, go to Liu Ping You decide."

That day, when Hui Neng returned to the "King Kong Temple" with the secret method, many people were shocked. Everyone thought he was dead, but he came back alive. At that time, even many of Hui Neng's brothers and sisters had already transformed , but there are still quite a few people of Hui's generation who recognize him, because when he was young, he was an emperor's son of the 'King Kong Temple'.

Originally, Huineng had exhausted his own origin, and the chance of reincarnation and rebirth was extremely high, but his willpower was too firm, and he seemed to have comprehended everything, so he lived out his second life by relying on his own ability.

Then I started to practice again since I was a child, and spent eighteen days in the 'Red Dust Pagoda', one day outside, one year inside.

Eighteen years later, Hui Neng relied on his many comprehensions and principles in his previous life, and his practice speed in the second life was extremely astonishing. At the age of eighteen, he had already stepped into the realm of Emperor Zhun, which shocked countless people.

At this time, Huineng said that he wanted to go to the "Nightmare Daze" in Dongzhou to find the supreme sacred bone of "King Kong Ming".

No one stopped him. In his first life, Huineng also went at this age. Everyone knows that this is his obsession. I hope this time, Huineng can find him.

Although countless years have passed, there is still a chance. Huineng will always have this attitude of never giving up.

This time, it didn't take Huineng a long time. He really found the golden body of "King Kong Ming", but it wasn't in the "Nightmare Daze". In the ancient times, the golden body of a holy monk in the 'King Kong Temple' could be obtained, which was of great benefit to people's cultivation and enlightenment in all aspects.

He began to figure out the golden body day and night, and with the consent of countless people in the "King Kong Ancient Temple", he began to refine the golden body into his second incarnation, which made Huineng's strength improve by leaps and bounds, and he was in the "Hongchen Pagoda". 'Eighty-one days of retreat in the middle school is equivalent to eighty-one years outside, allowing him to step into the realm of the ancient sages.

The speed of his practice has shocked countless people. For this reason, even the people from the "Ji Le Buddha Temple" come here every day. They are very optimistic about Huineng and hope that he can break through to the realm of ancient sages.

However, at this time, Huineng began to be possessed.

One day, Huineng demonized and killed 9,000 disciples of the "King Kong Temple", blood flowed, and the sky was blood-red. The Temple's Ten King Kongs took action to suppress Huineng and suppressed him at the bottom of the 'Red Dust Pagoda', only then did the demonic energy dissipate.

Once, the "King Kong Ancient Buddha" of the "King Kong Ancient Temple" once said that the world changes when the devil appears.

Not long ago, Hui Neng became a demon and killed the disciples in the sect, causing a tragedy. Then the world changed, the ancient royal family came back, and the killings began to flood the four states of the human race. Could it be that the magic finger is Huineng?

The abbot explained this matter succinctly, Xuanyuan fell into silence when he heard the words, Pengfei, Baji, and Ba Ji were all silent.

Due to the importance of the matter, the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple' did not allow the 'King Kong Ancient Temple' to kill Huineng, and the reason is still being investigated.

Xuanyuan lowered his head in thought, paused for a moment, raised his head, looked at the abbot, and said, "I want to see Huineng."

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