Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1296 Holy Power

'Demon Conquering Cave'.

According to Huiwu, this is a space opened up by the first generation of "King Kong of Falling Demons" with great supernatural powers. Yes, very powerful.

Xuanyuan was in it, and relying on his own thoughts, he carefully felt the breath flowing in this space. In this 'Conquering Demon Cave', every inch of the rock wall penetrated an idea of ​​subduing demons. This kind of great will, in the depths of the rock wall, is full of warm light, and there are various Buddhist scriptures carved by the first generation of "Subduing Demon King Kong". of.

Those hidden in the depths of the Buddhist scriptures for subduing demons have been passed down since ancient times, and they are still so powerful that even if they are not urged, those who have evil thoughts in their hearts and those who are possessed by demons will be greatly shackled once they enter this space.

Xuanyuan and others entered the 'Devil Subduing Cave' and felt very comfortable without any discomfort.

In fact, Hui Wu brought them here for another purpose, that is, to see the demonic nature hidden deep in the hearts of these people.

The result made him very satisfied. These small details were unknown to Xuanyuan and his party, and they were all done quietly.

Now in Huiwu's view, the "Qinglong Holy Land" created by Xuanyuan is definitely not just for show. From the leader, one can see the appearance of the entire great power. If a terrible disaster comes in the future, maybe the "Qinglong Holy Land" ' would be a good choice.

The 'Conquer Demon Cave' is very large, it is like a wormhole, with thousands of passages, even if ordinary people come here, it is extremely difficult to find where Huineng is. All methods will fail, except for Yuan'er's innate perception of life and death.

"Everyone, please come with me." Hui Wu said, leading the way.

Among the rock walls of the "Devil Conquering Cave", there is a piece of gold, as if poured with pure gold, with supreme majesty in its solidity.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes, touched every inch of the rock wall with his hands, and experienced the supreme Buddha Dharma in the "King Kong Ancient Temple", the same is true for Yiyi, while Pengfei whispered, looked around, thinking To see if there are any treasures to touch, maybe this can lead to the burial place where the first generation of "King Kong" is buried. Peng Fei has a very strong desire to visit the first generation of "King Kong" The impulse of the burial place.

If Hui Wu, who worked in the "King Kong Ancient Temple", knew what Peng Fei was thinking at the moment, he would feel uncomfortable all over his body and feel hairy.

Everyone was surprisingly silent, the sound of footsteps echoed in the ears, Hui Wu led Xuanyuan and others through one door after another, and every time he stepped into a door, he would pass through another space. The temple's supernatural powers cannot open the space portal at all.

An hour later, the group finally arrived at the place where Huineng was suppressed.

Here, the four sides of the rock wall are engraved with the characters of "Buddhism". In the words, there is a supreme power to suppress evil spirits. This is a kind of evil spirit in the heart, which has nothing to do with the demon race. Evil thoughts are called demonic nature.

Everyone is in this space, and they can still hear bursts of Sanskrit singing coming from their ears. This kind of Sanskrit singing is not to suppress, but to make people calm down and get rid of distracting thoughts in their hearts. It has great effects. Because Yan Ziyun and Yuan'er were uneasy about being attacked by Jiang Yitian, Meng Yun, and Cao Xiu, they were relieved when they came here, and all the hostility accumulated in their hearts dissipated in an instant.

Xuanyuan looked in front of him. It was a small prison, not very big, covering an area of ​​about five feet. On the golden Buddha pillar was engraved the appearance of a "Conquering Demon King Kong". At this moment, a man wearing a monk's robe was being imprisoned. Among them, his limbs were bound by golden chains and fixed in four directions. These chains were engraved with the inscription of subjugating demons, which had great shackles on those who were possessed by demons. At this moment, light was flowing.

Not only that, on his body, shoulders, ribs, legs, and palms, a subduing pestle was pierced through, firmly suppressing every corner of his body. These subduing pestles are at least high-grade Taoist weapons Realm, and all of them have been blessed with great thoughts by the forgotten 'King Kong'.

Even so, there was still a strong demonic energy on him, and he seemed to sense someone coming. The man raised his head, and there was a black and fierce light in his eyes. He had a ferocious face, and roared crazily: " I want to kill all of you stinky donkeys, die for me..."

Boom boom boom, there is an extremely terrifying power in his voice, every movement of his body is pulling the golden chain fiercely, even the demon pestle that penetrates his body is emitting precious light Suppressing him, all the attacks he launched were resisted by those golden Buddhist pillars, and they did not reach people outside.

