Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1297 King Kong Ming's Evil Thoughts?

(My waist is so sore today, I can’t sit up straight, and I’m very tired. I’ll take a nap first and see if it’s relieved a bit. Go to bed early, everyone!)

Xuanyuan's expression was dignified, mouthfuls of blood spewed out of his mouth, this time he was seriously injured, just a flash of holy power broke out in an instant, causing his whole body to shatter, sending out severe pain all the time. The dharma body of 'King Kong Ming' is really too strong, the power of the holy bone, this is not a complete sage, and the madman Huineng has not really stepped into the realm of the holy monk, but this kind of power is really terrifying to the extreme, and It's not something ordinary people can understand, Ba Ji expressed helplessness, she had foreseen this scene before her, but Xuanyuan just kept going, but things were not as bad as she imagined, Xuanyuan was indeed as he said , able to withstand it.

Xuanyuan repaired his body with "Immortal Against the Heaven Art", and saw the wounds on Xuanyuan's body healed quickly. He said in a heavy voice: "I can't leave. If I leave, Huineng will be enchanted sooner or later. If you help Huineng now, you can't help it." There will be a lot of opportunities, the key depends on how I do it.”

Xuanyuan understands that now Huineng still has a strong obsession in his heart, wanting to repay the cause and effect that he saved him that day, so he was not swallowed by that demon. If he leaves, it will be difficult to see him again. As if he was dead, Huineng would be even more unable to support his complete obsession, and sooner or later he would become a murderous creature that was difficult to deal with.

Xuanyuan directly took out the 'Son of Vajra Bodhi', the moment he saw this 'Son of Vajra Bodhi', the expressions of Hui Wu and the nine King Kongs were all shocked, and they couldn't help trembling all over Xuanyuan. How many treasures there are, I didn't expect that even Xuanyuan, the highest of their Buddhism, has it!

"It turned out to be the 'Holy Son of Vajra Bodhi'. This is the supreme holy son in the world, and it is the treasure that I, the 'King Kong Ancient Temple', have been dreaming of for a long time."

Xuanyuan nodded and said: "Huineng and I have a very deep karma, because he passed on the "Diamond Sutra" to me, so I was able to obtain this sacred relic, which is of great benefit to me and has saved me several times. life, so as long as I have a chance to save Huineng, I will not give up."

"Huineng met Holy Master Xuanyuan, it was really his blessing. If this is the case, please go ahead, Holy Master Xuanyuan. We will suppress Huineng for you. As long as we are still here, you are safe. If you use any method, we will watch." Huiwu sighed, how many people in the younger generation can have the courage of Xuanyuan? Less, it is too little.

"If you want to transform the demon in Huineng's heart, you must find out what happened to the Dharma Body of the 'King Kong Ming' back then. I think there must be some hidden secrets about this matter." Xuanyuan directly hooked his hands A mirror, this is the "Wanhua Heart Mirror", on which the Wanhua Dao flows, tumbling flow, Xuanyuan points to a sword, points out a spiritual light, and merges into the "Wanhua Heart Mirror".

"Emperor Zhutou, come out for me." Xuanyuan shouted.

"Damn it, at any rate, this great emperor is now a man of status and dignity. Can you give me some respectful title? It's too disrespectful to the old and love the young. Who taught you?" The pig-headed emperor's handsome face The face is manifested in the "Mirror of Ten Thousand Transformations", and there is contempt for Xuanyuan in the eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, go to senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', I want to ask what happened that day." Xuanyuan ignored the pig-headed emperor, but went straight to the point.

Looking at the place where Xuanyuan was, the pig-headed emperor didn't want to talk nonsense. Xuanyuan must have something important to do in such a rich land of subduing demons.

After a while, Xuanyuan saw an immature face, it was none other than 'Naihe Soul Body', Xiao Naihe, she has been following the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' all these years, and now she is not as timid as she was back then. And Xuanyuan has always given her a good feeling, and has always regarded Xuanyuan as her savior.

"Brother Xuanyuan, Master is in retreat. If you have any questions, you can ask me. Master once left a message saying that there was an unresolved grievance back then, which involved your cause and effect, so let me wait here and explain it to you. Confused." Naihe's eyes were dark but bright, looking at Xuanyuan.

The pig-headed emperor looked at Xuanyuan and said, "Quickly ask if you have any questions, kid, and stop dawdling."

"Damn pig, get out of here, don't steal the camera, I want to see Xiao Naihe..." Xuanyuan gave the pig-headed emperor a vicious look, and he stepped aside after touching his nose.

Naihe looked at Xuanyuan with joy, and said happily, "Brother Xuanyuan is more powerful than before, and there are several more sister-in-laws around him, so beautiful."

"Naihe sister is so good..." The three women almost spoke in unison, which made them happy.