Hui Wu's expression was very dignified and complicated. Looking at the scene in front of him, he sighed, "Huineng's real body has been destroyed, and now his three souls and seven souls have directly entered the golden body of the 'King of King Kong Ming' , as he became more and more enchanted, his strength became more and more terrifying. After all, it was the existence of a holy monk. The ancient sages are too far away from us now. In the hole, it is almost impossible to suppress him."

Xuanyuan frowned, he walked forward, Ba Ji instinctively grabbed him, and whispered: "Don't get close to him, it's very dangerous, it's enough to be fatal to you."

"Don't worry, my current strength is beyond your imagination. I will be fine. One day I will be on top of you. At that time, I will use my real strength to make you submit obediently. Don't stare at me. I am not afraid of others. I know, that breath, I will get it back sooner or later, and you will suffer in the future." Xuanyuan smiled evilly, and the old monks listened with eyes and noses, noses and hearts, looking at the * The supreme way of suppression is contained in the word Buddhist scriptures.

Ba Ji was angry and ashamed, so she said it in private. Now that so many people are still in front of the monks, Ba Ji was speechless. She looked at Xuanyuan fiercely, but there was warmth in her heart. Yan Ziyun's appearance really This shortened the distance between myself and Xuanyuan a lot. One sentence made Xuanyuan a lot less guarded against him, and made him a little more sincere and casual. The same is true when I think about it. Xuanyuan has experienced so much suffering, and all kinds of pursuit Killing, he suddenly appeared and said that he likes him, how could he believe it so easily.

"Xuanyuan, you bastard tortoise, wait until you get out of here, and see how I can treat you." Of course, Ba Ji can only say this in his heart.

Yan Ziyun smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Xuanyuan, be careful."

Xuanyuan nodded, smiled, walked forward, came to the cage, looked at Huineng with a distorted and hideous face, and said slowly: "Huineng, do you remember me? The fierceness of the past, the '' Qingming Wang Clan', you taught me the Diamond Sutra."

In Xuanyuan's words, there is the sound of the Dao Tianyin. Around him, the five elements and spirits gather to form a five-color canopy, which protects his whole body tightly, and attracts the expressions of Huiwu and others. On Xuanyuan's body, there are at least There are more than ten kinds of heaven and earth spirits, containing the five elements, co-existing and co-existing, and their power is boundless. They were amazed in their hearts, this Xuanyuan is so different, no wonder it has such a powerful strength in the realm of the supreme celestial being, which is incredible.

The 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations' is indeed one of the most terrifying physiques in the legend.

Huineng, who was going mad, suddenly had a trace of sobriety in his eyes, and the devilish energy rolling around his body was suddenly suppressed, and his voice was more or less throbbing: " Xuanyuan, I never expected that you would actually come. In just a few years, you could grow to such an extent. It was far beyond my expectation. It is really great, I finally..."

"Junior Brother Huineng..."

"Brother Huineng..."

"Uncle Huineng..."

Huiwu and the others were extremely pleasantly surprised. It seemed that Xuanyuan's arrival was still useful. At this moment, the sober Hui Neng was suppressed again, and the whole cage roared. The terrifying demonic energy was contending with the subduing magic pestle that suppressed him, and the crazy demon Huineng roared frantically: "Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill..."

The supreme killing sound, containing the terrifying holy power, condensed the extremely terrifying thoughts, broke through the Buddha pillar on the cage, and attacked Xuanyuan. Almost in a moment, Xuanyuan frowned, "The Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" It turned around in an instant, and the five-element spirit was protecting him tightly. He didn't escape, he wanted to feel this power.

However, at this moment, Xuanyuan was blasted out, the five-color canopy shattered, Xuanyuan's body burst open, and the seven orifices bleed. To be able to have this kind of power and make Xuanyuan feel unspeakably shocked, this is the holy power.

Hui Wu and the Nine Great Vajras attacked at the same time, reciting the scriptures of subjugating demons from the "King Kong Ancient Temple", the golden Buddha pillars were shining brightly, and in the four directions, the Buddhist characters seemed to be alive, and they started to move, fiercely facing The crazy demon Huineng suppressed it, shattering a lot of strong demon energy.

"Xuanyuan, let's go, Huineng's obsession has deepened." They understood in an instant that there was a relationship between Xuanyuan and Huineng, and Huineng was always grateful to Xuanyuan for giving him a chance to be reborn. Wanting to repay Xuanyuan well has become a deep obsession.

That moment of sobriety made the demon in Huineng's heart want to kill Xuanyuan even more. As long as Xuanyuan died, Huineng would be completely bewitched.

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