Xuanyuan Dajiu scratched his head and said, "That little Naihe, let me ask you, what was the battle between Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' and King Kong Ming like? Why can't you find it in 'Nightmare Daze'?" To the dharmakaya of King Vajra Ming?"

All the eminent monks in the 'King Kong Ancient Temple' exclaimed in their hearts. It was unreasonable to think that the 'Nightmare Ghosts' could survive such a long time, but the facts were right in front of them, and they had to believe it.

"Master said that day he was attacked by the Ten Great Kings of Buddhism and the Eight Great Bodhisattvas, and he was seriously injured. Because of the existence of "eternal life", I integrated my powerful thoughts into that "Vajra Buddha Land" and let it suppress the master, while my own deity went to chase and kill the powerful enemy, and no one came back after that , The will of the two is like this, they have fought for countless years, and you already know what happened next, Brother Xuanyuan." Xiao Naihe said every word and every word very clearly.

Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, and realized the reason for Huineng's infatuation, it must be in the Dharma Body of the 'King of King Kong Ming'.

"Well, I see, Xiao Naihe, you should practice hard, and when the time is right, I will take you back to the depths of the 'Land of the Underworld' to visit your uncle of the magic medicine." Fortunately, there is the supreme medicine that has been taking care of her, otherwise, I'm afraid she would have died a long time ago. Xuanyuan knew that although the child didn't say anything, he must be thinking about it in his heart, and it was time to find a time to talk to 'Ming' In a head-to-head confrontation, to explore the means of the gods, the "Swallowing Emperor" killed the forbidden areas of the royal family all over the world, I am afraid that they have already experienced the power of these fierce gods.

"Thank you Brother Xuanyuan." Xiao Naihe was extremely happy, showing her white teeth.

Xuanyuan opened and closed the 'Mirror of Ten Thousand Transformations', looked at the crazy demon Huineng, and said, "I don't think you are a demon, but the 'King Kong Ming' itself, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, and Hui Wu and others couldn't believe it. They were suppressing the ancestors of his "King Kong Ancient Temple" at the moment.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, what are you talking about, how could King Kong Ming become a demon?" A young man, one of the nine King Kong, said heavily.

Crazy Demon Hui Neng looked at Xuanyuan and roared crazily, neither admitting nor denying it, Xuanyuan shook his head and continued: "As long as you are a human being, there are both good and evil thoughts in your heart, but some people's good thoughts overwhelm the evil thoughts. , can suppress the emotions of evil thoughts, so they are all good people, and that day, you separated your own good thoughts, entered the Lord'Vajra Buddha Land', and then went to chase and kill powerful enemies. You were right, but After a period of time, your true self's evil thoughts will overwhelm your own good thoughts, since you are the 'King Kong Ming' these years, the evil thoughts derived from his holy bones, I am right."

There was a hint of cunning in the eyes of the madman Huineng, and he still didn't say anything. Xuanyuan ignored it, and said slowly: "Since you are already dead, you should be more peaceful. Your evil thoughts can grow up to this day. It's your ability, but when it's time to disappear, you have to disappear. I'm afraid you are the evil thoughts generated by the ten great kings and the eight great bodhisattvas joining forces to attack the "nightmare ghosts and immortals". There is indeed some ability in the holy bone."

As soon as the words fell, the "Son of Vajra Bodhi" in Xuanyuan's hand was suddenly thrown out, and the boundless Buddha's light shone all over the entire "Cave of Subduing Demons". On Mad Demon Huineng's body, the demon energy from his body dissipated a lot.

Countless devilish qi condensed, forming the appearance of the deity of the madman Huineng, severely suppressing the 'Son of Vajra Bodhi'.

The 'Son of Vajra Bodhi' exudes soft light, swallowing thousands of Buddha lights, covering the world in all directions.

Two extremely terrifying forces were contending, and Xuanyuan laughed: "I guessed right, only the evil thoughts of the 'King Vajra Ming' can be so powerful, but you are very smart, don't attack 'Sage Vajra Bodhi' Son', just to protect yourself, it seems that you are afraid of provoking the existence hidden in the dark, but no matter how careful you are, it is useless, you are already dead, and your evil thoughts should dissipate with this."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan looked at Yuan'er, and said in a heavy voice: "Yuan'er, read the "Mantra of Rebirth", we will follow you, and together we will transform the evil thoughts of this 'King of King Kong Ming' into rebirth."

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, madman Huineng's eyes showed a trace of contempt, with a bit of sarcasm, "The Curse of Rebirth" only exists in legends, and so far, no one has really owned it. It is also incomplete, just like the "Sutra of Rebirth", no one in Buddhism can obtain a complete chapter. For him, the incomplete "Mantra of Rebirth" does not pose any threat to him.

Yuan'er sat cross-legged, through the 'Cave of Subduing Demons', moving the avenue of heaven and earth, her voice was like a chant of heavenly voices, penetrating everything.

"Kneel in front of my stage, gossip shines, stand up and go out, surpass others..."

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